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Without Law 13

Page 7

by Eric Vall

  “Last chance to back out of this,” I teased.

  “Nah,” he chuckled. “Just promise me that you’ll keep Tara away from Betty until I propose.”

  “I’ll do my best,” I laughed.

  Rolly and I headed outside, and I spotted the girls on the grass near the library. Paige had her maps pulled out, and she looked over them as everyone else sprawled out around her and enjoyed the shade and the coolness of the grass.

  Anna laid on her back with her arms crossed behind her head and her eyes closed. Tara sat criss cross and used her knife to scrape dirt out from under her fingernails. Bailey sat nearby and threw a ball for Winchester, and Kimmy sat near the blonde with baby Anthony on her lap and watched the black headed dog chase after and return the dingy green tennis ball.

  “Hey,” I said as Rolly and I approached.

  “Hey,” Paige greeted us as she looked up from her maps.

  “We need to talk to you,” I said quietly.

  “What’s going on?” Tara asked, louder than I would have liked considering there were civilians outside as well, and Betty was over near the fire pit.

  “Let’s go around to the side of the building,” I said, and I gave Tara a look that told her to shut her mouth.

  “Okay,” the platinum blonde said with a shrug.

  The other girls looked more concerned, and they all glanced around at each other before they stood up and followed me to the side of the library.

  “What’s wrong?” Paige whispered once we were alone.

  “Is Rolly okay?” Tara asked.

  “He’s right here,” Anna scoffed.

  “Right,” the platinum blonde said, and she turned to the old man. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” he chuckled.

  “Then what’s this about?” Anna asked, her red eyebrows pulled together with concern.

  “I need your help with something,” Rolly said, and he looked down at the ground and rubbed at the back of his neck with embarrassment.

  “Rolly, we’re glad to assist however we can,” Kimmy piped up. “Are you sure everything’s alright?”

  “I’m going to propose to Betty,” the old man spat out with a sigh.

  “Eeeeeeek!” Tara squealed, and she jumped up and down. “Oh, my God, congratulat--”

  “Tara!” Paige hissed.

  “What?” the platinum blonde asked with round eyes of surprise, and she gestured to Rolly. “Did you not hear what he just said?”

  “Did you not notice that we’re on the side of the building?” Anna asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Oh,” Tara said, and her cheeks went red. “Sorry.”

  “I’m guessing this is what you were concerned about in the first place,” I stage whispered to Rolly, and the rest of the girls snickered.

  “Hey,” Tara pouted. “I said I was sorry.”

  “It’s alright,” Rolly told her. “Just don’t let Betty know, I want it to be a surprise.”

  “Totally,” the platinum blonde agreed with a smile. “What do you need our help with? Where are you going to do the proposal? Do you have a ring yet? Have you thought about what you’re going to say?”

  “Tara,” I said gently to calm her down.

  “Ooops,” the platinum blonde said, and she put her hand over her mouth.

  “I need your help with the ring,” Rolly explained.

  “Eeek,” Tara squealed, but this time she did it in a quieter tone, and when I raised an eyebrow at her she just looked at me with a serious expression. “What? I was quieter that time.”

  “First off, congratulations,” Paige told Rolly with a smile. “I’m really happy for you.”

  “We all are,” Bailey agreed.

  “And second off, what exactly do you need us to do?” the brunette asked.

  “When you all go to the broadcast station I’m hoping you can find somewhere to stop and look for a ring,” the old man said.

  “Paige, can you--” I started to ask.

  “Say no more,” the brunette replied with a wide grin.

  “What kind of ring are we looking for?” Anna asked, and she pursed her lips.

  “Karat size?” Tara asked. “Setting type? Size?”

  “I’m not sure about any of that,” Rolly said with a frown.

  “I suggested that you each pick out a few for him to choose from,” I said.

  “Oh, we can totally do that,” Tara said.

  “I think you’re right, though,” Kimmy said with a frown. “We do need to know the size.”

