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His Dark Embrace

Page 23

by Verika Sloane

  For the first time, Tanaka’s eyes squinted briefly, as though suspicious that Shain knew something he didn’t. “What do you know?”

  Shain internally froze. What did he mean? “I know math. The numbers say that we will not live forever. Much as we cling to that, it isn’t true. More than ever before, we have fewer elders in this realm. Most are electing to ascend. Why is that?”

  Tanaka shrugged, got up, and helped himself to another whiskey, carefully dropping an ice sphere in a fresh glass. “This modern world isn’t for all of those who are used to the old and prefer it. As dark as those times were, this one can be much more shocking in its lack of mystery. Lack of art. Refinement. Reason. Romance.” He shook his head, pouring the whiskey generously. “Witches complain that even the most vigorous magick has a hard time penetrating the energy around us. As much as the humans love to declare that history repeats itself, hardly anything looks like the past these days, other than their own behaviors.”

  Exactly. “To be direct,” said Shain, “I want your alliance because I want in, so I can open the doors for others. For those who think progressively. Who want to stand ahead of the times, instead of behind them, or falling with them. One or two of us coming into the fold every century isn’t going to cut it. I’m not saying we flood the gates; I say we start making a single line.”

  Tanaka displayed no impression that he agreed or disagreed. Just turned his body halfway to Shain for a second before setting the decanter down.

  It was exciting to talk to someone at Tanaka’s level, who was open to hearing him out.

  Shain joined him at the bar, touching his finger under the edge to activate a temperature-controlled drawer to open. Laying in a bed of velvet was an ornate glass perfume bottle and top, resembling a small dagger, filled with a special concoction that would enhance the liquor.

  “Speaking of magick.” With a quirk of his brow, Shain held up the bottle, allowing the light to capture the prisms that danced before Tanaka’s appreciative gaze. “And to the past.”

  “What is it?” the elite pürblood murmured.

  “A sorcerer made one singular batch a long time ago. I was fortunate enough to get a portion of it.” He gingerly pulled the top and allowed a drop of the liquid to hang on the tip to show the tiny lightning swirls within, before it fell back into the container. “You simply think of a moment in time—preferably one you want to remember in vivid detail—put a drop of this in a drink of your choice, and you’ll experience it, as if it just happened. No side effects. But there is a caveat: You can only relive it once.”

  The awe on Tanaka’s face told Shain there was already a memory he had in mind. There were maybe thirty-something drops left, and for someone who could live for hundreds of years, it could be enjoyed only sparingly.

  “I’ve heard of this,” Tanaka breathed. “And you’re offering it to me?”

  Shain twisted his mouth. “One drop, yes.”

  “Absurdly generous. You’d sacrifice a memory of yours for mine.”

  “As trite as it sounds, one of the many things I’ve learned about acquiring rare and fine things is that sharing them is more of a reward than hoarding them.”

  Shain found a miniature vial and squeezed a drop in, capped it, and handed it to Rhyuu before he tucked the bottle back in its place.

  “Thank you, Trevyn. I’ll save this for my long flight home.” He raised his glass. “And I have an inkling that whatever you’re sharing with me tomorrow will have equal value to you.”

  More so. Once Kimber was gone from his life, he didn’t know what moments he’d choose to experience again, and sensed there’d be even more to agonize over in the days to come.

  His throat closing at the inevitable loss of her, he cleared it, and closed the drawer, murmuring, “Yes. Exceptional value.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It was a beautiful night to die.

  Kimber hesitated for only a second as the chauffeur swept open the door of the Rolls Royce for her.

  Oh God, you’re starting to think like a vampire.

  Nya barked her agreement.

  She picked up the hem of her satin evening gown and got in. She’d had hours, days to think about what she was doing, and now she was at the point of overthinking it.

  Stefan had said so, even while he only had the non-UA details. He thought she was dressing up in a designer gown to meet Shain for their first night of their romantic weekend together.

  She was.

