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A Naughty Santa Gram

Page 22

by Alyssa D Mynx

  Gently, I'm lifted, my head hitting a pillow, and warm bodies coming to rest on either side of me. I'm scooted into someone’s arms as a warm blanket covers me, and all I can smell is sandalwood as my body gives in to the exhaustion that's taken it over.

  "Are you sure you're going to be ok the rest of the day?" Jenna asks, consoling me on the phone once again at seven the next morning.

  Holding my head and blowing my nose for the thousandth time since I called her at three this morning, I nod, then realize she can’t hear head nods.

  "Yeah, I just can't believe I fucked up so bad."

  "Girl, please. It sounds like they wanted that as badly as you did."

  "But they didn't fuck five people at the same time. I did," I wail, grabbing another Kleenex and wiping my leaking eyes as I huddle up in a ball on the couch.

  "And like I told you when you called me the first time, it's 2019, so what's the big whoop?"

  "I just feel so stupid! I like them all. I want them all. But that's not normal, and I'm just, I'm just, ugh," I cry. “I said yes, I did, and then I meant no, but meant yes, and it was great, but people will think so badly of me. Like I could get fired. What will people say? If they find out, are they going to, like, throw produce at me at the supermarket? Will they get out the stocks again? Wait, what if I get pregnant? How the hell will I know who the dad is? What if it does work out, then who do I marry? Do I get married? Do we move out of the country and we all get married? I don’t want to leave California!”

  Honestly, I'm just afraid the guys will all think I'm a whore for sleeping with all of them. Logically, that makes absolutely no sense, they wanted it just as much as I did, but my emotions don't give a fuck. They just insist on making me cry, repeatedly, and at great length.

  "Ok, I love you, but I'm done for right now. Stay home, stay in bed. Hell, go sleep in my bed; at least there's some sunshine there. Just don't do or say anything stupid that you'll regret later, please? In fact, don't talk to anyone besides me until your crazy wears off.

  "Try to not overthink this today. And make sure you call and let work know you're sick. Don't be that employee when you've worked so hard to get and hold this job,” Jenna demands.

  "Fine, I won't. But I get your bed, your TV, your music system, and the ice cream."

  "Deal," Jenna says. "As long as you don't touch the mint chocolate chip, we're golden. Bye, Bitch. Be good today, and no more crazy driving."

  "Nope, I'm going to be bad today!" I shout at her.

  She just chuckles before the phone clicks off.

  I curl up on the couch, tired and ready to give up. Never have I ever embarrassed myself so badly. What the fuck was I thinking, sleeping with my boss and his four best friends? Shit, my boss.

  I shift on the couch, grabbing my phone from the side table, and send off a short "Hey, I'm sick today, I won't be in. Sorry. -B" to Drake. Tossing my phone next to me, I decide the couch isn't that fucking comfortable, and I'll be damned if I'm not comfortable today. I've already got on my other pair of "Fuck You" leggings and my "I'm Not Always A Bitch. Just Kidding, Go Fuck Yourself" sweater. Yes, I know the amount of clothing I own that tells people to fuck off is alarming, but that's the mood I’m in. Judge me if you want.

  Pocketing my phone, I take the Kleenex box, the garbage can, and my fluffy blanket, and I go set up in Jenna's bed.

  Blasting some good oldies, I turn on the channel that plays only silent black and white films. I find them so much more fun to watch with crazy music playing along with it.

  I'm only two minutes deep into the silent yet pounding movie when my phone goes berserk.

  It's fucking Drake. Of course, it is because he can't take the hint that I'm not coming in today. Asshole. I hit pause on the tv and stop the music, swiping right.

  "What? I said I'm sick today." Yup, I'm not playing around.

  "Like hell you're sick. Brat, you get your ass to work and quit being a brat. Last night―"

  "Do not even start on last night. It never happened. And I'm not coming in today!" I yell into the phone, tears starting to pool at the corners of my eyes.

  "Blake, if you want to keep this job and the relationships we're building--"

  "I don't," I sob, voice rising. "So go fuck yourself, and stay the fuck away from me. I fucking quit!" I yell, pounding my thumb into the red spot on my phone.

