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The Gangster's Girlfriend

Page 6

by Fiona Murphy

  There was a part of her shocked at how much the taste of him and the feel of him in her mouth turned her on. Moving back to his cock, she licked him from the base to the tip from different sides, stopping just before she got to the tip. Again and again, and finally she licked the tip and sucked him into her mouth. His hands were in her hair and guided her up and down as he fucked her hungry mouth. Her mouth took him deeper and deeper with each stroke, and she could feel his orgasm building. His cock was getting harder, thicker, and he warned her, tried to pull away. Miranda refused to go, sucking him harder, wanting to taste all of him.

  When Declan came, it was an almost violent release, and she welcomed it. She continued to suck him and swallow, forgetting for a moment how to breathe. Her head continued to bob up and down, milking him for his last shudder of orgasm. His hands pulled her up and settled her on his chest.

  “That wasn’t supposed to happen. I wanted to fuck you again. I’ll allow it this once, but when I pull you from my cock, you go.” He growled low in her ear. “The smell of your pussy is making me crazy. Whoever told you that you were bad at that is made of steel and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” His fingers found her pussy and moved inside her, finding her clitoris thick and tight with need. He stroked her clitoris, and she came apart in his arms. “It’s not what I want, but it will do for now.”

  Sighing in satisfaction, she moved her cheek back and forth over the silken skin of his chest. “I’m sorry, Declan. I wanted to taste you so badly, even your come.

  “I’m pretty sure the problem with my ex-husband was I didn’t want his cock in my mouth. I just got tired of him begging and then demanding. It was when I imagined what your cock would be like in my mouth, and wanting to taste you, and I got wet at the thought, I knew I was in trouble.”

  A gentle hand stroked her back and slid further down and over the globe of her ass. He stroked gently, then smacked her ass with a loud slap. “That’s for not following lesson two and for making me wait so long when you wanted this as badly as I did.”

  Miranda yelped in surprise at the feel of his punishment and the shocking twitch of hunger it caused in her pussy. She moved up to kiss him. “I’m sorry, but I promise I’ll make it up to you,” she whispered against his mouth.

  Declan took her mouth in a deep, ravishing kiss that had her blood hot and her hips moving against him in anticipation. He ended the kiss with a satisfied smile. “I have to ask you, sweetheart: do you think you like sucking my cock enough that there will be a repeat of it? Because it clean took my head off.”

  “Yes, I liked sucking your cock very much, and I will definitely be doing it again.” She caught his straining cock in her hand and squeezed the base before stroking up and then down.

  “No, my darlin’, I need to be inside you again.” Sitting up, he pulled her up on her knees. “Turn around, love, and get on your hands and knees for me.”

  Excited at his instructions, she quickly moved as he bid. His hands grasped her hips and brought her back to him. A finger ran down the seam of her ass to her pussy, and checked to make sure she was ready for him. When he found her dripping, he chuckled. His cock eased into her hot pussy, smooth and easy, her body welcoming him inside. She moaned at the feel of him inside her. It felt like he was deeper, like he was thicker. She clutched the sheets and pushed back to take him in faster, needing him deeper now.

  A smack to her ass sounded loud in the room, and her pussy twitched in delight. “Bad girl. I didn’t tell you to move. You are a hot, greedy little thing. You liked that smack, sweetheart?” he whispered in her ear, and then she felt another smack and her pussy burned in answer. “Yes, I can feel your pussy twitching and weeping for me.” Another smack, and then another. Her pussy was on fire and grasped his cock in repeated squeezing, her body begging for more. He groaned, and both hands were back on her hips in an almost punishing grip, and he pushed deeper until his balls smacked her pussy, and this time there was no slow build. His thrusts were hard and fast. Declan controlled her body, every cell was centered on the feel of his cock inside her moving faster and faster. When her orgasm took her, she screamed in surprise it was so strong, so overwhelming. She buried her face in the bed as wave after wave crashed over her, and she could feel him still pounding into her body, and then it happened again and the world disappeared completely. She felt him come inside her and then he sagged against her, taking both of them to the mattress.

