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by Hew Strachan

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  Harrison, Richard L., ‘Samsonov and the battle of Tannenberg, 1914, in Brian Bond (ed.), Fallen stars: eleven studies of twentieth-century military disasters (London, 1991).

  Hart, Basil H. Liddell, Reputations (London, 1930).

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  —— Foch; man of Orleans, 2 vols. (London, 1937; first published 1931).

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  Harvey, A. D., Collision of empires: Britain in three world wars, 1793–1945 (London, 1992).

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  Hatry, Gilbert, Renault: usine de guerre 1914–1918 (Paris, 1978).

  Hatton, P. H. S., ‘The Gambia, the Colonial Office, and the opening moves of the First World War’, Journal of African History, VII (1966), 123–31.

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  Haycock, Ronald, and Keith Neilson, Men, machines, and war (Waterloo, Ont., 1988).

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