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Shiver Me Timbers

Page 27

by Chris Hechtl


  The news from Rho sector hit the capital like a wave. Rachel Trejo at Knox News was in her element, dolling it out as it came in and when her growing staff had the time to process it and have some supporting material for her to use as a backdrop to frame it.

  Shelby was not happy about the news of the aborted rebellion in Bek nor her father's prosecution there. She was relieved when follow-up news reported that her father had been exonerated by Admiral Irons and had left Bek in order to take up his own assignment as senior officer in Pi sector.

  That told her it was going to be a lot more years, quite possibly decades, before she saw her dad again. But, once he had an ansible set up, she could at least exchange emails with him.

  That brightened her mood a little.

  Miss Trejo seemed continuously flustered but excited by all the news as it rolled in. Sometimes she got news during a broadcast and shifted to that news. She hit on news about the war front, the Cadre's first deployment on Destria, and other things. Some things she couldn't put in her news casts were put up on her station's website for further review.

  Shelby was amused and a little embarrassed when news of her promotion spread through the capital. She received congratulation calls from Governor Adrienne and even a grudging email from Admiral Subert. That had surprised her. It was only later, when Boni showed her the paperwork, did she find out that the admiral had sat on her flag board and had approved of her promotion.

  That had sent her into an hour of puzzled thinking as to why. The admiral hadn't been happy about her promotion to captain let alone to senior grade captain. Why had he had a change of heart? She shook her head. Only he knew why, and he wasn't telling her.

  She eventually managed to shrug such things off.

  The new keys were going to be welcome, especially when it came time to salvage the Tortuga ships and hardware. The keys that the admiral was able to send over the ansible helped her a lot, she had already informed Abdul to plan to bring the destroyers and the cruiser Hudson in to be upgraded to full starships once the convoys were cleared. And all ships in the pipeline from henceforth would be outfitted as proper starships from the beginning.

  Things were definitely looking up.


  Captain Mochadeyn wasn't impressed with the places he could visit in the star system. There were no true recreation facilities. “Damn,” he muttered. He really wanted to get down to a planet and stretch his legs—see a horizon, see a bit more than four walls. He'd dealt with bulkhead fever before but damn.

  The good news was that the newly-minted admiral had no initial plans for his force. All of the Dora class ansible transports would remain at the base. His escort frigates, Lancelot and Scratcher, had been stood down and stored in parking orbits. Scuttlebutt was that the crews wouldn't be returning to their ships but would instead be used as the core crew of a newly built destroyer or cruiser.

  He wished them the best of luck.

  The tanker and tender were already slated to go to Tortuga to help salvage the ships there.

  He frowned. Well, if they weren't going to have his ships go anywhere anytime soon, he might put in for a temporary command there. He would get a kick out of taking a ship like a warship over to the capital.

  And, who knows? They might even let him keep it!


  Ayumu received an email notice he had earned his first bachelor’s degree in engineering. He had already earned three other associate degrees, in electronics, coding, and machine shops. He had a host of certifications under his belt too.

  When he went to his section chief, the chief quietly counseled him that he would be accepted to OCS once he had a stint in the yard or a fort as well as shipboard tour of duty. With the BA came a promotion to Petty Officer 3.

  He immediately shot an email off to his parents with the good news. His father responded with pride, but he heard nothing from his mother. He was a bit hurt and disappointed by her intransigence.

  He was flabbergasted to get an email congratulating him from the commodore. It was just an email, but it felt good to be recognized a little for his hard work.


  Fred was practically strutting when he went to see Shelby for their weekly report. Shelby saw his happy smile and couldn't help but tease him about his son's hard work. “You do good work. With his attitude he'll go far.”

  “Thank you, ma'am.”

  “He's a good kid. He's kept his nose clean, and he's busted his tail. I understand he'll get another degree at the end of the year if he keeps it up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good. The smart ones realize the learning never stops. There is always something new to learn. And it's important to pass it on too.”

  “Most definitely.”

  “Between you and me, I've read his service file. He's been noted for his initiative and hard work. He's a good leader. Those are all gold stars in his favor for OCS. As soon as he completes his current round of schooling and two tours of duty, a slot will open up for him in OCS.”

  “Thank you, ma'am,” Fred replied. He cocked his head, eyes cutting to her second star. “And may I congratulate you on your second star, ma'am?”

  She looked at her left shoulder board and then smiled. “Admiral Irons did it over the ansible. I'm only frocked until the courier comes in with the official keys and promotion files. But it's good to have the rank. It sorts out some issues that might have come up, and it gives me the rank I need to hold more advanced keys.”

  “Ah. Well, that's good, ma'am. Very good.”

  “Okay, so, progress?”

  “Governor Adrienne is about to wrap up the vote preparations to join the Federation in the local congress. Lebynthos has already scheduled a date. Delos has asked but we can't go forward with it if only half the star system wants in.”

  She nodded.

  “I've been going over some of the data about interactions with the locals that the various convoys interacted with. Given more carrots and some progress with the pirates, we might see a change of heart in Rolling Meadows again, plus other locations.”