  Pulling out of her he pulled her into his arms. He was breathing hard, and his chest below her cheek was slick with sweat. Miranda couldn’t feel a muscle in her body, and fought sleep, knowing she needed to get up so she could go home and get a few hours of sleep.

  “I forgot the condom. It felt so damned good by the time I realized it, I couldn’t stop.” He rasped out.

  With a sigh, she kissed his chest. “You don’t have anything to worry about. I’m wondering, though, considering your visit from your paid girl.” It was said without rancor.

  “The girls can’t work if they aren’t clean, and I’m clean. I’ve not been with a woman without a condom since I was fifteen. Are you on the pill?”

  “No. My husband and I had sex fairly regularly for five years and, per his order, we never used birth control, and nothing. He apparently got his girlfriend pregnant the first time they had sex. Last I heard, they have three kids. Three kids in three years, and five years and nothing. Despite us never having tests done, it was obvious the problem was with me.”

  Did he hear the emptiness inside her as she spoke, she wondered.

  “How does that make you feel?”

  Miranda shrugged. She didn’t want to talk about it. “It is what it is. How I feel doesn’t matter.” She pulled away to sit up, deciding now was as good a time as any to go home.

  “Where are you going?” Pulling her back down to him, he squeezed her closer until she stopped struggling.

  “I have to go home and get some sleep. I have to be up early for work tomorrow,” Miranda gritted out, not liking his firm grip on her body. It also really annoyed her that her stupid body just melted into him.

  “That sounds like an excuse people use for a one-night stand, and this won’t be a one-night stand. I told you, your body is mine.” Declan’s words were cool, and he tightened his grip when she struggled against him.

  “Declan, it isn’t an excuse. I was given an extremely important audit of a major client. Normally I would just work late, but because of your audit, I went in two hours early today. It allowed me to come here after only working an hour late. I intend to do the same thing until I finish, which will likely be another week.” She was rewarded with a loosened grip, but he didn’t let her go. “Besides, this is just sex. You said it yourself: we enjoy it, and when it ends it ends.” He didn’t like that. She could feel his body tense.

  “This isn’t ending, damn it. I don’t want you sleeping anywhere else but with me. Until this fire burns out, you belong with me, in my bed every night.” His kiss was savage and dominating, and she was lost. He was back over her, and when she felt his cock seek entrance past the lips of her pussy, she opened for him. He slipped in and quickly lost control. He took her body, and she was with him in mindless need. Her orgasm came fast, and he followed just two strokes later.

  Declan collapsed on her, and she could feel the uneven pounding of his heart against her own chest. Knowing he’d lost control oddly comforted her hectic thoughts. She remembered thinking, after her ex-husband that if a man ever acted in the slightest bit controlling, she would turn on her heel and walk away. Yet Declan’s demanding and commanding personality didn’t bother in the least, and in ways she couldn’t even understand it turned her on. So he wanted her around because the sex was so good it took off his head. Okay, she agreed with him on that. But she made a promise to herself if he ever became controlling in a way that benefited no one but himself, she would walk away. She moved her hands over his back and found traces of scratches, which shocked her, because she didn’t rememb
er doing it.

  He pulled away and sat up beside her on the edge of the bed. He ran a hand over his face. “I’m sorry, Miranda.” He sighed and shook his head. “That was... I shouldn’t have done that to you. I just...” He looked away, and his regret was clear. Her heart clenched inside her chest.

  She sat up and touched his cheek. “Declan, it’s okay.”

  “No, Miranda, it isn’t. I lost control with you. Your body is mine for my pleasure, but also yours. I could have hurt you.”

  “I liked it, Declan, liked it very much. You’re right. My body is yours, every time you touch me, and even when you don’t. You’ve made it so that my body welcomes every inch of you every time. If you check your back, you’ll see just how much I liked it. Please don’t apologize, because in a way you losing control reassured me that I’m not just a toy to you. You aren’t playing with me and sending me on my way at the end of the night.” She pecked his cheek, and was rewarded with an answering kiss.