  “I can’t say that I know her finger size,” Rolly said, and his face looked utterly disappointed. “I hadn’t even thought about that.”

  “Leave that part to me,” Tara said with a smirk.

  “What, you’re going to figure it out just by looking at her hand?” Paige asked, and she cocked her hip out to the side in disbelief.

  “Actually, yes,” Tara said with an indignant sniff. “It just so happens that my uncle owned a jewelry store, and I used to go there a lot.”

  “Of course, you did,” Anna laughed and rolled her eyes.

  “How many times do I have to apologize for having a wealthy family?” the platinum blonde scoffed.

  “One time for every dollar spent on your sixteenth birthday car,” Anna retorted with a wicked grin.

  “How do you know I got a car?” Tara asked with narrowed eyes.

  “Did you?” Paige asked.

  “I mean, duh,” Tara said. “But I never told her that.”

  “My point exactly,” Anna laughed.

  “Um, so about the ring,” Rolly said hesitantly. “You think you can figure out the size?”

  “Don’t worry,” Tara told him with a smile. “You’re in good hands.”

  Tara lived for this sort of thing before the EMP hit, so I wasn’t surprised that she was so excited about it now. She hadn’t had a reason to look at jewelry in well over a year, and while I knew she liked her life with us, I was sure that there were aspects of her old life that she still missed from time to time. Hell, I wouldn’t lie, I missed iced coffee and cold beer more than I cared to admit.

  “Thank you, girls,” Rolly said, and he smiled at each of them before he landed on Tara and his voice became more stern. “No telling.”

  “Why does nobody think I can keep a secret?” the platinum blonde scoffed, and she looked around at the girls, but everyone avoided eye contact. “Whatev. My lips are sealed.”

  “I appreciate that,” Rolly chuckled.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Bailey said, and she walked over and hugged Rolly.

  “Group hug!” Paige exclaimed, and all the girls piled against the old man. He laughed and patted whoever’s back he could reach at the moment.

  “Come on now, you’re gonna break these old bones,” Rolly laughed, and the girls pulled away.

  “We really are happy for you,” Anna said.

  “Thank you,” Rolly replied. “You girls helped make it possible.”

  “Wait!” Tara exclaimed, and she ran off around the corner back toward the courtyard.

  “Where is she going?” Paige asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “I have no idea,” I chuckled. “But she said to wait.”

  The brunette rolled her eyes but said nothing, and we all waited patiently for Tara to get back.

  After a few minutes the platinum blonde returned with a backpack and a big smile on her face.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “We need a celebratory drink,” she explained, and she pulled out a bottle of top shelf bourbon and some glasses.

  “I’d say that was worth the wait,” Rolly chuckled as Tara handed him a glass.

  “I also brought this,” the platinum blonde said as she pulled out a bottle of champagne.

  “I didn’t even know we had that,” Anna commented.

  “I keep it hidden for special occasions,” Tara said with a wicked smile, and she handed the bottle over to Rolly. “This will be for you and Betty on
your wedding day. I’ll hold onto it until then, but I wanted you to know that we had it.”

  “Thank you,” the old man said as he looked longingly at the bottle in his hands. “I had champagne at my first wedding, too, and something about it made the day really special. I appreciate this.”

  “You’re welcome,” the platinum blonde replied with a grin, and she put the bottle back in her backpack, then raised her glass of bourbon. “A toast.”

  “A toast,” Anna and I repeated, and Rolly, Bailey, and Paige each gave us a strange look.

  “To Rolly and Betty,” Tara said. “May their love show us that anything is possible, especially in times of hardship.”

  “Hear, hear,” I said, and I clinked my glass against everyone else’s and took a swig.

  “That was a really nice toast,” Anna said, and her brows pinched together in curiosity.

  “I’ve been to a lot of weddings.” Tara shrugged.

  “And fancy dinners I’m sure,” Anna chuckled.

  “Those, too,” the platinum blonde agreed.

