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Dark Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac Book 1)

Page 4

by Caroline Peckham

  She bared her fangs and I almost wouldn’t have minded her having a bite just so I could feel how soft those lips were. But it wasn’t worth my reputation. A Vampire needed to suck on people’s magic to restore their reserves, but the chances of me becoming anyone’s Source was laughable. There wasn’t a Vampire in this school who could overpower me to get their fangs into my neck, this one included.

  I stepped back, trying not to be rattled by her snarky comment. She wanted me. She had to. It was what girls did. They walked into rooms and wanted me. It was practically a law of nature. I was nearly six and a half foot of stacked muscle with skin the colour of honey and eyes that fucked you before you were even undressed. Who wouldn’t want that?

  Gabriel released a breath of laughter and I turned to glare at him. His wings flexed out, making him look even bigger and as his muscles firmed, the dark ink on his skin seemed to ripple across his body. Double Elemental bastardo.

  “I’m Laini.” She spoke to the new girl who I realised I hadn’t gotten a name out of yet.

  “Elise,” she replied and that name caressed my ear like a hot, wanton lick.

  Laini crawled out from the shadows of her bunk again, revealing all four foot of her. Alright, five, but she was still a short ass. Everything about her was lithe and dark. Her hair was cropped short and gave her a warrior look that contrasted with her pathetic height. Her limbs were toned and her face was the sort of pretty that had made me chase her for three weeks straight when she’d been put in my dorm at the start of the year. But fortune hadn’t been on my side. Laini was straight up into girls and though I’d promised her one night with me would change her mind, she’d told me that was offensive as shit (I still stood by it). She was older, a Junior. And apparently her last roommates had pissed her off enough to demand a room change. I sometimes wondered if she regretted that move, but then I remembered I didn’t give a shit.

  A couple of books tumbled out of Laini’s nest and I rolled my eyes. Girl was a Sphinx through and through. Reading restored their magic reserves, but that didn’t mean she had to do it non-stop. She loved a book more than she loved sex. And I knew that for a fact because I’d witnessed her callously turn down one of the hottest girls in school in favour of burying her nose in some dull Numerology book. Which was entirely selfish because I totally could have watched.

  “And what’s your name?” Elise addressed Gabriel, but he’d checked out again, looking at the wall beyond her head. The guy had the gift of The Sight, receiving glimpses of the future, past and present. But I knew he just used it as an excuse to ignore other people when he didn’t fancy talking. And he rarely fancied talking. So I wondered if he’d decided to ignore Elise or if he really was mid-vision right now. He never showed interest in girls beyond jerking his head once when he was horny and then they came running. It didn’t seem like Elise was the sort of girl who could be beckoned, but I was still gonna lock her down before Gabriel decided to take more of an interest in her.

  “That’s Gabriel,” I answered for him. “He thinks a lot. But stop pretending you care, I know you’re waiting for my name.”

  “Nope.” Elise shrugged, flopping down on the bed and flexing her hips as she got comfortable. I ran my tongue across my teeth, a dangerous energy rising in my veins.

  “Dante,” I growled. “You know, like the guy who walked through the nine rings of hell.”

  “Doesn’t ring a bell,” she said lightly, taking her Atlas from the welcome pack waiting on her bed. The school tablet wasn’t top of the range, but it was good enough to message anyone you liked and I suppose it also had a bunch of school shit like timetables and horoscopes that were useful enough too.

  I waited for her to pay me attention again, but she didn’t and anger crashed through my chest like thunder. “Let me give you the synopsis then. Dante Oscura, great great grandson of the founding member of the Oscura Clan which runs half of Alestria.”

  “Oh, that Dante.” Elise snorted and I snatched her Atlas from her hand, my Dragon side dangerously close to bursting free. And if I let it, I’d rip a hole in this entire wing of the academy. The principal would make me work off that debt by spending the rest of the year in detention.

  “Listen, vampira,” I snarled. “There’s two sides in this school, Oscura Clan or Lunar Brotherhood.” I spat on the floor to get the taste of that name out of my mouth. “You’re either with us or with them.”