  “Good, because I don’t want you to go home. I want you to stay with me until this fire burns out.” His jaw was set and his eyes were a burning amber again.

  Declan’s words thrilled her even as they scared her. She felt it too; the need to be near him had been lingering since that first night he touched her. Miranda could admit it now, the ability to have him close and within arm’s reach was almost as good his actual touch. “Okay, I go home tonight, but I come back tomorrow, and I won’t leave until it’s over.”

  He nodded in agreement. “I’ll take you home.” Kissing her hard he pulled her out of bed.

  Their movements were lazy as they dressed. Actually, he dressed them both, as her hands still had a hard time with the buttons. She trailed behind him, her hand firmly in his to the car, and he opened the passenger door then made sure she was belted in. He moved across the front of the car and slipped in beside her. The drive home was much quicker in the empty streets, the clock in the dashboard told her it was just after two in the morning. Declan found her home without any direction from her, and pulled into the driveway. She sat up as he opened his door, came around to her, pulled her out, and wrapped his arm around her. She gave him her keys when he held out his hand, and waited while he opened the door. He flicked on the lights and looked around with interest.

  Pulling her loosely into his arms. “I really want to see your bedroom, but I know if I do, you won’t get any rest tonight. I don’t want you going into work early tomorrow. Sleep until your normal time and stay late like you normally would, and then when you get home, pack a bag and call me. If you have time to look over the books for The Garrick, that’s fine, if not, that’s fine too. I don’t want you worried and losing sleep. Okay?”

  She nodded, and was rewarded with a kiss on her forehead. “Get some sleep, but dream of me.”

  Chapter Seven

  Her alarm went off, and Miranda groaned and hit the snooze button, buying time, and rolled over. As she did, her body came alive with sensations that brought last night back in a vivid replay. Instead of the shame she would have likely felt just a week ago, all she felt was pleasure and anticipation for last night to be repeated. The alarm went off again and she sat up and turned it off. Her body ached, and she smiled as she made her way into the bathroom to take a shower. She had no time to wash her hair, and instead made do with a quick wash. As her hands roamed over her body, all she could think of was Declan’s hands and mouth on her, and her body responded all over again. With a curse, she did her best to push the memories back and get ready for the day.

  Leaving work that night, she stamped out the guilt for only staying an hour late. Considering it had been hard to focus on the audit, she was actually further behind than she would normally be. Yet it didn’t matter, every minute after five o’clock had felt like an eternity. For the first time in years, when she left work she hailed a cab instead of taking the El home. Once she was home it was hard to focus on picking several suits that she could easily make use of by simply changing out the blouses and different camisoles. She threw jeans and t-shirts in, along with a few lounging pants she liked to wear around the house. When she was done, she dialed Declan.

  “I’m ready.”

  “Me too, sweetheart. I’m outside now.”

  Pulling her small suitcase behind her, she nearly ran down the stairs. Miranda opened the door to find him waiting for her. He reached for her and pulled her into his arms, and his kiss was slow and hot and full of promise.

  “Let’s go, or we won’t make it home.”

  The drive to his home seemed to take far too long, and her nerves were nearly shot by the time they got there. He had her suitcase and her out of the car in about a minute flat. Unlocking the door he pulled her inside after him. She was in his arms and pressed against the door. His body was melded with hers, and her arms went around his neck, trying to get closer. His hard cock pressed against her and her pussy gushed to prepare for him. A hand moved between them and she heard his zipper, and the sound caused her pussy to clench in anticipation.

  “I need to be inside you, sweetheart. Are you ready for me?” Declan’s hand moved under her skirt, and his fingers found her wet and more than ready. He hissed her name with satisfaction. Tearing her panties from her body, he pushed her skirt up to her hips. His hands moved under her ass and lifted her up, arranging her legs over his hips. Miranda held on tight, open and aching for his possession.

