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Wicked Serenade: a Lost in Oblivion Collection

Page 116

by Quinn, Cari

  He turned at the sound of Lila’s voice and smiled. “I am.”

  “Gained some weight. And some serious muscles.” She surprised him by poking his belly. “You look good.”

  “Thanks. I feel good too.”

  “And you kept growing out your hair. Nice.” She fluffed the ends, viewing him with an objective eye. “You’ll look great in the video, especially since it requires a little physical work, shall we say.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Last I knew, the concept involved Jazz pouring sugar on Simon.”

  “Oh, that was just a wild hair.” She glanced down at her tablet and waved her bright red nails. “We went round-and-round about it. Donovan had a different visual in mind, but I convinced him to go with the sure thing.”

  “And what’s that?”

  She gave him a smile that could only be construed as wolfish. “You and Jasmine on a bed, making out.”

  “Say what?” He set down his Epiphone between his feet. “She agreed to that?”

  “Actually, it was her idea.”

  Had he only been gone eight weeks? Sure didn’t feel like it right now. “Hold up. Jazz hates to be out front for long.”

  “Really? You should check out the footage from Trix. She has quite the stage presence.”

  “I never said she didn’t. Of course she does. She’s a goddamn knockout and no one plays better than she does. Not even me.”

  Watching the footage from the night she’d covered for him had brought him to that startling conclusion. He’d been strictly on guitar for years yet she still had a competence with the instrument that seemed to outweigh his hours of practice. There was no beating a native understanding of rhythm and an ear for music, and she had both.

  And beyond that? Nick had been right. She’d looked so fucking hot playing his guitar.

  The tightening in his groin made him clear his throat. Yep, he didn’t need to be thinking about that right now.

  “I think Jasmine is just coming into her own. So perhaps what might have been usual for her yesterday isn’t the same as today.” The knowing smile she gave him caused alarm bells to clang in his head. “Give it a chance, okay?”

  He grunted. So much for his taking it slow plan with Jazz. That had included treading gently with sex, but he hadn’t anticipated rolling around on a bed with her first thing. Good intentions only went so far. How was he supposed to remember his vow to prove to her how much he cherished her when he wanted to fuck her blind?

  “Go on and get freshened up in dressing room C. There are clothes in there for you to wear. I might have underestimated your pants size, though.” Thoughtfully, she tapped her nails against her teeth. “Then again, that might be helpful.”

  “Only from where you’re standing,” he muttered.

  She laughed and started walking away. “It’s great to have you back, Grayson.”

  “Lila, hang on.” He grabbed his guitar and jogged after her. “Something weird happened this morning. I tried to make sure the payment plan with Visions was all set up and they told me I was paid in full.”

  She aimed her attention at her iPad. “Hmm. How irregular.”

  “You paid for it, didn’t you?”

  “TKS Enterprises paid for it, if you must know.” She patted his arm. “And TKS can more than afford it.”

  “Who’s that?”

  Her lips tightened. “My husband’s company.”

  “Lila,” he said softly, gripping the neck of his guitar. “How am I supposed to thank you for that?”

  “You’re not. In fact, I demand that you don’t.”

  “But I owe you—” He owed so many people, Jazz and his parents the most. He was on his way to earning the money to pay them back. He’d manage to pay Lila back too.

  “You want to repay me?” She turned her direct, pull-no-punches gaze on him. “Don’t fuck up again.”

  “Don’t worry.” His voice held the conviction that stiffened his spine every time he felt his resolve slipping. “I won’t.”

  “Not just because of Oblivion, but because of Jasmine. If anyone deserves to be happy, it’s her.”

  “Yeah.” After a moment, he smiled. “You’re not going to liken this situation to Titanic again, are you? Because I watched that movie in rehab, and dude, the guy frigging dies.”

  “I told you. But it’s a good cautionary tale. At any time, the woman you love could banish you to icy cold water so watch your step.”