  “Or you can be your own person,” Gabriel chipped in as he mentally came back to the room.

  “Chatty today, aren’t we?” I said through my teeth. “Funny how you only hear the things that interest you, isn’t Gabriel?”

  “Why would I take an interest in things that don't interest me? That’s fucking moronic.” He turned away to ponder on that and I snapped back to face my prey. Who was...gone. What?

  I searched around, turning left and right. Laini giggled as she leaned back against her and Gabriel’s bunk.

  “Where?” I demanded and Laini pointed.

  Fury burned a path through my chest as I slowly turned, gazing down to where Elise was stretched out on my bunk, rolling her neck from side to side.

  “Your mattress is way more comfy,” she sighed contentedly. “What have I gotta do to swap?”

  “I’m not swapping. Get up or I’ll make you.” I leaned down into the low space and she bit into her lip, her eyelashes fluttering, her hips wriggling. I found myself disarmed, watching this little creature toying with me, asking me to play her game.

  My anger fell away. “Well, carina, there’s a few things you can do for me. Most of them only need your mouth.” I smirked and the mischief in her eyes fled into the darkness. She wasn’t going to be an easy lay, but she was definitely going to be a worthwhile one.

  “Move,” I said flatly, but she didn’t. “Fine.” I dropped down beside her, forcing my way up into her space so she had to press herself against me. “I wouldn’t sleep there though,” I warned. “You’re in the direct firing line of my morning glory. So if you do stay there, that’s on you.”

  She huffed, sitting up to get out and waiting for me to move.

  “Oh no, carina, I don’t move for anyone.”

  She ran her tongue across her fangs in warning. “Perhaps I’ll stop for a drink on the way.”

  “Perhaps my hands will slide up your skirt on the way,” I countered and she pouted.

  “No drinking.” She held out her pinkie and I snared it with mine.

  “No ass grabbing,” I confirmed and she smirked, throwing her long leg over me and shimmying across to get out.

  When she was gone, I tugged the sheet back into place to gain privacy then cupped one hand behind the back of my head and stuffed the other into my pants. If Elise thought top bunk was bad now, she wasn’t going to enjoy the ride when I brought a girl back to bed. But right now, the only one I wanted in it was her.

  Eighteen Months before the Solarid Meteor Shower...

  I did another sweep of the strip club, grabbing empty glasses and taking requests for private dances by grabbing the golden cards the patrons left out.

  I cast an eye over the requests, a little part of me relieved that no one had asked for my mom, another part concerned because that meant less tips. She’d been quiet all week and the grocery shopping had been forgotten. Luckily, I’d snagged a few tips myself this week so I’d kept them back when handing over my pay packet to her and bought enough food for us to get by.

  Ella would have to come by the club tonight for dinner though. Old Sal was always generous enough with meals for my sister and I even if she didn’t offer up much else in the way of charity.

  Every other Thursday, The Sparkling Uranus ran a ladies night and Sal had offered me triple pay to get up on the stage. I’d been avoiding it all summer but maybe I’d have to cave. If Mom couldn’t even afford to put meals on the table then I’d need to up my input.

  I hooked another empty glass from a table and the guy there reached out to me, brushing his hand across
my ass.

  “How much for an hour of your time?” he asked in a gruff voice, his other hand shifting to rearrange his junk beneath his potbelly as his eyes swept over my body hungrily.

  I’d been getting more of these advances this summer than ever before and I’d learned how to brush them off without causing offence. It wasn’t that surprising; a year at Aurora Academy with three square meals a day and the hours I spent at Pitball training coupled with a growth spurt had made a big difference to my appearance. I was over six foot now and my frame had filled out with muscle, not to mention the fact that people were always drawn to Pegasuses.

  I offered the guy a lazy smile, letting my skin glitter a little like I was flattered despite the food he had caught in his teeth. “I’m afraid I’m not on the menu,” I said, brushing a hand over his and subtly shifting it off of my body, hiding a shudder of disgust. “But if I’m your type then I can find Clark for you, he’d be more than willing to meet your desires and he’d be a lot better at it than me too.”

