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Reaper’s Wrath: Road to Salvation: A Last Rider’s Trilogy #2

Page 2

by Begley, Jamie

  “I hadn’t either, until I rode with Viper.” Winter laughed. “I was terrified I was going to fall off. I held on so tightly that I probably bruised his ribs.”

  Viper shook his head at his wife. “I didn’t even know you were afraid.”

  “What would you have done if I told you?”

  “Took my car instead.”

  “That’s why I didn’t.”

  Viper frowned. “Are you still afraid when we go out for a ride?”

  “No, I actually miss riding as much as we used to.” Winter switched her gaze from her husband to Ginny. “Having Aisha curtailed most of our joyriding, but at least once a month, we ride around to spend time together alone.”

  “I saw Aisha at the wedding yesterday. She’s adorable.”

  “Thank you. Luckily, she takes after her mother,” Viper joked.

  Reaper agreed. His tiny niece’s features were more like Winter’s than the hard angles of his brother’s.

  About to take the opportunity to leave, Ginny forestalled him by bringing him back into the conversation.

  “Her hair color is more like Gavin’s.”

  Self-consciously, he started to raise his hand to his hair. Stopping himself, he shoved his hand into his pocket to hide the betraying movement.

  Her expression didn’t show what she thought of the hack job he had done to his hair by shaving half of it off and tattooing the exposed portion. Instead, he felt as if she were memorizing each tattoo and imprinting them into her memory.

  Gavin took a step back. Ginny was breezing her way through every guard he used to keep everyone out. It was as if a part of her was already inside him, and she was intent on reclaiming that part, as well as taking a part of him to establish herself into his life.

  He needed to get the fuck away from her before he was sucked into believing the connection that Ginny was trying to make was real and not a figment of his imagination, as he’d been telling himself since he heard her sing at the wedding yesterday.

  “Aisha reminds me a lot of Gavin when he was younger, especially when she wants to do something I’m not ready for her to try.”

  Reaper felt the beginning of a lump in his throat at the hint of sadness in Viper’s voice. Ginny must have caught it too. It was the first time she took her attention away from him.

  “My brothers complained the same way about me. I drove Silas crazy watching out for me. He was the oldest and could be a real pain when I was younger. I realized he was just being protective, but at the same time, I still wanted to do what I wanted to do. I think it’s in the younger sibling’s DNA to rattle the older ones.”

  Viper looked up at him, their eyes meeting at the memories of the many blowups they’d had. They had argued since his release, but Viper was the only one Reaper held himself back from getting into a full-scale argument with—like he had before coming to Treepoint. Now, Viper either gave in to his demands or walked away.

  At first he thought it was because Viper was waiting for him regain his strength, but later acknowledged Viper was never going to fight him. Reaper would never hold the same respect from his brother as the other brothers did, because the other men had proven themselves to Viper. He would never be given another chance. Viper wouldn’t chance him being hurt again. His brother would rather walk away from an argument at the cost of his pride before causing him any pain.

  Before his captivity, Viper wouldn’t hesitate to knock his block off if he thought he deserved it. Now, if it came to a physical blow, Viper held back, incapable of hurting him, even with a gun to his head.

  Slate had not only managed to emotionally obliterate him, but he had destroyed any chance that his brother would ever again see him as an equal.

  Reaper mentally shook his head at himself. He’d paid for that burst of temper with nearly ten years of captivity, as well as what was left of his sorry life. The only thing that kept him sane was the desire for revenge on his tormentors.

  “I can’t imagine you giving anyone a hard time, Ginny” Winter said, breaking the stilted silence from the two men.

  Ginny rose from the couch, tugging her top down as she gave a self-effacing grimace. “Unfortunately, I used to be pretty obnoxious when I was younger. Thankfully, I grew out of it. I learned that you have to wait for something worth having.”

  As Ginny approached him, she looked up at him. Reaper tried to ignore the silent message she was sending. Clenching his hand in his pocket, he stood still as a stone, despite the muscles in his legs shaking.