  I look at my phone and burst into tears. I'm talking ugly crying, like snot running down your upper lip into your mouth, hair getting all salty, eyes puffing up like a blowfish, splotches coming out like crazy, good old ugly cry.

  I turn the music on and up and let myself hug Jenna's pillow (I swear I'll wash it later) as the tears fall. When I'm done coughing from crying so hard, I gather up all the snot rags and toss them, then stumble from the bed.

  I hug my arms around me as I go to the kitchen, Jenna’s (my) stash of emotional ice cream calling my name. Grabbing the pint and a spoon, I take the whole thing back to the bedroom with me, settling into my little goblin fort I've made and turning the music up and my black and white back on.

  I'm almost to the end of the movie when a pounding whispers through the beat of my music. I huff as I pause everything and go to the door that leads to the bathroom. "Sorry, Mr. Croften, I'll turn it down!" I holler, and head back the way I came.

  "Stupid old landlord can't tolerate good music. Music he lived through, and he wants to hate on it, the grumpy old man," I mutter under my breath. My Everything Oreo ice cream's gone, so I toss the container and set the spoon on the nightstand. I'll clean up later, maybe.

  The remote for the stereo system tempts me, and I hit play, turning the music down two notches. I said I'd turn it down, but not how far. Within moments, the movie ends, and I roll over onto my stomach, holding the pillow to my chest while peeking out the curtain.

  I love the fact that Jenna has this huge window behind her bed. She could probably fit her queen-sized mattress out of it if we turned it upright. Lace curtains would flutter in the breeze if it were opened up, but with the heat lately, we've kept the air on.

  My mind wanders, and the faulty tear ducts start leaking again while I watch the birds flitting around on the trees outside. They're cute, but they make me sad, and hell if I know why.

  A creak is the only warning I have before something smacks me on the ass, and I kick into flight, fight, or freeze mode. Trust me, my body chooses fight.

  I turn, swinging and kicking, my mind in a state of panic. All my senses overload, shutting down until all I can focus on is escape. I swear to God I'm not going to let the fuckers get me this time, not like when I was sixteen.

  A heavy body finally pins me, and I'm still screaming and cussing when the smell hits me. Sandalwood. What the hell?

  Almost immediately, I can see and hear and smell again.

  "Blake! Calm down!" Drake is yelling, eyes staring straight into mine, the warmth from his body slowly seeping into my cold flesh.

  "Drake," I whisper.


  "Drake," I say, clearing my throat to get the words out louder.

  "Fuck, Brat, I'm so sorry. I didn't think."

  Slowly, Drake gets off of me and sits on the bed. My body is still panicking, and my heart thunders like a herd of wild mustangs. I curl onto my side, facing Drake, but still clutching a pillow with a vise-like grip.

  “How the hell did you get in here?” I whisper, trying to relax my body muscle by muscle.

  “Jenna called the landlord for me, and he let me in. She says, ‘I told you to keep your crazy to yourself tonight.’”

  “I see,” is all I respond with. I lay there, slowly loosening the grip on my pillow until my knuckles get some color back in them.

  "Why did you leave?" Drake says softly, concern shining in his eyes for me.

  I have a hard time answering."I... I guess I didn't want you guys to judge me in the morning. I didn't want to judge myself, either."

  "Well, what have you been doing since then, hmm?" Drake sm

  I huff indignantly. "Judging myself."

  "Exactly. If you'd stayed around ‘til morning, we would have reassured you and made sure you didn't freak out. Because what did you do?"

  "Oh, I freaked the fuck out. I still kind of am. Do you guys really want to share one girl between you all? How is that even a thing? I mean, I know it's a thing, I read about this type of thing, but is the thing a thing thing or..." I trail off as I glance at Drake, who has an uncharacteristic smile on his face.

  "You're so fucking cute when you ramble, Brat. Yes, we all want you, and yes, we are willing to share. We have in every aspect of life, so why should our love life be any different? Besides, can you imagine five women in that house, all trying to be queen of the castle?"

  I think for a moment and shudder. The image of hair being ripped out and the thought of claws leaving streaks on faces is terrifying. "I don't want to imagine that any more than I just did, thank you very much."

  "Exactly," he replies, running his hand along my thigh. "So, you'll give us another chance? Join us for supper tonight after your last 'gram, no matter what time you get there."