  “I'll keep that in mind,” Shelby replied. “We'll be dispatching another convoy back that way to hit the areas we missed.”

  “Good to know, ma'am,” Fred said, making a note. “Do you have a timetable on that?”

  “Not yet. We're still resupplying the ships and sorting out who will go. They obviously need a cruiser but I want the cruisers for other things. So it's all about finding the proper balance.”

  Fred nodded. “Understood, ma'am.”

  “What about recruiting?”

  “That's a bit iffy; the planets that are on the cusp of joining are of course sending some recruits. But they've been hit with the plague. Other worlds we've applied the cure to will no doubt send people eventually. But again, the man pool is shallow at the moment. They need all the hands they can get to man the farms and local industry.”

  Shelby grimaced but then nodded.

  “The same will most likely go for other worlds that are being hit by the plague. Some might even be wiped out,” Fred said with a grimace as the room seemed to darken.

  “That I find hard to believe. The plagues do not target humans. And they are only partially effective with apes,” she said with a nod in his direction.

  “Even if they aren't as effective it can still destabilize a society, ma'am. If a human is left and has no idea how to support themselves, it could be a long, hungry, cold winter,” Fred said.

  Shelby thought about it and then thought about all the kids who were no doubt suffering too. She nodded. “Noted. I'll look into speeding up the resupply and selection process.”

  “Good, ma'am. Thank you.”

  “Now, what else?”

  “Well, we obviously haven't heard anything back from the Western Mission. I'd like to get some intel there. Is there any way you can cut orders to send another courier and have them keep us up-to-date?”

nbsp; Shelby thought about it and then nodded. Boni made a note on her HUD.

  “Good idea. I've been hoarding my couriers. I suppose it's time we used them more.”

  “I understand the risks involved; they could get caught by a pirate,” Fred said.

  She nodded. “That was one reason—that and the long distances involved. But I'll use them. Some of them at any rate.”

  “Thank you, ma'am. Do you have the next candidate for an ansible yet? Is it Tortuga?”

  “Not Tortuga. I'm not sure yet. Definitely a place we're going to stay and hold.”

  Fred nodded. “Understood. And you're planning on using couriers to fill in the blanks?”

  “Yes. Once we reduce the piracy in the area a little more, things will start to improve dramatically.”

  “It already has. I saw the latest economic numbers for here and abroad, they've gone up by five fold. The GDP is rising like a rocket.”

  “Good!” Shelby replied with a grin. “And with it, hopefully education, medicine, and all the other perks of being a civilized industrial society too!”

  “Here yes. It's hit or miss elsewhere. But we can work on that too or at least the other departments can.”

  “Understood.” Shelby thought about it. “Did we get anyone from the government for the other departments? Education and such?” Boni shook her head on her HUD. “Well, apparently not,” she said to Fred. “Guess you might be stepping into those shoes for the time being. Lucky you! At least until we can find someone local to do the job.”

  Fred grimaced but made a note of his own. “I guess we'll save that discussion for another time. I'd need staff and budgets and all sorts of things.” Shelby grimaced and then nodded back. “Okay now …”

  Chapter 28

  Asterion IX

  Captain Fabulous Fanny was not in a good mood. Scuttlebutt was rife on her ship, only growing with the retelling. Most of it stemmed from their last two visits.

  According to what they'd picked up from the lubbers, the Federation navy was indeed in the sector, the real Federation Navy. They were also patrolling the area and had captured several of their consorts. She was a bit contemptuous of a few people who were quaking in their boots. They had a point though; you fought to run away. No one profited from getting into a shooting match with a Fed warship; that just got you dead.

  And, if you did survive, repair bills and resupply was expensive. Not to mention that finding ways to pay for it with the Feds running around … missiles were already in short supply. She shuddered to think about how the prices for them and other parts were going to skyrocket.

  Her mother had been right; she should have gone into supply rather than trying her hand in the fleet and building a fortune that way.

  CIC had reported that there had been recent ion traffic. Quite a lot of traffic. They'd put it within the past three months or so.

  That was a little unnerving to say the least.

  And then there were the plagues. She wanted no part of that, so she didn't want to land on any planet for booty. She had no idea how to screen for the plague. The fools who had authorized it to be spread were hopefully dead choking to death on their own blood.

  If only she thought.

  “Comm, wake the lubbers up. Let them know we're here and we expect fuel, supplies, and booty or we'll come down to get them,” she growled.


  “Governor, it's a destroyer. Not one of ours,” the tech who was monitoring the feed from the navy satellite informed him. She showed him a grainy image of the ship. He had no idea what make or model it was but he didn't like the bow of the ship. The long ship had a shark's mouth on the bow made out of triangular metal panels for teeth. Eyes were welded on as well as panels that simulated gills.

  The ship had settled into a polar orbit over the planet.

  “Let the population know,” Governor Iapyx stated gently. They'd already expected it to be a pirate. The good news was that the warning from the navy satellite, which was monitoring the jump point, had given them several days advanced notice.

  And letting them know it was a destroyer told him that the enemy ship was limited on how many people they had on board.