  “I learned that something you had to wait for wasn’t worth having.” Reaper didn’t lift his eyes away from Ginny’s despite Winter’s gasp at his harsh rebuttal. If he hadn’t been afraid of the feelings rising inside him before, the resolute expression on her face terrified him now.

  “Then you must have wanted the wrong thing. That’ll give you the wrong expectations every time. Maybe if you’re willing to change your point of view, you’d be able to see that you pinned your expectations on the wrong thing. But when you place them on the right one, you’ll get what you wanted all along, just in a different package.”

  Was Ginny talking about Taylor? Or was he reading more into what she was saying? No one talked about Taylor in front of him, not even Calder, since he’d been there the day Taylor came to the rehabilitation center to see him.

  “Or, in my viewpoint, I don’t want it anymore ... whatever package appears.”

  Their eyes dueled, his flashing in anger that Ginny believed herself capable of fulfilling the hopes and dreams he had built in his mind with Taylor. He didn’t give a fuck if he was taking what she was saying out of context; he needed to make it plain that whatever momentary connection they made yesterday was just that and nothing else.

  Her resolute gaze became tender, shining an inner strength into him, letting him know she wouldn’t back away, despite his refusal to acknowledge the instant attraction between them.

  “Life is always everchanging; that’s what Viper, Winter, and I were discussing when you came in.” Diverting her gaze from him to Viper, she said, “I’ll think over what you said and let you know my decision.”

  “Don’t do anything rash, Ginny,” Viper warned.

  “I’m not going to make any promises I can’t keep. It was nice seeing everyone again.” Turning toward him, she held her hand out. “Gavin, meeting you was a bright spot in my trip home. Take care and try not to give Rider too hard a time.”

  Her eyes dared him to take her hand. Unable to resist the challenge, his automatically raised. The palm of her hand against his had goosebumps traveling up his arm, reminding him of that long-ago afternoon on the beach when he was in high school. Turning their hands to the side until the back of her hand was upward, he removed his hand to stare down at the scarred flesh on Ginny’s hand.

  “What happened to your hand?” he asked thickly.

  “I got it being too impatient to wait.” She dropped her hand to hide it against the side of her pants. “That’s one of the benefits of getting older, like I told you. I’ll never make that mistake again. I can wait for what I want. You all have a great day.”

  Reaper watched her leave, wanting to go after her.

  As soon as she was out of eyesight, it was as if the bright sun outside had dimmed, even though the sunlight shining in the window was just as bright.

  “God, I miss her so badly.”

  Reaper jerked his head toward Winter when she spoke the thought that he wouldn’t allow himself to say, even in his own mind.

  “She had the whole club organized. I still haven’t been able to find my favorite coffee cup lid after she quit.”

  “I miss her every Monday when I post the club jobs and have to listen to everyone complain,” Viper muttered.

  “What was the decision Ginny said she would think over?”

  Viper’s expression turned grim. “I had to tell her that neither Rider nor Shade were going to be able to fly back with her tomorrow, and I would be taking their place.”

  “You told me last night I would,” he ground out.

  “And we spent most of the night arguing, with you saying you wouldn’t. You left the club with your saddlebags this morning. Seemed to me you were planning on leaving. Ginny has made only one stipulation with The Last Riders protecting her, and that’s being kept informed. With me taking over for Shade and Rider, I didn’t want to spring it on her tomorrow.”

  “What in the fuck is there for her to think about?”

  “Ginny isn’t cool with me leaving Winter and Aisha. Someone has been watching Rider and Jo’s house, which is why I told you last night he couldn’t go. She’s afraid that it’s her stalker, and if that’s the case, Winter and Aisha could be in the same danger with me going. Ginny also asked if that was why Shade wasn’t going, and I had to admit it was in part, and that Lily is also pregnant. Her contract is almost up with Mouth2Mouth, and she hasn’t decided what she’s going to do afterward. Rider and Shade think she’ll make a run for it and go where the stalker can’t find her. Unfortunately, if she does, we won’t be there to protect her.”


