Book Read Free


Page 26

by Christina Bauer

  “I must be the one to release the King of Hell. That was our deal; I set free Armageddon. Only then will he kill everyone who’s stopping me from becoming King of Antrum. But once that bloodshed is over? Armageddon has to return to Hell. If the terms of our deal aren’t met to the letter, then Armageddon could end up staying around after he kills off my enemies.”

  Yup, that definitely sounds like a deal Aldred would make, all right. And there’s no question who he’s defined as his enemies, either: Lincoln, me, and our families. The only good thing in this situation? All this blah-blah-blahing about his master plan buys us some time.

  While those two bicker, the igni’s power begins to free my muscles. At last, I can twitch my hands and feet. However, Lincoln still stands frozen on the main aisle. That’s not helpful.

  I make shoo fingers at the igni, trying to get them to go release Lincoln already. They get the hint and start to multiply while whirling themselves into a cord, exactly like they did back when we fought Mourn and Dusk. My heart beats faster as that rope of light winds its way up the main aisle, wrapping itself about Lincoln. Soon, dozens of igni twist and dive around his body as well.

  Finally, Lincoln blinks. He’s starting to coming out of it, the same as I am. Even so, I can’t move my legs yet. I call on my igni once more.

  No need to hold back. They know you’re here. Give us more power. Set us free.

  Hundreds of igni spin and dive in a thin coating around Lincoln, me, and the tether that connects us. At last, I can lift my right leg a little. That’s better, but it’s nowhere near battle ready.

  And make no mistake, a fight is coming.

  Mrs. Pomplemousse-slash-Lady Daria raises her arm. Little spots of red light twinkle near her skin as her entire body transforms. In the blink of an eye, she’s no longer a plump grandmotherly type. Instead, she’s a tall vixen with long black hair, bright red lips, and pale skin. She paces before Aldred, making her long crimson cloak and veil trail behind her. Her eyes flare demon-red with power.


  All signs of Mrs. Pomplemousse are gone. This is definitely the demon in her Lady Daria form. Instead of potpourri, the scent of rose perfume becomes so strong it hits me in the face from clear across the freaking Chapel. The gears of my mind whirl through this particular bit of strangeness.

  What’s with all the stinky perfume and veil action? When she was sporting them both as Mrs. Pomplemousse, I didn’t think too much of it. However, she’s doing it again as Lady Daria. Demons change shape as camouflage. Keeping consistent looks between forms simply isn’t done. It defeats the whole purpose.

  Unless, the demon in question has to because they’re hiding something. But what could she be hiding?

  The Lady Daria runs her red-tipped finger across Aldred’s chest. I can feel the waves of her lust demon mojo waft across the Chapel. “The Scala is waking up, as is Lincoln. Let’s take them down.” Her voice is all things whiskey, rough and sexy.

  Aldred huffs out a frustrated breath. “It’s Armageddon’s job to fight them. I’m not getting anywhere near that pair.”

  But we’re going near you, buddy.

  “What about our bargain?” asks Lady Daria.

  Another deal confirmed. My, oh my…Aldred’s definitely been a busy boy. That makes two magical agreements with two greater demons. Jackass.

  Aldred folds his stubby arms over his barrel chest. “I’m far more worried about my deal with Armageddon than the magical contract I have with you.”

  “Even so, our deal was very specific as well,” says Lady Daria. “I get you the coin, and you get me the incantation. You’ve already made things unreasonably hard for me. After all, I took on all that extra work to help you regain your silly codex.”

  My brows jet up. Sure, I knew the Lady sent Mourn and Dusk after us. Yet the fact that she did so only as extra credit for Aldred? D-U-M-B. Who does favors for that guy? The knowledge adds a whole new level of yuck to an already yucky situation.

  “And I’ve kept my side of the bargain,” says Aldred. “I have your incantation. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll hand it over. I’ll be the one to read it, that’s all.”

  This whole conversation is nasty, but at least, they’re still fighting over who gets to read the incantation. More time-buying. And once they’re done fighting? They have to actually speak the words of the spell. Major incantations can take hours. I mean, I’m no wiz with magic, and even I know that.