  Declan entered her in one stroke, not stopping until they were skin to heated skin. He was so hard, so thick, it felt like there wasn’t an inch of her pussy that he didn’t touch. He moved, pulling out slowly, just a few inches, and she wanted to scream. Every single second, every minute, every hour by long hour, her body had existed just for this moment, for him to be inside her again. He was back and she could breathe again. He pulled out again, and she begged him not leave her body. His thrust back into her was so powerful the heavy oak door shook. An orgasm hit her then and her body quaked from her pussy out; deep, throbbing shudders overtook her. It was as if her orgasm allowed him to slip the reins of control and he was frantic with need, his thrusts wild. Another orgasm was building, and crashed over her and took her under. She was drowning in him, and his shout in her ear that signaled his release seemed far away.

  As she came back into herself, she reveled in everything her body was feeling, from his limp but still thick cock inside her to his hot and shallow breath at her throat. Even the feel of the hard door at her back was a feeling she cherished, because it was his body that held her against it. She would have been content to spend the whole night just this way, but he shifted up and began to kiss her jaw.

  “I swear to god, I can last longer than sixty seconds. When you stop coming apart in my arms, the moment I put my cock in you, I will prove it to you. You are such a hungry witch.” His breath was hot against her ear.

  Miranda smiled as she ran her hands through his hair. “Your cock is magic, and my pussy weeps for joy at just being near it and sobs when your cock finds its place, at home inside me.”

  “You’re a witch, a sweet and greedy witch, and I can’t get enough of you.” As his cock slipped from her body, she moaned her displeasure. Her arms tightened around his neck and brought his mouth down to her. His kiss was lazy even as it stoked her passion.

  Declan pulled away and drew one leg and then another down from around him. Her legs were weak but kept her standing. He pulled her skirt down with a smile. Bending down he came back up with his trousers, that he didn’t bother to fasten, and her torn panties. He carried her panties to his nose and inhaled.

  “Your perfume has stayed with me since I left you last night. I went to sleep hard and woke harder just thinking of it. Come upstairs, sweetheart, where I will show you that I can last for much longer than sixty seconds.”

  Miranda laughed as she took his hand. “You might be able to last for longer than sixty seconds, but I know that I can’t when you have your cock inside me.”

  Several hours later, she woke up her w
ith body aching all over. He had proven that he could last for much, much longer than sixty seconds. Her stomach growled and she rolled out of bed, searching for something to wear, but he had once again torn her blouse open and it wouldn’t stay together. Grabbing his undershirt, she put it on, and snuck out of the room to raid the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, she was pleasantly surprised at the amount of choice, and her eyes roved over the selection. Shock hit her at her being grabbed from behind, until she was pulled up against Declan’s body and she sank back into him.

  “Hungry, sweetheart? What a devil I am carrying you off to bed without regard to your comfort. For that I’m at your bidding. Sit down and tell me what you would like.” He nibbled along her neck. When she showed no signs of leaving his arms, instead pushing her bottom back against him, he walked her to the small kitchen table and pushed her gently down.

  “What would you like to eat?”

  “Something light, nothing too heavy,” she answered in a slight stupor as she watched him walk away. Resting her head on her hands on the table, she watched him, enjoying just the sight of him.

  His movements were easy and economical. He knew his way around the kitchen, and actually seemed to enjoy being in it. In no time at all, he set down in front of her a plate of chicken salad on a croissant, with strawberries and raspberries on the side. She blushed as she remembered what he had said about her breasts, and he laughed.

  “What can I say, darlin’? They are my favorite fruit.” He set his own matching plate down across from her and tucked into the sandwich. “Eat, sweetheart.”

  They ate slowly, enjoying the silence. When they were done, he threw away the few remnants, rinsed off the plates, and set them in the sink. “Dolly takes her kitchen and routine seriously. The dishes in the dishwasher were put in when she left, and she’ll clean them out tomorrow. She’d much rather I left them in the sink than mess with her kitchen,” Declan explained as he walked her back to bed, picking up her suitcase on the way.


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