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Blood Covenant

Page 37

by Michael Franzese

  In prison, Death Row is a horrible place. So are the cell blocks that house those inmates who have been condemned to spend the remainder of their natural lives in prison. I got a taste of both places during my incarceration. I spent twenty-nine months in isolation, eleven of those months on Murderers' Row in the Los Angeles County Jail. And I can tell you right now, in all sincerity, I would rather be put to death than to spend the rest of my life in either of those places.

  Still, I thank God that He allowed me to experience that hell on earth. It was a wake-up call, a smack in the face, a bullet to my soul. It made me think about the possibility of spending all of eternity in some cell block. I don't mind telling you that it scared me, and it scared me bad. It caused me to intensify my search for my true purpose in life. I opened my heart and soul and searched for the truth, and, as promised, God revealed Himself to me through the evidence presented in the Holy Bible and in all of creation. He then saved me from everlasting imprisonment as a condemned man on eternity's Death Row. I love God for that.

  I now believe with all of my heart and soul that Jesus Christ is our only hope for salvation, a belief based totally on the evidence, a belief that really narrows the gap between what we can see, hear, and touch, and what we need faith to believe is real. And I am so passionate in my belief that I needed to share it with you. If I could, I would be your personal guide on a trip through Death Row, in the hope that you, too, would hear God's wake-up call and believe. Please focus on where you will spend eternity. I don't want to see anyone condemned to eternity's "Death Row," a place far worse than the nightmarish federal prison in Marion, Illinois, where I feared to go when I was serving time. Hell is a place the Bible describes as a `fiery furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 13:41-42). What's worse is that it's forever; there are no possible paroles when it comes to being sentenced to life in the "eternal fire" of hell (Matthew 25:41).

  To those of you who are not yet believers, I wrote this book for you. I don't judge you or condemn you for your current beliefs. God tells us that no man has the right to judge what is in anoth- er's heart. Remember, I was one of you, and I assure you that I was no better person than anyone who has read this book-and probably a lot worse than most.

  I'm not attempting to impose my beliefs on you. In reality, they're not my beliefs; they're God's truths. Please do not be offended by my boldness in asking you to open your mind and heart to the evidence and to allow the one true God to reveal Himself to you. Embark on an honest, sincere search for the Savior, and, because He is faithful, He will reveal Himself to you. Then you, too, will be guaranteed your rightful place in eternity. I submit to you that there is nothing more important in this life than that decision.

  This was my hope in writing the book, and it is my hope for you today. It is my prayer for you always!


  The summer of 2001 will remain among the most memorable and rewarding times in my life. For five years, I had coached my son Michael's Little League baseball teams in the Los Angeles suburb of Encino. Encino offers parents and their kids one of the best Little League baseball programs in the country, if not the world. That particular year, I was selected by the league president Mark Rutter to manage the major league all-star team, which consisted of eleven- and twelve-year-olds. For three months, the boys and their parents were my extended family. I really came to love the entire group, and Cammy and I remain close friends with many of them today.

  Try as I did to be a normal, everyday suburban Little League dad, I couldn't keep my former mob affiliation out of the dugout. A reporter from the New York Times thought it pretty amazing that a former mob capo was coaching eleven- and twelve-year-old all-stars, so he decided to write a story about it. "From Captain to Coach: Ex-Goodfella's New Life" read the headline. Within a day of the story appearing in the sports section, Encino Little League officials were bombarded with requests from ESPN, HBO's Real Sports, and other media outlets wanting to cover the story for television. The headline on the front page of L.A.'s Dally News read, "Ballpark Hit."

  Then came movie requests and magazine articles. I couldn't believe the fuss being made over my coaching a youth baseball team. I had managed to keep a pretty low profile until then, and I became concerned that the League and the parents of my all-stars would not appreciate all the unnecessary attention I was bringing to their beautifully maintained diamonds. To my relief, everyone was terrific about it. The camera crews showed up, and parents and kids were interviewed, along with the league officials. The reporters even interviewed the umpires.

  "How do you feel about a former mob boss coaching your kids?" the parents were asked.

  "How does he conduct himself on the field?" the officials were asked.

  I can get pretty emotional when I think about the wonderful things all of these people had to say about me. Both Cammy and I love our Encino baseball friends, and the summer of 2001, along with the six great years we spent in the League, will always have a special place in our hearts.

  Why tell a Little League story in my Epilogue you might ask? For me, it's all about redemption, forgiveness, and a second chance in life. Once again, God blessed me with the opportunity to be out there on that diamond with those kids and their families. We have a tendency to take life's little pleasures for granted. It's understandable but actually quite foolish since none of us is guaranteed even the next breath of air. That reality became crystal clear to me as a mob soldier, and it should be abundantly clear to you. Being out on that field, among those young boys and girls, is an opportunity to glorify God through the manner in which I conduct myself. It's a reminder that, in everything we do, whether big or small, public or private, we have an opportunity to glorify the Savior just by being the people He wants us to be.

  So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the gloiy of God.