  But also, to meet Mr. Tanaka…to lead him to think Shain had a shiya at his service, something that had to be rare and different in and of itself. To have Kimber offer her blood to him, willingly.

  That too.

  And so she could experience a vampire’s bite, something she was sure no other shifter had ever asked for. Secretly, she wanted to prove a shiya’s courage to another vampire, an old, elite one at that. Courage she drew from love, not fear.

  Oh yes, she was dressed up for more than what Stefan imagined.

  Her friend had enthusiastically helped her with everything. The shopping. The hair. The makeup. The accessories. Without him, she would’ve been hopelessly overwhelmed. It wasn’t until she and Stefan had arrived for their appointment—with the personal shopper Shain had arranged—did the woman inform them Kimber had no spending limit.

  She wasn’t comfortable getting more than what she needed, but Stefan had been very comfortable, and insisted she get shoes, earrings, handbags, lingerie, and other “essentials.”

  When the sum had been tallied, she’d choked on her own air.

  And Stefan had stepped on her foot. “Shush. From what you told me, he won’t bat an eye. I bet one of his suits costs more than all of this combined.”

  He was probably right, but still.

  It took over two hours for Stefan to be satisfied with her makeup and hair, and two hours for her to drive to the villa where a chauffeur waited to bring her to yet another location. She barely had a moment to take in the luxury estate where they were spending the next three nights before she was whisked away.

  She stared out the rear window until it was out of sight.

  They had the entire place to themselves? Even in the dark, the villa was beyond anything she’d ever stayed in before.

  “Are you cool enough back there, Miss?” the chauffeur asked.

  “I am. Thank you.” No matter how much A/C blew on her skin, anxiety kept her body heat at high.

  “I’m sorry, I almost forgot. This is for you. From Mr. Trevyn.” A piece of paper between his fingers appeared over the back of the seat.

  She reached for the note. “Thank you.”

  Kimber drew in a breath and relaxed, a smile touching her lips, Shain’s words touching her heart.

  Nothing will happen that you do not approve of. Please be assured that you are in total control, Kimber.

  You have only to say the word.

  Tonight. Tomorrow. Through the weekend.

  I am yours.

  She’s here.

  Shain could feel Kimber’s proximity like a gust of sweet wind before a vigorous storm.

  The moment the Rolls turned in, alarming emotions detonated one by one, and he was too overwhelmed to move.




  In that instant, he didn’t care what introducing her to Tanaka would do, even if it guaranteed him a lifetime of privilege. He wasn’t having it.

  Livid at his own blind selfishness now just coming to view, Shain strode out to the circular driveway as the chauffeur offered his hand to Kimber to help her from the car.

  His heart stopped when she climbed out, her floral perfume dancing to his nose.

  She stunned him speechless, wearing a fitted, floor-length gown in the color of champagne, one thick strap dramatically cutting across her chest from left to right, leaving a long drape of flowy fabric hanging in the back. Her blonde hair had been cut a few inches and set in loose waves, one side gathered with a rhin
estone clip. Her lips were a deep shade of red, her eyes touched with mascara and modest eyeliner.

  A flawless, vintage look, like a movie starlet from the 1940s.

  Only better.

  Shain didn’t know whether to bend the knee or say a prayer.

  With a hard swallow, he thanked the driver and took Kimber’s hand, finding his own shaking.

  The way she looked up at him, searching for his assurance or his opinion, made him feel even more inadequate.

  And it must’ve shown.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  He brushed his lips across her knuckles. “I’ve changed my mind.”

  “What? Why?” She stepped back and pinched the fabric, her other hand out as she looked down and checked herself. “It’s Chanel. I thought vampires appreciated fashion like art. Stefan picked it out. Am I trying too hard?”

  “A goddess never needs to try.”

  She looked up with relief. “So you do like it.”

  I like it so much I want to rip it off and make good, hard love to you on the hood of this Rolls. He reigned in his lustful honesty. “Words can’t describe how luminous you look.”

