The Ride

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The Ride Page 11

by Jaci J.

  “Should I be concerned about what or who's been in these things?” she laughs, wrinkling her nose in disgust. “Do they need to be disinfected? Maybe even burned?” Fuck. She thinks I just fuck any bitch in here? How wrong she is.

  Laughing, I shake my head. “Nah, you're the only women who's been in my bed.” I tell her truthfully. Her eye brows hit her hair line, eyes widen in surprise. Good God, I'm not that big of a fucking slut. Plus what the hell does she think the clubhouse is for? I've got a room there for a reason. I don’t want bitches in my house.

  “My mom, your mom, and now you are the only women who have ever been in my place.” I reassure her. A little baffled laugh escapes her lips. Shaking her head she looks totally shocked. Pointing at the bed I tell her, “Enough talkin'. Get your sweet ass into bed, baby.”

  My shower takes me five fucking minutes. Five minutes too long. Each second in here has me antsy and on edge. I think I should have had her come in here with me. I can't see her. I have no idea if someone got in and I can barely hear anything.

  Rinsing off and hopping into some shorts, I'm out the door and into that room in record time. There she is, sitting in the middle of my bed, my blankets a mess all around her. The TV is on, phone next to her, magazines all around her, and a tub of ice cream in hand.

  She raided my freezer?

  Lil sitting in my bed hits me in right in chest, like a fucking blow to the body, knocking the wind out of me. Those innocent brown eyes find me and her beautiful lips break into a huge smile, for me. All the shit I've been feeling for this girl hits me tenfold. It's crippling and heart breaking.

  “Night,” I mumble heading right for the door. I can't do this. I can't fucking do it. I can't stand here and look at her in my bed.

  “Tank?” That sweet voice I've grown to crave calls me back. She’s gonna be the death of me. Turning around to her, she’s still smiling at me. Patting the bed right where I sleep most nights, she calls me over.

  “Watch a movie with me. I'll even let you pick,” she barters, offering me the remote. She doesn't want me to go?

  Hesitating, I look for the right thing to do, then I see that happy smile slip into a sad one. Fuck me. She really doesn't want me to go. She needs me.

  “I mean … if … well if you're tired, it's really no biggie.” She shrugs one shoulder weakly. I know I should go out that door and take my ass to the couch. Leave the room. Leave her alone, but I can't. I can't make my feet move. I just don’t want to go.

  I don’t get it. This woman has been attacked twice by our enemies. She’s been beaten, threatened and almost blown away with a shotgun. She even had to watch a young Prospect jump to defend her and die trying to protect her. How can she sit here and try to act like none of it gets to her. I see how strong she is, but I’m thinking this is her way of coping. I want to be her everything, so I head for the bed to watch movies with my Lil.

  Three hours later, we're lying on my bed. Well she's lying on her stomach. I'm leaning against the head board. Her feet are in my face, little tattoo on her foot and pink toenails. Any other bitch put her foot by my face, she's getting kicked the fuck out. Lil does it and it makes me fucking smile. What the hell is happening to me? She lets me watch Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man. It's a classic, but it's hard to concentrate when her ass is right there. It has to be the most perfect ass I’ve ever had in my face, or in my bed with me. She should be naked and I should be buried deep in her, but no, we're watching movies.

  My girl didn't complain once about the movie, but she did make fun of it. I've got to admit she is pretty funny. Rolling over on her back she groans,

  “That was a terrible movie.” First complaint I've heard from her all night.

  Her scrunched up nose and disgusted lip curl makes me laugh. Even disgusted, she's cute.

  “Yeah? You didn't like it? Well babe, what do you wanna watch?” I inquire. Shaking her head, she snatches the remote from me.

  “My turn,” she sings happily. Flipping back over she goes about looking for a movie with her ass right back in my face. And just like that I'm stuck watching The Devils Rejects with her.

  Never in my life did I think I'd be here. Sitting with a woman watching a movie, laughing, and talking. My time with women is spent one of four ways, fucking her, getting my dick sucked, cooking for me, or cleaning up after me. This whole spending time together is new to me. It's kind of fucking nice. She's here with me and I have her all to myself, in my bed.

