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Capturing Carmen

Page 2

by K. A Knight

  On light feet, I hurry along the carpeted hallway, moving silently until I reach the back stairs. I slide down the bannister and flip off when I reach the end, landing in a crouch on the ground. Mission ‘let’s fuck things up’ is underway.

  I reach the medical room in no time and spot Doctor Rayn sitting inside, undoubtedly looking over our records again. Hmm, I need him to be gone for a moment. Tilting my head in thought, I stand up and knock on the door.

  “Doc? They need you upstairs,” I say briskly, putting some alarm in my tone. In a moment, he’s up from his chair and racing away, fear trailing after him at the thought of one of the precious Harvest Girls being hurt.

  Strolling inside the room, I check out his gadgets and files before stopping in front of his medicine cabinet. I twist the handle and find it unlocked.

  What an idiot.

  Searching the bottles, I find what I’m looking for. I read the instructions and grab some of the pills, tucking them away in my bra for later before shutting the door and walking away.

  “I have an idea,” I announce, dangling upside down. My head is hanging off the sofa cushions and my bare feet are curled up over the back of the ridiculously expensive piece of furniture.

  “Oh no,” Daisy groans, closing her book and looking at me.

  “You’re not going to burn the house down this time, are you?” Harlow laughs with a snort.

  “Puh-lease, it was only a small fire, with minor structural damage.” I wave it away.

  “No kidnapping?” Tatiana adds with a straight face.

  Really, you kidnap someone one time and you never live it down.

  “I’m in!” Shiloh calls from her sprawled position on the floor.

  “Of course you are,” Daisy grumbles, and when we all look at her, she blushes and looks away. “Maybe... maybe tonight we should just do as we are told and not get into trouble?” she suggests, her voice soft and innocent.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” I ask, confused.

  “W-Well, I-I mean,” she stutters, before blowing out a breath, even making that sound elegant. “It is our duty, Car... Life isn’t just about fun, we have responsibilities. People and other races are depending on us—” I interrupt her speech before she guilts the others into relenting.

  Swivelling, I sit up and lean closer. “Are you telling me, Daisy, that before you’re given over to a group of fucking alien strangers, who can do anything they want to you, even cage you—”

  “You’d probably like it,” Shiloh interjects with a laugh.

  Grinning, I carry on, “Don’t you want one night to remember, one night just for you? No eyes on you, no rules, just a chance to have fun with us before we never see each other again?”

  She glances down, her eyes calculating, and I know I’m getting to her.

  “Daisy, soon we might never see each other again, and I don’t know what’s going to happen to us. The likelihood of us falling in love with our alien Klan is slim. We will be their mate, their plaything for the rest of our lives and nothing more. Don’t you want, for one night, not to be that? To just be yourself?”

  “Hell yes!” Shiloh cries. “One night—what could go wrong?” she argues, and I see Daisy weakening again. She might be the youngest, but her brain is like a computer, analysing and calculating various scenarios and outcomes. If she disagrees, the others will follow. I might lead this little merry band as the oldest, but she is the heart. Tatiana gets up and crouches next to Daisy’s chair.

  “Maybe she’s right, D? When I think of what’s to come… I’m scared. For one night, I would like to forget that,” she whispers softly.

  “Alright, I’m in. One last night,” Harlow declares.

  Daisy looks up, right at me, with trust shining in her too innocent eyes. “No fires, no kidnapping, agreed?”

  I grin, jumping up. “Agreed.”

  She nods. “Then I’m in.”

  I whoop, dancing where I stand. “Hell yes! That leaves us with robbery, grand larceny, drug dealing, public nudity, and the list goes on!” I laugh.

  She groans then, obviously realising her mistake, but it’s too late. “Okay, Shiloh, I need you for the next part of the plan. The rest of you go get dressed, I already left outfits on your beds. Meet here in thirty. It’s time to get pretty, girls! It’s a Harvest Girls’ night out!” I exclaim with a laugh.

  “I’m going to regret this,” Daisy mumbles, but obediently stands, rising elegantly before heading to her room. The others do the same, leaving me alone with Shiloh. We share a grin.