  “The Last Riders owe her. If her house hadn’t been blown up because of us, she wouldn’t have been in Queen City in the first place.” Viper’s grim visage showed it was yet another blame he placed on his shoulders.

  “Talk to Shade and Rider again; get them to change their minds. Hennessy and Core can come back from Ohio and watch either Jo or Lily.” Reaper tried frantically to find any option other than himself.

  “You don’t think I’m up for the job of watching Ginny?”

  Reaper knew he was walking on a minefield if he answered. He should just fucking walk away, but he had been on too many military missions not to offer his opinion. And, if Viper went with Ginny, the stalker wouldn’t hesitate to take him out to get to her.

  “I think the man after Ginny is shady as fuck or he wouldn’t have gone this long without being caught. It’s going to take someone just as good to catch him.”

  “Neither Rider nor Shade have been able to catch him. The only one better than them is you, and you’re refusing to go.”

  “I’m no use to her!” His fury broke free, seeing his options were running out. “I didn’t see my own kidnapping coming! I wasn’t able to protect my own damn self. How am I supposed to protect her?”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Winter grip the arm of the couch.

  Lowering his voice, he raked a shaky hand through his hair. “I’ll talk to Shade and Rider. One of them will go.”

  Viper sat stoically during his rant. “Fine, let me know so I can inform Ginny. If not, I’ll be on the plane in the morning.”

  “If they won’t, I’ll go.” He had to get out of the room before the rage boiling inside him exploded in front of Winter. He needed to put distance between him and Ginny, but everything was fucking working against him.

  “It would be a big help if you would, but if you want to try to convince Rider or Shade to change their minds, go ahead—it’s your time to waste.”

  “If you all care so much about Ginny, the last thing you should want is me watching over her.”

  “I care enough about her to give her the very best protection I can, and that’s you.”

  “Then God help her if I’m the best you can come up with.”

  “You’ve never failed me yet, Reaper, and despite what you think, you never failed yourself.”

  Reaper had to look away at Viper’s anguished expression.

  “Every brother and I have tried to convince you of that, but it goes in one ear and out the other. I see now that we’ve been wasting our time. We’ve been trying to convince the wrong person.”

  Reaper turned his gaze back to Viper. “Who in the fucking hell is that?”

  “Gavin. And until we convince him, then you’re never going to be at peace, brother.”

  “He’s dead and gone.”

  “Let’s hope not.” Viper’s anguished expression became confident. “Because he’s the only one who’s going to be able to save Ginny.”

  Chapter Three

  Unwilling to stand there and continue arguing with Viper, he turned to go into the kitchen. Shade and Rider were still there, and he had to change one of their minds. However, he didn’t make it a step before the front door opened and Diamond and Knox came in.

  At first he thought they were there to visit, until he saw Calder walk in behind them.

  From Diamond’s troubled face, whatever she had to discuss with him wasn’t going to be good news. The fact she hadn’t texted him and she brought Knox and Calder made it clear she felt he was going to react badly to whatever she was going to say.

  Reaper changed his direction without pausing to greet them. “Let’s go to my room.”

  Going up the stairs, he was conscious of Viper’s and Winter’s eyes on them. When Viper was about to stand, Reaper shook his head. He didn’t need another audience to witness what Diamond had plainly felt like she need reinforcements to discuss.

  Opening his bedroom door to let Diamond enter, he saw Knox hang back, letting Calder go first while he remained in the hall. That had Reaper’s gut clenching.

  “Does Diamond think I’m going to flip out on her?”

  Just minutes before he worried he would lose it in the kitchen. He might walk a tightrope between sanity and insanity, but he would take his own ass out before he’d hurt a woman again.