  “A vampire at a loss for words? What a phenomenon,” she teased. She sucked in a breath and pressed a hand to her stomach. “I’m wearing a corset underneath this. Stefan said it would help the effect of the dress. I hope I’m not expected to have a meal, just to be the meal.”

  He couldn’t take it. Her loveliness, her sweet humor about, well, her sacrifice. “I still can’t allow this. I don’t know why I even entertained it.” He made a motion for the driver to wait. “I’ll tell Tanaka there’s been a change of plan. You’re going back to the villa.”

  “What! No.” She held up a hand to the driver, who stopped like she was a queen in command. “What brought this on? Do you think I’m not going to be enough?”

  “Not enough? By the gods, you’re too much. You’re perfection. It was different when we only spoke of it, but now that you’re here, I’m asking myself what kind of man I am to agree to this.”

  “I don’t understand. This was my idea—”

  He raked a fast hand through his hair. “I’m using you, Kimber. And I hate it. Only a deviant would allow you to be put on the proverbial silver dish for his own ends. I’ve done a lot of despicable things in my life, but this ranks sickeningly low.”

  The look she gave him was one of an adult chastising an overreacting child. “You’re not using me. I want to do this for you. If this works, all your dreams will come true.”

  “It’s not worth the cost of subjecting you to this. Having him feed from you could traumatize you for life. I’ll think of something else.”

  She hardened her stance when he tried to guide her back to the car. “No. It’s too late. You’re being dramatic. I don’t know why you’re against this suddenly. If my mind is made up, then so should yours be. It took me two hours to get ready and two hours to get here. If all it takes for Tanaka to accept you is some of my blood, then I think the end justifies the means.”

  Just look at her. Her strength. He drew in a little of her potent sensa because, damn, he could use it. By the gods, she takes my breath away. “Aren’t you nervous? Or even a little scared?”

  “Of course, I’m nervous.” She took his hand in hers. “But you’re here, and I trust you. You won’t let anything bad happen.”

  Just the briefest thought of anyone hurting her and murderous actions came to mind. “I don’t think I can bear to watch him put his teeth into you.”

  “If I can, you can.”

  He sighed. “Kimber, no. You—” Mean too much to me, he almost blurted, then uttered instead, “You could seriously regret it.”

  “Your concern is noted, but my regrets are my own. Besides, it’s just blood.”

  Maybe he was just jealous. “Your blood.”

  She rested a hand on his face. “Has it crossed your mind at all that I’m looking forward to this?”

  Shain sighed and kissed her palm. “How can you possibly?”

  Kimber turned her gaze to the entrance doors. “I’m about to meet one of the oldest living vampires. Someone you admire. In a gown worth more than my first car, in a gothic manor I’m sure no shiya has ever walked into, or will after me.” She met his gaze with a slight sadness. “In less than two months, I’ll be going back to Tavish, back to my quiet house, back to my ordinary life. A night like this? I’ll never have it again. Only the memory.”

  A rush pushed at him to tell her she could have anything she desired. But that wasn’t true, and he couldn’t make such promises. After September, he could give her nothing but a goodbye. He rubbed his palms up and down her arms. “If you’re absolutely sure you want to go through with this…”

  She smiled up at him. “By your gods, I’m sure.”

  Once in the foyer, Shain told her to wait just outside the double doors of the formal living room, while he went in first to speak to his guest. With one lingering look into her eyes to make sure she remained resolute, he pulled the doors closed.

  Tanaka turned to him, hands clasped behind his back. “Trevyn.”

  “She’s ready. And I have a few conditions.” It wasn’t meant to come out as resentful as he heard it.

  The man raised a brow. “Ah.”

  “First. At any point, if you’re offended or insulted, you speak to me and me alone, in private. Second, whatever she says, goes, and if she consents, you can only take from the wrist. And finally, I want to emphasize the discretion.”

  “All reasonable conditions.”

  Damn. He was almost hoping Tanaka would dismiss this as unworthy of his time. “Very well.”

  Shain inhaled deep and exhaled slowly. Well. We’ll see.