  Lady Daria slowly licks her lips. She’s working her lust mojo and how. “Drusus and I were taken down by a lowly common angel. Imagine! Our tether was cut and Drusus got run through with a sword. We both fell into the vortex of Charybdis. It was terrible. We have diminished in the eyes of Armageddon.” She sighs dramatically. More waves of lust roll across the Chapel.

  Note: although Aldred seems immune to all this lust demon action, Lady Daria has a plan and she’s sticking to it. Points for consistency.

  “But you survived,” says Aldred. “That certainly impresses the King of Hell.”

  “You don’t know demons. Survival is nothing. I must be seen as powerful again. Allow me to speak the incantation and open the portal. That will show Armageddon that I am a demon to be feared.”

  “Enough, Daria.” Aldred points at Lincoln and me. “We don’t have time for this. They’re starting to move.”

  Lady Daria stares straight at us. Her dark eyes fill with worry. Crap. Looks like Aldred is done fighting over nothing. “How dangerous are they?”

  “They’re the first two I’ve asked Armageddon to kill. What does that tell you?” Aldred’s voice lowers an octave. “Don’t ruin this. Allow me to set Armageddon loose, and I promise, I’ll extoll your strength to the King of Hell. He will respect you.”

  Lady Daria shoots another worried glance at Lincoln and me. After that, she hands over Lucifer’s coin to Aldred.


  Aldred rolls out a super-long scroll and scans the contents. “I’ve studied this for years. So much fuss, and in the end, this has only three words.” He rolls his piggish eyes.

  All the oxygen seems to get sucked out of the Chapel. Three words? Incantations usually take hours. And that freaking parchment is like a mile long.

  I want to face-palm myself. Of course, I get the only incantation in the history of the after-realms that’s three words written on a huge sheet of parchment. What else did I expect?

  With all my focus, I will my muscles to contract. At last, my entire body breaks free from the freezing magic. Lincoln starts to move as well. That’s the good news. The bad news? We’re stuck on one side of the Chapel while Lady Daria and Aldred stand onstage at the opposite wall. I still can’t get over it: they will release Armageddon on the exact spot where Lincoln and I planned to exchange our vows.

  Don’t think about that. Fight now. Irony later.

  My mind clears as I focus on Lady Daria and Aldred. They are so going down.

  Lincoln and I don’t need to chat out our battle strategy. Now that we can move, there’s no question what we’ll do next. Moving in unison, we race down the main aisle. I’m barely aware of all the frozen bodies behind us. Our parents, friends, and subjects… Everyone is still frozen in the last pose as Lady Daria released her spell. Some small part of me wonders how she did that without Drusus, but there’s a battle to win here. I can’t afford to get mired in that little mystery at this point.

  As we race forward, Aldred tosses the coin to the ground. “Infernum.”

  This is Latin, which normally I can translate pretty easily. However, at this point, I’m more concerned with the number of words than what they mean.

  That was the first word of the spell. Only two more to go before all Hell breaks loose.

  The entire Chapel vibrates as a massive amount of power ripples through the air. I’m sure they felt that across the after-realms. I almost lose my footing while running on the shifting stones. At the same time, a bubbling pit of red goo forms around the coin.
The rock stage looks like some kind of bloody swimming hole. Although the pit is only a yard wide, clawed hands are already reaching up through the crimson muck. Rage corkscrews up my neck.

  Hell getting into Antrum? Not on my watch.

  Aldred speaks again. “In.”

  The crimson pool in the stage floor grows larger. More hands, claws, and wings press up through the bubbling red sludge. I recognize a long face with a blade-like nose.

  Oh, crap. That’s Armageddon. I roll my eyes. Of course, he comes for me right away.

  And there’s only one word left to go.

  Finally, Lincoln and I reach the stage. Lincoln ignites his baculum into a long sword while I leap into the air. I make a firm landing on Lady Daria’s chest while choking her with my tail. I’m tempted to give myself a high five because that’s a tricky move in any situation, let alone while wearing your wedding dress and high heels.

  Lincoln stalks forward with his baculum sword blazing white fire. “Take back the incantation and we won’t kill you.” He holds the sword over Aldred’s head. “You know the word to do it: retracto.”

  Aldred grits his teeth. “Terra.”

  Hells bells. That wasn’t “retracto.” That was the final word of the incantation. We are so screwed.

