The Son Also Rises
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Page numbers for entries occurring in figures are followed by an f; those for entries in notes, by an n; and those for entries in tables, by a t.
ABA. See American Bar Association
Abecedarian Project, 273
Abu Yusuf, 238
Acadians, 49. See also Cajuns; New France settlers
adopted children: educational attainment of, 266–68, 267f; incomes of, 267f; IQs of, 264, 265f; in Japan, 187; Korean, 265–66, 266t, 267f, 268; outcomes of, 13, 264–69, 266t, 267f
adoption: of adults in Japan, 187–88, 192–93; studies of, 264–69
affirmative action. See reservation system, India
African Americans: civil rights movement, 57; educational attainment of, 55, 56f; medical schools for, 54; middle-class, 124, 125; occupational status of, 55, 56f; persistent social status of, 10; physicians, 54, 58, 250; social mobility of, 5–6, 57, 58, 62, 123–24, 125
African American surnames: of attorneys, 60; Cajun, 62; common, 50–51; of English or German origin, 50–51; Jew
ish, 47; of physicians, 54
Africans. See black Africans
agency, 262–63
Allende, Salvador, 209, 210, 211
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 145–46, 146t
AMA. See American Medical Association
American Bar Association (ABA), 59
American Indians. See Native Americans
American Medical Association (AMA), Directory of Physicians in the United States, 45–46, 51, 52, 54, 68, 164, 194–95, 309, 306, 310, 312, 314, 315
Arbalistarius, 316
aristocracy. See nobility
artisan surnames, 71–73, 73f, 75, 85, 87, 254, 254f
artisans, social rank of, 71, 74
Ashkenazi Jews: elite status of, 45, 152–54, 237, 237n; endogamy of, 237; origins of, 235–37; social mobility of, 58; surnames of, 47. See also Jews
Asia. See China; Japan; Korea
Asian surnames: Korean, 196–98; of U.S. physicians, 250–51. See also Chinese surnames; Japanese surnames
assortative mating: effects on mobility, 14, 139; in India, 163; regression to mean and, 139; strength of, 14, 281, 285–86. See also marriages
attenuation factor, 113–14, 119–20
attorneys: Swedish, 20, 21t, 30–32, 31f; in United Kingdom, 88–89, 309
attorneys, in United States: licensing of, 46, 59, 60; with New France surnames, 60, 62–63, 65; relative representation of surname groups among, 46, 59–62, 60f, 61f; social mobility of, 61–62, 61f, 62t
Australia, surname frequencies data in, 305, 311–12
Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency, 311–12
backward castes, 144. See also castes
Banerjee (Bhandopadhya), 147, 163–64, 251
Barclay. See Berkeley/Barclay
barristers, 88–89, 309
Baskerville, 76, 78–79, 316
Basques, in Chile, 203–4
Bazalgette, 7–8, 90, 92
Bazalgette, Jean-Louis, 92
Bazalgette, Joseph William, 8n, 92, 93f
Bazalgette, Louis, 8
Bazalgette, Sir Peter Lytton, 7–8, 8n