Third Don: Ardulum, #3
Page 34
NEEK - Neek System
The Neek are bipeds with similar stature and skin tone to Terrans. Unlike the Terrans, the Neek almost uniformly have red-hued hair, and none are capable of growing facial hair. Officially, there is one species of Neek; however, original Risalian survey data indicate the potential for either a second species, or a subspecies, that lacks melanin entirely. Dominant-species Neek have eight fingers per hand, with soft-keratin nails. They secret empathic mucus from their fingertips and, when under stress, from all of their sweat glands. The Neek have a trinary gender system (female, male, and gatoi). Only two genders are required for reproduction, but the inclusion of a third gender increases fitness in the offspring.
OORIN - Callis System
The Oori are methane-based, phase-shifting organisms with a complicated biology. Little is understood about their physiology or reproduction. Outside of their native ecosystems, the Oori can be distinguished by the small cubes somewhere on their person that act as both an air filter and a translator, as their semi-viscous nature makes forming the sounds of Common difficult.
RISAL - Risalian System
The Risalians are a bipedal, agender species. While their skin tones are melanin-based, the unique density of their skin refracts light in such a way that the dark, high-molecular weight pigment appears as varying shades of blue. Most Risalians have dark hair and have an amphibious—instead of the more usual mammalian—evolutionary history. Breathing occurs through gill slits in the sides of the neck, although vestigial, mammalian-style noses are also present. Reproduction is accomplished through asexual budding. Of interesting note: Risalians are seldom seen without a secondary, companion species. While this species has no official name, they are also bipedal and appear to be reliant on the Risalians for care and direction.
Noteworthy Members of the Alliance
ARDULUM - Yoshin System
During its time in the Alliance, the Ardulan planet revolved around Yoshin as a large moon. The Ardulan people are bipeds with melanin-based skin and are very similar to the Yishin and Keft in general appearance. They lack the heavier body hair of the Yishin and have a thinner keratin nail on their fingers (five per hand). Also, Ardulan skin is quite thin, to the point of near translucence. While Ardulans have empathic mucus glands, no production of the mucus has ever been reported. Ardulans have three genders (female, male, and gatoi); all three are used for reproduction, although only two are necessary.
CRODEQUE - Crodeque System
The Quinns of Crodeque are not the dominant sentient species of their system, but are the only species willing to engage with the Alliance. All Quinns are gelatinous zooplankton, with a wide range of colors and forms. Most are fluid in their presentation and gender. There are forty-seven known genders within the Quinn, but only one Quinn is necessary for reproduction (although any number and combination is viable).
GGLLOT - Ggyynii System
The dominant sentient species of Ggllot are the Mmnnuggls. Mmnnuggls’ bodies are always perfectly spherical exoskeletons with cartilaginous ears (usually two) appearing equidistant from one another. The casing of the exoskeleton has purple anthocyanin-based tones and can range from true purple and lilac to near black, depending upon the mood of the Mmnnuggl. A given Mmnnuggl usually presents in one of four genders (primary female, primary male, secondary female, or secondary male). Any combination of two genders is needed for reproduction, although all four may be used to no ill or additional positive effect.
KEFT - Keft System
The Keft people are bipedal, most with red-hued hair and melanin-based skin tones. Most have eight fingers per hand, the nails of which end in indigo or purple talons (ranging from 30-45 mm long on average). Most Keft secrete empathic mucus from their fingertips and, under stress, also from their sweat glands. A Keft usually presents in one of three genders (female, male, or gatoi). Only two genders are required for reproduction; however, the addition of a third parent increases fitness in the offspring.
XINAR - Xinar System
The Xinarn people, comprised of two genetically distinct but physically similar species, are bipeds with carotenoid-based skin tones and no body hair. Both species have between four to six fingers per hand. Each species has one gender, but reproduction takes one member from each species. Offspring belong genetically to one species or the other and are never blended.
YOSHIN - Yoshin System
The Yishin are bipeds very similar to the Keft, but they differ in the length of their claws (generally less than 14 mm long). Their bodies are covered in thick, orange hair that often obscures their melanin-based skin. Most Yishin secret empathic mucus from their fingertips and, under stress, also from their sweat glands. The Yishin have a trinary gender system (female, male, and gatoi); only two genders are required for reproduction, but the addition of the third increases fitness in the offspring.
A host of thank you’s are needed for any book. Most especially, I’d like to thank my editor, Sasha Vorun, who has yet to scream at me for my comma use and stuck with me through all three (!!!) Ardulum books; my partner, for taking my kid on extended Target trips so I could write; and the fine people at Reading Excuses (especially Mandamon, Robinski, and IndustrialistDragon) for the painstaking beta reading. I wouldn’t be here without you all!
About the Author
J.S. Fields is a scientist who has perhaps spent too much time around organic solvents. She enjoys roller derby, woodturning, making chain mail by hand, and cultivating fungi in the backs of minivans. Nonbinary, but prefers female pronouns. Always up for a Twitter chat.
Twitter: @galactoglucoman
Other books by this author
Ardulum: First Don
Ardulum: Second Don
Coming Soon from J.S. Fields
Tales from Ardulum
One year after saving the Neek homeworld and redefining the people’s religion, the crew of the Scarlet Lucidity returns to the Charted Systems for a much-needed break. For Nicholas and Yorden, the Systems will always be home, but for Emn and Atalant, too many memories compound with Emn’s strange new illness to provide much relaxation.
TALES FROM ARDULUM continues the journey of Atalant, Emn, Yorden, Nicholas, and Salice as they try to define their place in a galaxy that no longer needs them while battling the artifacts of Ardulan colonization. Other stories include Yorden’s acquisition of the Mercy’s Pledge (and his grudge against the galaxy), Atalant’s exile from her homeworld, Ekimet and Savath’s romance, and many others.
Also Available from NineStar Press
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