  Suddenly, Armageddon leaps out of from the pit. My limbs turn rubbery. The King of Hell stands tall and lanky; a tuxedo hugs his wiry frame. His onyx skin looks smooth as polished stone, while his eyes flare red with demonic power.

  Since the last time I saw Armageddon, only his stance has changed. One month ago, my father battled Armageddon (who had possessed Adair at the time). In the fight, Dad injured Armageddon’s hip. As a result, the King of Hell now stands at an angle, as if he’s lost mobility in one leg. So, that’s good.

  Armageddon snaps his fingers. A wave of power slams into me, throwing me off the stage. My back slams onto the small strip of empty floor space before the raised platform. At the same time, a metal cage appears around me. While the top and bottom are solid steel, the walls of the prison are made of bars. The thing is barely large enough for me to crouch inside, and then only if my neck cranes at an odd angle. I look over to Lincoln. He’s been imprisoned the same way. It breaks my heart.

  Even worse? I know for a fact that Armageddon used to lock up my father like this, too.

  I rattle the bars of my cage. Solid. At least, the igni still form a protective shield around Lincoln and me. Everyone else in the Chapel isn’t as lucky, though. Just like before, they stay frozen in place, unable to fight. This must be horrible for everyone, but especially for my father. I know he’d do anything rather than see me caged by Armageddon.

  Panic and shock wheel through me, emptying my mind of all thought. Some small part of me says I need to focus in order to escape. Not happening. At this point, it’s a huge effort merely to crouch in my cage and not cry my eyes out.

  While keeping his gaze locked on me, Armageddon’s mouth winds into an over-large smile. Battle demons climb out of the pool behind him. I spot some manus, flying succubae, and all sorts of other Class A nightmares. Normally, that would make me a happy girl. Right now? Not so much.

  I rattle my bars again and look over to Lincoln. “Are you okay?”

  “Relative term, but yes.” His baculum rods lay just outside his cage. He strains through the bars, trying to reach them. Lincoln’s face flushes with the effort. It’s no use, though. Crud. I bet Armageddon did that on purpose, too.

  Aldred scurries to Armageddon’s side. “There they are. Lincoln and the demon whore. Go kill them as we agreed. What are you waiting for? I already released you.”

  “You did release me,” says Armageddon slowly. His cruel voice makes me shiver.

  Aldred waves his tubby arms around. “Go kill them and their families, then. After that, you must return to Hell.” Aldred stares at the massive demons that keep climbing from the pit. “And take your demonic army with you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Armageddon waves his three-knuckled hand dismissively. “And neither are they.”

  Aldred puffs out his bottom lip. “That was not the terms of our agreement.”

  Ignoring Aldred, Armageddon turns to Lady Daria. “My dear. I must admit, I was disappointed when you and Drusus were so easily defeated at the Battle of the Gates. That said, I’ve been watching you from Hell for some time. It was you who tricked Prescott into finding Lucifer’s coin. I’m most pleased.”

  Aldred steps between Armageddon and Lady Daria. “My soldiers did all the work. Lady Daria was useless.”

  I roll my eyes. Way to throw your only ally under the bus, Aldred. Especially when you promised to put in a good word.

  Armageddon keeps right on ignoring Aldred. “Of course, the true accomplishment was pinpointing the need for Lucifer’s coin in the first place. It was I who did that. It wasn’t easy finding a way to free myself after what that one had done.” He points right at me. Both my tail and I give him a lewd hand gesture in reply.

  Lady Daria bows her head. The movement makes her long red veil shift behind her. “We are all in awe of you, oh King.”

  “Of course, you are. And you haven’t even heard the full tale yet. After I discovered a way to escape Hell, I then used my agents on Earth to release you from Charybdis. I even made sure that Prescott had access to the right books and motivation.”

  “Your glory is beyond words,” sighs Lady Daria.

  “What a sniveling sycophant you are,” says Armageddon. “Don’t stop, though. I’ll find a suitable role for you in Hell.”

  I cup my hand by my mouth. “Hey, I have an idea for a role. Maybe you two can fight alongside each other again.” I snap my fingers. “Oh, that’s right. Teaming up didn’t work out so well at the Battle of the Gates. Dad kicked both your butts.” I scan the room dramatically. “Where is Drusus anyway?”