  (1 Corinthians 10:31)

  I suspect there are many people out there who are not convinced that I have been born again into a new life, born again a second time, this time into the light of the Savior. When I began writing this book, I was very hesitant to use the term "born-again" to describe my acceptance of the Christian faith. Many people hear the term and immediately roll their eyes, thinking, These born-again Christians are nothing but a bunch of Bible-toting, fanatical hypocrites. I don't consider myself to be among those ranks. I am anything but fanatical. I don't purposely expose my Bible for all to see, and please don't label me a hypocrite because I readily admit that I always have been and always will be a sinner. I am a Christian sinner, but a sinner nonetheless.

  That's no surprise to God. The Bible tells us that ever since Adam sinned in the Garden, man has a sinful nature, and all of us will sin, and sin again. He's been telling us that for six thousand years now. And nowhere in the Bible does it say that Christians become perfect and never sin again. So why should it surprise you when Christians sin? Every Christian is, by definition, born-again. In fact, the term "Christian" is of human origin, used to describe those who have accepted Christ. The calling to be "born-again" is of God. Jesus Himself told us that in order to be forgiven of our sins-past, present, and future-we must be "born-again" into a new life with Him, the Savior.

  Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

  (John 3:3)

  People, don't make the mistake of judging the perfect Creator by the sins of His imperfect creations.

  For all of you who do not believe that God can reach into the heart of a "family man," an organized career criminal, and reveal Himself in such a way that that man is made to believe in Him with all his heart and soul, have you ever searched for God? I mean really searched for God with a desire to find out who this almighty Being, this Creator of all mankind really is? If your answer is "no," why not? It's the most important matter in your life, hands down! I would lay odds that more than half the people who have known me throughout my lifetime believe I am either trying to con
someone (I don't know who or for what purpose), that Cammy somehow hypnotized me, or maybe that I have gone soft in the head. And the Lord only knows what my former mob associates believe happened to me.

  I have tried to explain what happened to me in the pages of this book. However, God needs no justification! He will reveal Himself to those who truly seek Him. It doesn't matter under what circumstances you open your heart to the Lord. Just do it! Your eternal life depends on it!

  The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made.

  (Psalm 145:13)

  It is my hope and prayer that, in reading this book, those members of my family who have not yet accepted Jesus as their personal Savior will immediately invite Him into their hearts. For a lifetime now, my father, mother, brother, and sisters have suffered the devastating side effects of the mob life. The mob is not just a business; it's a way of life that affects everyone it touches. That "backward thinking" that Dary Matera talked about in the Foreword has dominated the thought process of my family for as long as I can remember.

  I am both encouraged and grateful to God that my younger brother John appears to have defeated a lengthy battle with drug addiction. He has been clean for over a year now. He found his strength in Jesus, and I want to encourage him to stay in the Word and seek the Lord even further. He can become a true warrior for Christ, and I am confident that God will use him in a powerful way.

  For over twenty-five years, my mom has been a wife to an imprisoned husband. To say that her life has been difficult would be a gross understatement. She did her best to provide her children with something of a balanced family life, but, without God at the center of her life, it just never seemed to work. It's time, Mom-time to put all else aside and open your heart to Jesus. I guarantee that you will find the peace and happiness you have been lacking all these years in the arms of the Savior. Don't wait any longer.

  To this day, I love and respect my dad. I will be forever thankful to him for the way he treated me as a child. The man he is has had so much to do with the man I have become. My prayer is that he begins to realize that he will not be a "made man" in eternity. The legend of Sonny Franzese will not survive into the next life. The oath he took that bound him to the mob life for some fifty years will become a far heavier cross for him to bear in eternity than it has been for him in this life. You have a powerful testimony, Dad. You are one of the most dynamic men I have ever known. Please, open your heart, and discover what I have found in my life. Allow God to reveal Himself to you as He has to me. You are too intelligent to reject the evidence that proves beyond all doubt that Jesus is Lord and that the only way to eternal life is to open your heart to the truth that is Jesus Christ. You will be an even more powerful force in the army of God than you were in the army of destruction.

  My eldest daughter, Tina, is a lovely and talented young woman of whom I am very proud. We have struggled over the years to repair a father-daughter relationship that never had a chance to fully blossom. I can give a million reasons why this is so, but, in the end, they all lead back to me. I take full responsibility for that. I only hope you can look beyond all the difficult times you endured as a result of our separation and heed the advice Daddy is giving you now. Please, look past all the times I failed you as a dad and look toward the only Father who will never let you down, almighty God. I promise that if you open your heart to Him, He will bless you with a gentle spirit, a fresh perspective on life. I love you, honey, but nothing I can do for you can ever compare to what God will do if you let Him into your heart. You are in my prayers always!

  My prayer for my son John and daughter Maria is that they, too, will understand that Dad is deeply concerned with the condition of their lives when I ask them to allow Jesus into their hearts. I want you to allow God to do what I was never able to do-be with you constantly, through good times and bad. If you put your faith and hope in Christ, He will never let you down, either in this life or the next. I love you both, more than I can express in words or than I can show in deeds.