  My pulse has started to slow, but at his words and his fingers running a little higher, my heartbeat jumps back up again.

  "You'll come, then."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Are we feeling better, Brat?"

  "Yes, sir, a little," I answer, my voice just a whisper of a noise.

  "Good,” he says, stroking more. "Because there are consequences to actions. If you're going to act like a brat, you're going to get punished like a brat."

  The words hit me right before Drake moves, and I start to pull away, shoving away from him with a gasping giggle.

  "No, sir, no. My ass is still sore! It's a sorry ass, it's an ass that asks forgiveness," I plead, shuffling back.

  "Sorry, Brat," he smirks, grabbing my ankle and tickling it as he tugs me towards him. "But brats get spankings."

  "No!" I screech, giggling.

  "Well, isn't this a sight to see." Ethan's voice comes from the bathroom side of the bedroom.

  "Indeed it is," Johnny chimes in.

  I'm startled enough by their voices in my house that Drake is able to get me over his lap.

  "I'm serious, Drake. Please don't touch my poor ass," I cry out.

  "Sorry, Love, but as the man said, brats get punished." Johnny smirks from the doorway.

  My leggings and underwear are tugged down, and three medium soft smacks land on my ass, making me squeal and wiggle around.

  "Stop that, Brat. You've got six more, so just take them like a woman."

  "Woman, my ass, I'll take it like a damn man, sir," I grind out, determined to be still and quiet through these last ones.

  Three more land, and I’ve kept up the manliness, but fuck, those hurt.

  "Last three, and that'll make ten. Relax that ass, Brat, and I'll finish up and leave you to Johnny and Ethan’s tender care.”

  I'm trying not to cry, but those wet bastards are on the verge of leaving my eyeballs. I jerkily nod and take a deep breath.

  "Do it, sir."

  The last three smacks are about the same hardness, thank you, God, and I only shed a few tears. As soon as they're done, Johnny rushes over to me and swings me up into his arms, then lays me stomach down on the bed.

  "Let me rub that sting out, Love. Do you have any lotion?" Johnny asks, tucking my hair behind my ear. My bottoms are getting tugged away, and I look to see Ethan at my feet.

  "In the bathroom," I reply.

  "Alright, you three behave. Blake, I'll cancel a few hours for you, but you will come to work by ten, and you will be at supper tonight. The boys here will make you feel better, then they'll escort you to work. I'll see you at the office."

  Drake comes to the bed where Johnny has left me and leans down to kiss my forehead. I think my mouth simply falls off my face, I'm so shocked. Words escape me, and by the time my mouth stops gaping, Drake is long gone, and Johnny is back with the lotion.

  Ethan starts to rub my feet while Johnny goes to work on my ass.

  "Why did you leave us this morning? I wanted to see you wake up," Johnny says, a hint of sadness in his voice.

  "Ugh. You'll think I'm stupid."

  "No, I won't. I believe you're very smart."

  "Thanks, Johnny. But I was worried you guys would judge me and kick me to the curb as soon as you all woke up."

  Ethan snorts. "Wow, Poppet. You're kind of silly, you know that, right?"

  I kick a foot out at him. "Gee thanks, Ethan. How nice of you."

  "I only speak the truth, Poppet. Right, Johnny?"

  "Right. Love, you're silly."

  I pout. "And you two are mean."

  There's a pause, and then both of them are on me, tickling the crap out of me.

  "No! Uncle, Uncle!" I cry.

  When they've finally stopped, I'm on my back, bottom half naked, top half in my long sweater and nothing else.

  "Mmm... half-naked Poppet. Whatever should we do with you," Ethan asks, climbing over me and resting by my side.

  Johnny grins, laying on my other side. "I can think of a few things."

  "Guys, I really don't think we should do anything in here. This isn't my room or my bed."

  "That's fine, Love, just take us to your room, and we can snuggle in your bed."

  I snort. "Yeah, I highly doubt that. But I've got a rug that will eat you with its fluffiness."

  "I'm sure the bed will be fine, Poppet. Lead on."

  Johnny rolls off the bed, then I clamber after him, with Ethan trailing behind. A few short steps see me through to my room, and there's hardly any space for the three of us to stand, so I plop down on my unmade bed.