  Lady Daria hisses at me. It’s a full snake-y move where she bares her teeth and everything. “Quiet, you!”

  Like that will happen. I point to Aldred instead. “What about you, buddy boy?” Some small part of me says wonders if I should shut up, but I put that part in a time-out chair. “How’s the master dealmaker doing now? Doesn’t seem like Armageddon is killing anyone or leaving.” I shoot him some mock thumbs-up. “Nice work, you!”

  Aldred stomps his foot. “Kill her!”

  “Of course, I’ll kill them.” Armageddon finally turns to face Aldred. “In fact, I plan to kill everyone. Except you, of course.”

  “Quite right.” Aldred puffs up his chest. “You’ll kill everyone on that list.”

  “Oh, you did give me a list.” Armageddon raises his right hand. A rolled sheet of parchment appears on his stone-smooth palm. “But our contract has very specific—or should I say non-specific—language in it.” He unrolls the document and points to a line. “Right here, section one, line seven. I shall kill all your enemies. The way I see it, every thrax, human, quasi, and ghoul in the after-realms are your enemies.”

  Aldred takes a half-step backward. “But…We…”

  “Don’t try to outsmart the devil on deals. You’ll always lose.”

  I lean forward until my forehead thunks against the bars of my cage. Aldred is such a dumbass. This makes twice that he’s gotten the crap-end on a deal with Armageddon.

  Aldred steps forward and pokes Armageddon in the center of his bony chest. “How can you?”

  “Quiet!” Armageddon snaps his fingers once more. A wave of power slams into Aldred, forcing him to slide away from Armageddon. To fight the pull, Aldred grabs onto Lady Daria. The pair tumbles to the floor. A moment later, a steel box appears around them both. Now Aldred and Lady Daria are caged, the same as Lincoln and me.

  Lady Daria rattles her bars. “This is an outrage. Release me!”

  “In a moment.” Armageddon gestures to the growing ranks of demons behind him. “I have more than enough assistance for the work at hand. You stay put.” The King of Hell slowly turns to Lincoln and me. “Now, it’s ti
me to kill you two. At last.”

  With these words, my mind finally snaps out of its funk. All of a sudden, it’s pretty obvious what I need to do.

  I simply need a ton of igni to do it.

  Raising my arms, I call out in a loud voice: “Come to me, my little ones. I need you all!”

  Instantly, the room fills with millions of tiny igni. They sparkle in the air, creating a thick cloud of shifting light. There’s more that I need them to do, however.

  “Create more tethers. Encase, link, and release all our allies.” The music of the light and dark igni echo though my mind as they whip about to fulfill my orders. Small bodies of brightness encircle almost everyone. The igni can see into someone’s soul. They know who is trustworthy. After they fulfill my orders, only a handful of demonic delegates remain in a frozen state.

  Armageddon lets out a roar of rage. “You little angelic bitch!”

  “Really? I thought I was a demonic whore. You and Aldred need to get on the same page.”

  Lincoln shoots me a thumbs-up. “Well said.” My guy always has my back.

  Armageddon’s voice blasts through the Chapel. “Kill her!” He starts to limp off the stage, his demonic army following behind him. Whoa. Looks Dad really did a number on Armageddon when they were fighting last time. It’s taking the King of Hell forever to limp over and kill me. The sight is hypnotic, and not in a good way.

  This is where I die.

  Lincoln’s voice breaks into my thoughts. “Myla, get back.”

  “What?” I shake my head, trying to focus again.

  “There’s no room to fight. You must go defensive. Make yourself a smaller target.” Lincoln motions for me to slide to the far side of my cage.

  “Got it.” Much as I hate to cower, I also have all of Hell’s worst coming for me and no way to protect myself. I scooch my body until I’m as far away as possible, curl into a ball, and wrap my arms around my head. My tail makes a protective loop around my neck.

  There, that’s about as protected as I’ll get.

  The thud of footsteps sounds as Armageddon limps closer. War cries echo in from the demonic horde, but no one screams louder than the King of Hell. Fear prickles across my skin. Everything around me seems more extreme, from the yelling warriors to the chilly metal beneath my body. My mind races as I think through options in what’s quite possibly my very last moments alive.


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