  “I guess so. Do you—”

  He lost the thread of what he was saying as Jazz sauntered onto the set from a door across the room. She wore a floor-length robe with furry piping, and instead of it making her resemble a miniature wrestler in the WWE, she looked like a pinup queen. Her banging body didn’t quit. She had serious curves from head to toe. And her hair. It was back to glossy unrelieved black, a wavy curtain that tumbled over her shoulders and framed her heart-shaped face.

  “Wow,” he managed once he’d unglued his tongue from the floor.

  Lila laughed and gave him a light shove. “Not yet. Go get ready for her first.”

  “I’m more than ready for her now.”

  “I just bet,” she said drily. “Save it for the shoot, stud. We want this video to be hot enough to fucking crash YouTube.”

  “I’m not wearing a penis sock. Just so you know.”

  “Nah, we figured we’d have you perform au naturel.” When he gaped, she shook her head and pointed down the hall. “Outta here or you get the sock.”

  “Most interesting threat I’ve ever heard.” He picked up his guitar and snuck one more quick glance at Jazz as she talked to one of the cameramen, gesturing with both hands as she often did. The sight made him smile.

  God, he’d missed her. He would’ve agreed to exile in an igloo in Antarctica if a glimpse of her was his reward.

  “There’s the Titanic smile. Been waiting on it.” Lila sighed. “Damn you people and your epic loves.”

  He flushed. “Can I get a sock for my head too?”

  “You wish. Scram.”

  Gray found the dressing room she’d indicated and walked into a zoo. Simon was spinning around on the swivel stool in front of the mirror, his legs kicked out as if he was on a ride at the fair. Nick slouched against one wall and laughed hysterically at something on his phone. Deak, the only sane one of the bunch, stood near the window, talking quietly on his cell.

  He also happened to be the only one who was dressed.

  “Jesus H. Christ, if nudity is required, I’m leaving.”

  Silence descended. Simon stopped spinning like a mad top, Nick stopped laughing. And everyone stared at Gray as if they’d seen a ghost.

  He smiled. Well, they kind of had, if his occasional nickname counted.

  “Holy fuck. He lives.” Simon bolted off the stool and pulled him into a hug, clapping him on the back hard enough to dislodge a vital organ or two. He stepped back and gripped Gray’s shoulders. “You look great.”

  “Thanks. And you look naked.”

  Simon laughed and grabbed a pair of leather pants off the dressing table. “When you’ve got it, flaunt it, bro.”

  Gray lifted an eyebrow at Nick. “That your theory too?”

  “Nah, I just got distracted. Not like I haven’t been at a wang party before.” Nick tossed aside his phone, pulled on a pair of faded jeans sans underwear, and extended his fist, knuckles out. “Good to have you back, man.”

  Gray smiled. “You actually sound like you mean that.”

  “I do.” Nick shrugged. “When you’re not around, I gotta practice with Leather Loins over there and he preens more than he plays.”

  “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” Simon leaned toward the mirror to line his eyes. “Want?” he asked over his shoulder.

  “Hell no, I don’t want. You think I’m a damn female?”

  “Not you, jackoff. I meant Gray.”

  Gray grinned. “Goddamn, it’s good to be back.” He met Deak halfway across the room to slap hands. �
��How you doin’, Pops? Lovin’ all over that woman carrying that baby of yours?”

  A shadow passed over Deak’s face though he recovered quickly. “Yeah, yeah, you know it.” He laughed and gripped Gray’s shoulder—the good one, thank God. Deak could’ve killed him with a careless shoulder clap. “You look incredible. Doing all right?”

  “Yeah.” He cleared his throat and met the other man’s gaze squarely. Of everyone, Deacon had been the most militant about kicking Snake and his drug habit out of the band. Gray certainly hadn’t expected a hero’s welcome from him. “I know you probably don’t have a lot of faith in me right now, man, but I want you to know that I’m straight.”

  “Pretty sure we all knew that already.” Simon leered over his shoulder. “Isn’t that why you get to bang the hottie on camera? Prior knowledge and shit?”

  “I’m not banging her on camera.” Though the more everyone kept talking, he was seriously starting to wonder what kind of video shoot he’d wandered into. “I haven’t turned to porn yet.”

  “Don’t rule it out, buddy. Times are tough.”