  Tanaka could be upset by a shiya’s presence. Or shiya blood might not meet the challenge at all; perhaps he had the resources to have one sent to him all the time. Or, if neither were an issue, Tanaka could just get greedy once he tasted her.

  The volcano erupting in Shain’s belly roared with fire.

  In that case, he was prepared to do what he must to protect her.

  Kimber was taking new experiences to an unbelievable level.

  As she waited, two men dressed in tuxedos stood like Marines on either side of the double black doors. Neither made eye contact nor moved. Were they even real?

  Was this night real?

  If she could’ve eaten anything beforehand, chances would’ve been high she’d be throwing it up by now. Excitement hummed in her blood, replacing the standard anxiety one would expect to feel before a new experience.

  Even so, there was a disconnection, like she was outside herself, watching from afar, driven by a bold fearlessness born out of a desire to help Shain.

  Was she braver than most shiyas? Yes and no.

  Bravery and stupidity were divided by a fine line. What she was about to do was only brave on the level that she was doing it willingly, even happily, so she could secretly distinguish herself even more among her kind. And it wasn’t brave because, if other shiyas were in her exact place from the beginning, and felt what she felt for Shain, they would do the same.

  Beyond the double doors, Kimber heard Shain speak with low, clipped words.

  Then there was a distinct sound of fingers snapping once.

  The flanking doormen bowed like she was royalty as they opened the doors in unison. She was determined to make Shain proud. Before the doors revealed her, she adopted a blasé expression and a regal posture, as though this Tanaka was the lucky one to be graced with her presence.

  The doors opened to reveal an intimidatingly dark room hued in red, with most of the light coming from the massive fireplace Shain and his guest were standing in front of. The ceiling was draped in red tapestries with a black chandelier dangling from the center. Black tufted sofas faced each other with a square center table, also black, so glossy it reflected the firelight like a mirror.

  Kimber blinked. Even with all the black, it was as if all s
he could see was red.

  Shain and Mr. Tanaka stood next to each other in identical stances, hands in pockets, expressions neutral. With them in front of the fireplace, they struck her as a pair of well-dressed demons standing before the infernal fire of hell itself.

  For a moment, neither spoke nor moved, before Tanaka slowly sent a glance to Shain, mouth parting.

  She’d expected him to look older, even though she knew vampires stopped aging young. Because of how Shain had expanded on Tanaka’s wealth and social standing, she imagined a shrewd old man, not the attractive one coming with genuine warmth in his dark eyes, a red rose pinned to his suit jacket.

  “Trevyn.” He then made a comment in Japanese, but though he seemed to understand the language, Shain didn’t reply. Tanaka was kind enough to interpret for her. “I said to him, you did not tell me she would be so beautiful.”

  Shain had yet to take his eyes off her. “I would own nothing less for my standards.”


  Kimber inwardly flinched, then reminded herself Shain warned her he would have to more or less treat her like property, a pet, in order to thwart Tanaka’s observations that their relationship was more than an arrangement. And so, she would have to keep her attention off Shain as much as possible, to prevent from giving away her true feelings. He could do it, by all appearances, but she didn’t trust her own acting skills.

  When Mr. Tanaka stopped a few feet away, Kimber turned toward him and bowed, as Shain had taught her.

  The elder vampire bowed, too. “I am Rhyuu Tanaka.”

  He still didn’t know she was a shiya. And he wouldn’t, until he was close enough to smell her shifter skin. Would he freak out? Recoil? Be disgusted or outraged? A breathtaking fluttering in her stomach began, and her composure partially slipped.

  He swept an elegant hand to a chair. “Please.”

  As gracefully as she was capable, she moved to the chair positioned at the head of the black coffee table. Shain and Tanaka each claimed a sofa, facing one another.

  It didn’t pass her notice that Tanaka gave him a look conveying slight disappointment, as if he couldn’t tell what made her unique in the least. Beauty didn’t stand out among a group where everyone looked young, fit, and in their prime.


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