  The guy pouted, shifting his hand beneath his waistband as he licked his lips. “Okay then,” he agreed, a little disappointed. But if I was gonna start pimping myself out it wouldn’t be to some middle aged, unwashed asshole who pooled his spare change for a blowjob once a month.

  I shifted through the crowd, which was fairly thin as it was a Wednesday and still early, then slipped behind the bar.

  I kept going through the back to put the glasses in the washer and paused as Mom’s voice caught my ear.

  “Just a little longer,” she begged. “I thought it was a sure thing, I didn’t imagine for a moment that he’d fall at the last hurdle. If you just give me a little longer, I can-”

  “The debt is up to seventeen thousand auras,” Old Sal replied in a cold tone and I inhaled sharply. I knew Mom had been gambling again but I had no idea she’d let it get out of hand like that. How the hell was she supposed to clear a debt that big? “And let’s face it Tanya, you’re not making as much as you used to. You may still be beautiful but you’re getting old. And you’ve done more than a few rounds of all the punters. You don’t earn the tips you used to; you don’t satisfy the big crowds in the same way-”

  I left the tray of glasses on the counter and headed into the corridor towards Sal’s office so I could eavesdrop more effectively.

  “I can change up my routines,” Mom begged.

  “Perhaps we can come up with some other way to settle your debts,” Sal said thoughtfully.

  “Anything,” Mom breathed and I stepped closer to Sal’s office door with a knot in my gut. It was ajar and a tip of my head let me see my mom’s back, her long blonde hair trailing down her spine over the bunny outfit she wore.

  Sal let out a breath. “What we need around here is new talent...” she said slowly.

  “But I-” Mom began, though she didn’t get a chance to continue.

  “Elise is about to turn eighteen, isn’t she?” Old Sal asked curiously and my heart lurched. It was one thing to watch my mom earn a living like this, but there was no way in hell I’d be letting my little sister live this life.

  “Elise?” Mom squeaked. “She’s just about to start high school. Her powers will be Awakened next week and then she’ll need to focus on her studies and-”

  “Elise is growing into a beautiful woman,” Sal interrupted. “She’s really filling out and there’s an allure to her which is drawing attention whenever she comes here. I’ve had more than a few patrons ask about her even when she’s dressed in baggy T-shirts and sweatpants. Imagine what they’d say if she was in costume.”

  “I...I’m not sure she’d want to do this kind of work,” Mom protested weakly but I was beginning to get the impression she was considering it and my jaw clenched tightly at the thought.

  Ella and I had made a promise to each other a long time ago. We weren’t going to live this life. We were going to do better and get out of this shit hole. I’d sooner sell my own horn than let Old Sal put my little sister up on that stage. This kind of life didn’t let go once it got its claws into you. I only had to look at our mom to know that. There was no laughter in her anymore. No spark in her eye. And stripping led to private dances which led to whoring which I absolutely refused to consider for my sister. Ella was better than this place. Better than this life. And I’d do whatever the hell it took to save her from it.

  “Why don’t we put it to her?” Sal asked slowly and I could feel the pull of her Siren gifts as she pushed them at our mom. She was lacing her voice with warmth and making Mom want to trust her through her emotional sway. Usually she reserved her powers for pumping lust into the patrons. Using them like this must have meant she really wanted Ella. This wasn’t some plan she’d just come up with. She’d had her eye on my little sister for a while. Anger licked down my spine at the thought. “Surely Elise would want to help clear your debt? One year working for me and I’d call it quits. She could just dance on Friday and Saturday nights at first, no need to interrupt her studies. We can keep her to the stage too. No lap dancing - at least not until her birthday...”

  The stretch of silence that followed went on too damn long. Where was the outright refusal that should have been bursting from Mom’s lips? The fact that it was missing made a tremor of fear run through me. I was heading back to the academy next week to start my Sophomore year and I sure as hell wasn't leaving my sister here with this threat hanging over her. Mom still hadn’t spoken and I decided that was my cue to interrupt.