  Nick shoved Simon hard enough to upend his stool. “Christ, shut the hell up.”

  Gray shook his head. “Sorry,” he said in an undertone to Deacon.

  He just laughed. “I’m the one who should be apologizing to you. I’m the one who invited you to join this fucking chaos.”

  “Misery always loves company.”

  “You got it. And about the other…listen, I’m betting on you, man. I always have been. Whatever it takes to get you back to a good place, I’m behind you.”

  “Thanks. That means a lot.”

  “You and I gotta stick together. We’re outnumbered here—”

  Gray glanced back as Nick began coughing and flailing against the wall. “What the fuck is wrong with him?”

  “Some new syndrome that’s twice as bad as Tourette’s. In a minute, he’ll start foaming at the mouth and pissing his pants.”

  Nick managed to stop coughing long enough to glare at Simon. “What did I tell you about shutting up?”

  Gray glanced back at Deak. “Those two are something.”

  “Best friends. It’s basically a sickness for two.”

  “Guess so.” He’d never had that issue with his best friend, but she also didn’t have the maturity of a ten-year-old, so that probably made a difference. “Where are my clothes?”

  Deak pointed to another dressing table on the other side of the room. “Right there. Underneath the shirt is a surprise from Harper.” He grinned. “A little birdie told her your favorite.”

  “Booyah. That almost makes up for the hell I’m about to endure.” Gray went over to the dressing table and pushed aside the clothes to pick up the plastic-wrapped plate with a sticky note on top. “Look, she gave me a heart.” He pinned it to his shirt. “Think she likes me more than you, man.”

  “I don’t doubt it at the moment. Morning sickness is kicking her ass. They never like us too much then, fair warning.”

  Gray peeled off the plastic and took a heady sniff of the chocolate-coconut popovers Harper had made for him. Sin on a fucking plate. “You are a lucky man, my friend.”

  “Tell me about it. But you’re pretty lucky yourself.” Deak grinned and headed for the door with Moe and Curly in tow. “Enjoy.”

  Gray already had one halfway to his mouth. “I probably won’t be able to fit into my damn pants.”

  “Just leave them open. Easier acc—” Simon began, trailing off when Nick yanked him through the door and slammed it shut.

  Shaking his head, Gray grinned and finished his popover. So fucking worth it.

  * * *

  The hour of reckoning was close at hand, and Jazz had swollen ankles. That seemed particularly unfair.

  Panning her iPhone around the set, Jazz waited until she had a good-sized clip before hitting pause on the recording and uploading it to Oblivion’s social media accounts with the caption “Guess what we’re doing today?” Answers immediately flooded in, from the zany to the downright nuts. But they were fun to read regardless.

  She’d been slacking on the social media front for a while. Sure, she still tweeted now and then and took the occasional selfie to throw up on Facebook, but by and large, she’d let that part of her life lapse ever since things with Gray had gotten so crazy.

  The last few weeks, she’d started easing her toe back in with candid pictures of Simon posing in his latest designer duds and Nick practicing like a maniac. Last night she’d caught a close-up of Deak and Harper sharing a smooch worthy of the hottest porno, and boy, had the Oblivion peeps enjoyed that.

  But right now, she couldn’t concentrate on being cute and chatty with their fans. Not when it felt like her entire life rested on the line.

  “How does he look?” she asked Lila finally.

  “Is there any appropriate way for me to answer this question?”

  “Come on, drop the appropriate for a minute. You’re a female. You have eyes.”

  “So I won’t be risking life and limb if I admit he looks fucking incredible?”

  Jazz frowned and went back to fluffing pillows. “You could’ve left off the fucking.”

  “I wanted to make sure you had the word in mind before upcoming events.” When Jazz narrowed her eyes, Lila sighed. “See? Lose-lose proposition.”

  “No, I’m just nervous and taking it out on you. Who thought this was a good idea?”

  “You. And you. Oh, and still you.”

  “If I throw up, I’m going to aim for your expensive duvet.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Lila sighed. “Besides, I’m getting rather used to a disordered environment, thanks to Killer.”