  “Tank?” Her voice laced with curiosity drags my attention back to her. Not sure where this is going, but it's not a good sign. That tone is never good coming from a woman.

  “Hmm?” I'm watching her watch the TV. I've been watching her; she's much more entertaining than the stupid ass movie.

  “How old are you?” she asks me. Too old for you, is what pops into my head. Well that's not what I thought she was going to ask.

  “Old,” I tell her truthfully. She snorts a laugh.

  “How old are you?” I retort cautiously. I know better than to ask a woman her age, but if it gets the question deflected from me I'll try anything.

  “How old do you think I am?” Little shit is giving it back to me. I've got no idea how old she is. “Twenty-one?” I give her my best guess. I'm terrible at this sort of shit. My guess makes her giggle and those innocent eyes sparkle.

  “You're good, but no. I'm twenty-five.” She says it like it's a bad thing. Thank God she's older than I would have pegged her for. That makes the guilt for wanting to fuck the President’s daughter not quite as bad.

  “Twenty-five? Shit baby, that's nothin'.” Rolling her eyes at me she scoffs.

  “So...?” Damn. Not getting away with it so might as well tell her. It doesn't matter anyways, but not before a little bartering first.

  “I'll tell you, but I want your real name first.” Her brow wrinkles in confusion. Looking at me like she thinks I've lost my mind.

  “You don't know it? Really?” she questions me suspiciously. Well no, I don't fucking know it. That's why I'm asking. How in the hell would I know it? She's called a lot of things around the club and by the guys. Lil, sis, baby, darlin’, doll face. You name it, but her real name is never one of them.

  “My name is Lilly.” Feeling like the biggest fucking idiot, I should have been able to guess that shit. Lil ain't a nickname about her size; it's about her damn name. Lilly. It fits her and I like it.

  Getting up, she crawls towards me, eyes intent on me. Sitting right next to me she gives me an expectant stare.

  “I'm thirty.” I wait for the shock, but nothing.

  “And...” she presses me for more information. And what?

  “And?” I counter back. What the hell else is there?

  “Your name,” she says clearing up my confused face. Fuck , she wants my name. That's easy.

  “Roman,” I tell her. Watching me for a moment she thoughtfully chews on that lip. Finally she nods her head once.

  “I like it. Roman huh, would have never pegged you for a Roman, but it works.” It's my name although it's been a long time since someone’s used it.

  “So how'd you get coined Tank?” Really? She's really asking me that? Waving my hands up and down myself I give her a look.

  “Seriously babe, have you not looked at me?” Laughing she shakes her head.

  “Yeah it makes sense. You are built like a Tank … but Roman, huh?” she repeats smiling at me. My name has never sounded better.

  “You like being called Tank?” she asks me.

  “Sure, why the fuck not. You like it?” Nodding she grins.

  “It does fit you.” She smiles again and settles in next to me. Curling herself up into my side, she makes herself comfortable. She buries her head into my side, and one leg thrown over my leg, she sighs.

  “Here,” she mumbles handing me the remote back. Looking down at her body curled up against me, shit just gets to me. How the fuck did we end up here? When did I become this guy? When did I become Gin
and Stitch? My ass laid up with a girl, but she’s not just any girl, is she. It's like I don't even have to think about it. Shit just happens. There’s no talking about it, no questions. We have just fallen right into it. Is this how it happens to everyone? Maybe that's why motherfuckers say when it happens to you you'll just know it. Fuck.

  A few minutes later I can feel her even breaths. No movement and no talking. She must be asleep. Having her cuddled up next to me has me settled and calm. It's a great fuckin’ feeling. I'm not one for sleeping much, so this shit might work out well.

  “Lil?” Touching her leg, she doesn't move. She fell asleep. Her hair is draped over my arm and I pick up a thick strand. Dark and soft with lose curls in the ends. Running my fingers through it, I marvel at how soft it is. Mindlessly I play with the strand of hair. Wrapping and unwrapping that soft strand around my fingers.

  Before I know what the fuck is going on, I'm being jolted awake by a loud ringing. Slapping my hand around I feel for my phone, but before I can get to it, it stops ringing. Fuckin’ annoying piece of technology.

  Looking around, I notice Lil's not in the bed anymore.