  We all drank our bourbon and got to talking, and soon enough we were all sitting on the grass beside the library drinking and laughing until Betty came to get us and tell us that dinner was ready.

  “You all having some sort of meeting without me?” she teased as she put her hands on her hips.

  “We wouldn’t dream of it,” I told her with an intoxicated smile.

  “Uh-huh,” she laughed and waved her arm for us to follow her. “Come eat, dinner’s ready.”

  I ate quickly, then went upstairs to take the shower I never got to earlier, but I was quite tipsy by then since the girls, Rolly, and I had mostly finished off an entire fifth to ourselves. I turned on the water to the shower and lost my balance as I reached out to test the temperature, but I caught myself on the frame of the shower and laughed out loud as I took another sip of bourbon.

  I stepped into the shower with my drink and let the hot water run over me. My sore muscles loosened as I relaxed and just breathed for a few minutes. Even in my drunken state, though, I still knew that I had to limit my water consumption, so I quickly washed my hair and body and let the water run over me for just a moment more before I stepped out into the coolness of the dorm bathroom.

  For a moment I just stood there and let the water drain off of me onto the floor mat at my feet while I finished off my drink, then I grabbed a towel off of the hook to my left and wrapped it around my waist.

  As I walked back out to the common area that the girls and I used as a bedroom, I could still hear voices down below, so I peered out the window and saw that most of the civilians and the girls were still gathered around eating and chatting. The sun was almost totally below the horizon, and it grew darker by the second, but a fire was lit outside and everyone seemed content to stay out there, at least for the time being. I decided that I would toss on some clothes and join them once more. I wasn’t quite tired yet, and Rolly had given us some wonderful news, so it was worth celebrating for an evening.

  I went into my old dorm room to throw on some fresh clothes, but as soon as I opened the door I saw a figure on my bed. I was startled at first, but I flipped the light on to reveal a fully naked Anna staring at me with green, hungry eyes.

  “Oh,” I said, and I felt my eyes grow large.

  “Hey,” the redhead said, and she let out a sexy chuckle. “I was hoping you’d be up for a bit of fun.”

  “Oh, I’m up for it,” I said with a smile. I could already feel my erection growing, and I knew my towel was going to give me away sooner rather than later.

  Anna sat on the bed with her legs crossed at the knee, but I could still see her ample breasts and small pink nipples that stuck out and begged for my tongue to be on them. Her pale skin was illuminated by the orange glow that came through the window from the setting sun, and her long, red hair hung down her back and framed her face in a mane of thick, luscious locks that I wanted to run my fingers through. Her slender frame looked small, even on the dorm sized bed that she sat on, and her green eyes looked up at me through thick red eyelashes.

  “Well,” the redhead said as she stared into my eyes and slowly uncrossed her legs to reveal her slick, already dripping pussy. “What are you waiting for?”

  Chapter 5

  I smiled and walked over to where Anna sat. My erection was already throbbing, but the sight of her glistening pussy had me thirsty to taste her juices. I got down on both knees in front of her and slowly kissed up her thigh as she leaned her head back with a low moan.

  By the time I got to her slit her knees were shaking, and once I pressed my mouth against her she let out a loud moan.

  “You like that?” I asked as I watched her chest rise and fall quickly with her heavy breaths.

  “It feels so good,” she groaned as I licked and sucked her clit.

  The taste of her was enough to make my erection throb even more, but I ignored that as I continued to lap up the juices that flowed from her ready and willing pussy.

  Anna leaned back onto her elbows on the bed, and she slid her knees over my shoulders while I grabbed her by the hips and held her in place so I could tease her with my tongue.

  “You taste delicious,” I told her, and I stared into her green eyes as I thrust my tongue inside of her once more.

  “Oh, god,” she moaned, and her eyes flitted into the back of her head as she was overcome with pleasure.

  I focused on moving my tongue up and down just the way she liked, and I felt her fingers snake their way into my hair. She gripped it tight, and her body tensed all around me until her thighs gripped the sides of my face.

