Peary’s claim challenged 421
Peary Channel 410
Peary Club 413, 415, 418
Peary Land 410–11
‘Peary System, The’ 413
Peddie, Major 246
Peel Sound 273, 274, 275, 276, 280, 282, 283, 285
Peking/Beijing 27, 462
Peltier (voyageur) 224, 225
Pennsylvania 109
Penny, Captain William 274
pepper 5, 6
Perrault (voyageur) 224
Perse, Michael 88, 93, 94
Persia 9, 11, 12, 16
Persian Gulf 22, 44
Peru 7, 64–5, 68, 139, 143, 171, 187
Pet, Arthur 73, 75
Peter the Great, Tsar 125, 127, 137
Petermann, August 333, 335, 369, 372
theories 331, 353, 355, 357, 359, 367, 370–1
Petermann Land 485
Peterson (Greenlander) 362, 363
Petherick, John 312, 313, 314
Petropavlovsk 130, 131, 137
Pharos lighthouse 19
Philharmonic Hall, London 460–1
Philippines 53, 58–9, 187
Philosophical Society of America 195
Phipps, Lieutenant Constantine 215
Piano Carpini, Giovanni di 11
Picard, Jean 138
Pichincha volcano 143, 187
Pigafetta, Antonio 53, 54, 55, 56, 57–8, 59, 60, 61
Pim, Lieutenant 279
Pinta (ship) 33, 36, 38, 39, 40
Pinzón, Martín Alonzo 33, 36, 38
Pinzón, Vicente 33, 63
Pirbright 352
Pizarro (ship) 181, 186
Pizarro, Francisco 7, 64–5, 68
conquest of Peru 64
quest for gold 64–5
murdered 68
Pizarro, Gonzalo 65–8, 69, 70
looks for El Dorado 65–6
expedition starves 67–8
disturbed by dream 68
plague 27
Plate, River 55, 63
Plymouth 94, 149, 447
Pocock (member of Stanley’s expedition) 350
Poe, Edgar Allan: Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym 123
Point Moss 415, 419
Point Turnagain 221, 226, 227, 257, 260, 273, 277, 285
coal fumes/carbon monoxide 73, 80
curare as 145
Hall’s death from 337, 342
Lander subjected to trial by 237
lead poisoning 284
Pavy’s death from 382
Vitamin A poisoning 437–8
Polaris (ship) 336–7, 339, 341, 342
Polo, Maffeo 11–12, 16
Polo, Marco 4, 7, 9–17, 22–3, 30, 44, 69
in Mongol capital 11
and mountain air 12–13
Gobi Desert 13
languages 13
palace at Khanbalig 14
and loss of the Great Khan’s fleet 16
nicknamed Il Milione 17
A Description of the World 17
Polo, Marco, the Elder 11
Polo, Niccolo 11–12, 16
Polynesia 57, 154, 162, 165, 167, 168 see also names of islands
Pomella, Vincenzo 482
porcelain 14
Port Elizabeth 42
Port Jackson 158
Port Louis 269
Port Royal bay 153
Port Stanley 269, 458
Portsmouth (England), 237, 238, 361
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 383
Portugal/Portuguese 63, 85, 122
seafaring and trading tradition 5–6
slave trade 6, 345
and Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) 45, 53, 62, 70, 83
and Columbus 30, 31, 40
expeditions from 42–50
and Magellan’s career 51, 53
and Magellan’s expedition 53, 60, 61, 62
and the Amazon 70, 71
Possession Island 267
postal system (Mongolian Empire) 14
Pozo, Señor del 184
press 290–1
Prester John 7, 15, 44, 45
Pricket, Abacuck 88, 89, 91–2, 92–3, 94, 95
Priestley, Raymond 425
‘Primus’ stoves 385
Prince Albert Land 275, 276
Prince of Wales Strait 275, 276, 277
Prince Regent Inlet 273, 275
Parry in 215, 226
Ross in 257, 259, 260, 263
and Franklin’s expedition 282, 283
Prince Rudolf Island 404, 406, 407, 408
Proteus (ship) 375, 376, 379, 380, 382, 383
Protococcus nivalis 209
Ptolemy 6, 308
Geography 5
pundits 326–30
Punta Arenas 458, 459
Purchas, Samuel 86
Pyrenees 181
Pytheas of Massilia 3, 72
Quebec 106, 107, 109, 114
Queen Charlotte Sound 161, 162, 163, 164
Queen Maud Land 449
Quesada, Gaspar de, 54, 55
Quest (ship) 461
Quito 65, 68, 139, 142, 143, 144, 187
Rae, John 281, 283
Rajarajeshwara temple 191
Raleigh, Sir Walter 8, 103
Rasmussen, Knud 365
Ravenscraig (ship) 341
Rawson, Wyatt 362–3
Reading, John 155
Rebmann, Johannes 308
Red Sea 19, 21, 22, 27
red snow 209
Red Tent 485, 486, 487
refraction 210, 447
Renaissance 8, 119
Repulse Bay 226, 281, 336
Repulse Haven 379
Resolute (ship) 279, 280, 283
Resolution (ship on Cook’s expedition) 160, 161, 162, 165, 167, 168, 170
Resolution (Hudson’s ship) 96
Richardson, Dr John
on Franklin’s Canadian expedition 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226
on Kendall’s expedition to the Coppermine 227
