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The Ride

Page 19

by Jaci J.

  “You suck, sis,” Tags jokes.

  Eye brows raised, I give him a look and then one to the board, “Your turn.”

  Fifteen minutes later, I get the pleasure of watching Tank give Tags one hell of a run. Tags is good and would probably be able to do some tricks if Tank and Crush would stop making sure he eats it every time he stands up. As long as it’s not my ass out there getting fucked with, It’s fuckin’ hilarious watching it happen to others. I’m a bitch like that.

  Tonight's our last night here and the idea of heading home leaves a bittersweet taste in my mouth. I love my home, but there's something special about the lake. Something special about spending the time up here with my family and friends, away from the shit going on in our lives and the club. We've spent the last four days soaking up the sun and playing in the water. We blew off fireworks a few hours ago and the kids were loving it. Now everyone is relaxing. It's been a much needed reprieve from the constant hustle and bustle of the club. Everyone seems relaxed and recharged.

  We’ve got the fires blazing, casting dancing shadows on the ground and surrounding woods. Family and friends lounging in chairs, on logs, and laid out on blankets around the fire pit. Tank and I are sitting on a lounger, I’m resting my back against Tanks chest and my arms resting on his thighs. Sitting here between his legs, his hand snakes around my middle, then moves his hand under my shirt with his fingers spanning my stomach. He's leaned to the side, talking with some of the brothers, absentmindedly playing with a piece of my hair with his free hand. I can feel the deep roughness of his voice against my back and there is a deep calm and restfulness settled in me. For the first time in a long time, I'm truly at ease. There might be danger lurking around, but right now, right here in this place, this moment, I'm safely tucked against Tank. Also, for the first time since meeting him, Tank honestly seems happy and content. He doesn’t have that rough edge to his voice like he’s always pissed off. There is no hidden anger in his tone. He truly seems happy.

  Looking around, everyone is laughing and smiling, enjoying themselves. Looking through the fire, I can see Gin and Peaches are laughing quietly to one another, Cali and Stitch are next to us, both smiling and talking. Aunty Kiki is braiding Tiny's beard and I swear, that simple act makes me want to cry with happiness. My dad and Twinks are finally hanging with the gang, cuddling and drinking beers. Somehow, the lake has brought out the ease that's missing when we're all home. It's been a perfect trip.

  “Lilly?” Tank says with a little tug on my hair. Looking back at him he smiles at me with that heart breaking smile of his. I'm falling. If and when I hit the ground, I have the feeling that it'll be hard.

  “Did you just call me Lilly?” He's never called me that before. Laughing he nods his head.

  “Tried getting' your attention. Wasn't workin', so I had to try somethin'.” Well it worked.

  Face buried in my hair, hands under my shirt sprawled on my stomach, Tank whispers in my ear, “I'm ready for bed. Ready for some sweet, naked Lil.”

  Two weeks later …

  We've been back from the lake for a few weeks. Life's slowly getting back to normal. The recharged restfulness is starting to fade into the dull hum-drum of life. Walking into the clubhouse, there's a few guys hanging around. Arms and Gin are playing pool, Leo’s sitting on his usual stool nursing a beer. Tags is in the corner hunched over a table. I can’t see what up though. Tank said he'd be here in a few and I'm instructed to wait, so I'm waiting.

  Sitting myself on the stool next to Leo, I bump my shoulder into his. “Hey old man.” With a soft chuckle he winks at me.

  “How ya doin,' doll face?” he asks with his soft low drawl. His easy pale blue eyes twinkle. The laugh lines wrinkle more when he smiles.

  “Pretty good. How 'bout yourself?”

  Holding up his beer he rattles it a little, “I'm survivin'.”

  I hear voices and turn around to see a few of the boys walk in followed by Tank. He gives me the ‘one minute’ signal and heads into my dad's office. King and Crush start giving Tags a hard time as soon as they spot him. The last few days, Tags has seemed a little off. A little down and out, but no one seems to know why. Or if they know, they don't care.

  King snatches a paper off the table in front Tags, “what the fucks your problem bud? I’m just fuckin' around,” King says with a condescending tease to his tone. Fucking bully. Crush just laughs, encouraging King.