  “What’s the plan, crazy?” she inquires.

  “Remember that time we snuck into the guard shack and stole their porn?”

  She frowns, obviously trying to remember. “With the two girls?”

  “Yep.” I pop the ‘p,’ almost dancing in place from my excitement. “It’s time to put on a show, baby.” I spank her, then head over to the tiny kitchen tucked away in the corner of our sitting room. There’s a bigger one downstairs, but this one will work for what I have planned.

  “Fuck, you really are crazy.” She laughs but joins me as I start rummaging around in the back of the cupboard, before pulling down the old bottle of whisky I… procured from a guard.

  “Hell yes! Okay, I’m going to grab the guards. Get ready, hotness,” I tell her, as I head to the door, not bothering to fill her in on the plan. She will go along up to a point, but she might shy away from some of it and I can’t have that. I glance at the clock on the wall as I go, humming in happiness when I see I’ve timed this just right. They should be getting ready to sweep our floor now, so it’ll be easy to catch them.

  I step out of the door that leads to our sitting room and wait. Not two minutes later, I hear the tell-tale stomp of boots as they head this way. Pushing away from the wall, I make it look like I just stepped outside. When they round the corner, I purposely stumble into them and peer up through my lashes.


  Captain Vew and Twen. The other guards should have gone home for the night, trusting they only needed two guards to protect us while we sleep. I’d convinced them into thinking that over the years, never sure when I would need them to be complacent, which now works in my favour.

  “Carmen,” Vew rumbles, his large chest expanding as he takes a breath. He fists my hair, wrapping it around his knuckles, and tugs.

  Sneaky fucking bastard.

  Unlike a bruise his hand might leave on my arm, his grip on my hair will show no trauma to my body. He tightens his hold, but the bite of pain does nothing to dissuade me. Vew is a hardass, but I know he wants me, I’ve seen the way he watches me. Twen is the same, always staring at me, especially when he’s training me in combat… not that he was ever supposed to, but what the rest of Harvest House doesn’t know won’t hurt them.

  This will be a piece of cake.

  “Hi, Captain,” I purr, knowing he loves it when I call him that.

  Just like I expected, his yellow irises dilate with need and he rumbles again, his large, green body seeming to expand. Twen shifts from foot to foot, looking uneasy, so I wink at him. He grins, flashing sharp, pointy teeth.

  “Would you strapping guards be able to help me?” I flutter my lashes and pout my lips, laying it on thick.

  “With what?” Vew asks sharply, fighting his need.

  I step back then, making sure to trail my fingers along his chest. “Come see,” I murmur softly, and step back into the room to see a confused Shiloh waiting there.

  I count in my head. One, two, three... I hear them step inside behind me. Males, how predictable, even if they are aliens. “Show time,” I mouth at Shiloh, before I saunter up to her side and wrap my arm around her tiny, tucked-in waist. I’m taller than she is, taller than all the girls actually. Shiloh has more curves, where I have more of an athletic build, and the short skirt she’s wearing only emphasises them. Her shirt clings to her breasts as I stroke the flare of her hip almost absentmindedly. The two guards look at us in confusion.

  Vew’s gaze sweeps the room before focusing back on us. “Carmen, explain,” he barks.

  I shrug, leaning my head on top of Shiloh’s, and her hand lands on my stomach, caressing over my shirt, almost making me giggle. “I was bored, and you know what I get like when I’m bored,” I purr.

  “And how can we help with that, trouble?” Twen questions, smiling, his eyes following the movement of our hands as we touch each other.

  “I was talking to Shiloh, explaining that I wanted to experiment with a woman before I’m given to my mates. She agreed, but I thought seeing as how you are supposed to protect us… including our bodies, you would want to make sure we remain pure,” I tease.

  Their mouths drop and I feel Shiloh shake with silent laughter before she controls it. “Don’t worry, we won’t corrupt each other… in that way,” I reassure them, before letting go of Shiloh’s waist.

  Grabbing her by the hips, I spin her to face me, her eyes widening in shock at my display of strength before they settle on amusement. I wink at her, pressing my body against hers. She plasters herself to me as I grip her wrists, bringing her arms up and around my neck. She keeps them there as I lean down, our lips nearly touching.