  "Welcome to my home, make yourselves comfortable. As you can see, I have plenty of floor space to offer you."

  "Shit, Poppet, when you said you live in a closet, you legit meant you live in a closet. Holy fuck."

  "Pretty much," I agree. "But like I said, feel that rug. It's soft enough, and I won't have to secretly wash and make the bed again.”

  "But where the hell do we put this ugly thing?" Johnny asks, pointing to my bed.

  "This little beauty folds up. Somehow. I don't know how since I've been too lazy to ever do it before now, but it's a Murphy bed, so somehow it fits in that space," I reply, pointing to the wall space behind the head of my bed.

  "Come on, computer engineer, let's get this moved. I want to lay with my Poppet."

  I hop off the bed and go stand in the doorway to the living room, watching as the guys get the bed situated. Arguing ensues, but eventually Johnny wins, and the bed is put up. They forgot to tuck stuff in, so I'm sure it'll be a mess later, but who gives a fuck right now? Watching two hot men do heavy lifting? Hubba hubba, give me that bubba.

  As they finish securing the bed, I slip behind them and snag the pillow that fell off the bed, putting it on the floor and settling onto the rug.

  The guys finish and turn to find I'm reclining on the rug, feet towards them, and one hand beneath the hem of my sweater.

  They flash each other a look, and then they're stripping down. Clothes are tossed everywhere (nothing new about that one), and soon I have a hot, naked, and horny man on either side of me.

  "Poppet, what's that hand doing down there?" Ethan asks, fingers gently running from my shoulder to my wrist.

  "Hmm, something naughty, I think," Johnny replies. "Maybe I should take a closer look."

  Johnny moves to my feet and gently pulls my legs apart. I rub my clit a little faster, the sight of his cock bobbing as he crawls towards me more than I can take.

  "Ethan," Johnny murmurs, nodding at my hands.

  "Sorry, Poppet, Drake said to make you feel good, not to have you doing it yourself."

  My hand is removed from my clit and my upper body lifted. The long sweater I’m barely wearing is pulled upwards and over my head, but left covering my arms. Ethan puts his arm over mine, trapping them in the sweater.

  I struggle a little, but he just shushes me, running his free hand down my face, one fingertip touching my lips.

  Ethan glances down towards my legs, and my attention is brought back to Johnny. He's on his knees, cock at attention for me. As soon as I look down, he takes his hands and places them on each thigh, eyes focused on my pussy. Gently and ever so slowly, he pushes them apart, taking his time to open me to his view.

  When I'm stretched as wide as I can get, Johnny moves in. He starts with gentle kisses on my stomach and slowly makes his way down, covering my flesh with soft nibbles.

  I'm panting, want filling my very essence, when Johnny finally moves to my pussy. Gently, oh so gently, he slowly pulls my lips apart and blows on my most sensitive spot. Chills cover me, and the walls of my pussy clench in desire, wanting his hand, mouth, or cock inside. I struggle against both of their holds, seeking relief, but they hold me still.

  Glancing at me with a smirk, Johnny finally goes all in, his mouth going directly to my clit. Unintelligible noises escape me, and I'm thrusting my hips into his face. My ex never went down on me, bastard, and sweet fucking Johnny, I'm getting a repeat of this sooner rather than later.

  Johnny has my clit sucked in his mouth, tongue swirling it, when Ethan starts to suck and bite my nipples. The sensations are rapidly building me up to a peak, and when Johnny adds three fingers inside of me, and curls them up? I'm gone, leaping over the peak into the abyss of pleasure.

  Too soon for me, I'm back on Earth. Thank you, God, Johnny is still at the cusp of my legs, tongue working to lap up the wetness he and Ethan created. Ethan has released my hands, fully bent over me, and is alternating breasts with his mouth, the other always getting attention from his fingers.

  Fingers can't cut it much longer, and finally, I give in to my need.

  "Please, please, put your cock in me. Somebody give me a fucking cock," I gasp out, aching deeply and relentlessly.

  "Oh, Poppet, your wish is our command," Ethan states around my nipple.

  One more long lick from Johnny, and he shifts up my body.

  "Love, would you want to take us both? I'll please this little pussy,"

  "And I'll please your mouth," Ethan finishes


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