  Snatching the paper back I hear Tags grumble, “Fuck off.”

  Looking annoyed they leave him be, but not before giving his head a little smack.

  Hitting the pool table, King says loudly, “Don't know what the assholes problem is.” Apparently Gin asked what was going on. I can see Tags shake his head lightly. I really don't like King.

  The guy’s head outside so I decide to see if Tags needs anything. Sitting down next to him I smile when he looks up at me. There are papers scattered all over the table, a few books and files stacked at one side.

  “Need a hand?” I offer some help. Giving me a small smile he shakes his head no.

  “You sure? I did go to school to learn how to deal with shitloads of paperwork,” I make a joke, hoping to lighten his mood.

  Giving me a small curt laugh, he looks at me again with so much stress in his features.

  “Don't want to put my shit on ya, but thanks anyway, Lil.” He clearly looks frustrated and a little lost. And just like that I'm stuck worrying about him.

  “It's no biggie. I really don't mind helping.” Shrugging a shoulder he hands me a piece of paper. Looking at it I can see it's a medical document from the Army.

  “Medical from the Army?” I ask him. Nodding he looks a little sick. I can see why, there's a ton of paper work here.

  “Yeah. They give me stacks 'a papers I can't fuckin' understand. Just need the medical that's owed to me. Gave eight years, least they can do with my injury n' shit.”

  I had no idea he was injured at war. Now I'm really curious.

  “If you don't mind me askin', what happened?” Setting his papers down he smiles thoughtfully.

  “Nah, don't mind. Spent eight years with Special Forces. Three months before I was due to discharge, got caught up in a road side bomb. Killed four of my guys. Took my eye sight in my left eye and a little in my right. Can't hear much out my left ear either, but I was lucky.”

  Wow. I had no idea. He looks back at his mess of papers and looks downright hateful towards it.

  “Get home and they wanna fight me on my medical. I get it finally, but gotta fill out a dictionary worth of papers. Words so damn small I can't fuckin' see 'em. How the hell am I supposed to fill 'em out if I can't read 'em with only one eye? I mean fuck, that's why I need the medical, need some damn contacts or somethin'. Even worse, the bitch of an Ex is signing her right over to my baby girl. She'll be here in a few days. Don't know much 'bout raising kids, and a girl at that. Just havin' a shit day.”

  Gathering up the papers, I make a nice neat little stack. “Why don't you tell the guys about your sight? They'll understand and maybe they'll stop givin' you hell.”

  With a curt snort of laughter, he gives me a look that says I'm nuts for asking. “Not fuckin' happenin'. I tell 'em that shit n' I'll end up with a nick name like Blinky or Winky. You know how they are.”

  He's got a point.

  Nodding I hold out my hand and look at him expectantly. “Give me your information, I.D. and social. I'll handle it all.”

  Gaping at me he looks shocked. He looks stressed and the club doesn't need a member off his game.

  “No it ain't your thing,” he says softly, shaking his head no. Forcing my hand towards him I smile.

  “Don't care. Spent years in college, let me put it to good use. I'll get it handled and give it back to you, no big deal. And when that baby girl gets here, I wanna see her. I love kids, so don't hog her all up. You let me cuddle her and we got a deal, okay? You'd do it for me if the roles were reversed. ” And I know he would. Tags is that kind
of guy. Sweet, soft spoken, and kind. A good guy with a heart of gold.

  “You sure?” he asks, the smile on his face getting bigger by the second.

  “Yes. Now go away before I change my mind.” I say with a smirk.

  Jumping up he pulls out his wallet, handing me his information. Shaking his head in disbelief, he laughs softly.

  “You're somethin' else Lil. Truly somethin' special. Thanks for the help sis, I mean it.” Kissing the top of my head he practically runs outside like a little boy just let off time out.

  “Yeah, yeah. You're welcome.” I wave him off.



  I watched her help Tags out. There's that sweet Lil she hides so well. Girl is good at being feisty and bossy as hell, but for all the bossy and feisty, there's a whole lot of sweet and kind in her. That girl has a big fuckin’ heart for her boys. Standing up from the table, she stops when she catches me watching her.