  “Are they watching?” she whispers, her plump, pink lips moving softly against mine.

  I slant an eye to the guards to see their chests heaving as they stare at us, their patrols forgotten. “Yes, better make it good.”

  “Car—” I cut her off by sealing my lips to hers. I know most of the other girls are inexperienced, but, hell, they’ve probably touched themselves to see what the big deal is... well, maybe not Daisy. But I’ve never kissed a girl, so this is new to me too.

  Her lips are soft, and when they part on a gasp, I slip my tongue in, tangling it with hers, tasting her. As I pull it away, she chases after me almost desperately, until we’re both teasing. I grip her hair and yank her head back, the pain making her gasp and her eyes fly open. Looking into them, I suck on her bottom lip, grazing my teeth on its plumpness before diving back in to kiss her.

  She groans into my mouth, limp in my hands, with only her lips moving almost clumsily against mine as she tries to keep up. She tastes sweet, and her soft body against mine is so different in a good way. Leaving one of my hands in her hair, I sweep the other down her back until I grip her ass through her skirt and drag her closer, squeezing the plump cheek as I peek at the guards. They are still watching, but I spot Twen’s hands moving to his pants like he can’t help himself. Vew is fighting it, so I close my eyes and concentrate on Shiloh. This plan will work, but who said I couldn’t have some fun on the way?

  She’s so warm and pliant in my arms, letting me lead, her body shaking with excitement. Running my hand up her side that the guards can see, I push up her shirt, exposing skin. Fuck, she’s soft. Tracing her curves, I break our kiss and push her head to the side so the guards are within her sight.

  “Let me know when they’re really distracted,” I whisper into her ear, and she shivers against me, making me smile.

  I run my nose down her neck, before tracing my lips back up as I push her shirt up more, my hand reaching her breasts. I fondle her over the lace of her bra, cupping them, weighing the heaviness in my hand. “You okay with your shirt coming off?” I whisper.

  She nods and I pull back, ripping her shirt over her head and exposing the black, lacy fabric, dark against her creamy skin. She’s breathing hard, her breasts moving with the sharp movements, and I make sure to lean far enough away so they can see me trailing my fingers up her slightly rounded belly to her breasts.

  “Carmen,” Vew warns, but I duck my head to hide my grin. I can hear his control fraying in his voice.

  I yank the cups of her bra down, exposing her big breasts. Her nipples tighten and she gasps again, her short nails digging into my shoulders as I lean down and suck a red tip between my lips. She moans then, the sound real and loud, and I hear the guards mutter something.

  Rolling the tip around with my tongue, I close my eyes and concentrate on the feel of her in my mouth and hands. I grip her other breast, tweaking her nipple in my fingers, remembering what I like when I touch myself. I don’t squeeze as hard though, since I figure she doesn’t like it as rough as me, but I do graze my teeth over her nipple as I pull away, popping it from my mouth.

  Looking up, I meet her glazed expression, pleasure making her face slack and her lips slightly opened. I jerk my head to the guards, reminding her, and she quickly glances their way as I skate my hand down her belly to the stretchy waistband of the comfy skirt she’s wearing. I hesitate there, expecting her to stop me, but she pushes against my hand, encouraging me. I smile against her skin.

  Maybe Shiloh needs to get laid as much as the others… or at least come. I can help her with that, nobody should be denied that necessity.

  Slipping my hand under her skirt, my fingers meet skin instead of fabric. Well, well, well... looks like Shiloh likes to go commando. Maybe I’m teaching her bad habits. I realise her pussy is bare as I skim over her mound, and cup her already wet heat in the palm of my hand. She moans again, her breathing loud as she pushes against my hand, begging me with her body.

  I could stop right now, no need to get Shiloh off, but I find myself wanting to. I’m enjoying this, her softness and curves, her moans getting louder. It’s so different than being with a guy, and I might as well experiment while I can.