  I pushed the office door open and it banged against the wall, making Mom flinch as she looked around at me guiltily.

  “My sister isn’t going to be working here,” I snarled.

  Petri got to his feet from the chair he’d been occupying in the corner. Old Sal’s right hand man and head bouncer was three hundred pounds of muscle and he was so goddamn hairy it almost seemed like he was in his Order form at all times. He was a Minotaur and had a temper which was frayed on a good day, fucking volcanic on a bad. I ignored him, though it was pretty hard to do as he took up half the small room, but my gaze locked on Sal.

  The old Siren leaned back on her worn leather chair, puffing slowly on a cigarette as she looked me over. She was small, her back a little hunched and the white hair atop her head coiled into a bun. Sal surveyed me over the rim of her red glasses, taking another long drag as the scent of smoke enveloped me.

  “Your momma owes me a debt, boy,” she said slowly. “And I’ve always been good to your family. But I won’t be left out of pocket.”

  “I’ll pay the damn debt,” I said forcefully. “I just need a bit of time to get the money together.”

  “It’s a lot of money,” Sal said. “And as tempting as you are, boys don’t sell for as much as the girls do.”

  “I’m not offering to whore myself out,” I growled. “But I go to school with some of the richest fuckers in this district. I’ll get you your money and then some.”

  Sal took another long drag on her cigarette, the cherry glowing brightly as she considered my offer. “The debt is seventeen thousand auras. I’ll let you pay it in monthly instalments. Two thousand a month. Every month. For a year.”

  “That’s twenty four thousand,” I hissed.

  “Interest,” Sal said with a shrug. “It’s the only deal I’m offering aside from having your sister come work for me.”

  Mom was looking at me with wide eyes, hoping I was about to save her. I loved that woman, but I really wished she’d grow some damn balls sometimes. Her whole life she’d let people walk all over her. My father, Ella’s father, Old Sal and countless punters in between. She was always waiting for a knight in shining armour when she should have been strapping on her own chainmail. But that wasn’t going to change and I wouldn’t let Elise pay the price for it either.

  “Fine,” I ground out.

  “You miss a payment and your sister will be on stage that very night,” Sal added.

  “I’m sure I’ll be able to help train her up in how to satis
fy the clientele,” Petri added with a chuckle and I was struck with the urge to punch his damn face until his big nose was flattened into nothing.

  “I won’t miss a payment,” I snapped. I had no fucking idea how I’d get that money, but I’d do it. Whatever it took. I wouldn’t let these assholes break my little angel’s wings.

  “Better make it binding then.” Sal stood and offered me a gnarled hand.

  I didn’t hesitate. I strode straight past my mother who whimpered pitifully as I slapped my palm into Sal’s.

  Magic flared as the deal was struck and I was bound to the terms we’d agreed.

  I’d bought Elise’s freedom.

  Now I just had to figure out how the hell I was going to pay for it.

  As if sleeping in a room with two guys who I had good reason to believe might be murderers wasn’t enough to put me on edge, I was definitely, one hundred percent late for my very first class.

  I’d walked up and down the corridors of Altair Halls (the building Leon had wandered through with me yesterday) but I still couldn’t find it. The best fucking bannister in the school for sliding down? Oh yeah I knew that bitch well, me and her went back six dashes up and down the stairs with my Vampire speed but room twelve-oh-one? No, that asshole wasn’t here.

  Fucking Lion Shifter.

  The next time I ran into Leon Night I’d be giving him a tour of my fist.

  With a groan of frustration, I fell to a halt in the near empty corridor and took a steadying breath, closing my eyes as I focused on my enhanced sense of hearing. I scoured through meaningless conversations, an argument about a Manticore eating someone’s lipstick, a girl freaking out because she’d bought the wrong brand of tampons and finally an overly peppy voice. “Good morning Professor Titan!”


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