  “Tags was havin' a hell of a time,” she says nonchalantly. Yeah baby, sure. She just can't seem to not help. It's clear she loves her family.

  “Right baby,” I mumble, completely unconvinced. She just shrugs me off.

  Grabbing her arm I pull her to me, needing to feel her body. I put my hands on her ass to lift her up and those thighs go right around me.

  “So what's up? Why'd you want me here?” I forgot all about that. Shit. She's not going to like this.

  A few hours ago, we got a good hit. Didn't bring us Tick, again, but it did bring some information. Apparently, there is a big price out on her right now. Too big not to be on our game.

  “We're on lock down,” I tell her reluctantly. God, I am not a huge fan of pissing her off this way. She looks pretty damn annoyed, but she nods and doesn't argue about it.

  “Families are out back in the house. You’re in here with me. Brothers take shifts inside the house, club, and grounds. Low will be out with Tiny, diggin' for more info.” I knew she was going to hate this shit. Her little pout and scowl let me know I was right on that thought. Fuck, no one likes it. No brother likes having their family crammed in here with them twenty-four-seven. Shit, the families don't like being cooped up with us either.

  “It's that bad?” she asks knowing the answer to her question. Wouldn't be locked down if it wasn't.

  “Baby, yeah. Don't like keepin' everyone locked down, but we gotta do what we gotta do to keep the families and your sweet ass safe.” Throwing her arms around my neck she licks my bottom lip sending a shudder through me.

  “I guess I can deal,” she says softly. Only Lil can do that shit to me. Biting my lip, those soft sweet lips suck at my mouth. Hands in my hair, pulling on it. Fuck.

  Sitting her ass on the pool table I keep those thick thighs wrapped around me so my dick is pressed into her. Her lips are all over me and my hands are up under her shirt grabbing big hand fulls of those great big tits. I work at getting that shit off, but she stops me.

  Pushing her hands into my chest, she breaks her lips away and I growl an irritated protest at her stopping me. She damn well knows better than to stop me.

  “Back baby,” she whispers softly. Staring at her for a moment she lifts one brow. Baby is serious. Taking a step back, she hops off the pool table. Now standing between me and the pool table, she drops to her knees in front of me. Fuck.

  Pulling at my pants she gets them open quickly. Skilled little hands at that shit. Holy fuck. A little shocked at her boldness in the middle of the clubhouse, I let her go. Hearing a throat clear I look over towards the bar.

  Bubbles is standing there throwing daggers with her eyes. What the fuck is this bitch doing here? I haven’t seen her around and hoped she was fuckin’ gone for good. If this dumb bitch don't get lost, I'm removing her myself. Someone fucks up this shit I have with Lil, I'm blowin’ their fuckin’ heads off. “Out!” Without further instruction she heads for the door, but keeps looking back pissed as fuck. Just go bitch.

  Lil doesn't stop. Her attention is one hundred percent on what she's doing. Grabbing my dick in her warm soft hand I damn near choke. My beautiful girl, on her knees in front of me has me fucking hard to the point of pain. One hand on the back of my leg she pulls me closer to her.

  Sticking her tongue out, she licks the tip of my dick and the cum off of it. She starts to lick from one end to the other, not taking me in her mouth yet, but I swear to God I almost fucking cum. Now she’s working her tongue in small circles around the head and she's got me fighting to stay standing. Pulling me all the way into her mouth, Fuck! I have to brace myself on the pool table to stay upright. All wet warm tongue and soft lips.

  Leaning over, I watch those sweet plump lips suck me off. So fucking hot. Her fingers digging into my legs, tongue sucking and licking every fucking inch. I get a fist full of her hair and I hold her to me. Too fucking good to stop.

  Biting down a little, she sucks me deep, hitting the back of her throat and I swear, I almost lose my shit again. My head lulls and I can't help the groan. She works that tongue around in her mouth, around my dick and I have never in my life been worked over so fuckin’ good with a blowjob. Close to letting go I have to tell her,

  “I’m cumin' in your mouth baby. Don't fuckin' move.” That small sentence was hard as shit to get out ‘cause my mind is fuckin’ blown. Sucking deeper, she ignores me and with another deep, tight suck, she pulls me closer. Grabbing my nuts she squeezes lightly and that shit is it for me. That wet mouth and warm hand send me over the edge. The best fucking thing I've ever felt besides her pussy. Swear to God I’ve never, ever had anything better than this. I have never come fucking hard and she swallows it down like she’s thirsty as fuck.