  Her breathing, and the guards’, are loud in the almost silent sitting room. Glancing up, I clash gazes with Twen as I hike up her skirt, baring her pussy for their greedy eyes. I make a show of slowly sliding my fingers through the wetness gathering there before circling her clit, making her buck into my hand.

  “Carmen,” she groans. My name on her lips has the guards moving closer, completely enthralled as my fingers dance over her pussy, their post long forgotten.


  I play with her clit until she cries out, undulating into my hand. Her breathing increases and I can tell she’s close. Instead of giving her what she needs, I tease her more and slip down to circle her entrance. I don’t push in, tormenting her further with my touch, before I move back up and press on her clit again. My hand is wet, almost dripping with her cream. She’s shivering against me, gripping my shoulders as she fucks herself against my hand. Shiloh tosses one of her legs up onto the countertop, exposing her pussy to us as she tries to quench her ache.

  Helping her along, I suck her nipple into my mouth again and bite down slightly, thrumming hard against her clit at the same time. She fractures with a breathy groan. Shuddering against me, she screams as she comes, her head thrown back in ecstasy. I leave my hand there as she works through the aftershocks, and pop her now wet, red nipple from my mouth.

  Glancing up, I meet her slack-jawed expression and wink. I remove my hand from her pussy, pull her leg down, and snake an arm around her, holding her up when she looks like she’s about to collapse. With hooded lids, I meet the guards’ eyes before raising the fingers coated in her release to my mouth. I suck them in and groan dramatically, my eyes closing at the sweet, almost tangy taste.

  “She’s delicious,” I purr, opening my eyes and looking at them.

  When I think she can stand on her own, I let go of her and see a flash of disappointment in the aliens’ eyes, making me laugh. “Don’t worry, boys, that was just the starter. She was so needy I had to get her off first. How about a drink while she recovers, then I’ll let you watch as I teach her how to lick me?” I offer, moving away.

  They groan in unison, Twen’s hands working himself slowly in his pants as I head to the bottle of whisky. I pull down three glasses and pour a healthy amount before slipping the pills from my bra into their cups. I swirl them around, waiting for them to dissolve until there’s no trace. Grabbing all three, I turn and head back, offering them the two with the drugs. They accept them greedily, their eyes flickering between a red-faced Shiloh and a grinning me.

  Raising the glass to my lips to hide my smirk, I
wink at them. “Bottoms up, boys. It’s going to be a long night.” I toast them before throwing back the whisky. They copy me and I wait, watching as they both smirk at me.

  “Carmen,” Vew starts, but his words slur at the end. Damn, those are some potent pills... although, I think I was only supposed to give them one.

  He frowns then, the glass dropping from his hand to the floor and he scowls at it in confusion. Twen stumbles and then falls to his knees, his eyes wide with panic right up until he faints, face down, ass up on the floor.

  “Wha… did...” Vew slurs, before he passes out right on top of Twen.

  “Well, that worked.” I grin, but nudge them with my foot to be sure. When they don’t move, I crouch down and search their pockets.

  “What did you do?” Shiloh asks, her voice still slightly breathy.

  “Just some drugs, don’t worry, it will last all night—Aha!” I produce the skeleton keycard for the house from Vew and stand up, looking triumphantly at Shiloh.

  “Time to get our fuck on, go get dressed.” I laugh.

  She shakes her head, looking shy for a moment, before she shares a grin with me. “You really are crazy.” She turns and leaves as I head to my room.

  The golden, sparkly, backless number I stole is ready and waiting for me on my bed. I quickly shuck my clothes, including my bra and panties—I won’t need them tonight—and slip into the slinky material.

  It’s time to party, Harvest Girl style.



  A cool breeze brushes against my bare pussy, cooling the heat pooling there. My nipples peak against the thin fabric of my dress, hardening painfully as goosebumps crawl up my skin.

  But I fucking like it, it makes me feel alive.

  Pain has always been an aphrodisiac for me. I guess that’s just one of the reasons why Shiloh has always called me crazy.

  “Come on!” I call out to the girls, waving them towards the break in the fencing. My fingers turn white as I pull the metal away from the pole, the sheers I used to cut it hidden in the tall grass.


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