  Jazz grinned. Harper had named her cat Whisk. So adorable. “I can’t believe you named an innocent kitten Killer.”

  “It’s not actually her name. But I still can’t believe you gave me a kitten.”

  “You were meant be together.” That was what Jazz kept telling herself today, though not about Lila and her new cat. She reserved that particular sentiment for her and Gray.

  She could only hope he agreed.

  “Sure we are. Are you all right?”

  Jazz nodded and leaned against the bed, reflexively tightening her belt. She was keeping it together mostly—both her robe and her thoughts.

  Worrying wouldn’t do her any good. She’d set her plan into motion and now she had to see it through. It wouldn’t be much longer now.

  Today was a good day. No, an excellent day, because Gray was home. If the fates were kind, it would end up amazing.

  “Can we get this show on the road soon?” She tried and failed to temper her peevish tone. “I’m hungry.”

  “I thought you just said you were going to throw up.”

  “Hello, both thoughts can occupy my head at the same time.”

  “Did someone say they were hungry?”

  Jazz squealed at the sound of Harper’s voice and toddled off in the direction of her best friend. She probably looked up like a sexed-up penguin at the moment, but hey, penguins were pretty cute. “What did you bring me?” she demanded. “I hope it’s full of chocolate.”

  “Nope. You need something healthy.”

  “Aww, man, that’s no fair. You gave Gray chocolate.”

  “You can have some for dessert, young lady, not for the meal itself.”

  Jazz grinned. “It turns me on when you talk mom.”

  “Stop lying. You’re turned on all the time.” Harper laughed and opened a plastic container full of wrapped sandwiches. “Tuna salad for the boys, chicken salad for the big guy. And for you and me, a nice turkey with cranberry mayo.”

  Jazz poked in the box. “Do I see pickles?”

  “You sure do.” Harper nodded proudly. “I know my girl.”

  “Now I’m really hot for you. I may strip down in a second.”

  “Hell yeah, now this is what I’m talking about. All my women, getting naked for me.” Arms spread wide, Simon str
utted into the room wearing just a pair of leather pants and a smile. “And sandwiches too? Banner fucking day.”

  When he stuck his hand into Harper’s box, she shut the lid on his fingers. “It’s not lunchtime. Keep your grimy paws to yourself.”

  “But they’re wrapped.”

  Jazz had to laugh at his hurt expression. He was so damn adorable. “I’ll sneak you a couple of my pickles, manslut,” she soothed, taking his arm.

  “I don’t like pickles.”

  “How do you feel about cranberry mayo?”

  “I don’t care,” Jazz said to Harper. “He has his own sandwich. He can’t have mine.”

  “Pernickety females.” He kissed the top of Jazz’s head. “Good thing I like that particular variety.”

  “Watch it, Kagan.” Lila strode up to them, iPad in hand. The softer side of her that seemed to emerge when she and Jazz were alone had disappeared entirely. “Speaking of females, I have news on that score.”

  Simon perked up. “Oh goody.”

  “In honor of the great progress that you’ve been making in the studio, I’ve invited someone to sit in with all of you next week. Between Gray’s return and her presence, I think it’ll really round out the sound of ‘Echoes’. We’d really like to recreate some of the magic from ‘The Becoming’, and ‘Echoes’ has a similar feel.”

  At Jazz’s side, Simon went rigid. “They’re completely different songs.”

  “I know that, but why argue with success? ‘The Becoming’ broke out Oblivion, and we’d love to take you to the next level with this album.”

  “Who’re you bringing in? That violin chick?” Jazz snapped her fingers. “Margaret, right?”

  “Margo,” Simon said quietly.

  “Margo, that’s right. She was so talented.”

  “I think we’re gelling just fine on our own.” Simon rubbed his hand over his bare chest. “Besides, I seriously doubt she wants to slum with us again. I got the feeling she wasn’t too into the experience last time.”

  “Funny, she seemed happy for the opportunity when we contacted her people. If all goes as we hope, we may even bring her out for selected dates on the tour.” Lila shifted toward Jazz. “We’re also looking into a few different things to change up the dynamic of a few of the songs. Like taiko drumming.”


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