  Then with one last suck and lick, she finishes me off. I'm stuck standing, bent over with my dick hanging out of my pants trying to get my shit together enough to open my eyes. I can't breathe or move.

  Hopping up she licks her lips. Kissing my neck she whispers in my ear, “delicious.” Oh fuck, that makes my dick twitch again. Then off she goes.

  Took me a few minutes to pull it together enough to fix my shit and sit my ass down. Not sure I'm going to be able to walk after that one. I thank fuck no one came in during that. Not sure I could have stopped her if they did and I sure as shit don't want someone seeing my Lil on her knees like that but me. That shit is for my eyes only.

  Coming back into the room, she's smirking. Straddling my lap she buries into me and her hands instantly go up under my cut and tee.

  “Fuck baby,” is all I can really say because I'm at a loss for words. Sitting there cuddled into me she doesn't say much, she just holds onto me. My damn phone starts ringing cutting into my time with Lil and out of my fuckin’ fantasy coma.

  Pulling the phone out, its Tiny.

  “Yeah?” I answer the phone when I'd rather not. He grumbles,

  “Outside. Got shit to handle.”


  I left Lil in the club to handle some shit about a botched line on some blow. Took a few hours, but got that shit handled. People are slipping lately and it’s got to get taken care of. Back inside the club, Lil isn't in the main room. Looking in the office she isn't in there either. A Prospect sitting near the bar must have seen her.

  “You see where Lil went?” I ask him.

  Pointing towards the side door to the yard he says, “She went outside.” Fuck. She isn’t supposed to be outside alone.

  Pushing through the door, I find her sitting on a table reading. Black jeans and a white tank on, hair in a braid, she looks beautiful as always.

  “What the fuck you doin' out here?” I snap. For some reason, I can't seem to reel in all the bad thoughts running through my head at what could happen to her out here alone.

  Holding up her book she cocks her head. “Uh ... reading',” she says it like I'm stupid for asking. No shit. I'm not blind.

  “Yeah, see that. You’re not supposed to be out here alone, babe.” Rolling her eyes, she hops off the table.

  “Yeah, yeah my
bossy ass man.” Grabbing her hand, I pull her towards my bike.

  “What are we doin’?” she asks looking around. Happy's waiting for us.

  She follows me to my bike, swings a leg over and then I hop on.

  “Gotta get some of our shit if we're stayin' here a while.” Nodding her head, baby knows the drill. She wraps those arms around my middle and just like always, she slips her hands under my cut. Some reason that shit does things to me, like she’s claiming me as hers. Pressed up against me. Hands on me. Gets me each time.

  I leave Lil in the house packing a few things. Happy's out on his bike waiting, watching the front door ‘cause I had to grab a few things from the shop. I’m grabbing up a spare part and a bit that Gin's been bitching about when I hear a gun shot. My fuckin’ heart starts skipping beats and a cold sweat hits me as panic sets in.


  Taking off at a dead run, I head for the house when I hear another loud ass gunshot ring out. Fuck, it’s pitch black outside. I can't see a fuckin’ thing but the outline of the house. Adrenaline pumps through me as one single thought runs through my mind, Lil. I've got to get to her.

  Running past our bikes I see Happy's no longer out here, praying he got in there and those shots are his.

  Skidding to a stop, I hear Happy scream something. His voice sounds like it's coming from the back of the house so I grab my forty-five from my waist and push the front door open with my foot.

  Nothing inside. It's quiet as hell in here all of a sudden. No movement, just an eerie calm. Walking through the hall, I still hear nothing.

  Finally, after a minute, I hear it.

  “Fuck,” Lil's calm quiet voice floats around in the silence, followed by another loud ass gunshot. A Rifle. I'd know the sound anywhere.

  Happy comes running around the corner and I damn near shoot him

  “Shit,” he sputters, damn near shooting me too.

  “What the fucks goin' on?” Shaking his head we both head up stairs. I can't seem to get there fast enough.


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