  My heart stops, falling straight to my fucking ass. I’m damn near bolting out of bed and tripping through a mass of blankets, barely making it to the door in one piece. Throwing the door open I feel fucking crazy. Something bad has happened.

  “Lil?” I yell out the door.

  I see a small light streaming from the kitchen. Snatching my gun from the nightstand, I walk to the kitchen. Looking around the corner I find Lil sitting on my counter, a cup in her hand. Relief floods me and my poor heart teeters somewhere between pissed the fuck off and glad as hell she's okay. Walking right over to her, I can't stop myself. I'm to Goddamn relieved she's in one piece.

  Pushing my way between her thighs I make myself right at home. Grabbing a handful of long hair I pull that sweet face to mine, kissing her hard on those sweet lips. Fuck it. Fuck playing nice.

  She doesn't pull back or push me away. Instead, she leans into me but I need more. Fingers digging into my arm she pulls me to her body and wraps her beautiful legs around me. This feels like home.



  I woke up uncomfortably warm. My body is wrapped around Tank's and now I’m hot and sweaty. Unwrapping myself from him, I head to the kitchen to get some water and cool air. I open a few cupboards until I find the cups. Using the fridge's water dispenser I fill my glass up and gulp back the entire thing in one swift pull. Refilling the glass, I hop my ass up on the counter and savor the cold water and cool counter under my ass.

  “Lil?” I hear Tank yell. My mouth is full of water and I can't answer him. Before I can swallow, Tank’s through the door, face panicked and angry. His eyes scan me and the kitchen looking for God knows what. Gun in hand he looks ready to throw down. Sweeping his eyes over me again the anger fades to hunger.

  Without a word he's on me. Sliding the gun onto the counter next to me, his hands find my hips and pushes his way between my thighs, his hands slide their way up my body. His hands are feeling my skin, roaming up my body and his rough hands are setting my skin on fire. He grabs a fist full of hair, then his lips are on mine.

  Rough and hard, his kiss renders me stupid. I have no fight left in me, I’m letting it go. He moves his hands back down my body and wraps them around my upper thighs, his fingers dig into my skin pushing my thighs wider to make room for his body. Liking his hands there, I leave them. Extreme need burns deep inside of me as he’s pressing his body up against mine.

  “Why the fuck you get outta bed baby,” he growls around my lips. Kissing him back I lick his lips, biting down I can hear him growl at me. “Answer me Lil,” he demands. Bossy asshole.

  Running my hands up his hard muscular back I feel his smooth skin, till my palm passes over a raised section of skin. Another bullet wound? I noticed one on his shoulder the other day and now one on his back? His body shudders at my touch and I fucking love it. Brushing my fingers through his hair I tug it hard.

  “I was thirsty.” Pulling back from my lips he smirks.

  “When I'm done fuckin' you, you’re gonna need a few gallons.”

  Wrapped around Tanks hips, he carries me all Neanderthal style to his bedroom. With a swift kick, the door hits the wall with a thud. Grabbing around my thighs he pulls my body away from his. Giving my thighs a hard smack, he tosses me onto the bed with one swift throw and I land on my back with a little bounce. That smirk of his is trained right at me.

  Getting up on my knees I face him. “I'm gonna pay you back for that.” Throwing his arms out to the side ,he gives me that asshole smirk again.

  “Do your worst baby.” Taking his challenge on, I launch myself at him full force. He catches me easily and my legs are back around his hips. I start tearing his shirt up over his head, leaving me with tanned tattooed skin. “I fuckin' hate that cocky ass smirk,” I tell him so his smirk deepens.

  “Baby, yeah?” Trouble is all over that face.

  “Yeah.” One big rough hand glides down my chest over my stomach. He starts rubbing my pussy through my tiny boy short panties and my body just wants more.

  “You're fuckin' lyin' to me. That shit makes you wet.” I do like it, a lot.

  Crushing my lips to his I suck his tongue into my mouth, shutting him up. Those rough hands tangle in my hair angling my head for him. Mouth on my neck, licking his way down my neck to my chest.

  “Get your ass on the bed.” Tightening my hold on him I'm not going anywhere. Shaking his head he sighs, “pain in the ass babe.”