  Lastly, my prayer is for the friends and associates I had when we entered into the blood covenant that bound our lives to La Cosa Nostra. I ask that God will allow you to open your hearts to the truth so that you may be set free by the blood covenant the Almighty made possible through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of all mankind.

  And as for what the future has in store for me, well I'm just heading down the path that I believe God has laid out for me. I take one step at a time, one day at a time, and pray that the course I am taking is God's will for my life. I live each day to praise Him, and, hopefully, in doing so, I will please Him. I ask all of you to view my life as a testimony of God's infinite mercy and power and not as an accomplishment of my own doing. For He alone deserves the glory.

  Be blessed!


  From Cammy

  When Michael asked me to write something for this book, I was reluctant at first. I am normally less inclined than he is to speak out about what goes on in our personal lives-even when it concerns our faith. And so much has already been said about it. But he felt it important that I contribute my thoughts on what the Lord has done in his life, not as a testimony to him, but as an awesome testament of God's unlimited power to transform a life. In that context, I do feel it appropriate to share my thoughts.

  I believe the transformation Michael has made from the man he was to the man he is today is nothing short of a miracle. I watched the change take place, ever so slowly over the years. It was a real process. At times, I had my doubts-not about God's ability to change Michael, but rather about Michael's sincerity in wanting to change. For a while, I thought the influence of his former life was just too powerful for him to overcome. When I would see him slip and fall, I would remind him that God knew what was in his heart. I guess I never really quite understood the battle that was raging within his heart and soul as he struggled to allow God to take control of his life. It was very difficult for him. He had always been the one in control of his life. Or so he believed.

  At times, I lost patience with him. I even lost patience with God, as it seemed to take Him forever to answer my prayers concerning Michael. But He was answering my prayers all the while. God knew He had to break Michael to prepare him for what was to follow in his life. The Bible shows that God can never really use a man unless He first breaks that man's will. That was certainly true in my husband's case. I thank God for blessing me with a mother who never lost patience, neither with God, nor with Michael. She was confident that one day Michael would become a soldier in God's army and serve only one Master. I believe that it was largely through her faith and constant prayer that Michael has reached his current level of experience with God. God truly answered her prayers.

  Today, I am absolutely confident that Michael's faith is deeply rooted and strong. Of course, he is not perfect. None of us are. And my hope is that people will not expect too much of him, so that, if he stumbles or falls in his ministry, he will not be judged too harshly because of his past life. I know that he is sincere in his desire to rightfully give God the glory for his amazing transformation. He is a wonderful father, and he has been an amazing husband. I am blessed and honored to be his wife. I will support him forever in his efforts to glorify God in whatever way the Lord has planned-until death do us part.

  My dad has been a true warrior in his own right. For as long as I can remember, he has always been a champion for the rights of those whom he feels are his people, especially the children. Sometimes, I questioned his methods, but never his motivation. He really cares about people. As a child, I can remember him opening his arms (and our home) to any neighborhood people who were in need, no matter what it was. We didn't have much, but whatever we had, he would give it. You have a good heart, Dad. It would make a great home for Jesus. It's time for you to let Him in. He's waiting. It's what I want. It's what all your children want. It's what Mom prayed so hard for, for so long. Our prayers were answered with Michael,
and now it's your turn. Let God in, and I assure you, our family will be reunited again for all eternity. It's God's promise!

  My mother's prayers took root in a little brick building in Anaheim that is now the home of Agape House of Prayer. I am so grateful to my brothers-Dean, Joaquin, and Che-for devoting their lives to Jesus and helping him answer Mom's prayers for all of them. I am so proud of you guys and the wonderful work you are doing for the glory of God. I would never have believed that you would put more effort into praising God in that church than you all did trying to score touchdowns, run track, or hit threepoint shots. But I am seeing it with my own eyes, and I am just amazed at the power Jesus has to change lives.

  First Michael and now all of you guys. I feel so blessed to be the big sister to all of you. You keep building that church and expanding your ministry, and someday God will allow you to fulfill Mom's prayer of seeing a million people saved. Michael and I are with you all the way.

  There's a void in my heart for someone I love so very much-my brother Cuauhtemoc, who seems to be fumbling a bit, trying to find his way. He was always independent, never a burden to anyone. He's really a very kind soul. I miss you, brother. Even though you're around, you're still not here with us, and we all miss you. My prayer for you is that you, too, will open your heart and let Jesus in. Dad's knocking at the door, Themo. Please be the next to knock, and Jesus will be there to answer. Then we can all be together with Mom for all eternity in the presence of God.

  It took the passing of my beloved mother to make me realize just how much of a blessing my sisters Sabrina and Raquel are to me. You are both so close to my heart. I pray so hard for God to heal your broken hearts, to take the pain away. I know the hurt is unbearable at times, but we have to be strong, press on, and continue the work Mom was so passionate about. She left us with each other and all the wonderful memories of our times with her. Let's never forget the lessons she taught us, the strength she gave us. We are Irma Garcia's daughters, and we must continue the wonderful legacy of our godly mother. Let's seek comfort in knowing that we all are a part of that beautiful woman and that we have each other. I promise that I will always be there for you in any way I can. I love you both with all my heart.


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