  “Fuuuuuuuck,” the redhead moaned as the first wave of orgasm overtook her, and she collapsed onto her back and rode out her pleasure.

  I thrust my tongue inside to taste her come, but the sensation of her wet tunnel drove me crazy, and I needed to be inside of her, right then.

  I quickly stood up and realized that my towel had already fallen off, so my erection jutted out from my pelvis, free of any sort of clothing to cage it in.

  Anna laid on the bed and panted, then she looked up at me as I stood over her. She bit her lip and scooted her hips closer to me.

  “I want you inside of me,” she whispered.

  “How bad do you want it?” I asked. I wanted to hear her say it.

  “So baddddd,” she groaned, and she writhed around as if it was painful to be without me. “Please fill me up, Tav. I need your cock.”

  My erection throbbed more at that admission, so I grabbed it and placed it just at the entrance of Anna’s pussy. I could feel the wetness as it coated me, and I savored every second as I slowly began to push myself inside of her.

  The redhead’s breath stopped every time I paused to enjoy the feel of her. Then as I went in further, she’d moan or let out heavy breaths as she expanded to take in the size of my cock.

  “I always forget how big you are,” she panted as I pushed the last of myself in.

  “Do you like it?” I asked as I kissed my way up her neck.

  “Fuck, yes,” she moaned as I pushed my hips harder against her to get as deep inside as I could.

  “You’re so tight,” I whispered into her ear, and I could feel her pussy twitch in response.

  I realized then that I felt Anna’s taut nipples against my chest, so I reached my hand over to grip one, lightly at first, but with increasing pressure.

  “Oh, my god,” Anna gasped, and she arched her back.

  I began to thrust slowly in and out of her as I continued to pinch her nipple and roll it between my thumb and forefinger. After a second, I stopped and licked my fingers to get her small, pink nipple nice and wet, then I slowly blew on it so it became even harder for me.

  The redhead gasped again and began to pant as she gripped my shoulders with her fingers.

  “Harder,” she begged as I began to pinch her nipple once more.

  “What do you want?” I whispered against her neck to make her
repeat it.

  “Harder, please,” she panted, and I felt her body tense around me. “I want it harder.”

  “As you wish,” I told her, and I pinched her nipple until she cried out with pleasure, then I held onto it as I lifted myself up and began to thrust in and out of her quickly.

  “God, yes,” Anna moaned, and she lifted her hips to meet mine with every thrust. “You feel so good.”

  I reached down and pinched Anna’s other nipple as I continued to push in and out, and after a few seconds, I felt her body grow tense as her eyes closed and her mouth opened to suck in ragged breaths.

  “I’m gonna…” she gasped, and just then I felt her pussy grip my cock as it spasmed around me with pleasure.

  “That’s my girl,” I whispered as I let her ride out her orgasm, and then I slowly withdrew myself and flipped the redhead over so she was on all fours with her ass sticking out toward me.

  Her thighs were coated with her wetness, and I slipped in easily from behind and held onto her hips as I thrust my cock deep into her athletic body.

  “Fuckkkkkk,” I growled, and I reached my hand back and slapped her ass so there was a red mark left afterward.

  “Ohhhhhh, yes!” Anna gasped, and her body jumped slightly, but then she looked back at me with hungry green eyes and demanded more. “Do it again.”

  I slapped the other side of her ass, and her pussy twitched around my cock.

  “Harder,” the redhead begged, so I reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled. Her back arched, and she gasped in pleasure, then I raised my hand again and slapped her ass once more.

  Anna’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she was overcome with yet another orgasm, and the feel of her pussy twitching around my cock drove me over the edge.

  I thrust against her one last time as my cock pulsated, and her pussy milked me for all I was worth for a solid minute. After every last drop of my cum filled her womb, I released her, slowly pulled out of her dripping tunnel, and laid down on the bed next to her.

  We panted together for a moment, our breath in sync as we each rode out the last waves of our pleasure, then I reached over and brushed some loose hair away from her face.


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