  Walking the few steps to his bed with me wrapped around him, he doesn't fight me. Laying me back, Tank covers me with his hard body. Leaning up and away from me his eyes roam my body. He’s running his hands up and down my stomach.

  “Fucking perfect.” A shiver hits me as he’s touching me. Those mean blue eyes are soft and adoring.

  “I wanna see those tits baby.” With a tug, my shirts up over my head and flying through the air. “Jesus Christ,” he rasps, eyes all over me. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him back down to me. I want skin on skin.

  “Let me see you.” Pulling back again he runs his thumb under my breast right over my ribs. “What's it say?” he asks me eying my tattoo. “Though she be gone, let her be as beautiful in death as she be in life; the life of an angel.” Leaning down he runs his lips along my tattoo, kissing my skin.

  Palming and kneading my breasts, he sucks a nipple into his mouth. Biting lightly, he tugs it hard. My body is all over the place. My skin is burning and my legs are shaking. I’ve wanted him so bad and now that I have him, I don’t think I’ll get enough of him. Hands full of tits, he smirks down at me.

  “Perfect fuckin' fit.” Not sure how that is considering I have a medium D, but Tank does have huge hands. Either way, I love those big hands where they are. His mouth kissing, licking and sucking all over my skin and I feel like I’m going to fall apart. Working his way down, he kisses down my stomach, my hips, and my thighs. He’s licking a wet path up between my thighs and my mind is lost. I need his mouth on me right fuckin’ now.

  “Please,” I beg. I can feel that signature smirk on my skin.

  He puts his fingers under the waist of my panties, tugging on them, but never taking them off. Driving me crazy.

  “Yeah baby, tell me how bad you want it.” I want it so bad and I’m willing to beg, but he’s teasing me.. “I wanna hear you say it Lil.”

  Instead I wiggle in his arms and try to get him to touch me more. His hands tighten on my hips holding me in place. “Let me hear it,” he growls. This aggression is making me wetter. My panties are fuckin’ soaking wet.

  “You. Fuck, Tank, I want you!” That smile of his is on my skin again as he kisses my hip.

  “And you've got me baby.” My panties are ripped off and Tank is between my thighs, still teasing and kissing his way up and down my legs again. He is taking his time savoring every inch of skin
. His rough facial hair is scraping the soft skin on the inside of my thigh. He's got me so wet I can feel it running down my thigh. God, my body is humming with sexual tension.

  “Fuck … Fuck … please.” I'm reduced to a begging mess. One big hand wraps around the back of my leg right below my ass. With a hard smack on the inside of my thigh his other hands pushes my legs open wider.

  “No movin' around. Stay just like that angel,” he murmurs with rapt attention. I'm so antsy and needy it's almost impossible to stay still. I feel his tongue glide up my inner thigh where my juices are running down my leg till his wet warm tongue finally goes where I need him to be. Spreading me wide, he licks and sucks me into a panting mess, paying special attention to my clit.

  “Tank,” my voice a shaky whisper. “Fuck!” Two thick fingers push into me, filling me, dragging them slowly in and out. My body moves and shakes, close to falling apart. The ground falls away. Hitting the prefect spot I can't hold on any longer.

  “Right … there.” My body loses the battle. My back arches and my legs shake. Everything floats away. “Holy shit!” Coming down from my high, Tanks big body is back on me. Wrapping myself around him he holds me to him.

  “Damn you have a sweet fuckin' pussy.”

  “Wrap them legs around me baby,” he growls smacking my thigh again. Doing as I'm told, I sling my legs around his hips. My body isn’t done with him. I just can't get close enough. Tanks got me fucked up and loving it. Legs still shaking, heart pounding in my ears, I feel high. With a hard thrust he’s got his dick buried deep. Fuck he’s huge and rough. My head lulls, eyes flutter closed at how fuckin’ good he feels.

  “Fuck baby!” he barks out. Stilling for a moment, he grabs under my ass lifting me closer to him, titling my hips up.

  “I wanna feel all of you.” I can feel the strain and pull in his muscles as he starts to work his hips, his dick sliding in and out of me. My body starts to take over and I’m pushing into him with every thrust. He’s going in so deep I can already feel my orgasm coming on.


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