  “Sir, they are demanding the usual fuel, provisions, and booty,” a communications tech stated.

  “Ah, well, ask them their name. And make sure you reply with a nice and nasty cough.”


  “Cough. Let them know we've had the plague. Let's see what that does to them.”


  The muttering began on the bridge the moment the return call came though. Captain Fanny ignored it as she scratched her ample rear and then adjusted her bodice so one of her trademark dagger hilts wasn't poking her so much.

  “Comm, put them through,” she growled. When the communications rating nodded and then signaled her with a hand sign, she cleared her throat. “This is Captain Fanny of Choker. You know the drill. Don't give me any shit or we'll pay it back in spades. I want what's coming to me,” she growled.

  “Ah, Captain Fanny, did you say?” a voice replied. “This is the governor. We're still recovering from the plague; you know the ones your people spread? I'm surprised to see you here, this being Federation territory now,” the voice said.

  That got her bridge watch really chattering. She snarled for them to settle down and then thrust herself out of her chair. “Ah, is it now? Then I be expectin' double the usual booty,” she replied.

  “Ah. Well, we can send it up if we've got it. You haven't exactly sent us a list. As I said, our people are still sick with the plagues,” he said.

  That alarmed quite a few of the pirates.

  “And then there are the navy warships. They might have something to say about your 'request,'“ he replied.

  “Navy warships?” the captain demanded. She hit the mute button and then snapped her fingers to have her people do a scan. She hit the transmit key when her tech shook his head. “Nice try, lubber, but there aren't any on our scopes.”

  “Ah, but you wouldn't see them, would you?” the voice replied. “They could be here, right under your nose, and you wouldn't know it until they took a bite out of your ass. That's how they took a few of your friends. They are rather good at it,” he said. “I'm actually looking forward to watching.”

  “Cap'n, ma'am, we don't need the supplies. And if there be a navy ship stalking us …,” her TAO tapped his index fingers together. “We be lackin' in missiles right sore now. Not good,” he finished lamely.

  She pursed her lips. She wasn't sure which unnerved her more, the plagues or the idea that the tables had turned and she was the one being hunted.

  “Are you still there?” the voice taunted.

  She made a slashing sign across her throat to the comm tech. He cut the channel. “Helm, break orbit. Get us the hell out of here.”

  “Destination, ma'am?” the helmsman asked neutrally.

  She waved a hand imperiously as she sat heavily down in her chair. “Back the way we came. We need better hunting grounds. Somewhere that the plagues haven't touched and the damn feds aren't running around.”

  “Amen,” the XO murmured.


  Governor Iapyx couldn't help but grin at the news that the pirate ship was leaving the star system. It had been a close call but his bluff had worked. The pirate had been unnerved by the threat of a phantom naval ship.

  It wouldn't work the next time of course. He needed to contact the Federation and find a way for them to put a picket in his star system or at least extend patrols in his direction.

  He was fairly certain with their limited resources they wouldn't go for the picket. But that might change if he got behind the initiative to join the Federation and pushed it.

  He called his staff in to discuss it. “The sooner they take out the pirates, the better. So, anything we can do to help that alone, I'm now all for it.”


  In Hyperspace

  Captain Hochi shook
his head in annoyance at the damage. His Brigadoon had been fortunate to escape. He'd ordered everything to be documented, not that he expected to see much sympathy from the admiral when they finally did cross paths.

  The damage had cut his speed significantly. Supplies were going to be tight when they arrived in Virgin Holes. He had already ordered mandatory half rations to make sure they had enough supplies to get to port. That hadn't gone over well with the crew. He'd also used up his last line of credit there so he wasn't certain what he could do to get more supplies.

  Without supplies his crew would begin to desert him once he was in port. On the one hand, he couldn't blame them; he'd do the same. But on the other he needed them. He'd just have to find a way to deal with the problem.



  Captain Hammer wasn't surprised when Saladin's CIC reported the arrival of the admiral's force arriving in the same star system. His ships had managed the long jump to the destroyed star system fairly well, but he hadn't had much of a lead on the admiral after their last encounter. Apparently, the admiral had lingered in Black Hills for a short time for some reason or the ship carrying the core of the shipyard was slowing them down in hyper.

  He had his comm section open a channel to Black Death. “Greetings again, Admiral. Shall I heave to and merge with your command, sir?” he asked, aware that it would take hours to get each response.

  “Why?” the admiral responded several hours later. They were making great time across the star system Captain Hammer noted. Of course, he only had a handful of blundering fat-bottomed freighters to slow his convoy down he thought in annoyance.

  “I thought you'd want that, sir,” he replied.

  “Nay. I want you to get the lead out, Captain,” the admiral growled.

  “We're trying but I'm saddled with a lot of dead weight,” the captain complained. “And we need to stop at Long Sands for resupply.” He wasn't particularly looking forward to that stop. Yes, they needed the supplies, and he was fully aware bulkhead fever was rampant on the ships. But wrangling so many people was going to tax him. He wasn't going to enjoy the stop at all.


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