  Knox looked through the doorway to his wife’s purpose-filled features. “Diamond’s not afraid you’re going to hurt her. She just wanted me here in case you have any questions she can’t answer. I’ll wait here.”

  Reaper gave him a curt nod before heading inside his bedroom and shutting the door. He motioned toward the sitting area that had a small couch and chair. Diamond and Calder both sat on the couch and Reaper took the chair.

  “You usually call.” Reaper gave Diamond a piercing stare.

  “Moon texted Knox that you packed your saddlebags. I didn’t know how long you were planning on being away, and I didn’t want to wait any longer to give you the information I discovered.”

  His jaw clenched at the revelation. “It’s nice to know the brothers are watching every move I make.”

  “You know that’s not true.” Traces of anger filtered through the business-like tone she usually used with him. “I did try to call this morning, but you didn’t answer. When you didn’t, I asked Knox to find out where you were so I wouldn’t waste a trip out here. I do have other clients.”

  Taking out his cell phone, Reaper saw the missed call. His lips tightened at the realization he missed the call when he was talking to Ginny.

  “Calder just so happened to be there when you decided to come here?”

  “No, I called him last night,” she admitted. “I know he is the only one who you’re willing to discuss your dependency problem with and, frankly, I wanted him here for you in case you need him.”

  “Ah … I see. You’re not afraid I’ll hurt you because of what you’re going to tell me; you’re worried I’ll backslide in my recovery.” Sardonically, Reaper didn’t know which he preferred—that Diamond was afraid of him or that he would take the opportunity to start using again. Neither reasons would make that happen. Then again, neither did they inspire confidence that he would be able to handle what Diamond was about tell him.

  “I don’t need to be protected from myself. Whatever bad news you have to tell me, I’ll deal, just like any other brother in the club does.”

  “I didn’t come to give you bad news. Actually, it’s good.”

  “You needed Calder to tell me good news?”

  “I consider it good news. Unfortunately, I don’t think you will.”

  Reaper wanted to get up and pace around the room but remained seated. “Tell me.”

  Diamond hesitantly began. “Have you … watched the tapes that Slate took of you?”

  “No. I didn’t have to watch them; I lived them.”

  “I asked you to wa
tch them.” She sighed. “Have you discussed them with Viper or any of the other brothers? They can confirm what I’m about to tell you.”

  He clenched his jaw. “I don’t know if Viper’s watched them. Some of the brothers have. I haven’t asked which tapes they’ve seen, nor do I want to. As far as talking about it with him or any of the brothers, I never will. Have you watched them?”

  “You know I have.”

  He had to give Knox’s wife props for not betraying her opinion of the tapes.

  “Then, can you tell me how I’m supposed to talk with any of them, especially Viper?”

  Diamond tightened her lips. “I can’t.”

  Anyone who cared about Viper would never want him to watch the brutality that Reaper lived through for almost ten years.

  “Exactly.” Tensing, he sat forward, linking his hands together. “What’s so important that you dragged Calder out so early this morning?”

  Diamond slowly opened her briefcase, taking out a folder before closing the case. “I found out who she was.”

  Reaper didn’t have to ask who she was. The woman he killed preyed on his mind every moment since he saw her vacant gaze staring back at him.

  As Diamond held out the folder for him to take, his hand slowly reached for it while he mentally prepared himself to see the image of the woman’s face.

  Expecting to see the same image back at him that had been burned into his brain from that horror-filled night, he had to blink several times after opening the folder to reconcile the image he was seeing now.

  The woman in the picture was smiling laughingly at whoever had taken the picture. He had snuffed that smile out with his bare hands. It didn’t matter that he’d been drugged; it still sickened him to his soul that he had given in to Slate’s goading.

  “Her name was Cecile Lelong. She was twenty-six when she disappeared. They recovered her body two days ago.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?” Unconsciously, he squeezed his eyes tight, fighting back the grief that he felt at ending a life just for the sole purpose of Slate wanting to capture it on video.


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