on expedition in search of Franklin 273
discovery of channel between Mackenzie and Coppermine rivers 276
Richmond, Tom 152
Rift Valley 243
Rijp, Jan Corneliszoon 77, 82
Rio de Janeiro 54, 151, 461
Río Huallaga 145
Ríobamba 144, 145, 146, 147
Ritchie, Dr Joseph 229
Robeson Channel, 337, 339, 362, 376, 380, 410, 411, 413, 415
Rockhill, William 330
Rockies 195, 197, 200, 201–2, 204, 324
Roe’s Welcome (Sir Thomas Roe’s Welcome) 97, 99, 102
Romagna, Captain Giuseppe 484
Romanticism 122, 123, 153
Rome 3, 4, 12, 21
Roosevelt (ship) 415, 417, 418, 420
Roosevelt, President Theodore 413, 415, 418
Rose, Benjamin (a.k.a. Robert Adams) 245
Ross, James Clark (nephew of John)
in Arctic 122, 257, 260, 261, 263, 273, 285
in Antarctica 165, 264–70, 422
claims Possession Island 267
Ross Ice Shelf 267
meets Franklin in Tasmania 267
leaves Hobart 268
encounters icebergs 268–9
docks at South Africa 269
buys estate 270
declines leadership of Arctic expedition 271
Ross, John 217, 273, 282, 283, 284
Arctic expedition (1818) 207–10
Arctic expedition (1829–33) 122, 256–63
takes over Victory 256
enters Lancaster Sound 257
plunders Parry’s 1824
food supplies 257
winters Prince Regent Inlet 259
writes of environment 259
arrival of Inuit 260
finds North Magnetic Pole 261
wounds open up 261
winter in Somerset House 262
ice opens 263
knighted 263
nd search for Franklin 274
Ross Ice Shelf 432, 444, 449
Ross’s expedition (1839–43) 267, 268
retrocession 270
Borchgrevink’s expedition (1898–1900) 422
Scott’s expedition (1900–4) 423
Scott’s expedition (1911–12) 425
Imperial TransAntarctic Expedition (1914–16) 445, 448
Ross Island 425, 448
Roteiro da primeira viagem de Vasco da Gama 46, 47, 49
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 122, 153
Rowe, John 162–3
Royal Arctic Theatre 211
Royal Geographical Society
and Everest 462
Foureau gives lecture to 402
Freshfield as President of 470–1
and Jackson 390
Lander receives medal from 241
and Livingstone 343, 346
Markham as President of 366, 422–3
and Nobile 479
and Peary 421
and pundits 329, 330
and Speke 312, 313, 314, 315
and Stanley 348
Royal Navy 121, 137, 186, 210, 216, 256, 271, 361, 365, 366, 367, 423
and calculation of latitude 138
Royal Society 151, 317
Royal Society of Victoria 296–7, 304, 306, 307
Rusizi, River 311, 347
Russia 122, 149, 326, 370–1, 484, 486, 487
expeditions to find link between America and 125–37
see also Soviets
Rusticiano of Pisa 17
Ruwenzori Mountains 409
Sabine Island 333
Sablonnière, Marquis de 111, 112
Sacagawea (Indian wife of Charbonneau) 200, 201, 203
Sagarmatha (Everest) 193
Sahara 229, 233, 234, 295
Ibn Battuta crosses (1351 and 1353) 28, 29
Denham, Oudney and Clapperton cross (1822–3) 231–2
Laing crosses (1825–6) 246–8
Caillié crosses (1828) 253–4
Barth crosses (1850–5) 255
French exploration of 289–90
Foureau crosses (1899–1900) 398–402
St Brendan’s Land 31
St Elmo’s Fire 54
St François (ketch) 110
St Germain (voyageur) 220, 223
St Helena 265
St Helena Bay 46
St Julian Bay 55
St Lawrence River 103
St Louis 197, 205
Saint-Lusson, Simon François de 105, 106, 108
St Paul (ship) 130, 131
St Peter (ship) 130, 131, 132, 134, 136
St Peter’s Canal 418
St Petersburg 127, 129, 137
salt mines 28
Samandré (voyageur) 224, 225
Samarkand 23, 29
San Antonio (ship) 53, 56, 61, 62
San Francisco 369
San Pedro (boat) 66, 68, 69, 70
San Rafael Falls 66
San Salvador 34–5
Sandwich, 4th Earl of 165
Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian Islands) 165 see also Hawaii
Sandy River 202
Santa Clara de Moguer 39
Santa Maria (ship) 33, 34, 36, 37, 38
Santa María de la Cinta, Huelva 40
Santa María de Guadalupe 39
Santa Maria de Loreto 39
Santacilla, Jorge Juan y 139, 142, 143
Santiago 61
Santiago (ship) 53 55, 59
Santo Tomás (fort), Espaniola 40
São Gabriel (ship) 46, 50
São Miguel (ship) 50
São Rafael (ship) 46, 50
Sargasso Sea 34
Saskatchewan River 219
Sault Ste. Marie 105
Saussure, Horace-Bénedict de 120, 171–9
offers reward for summit of Mt Blanc 171
reaches 11, 400
feet 173
climbs Mt Blanc (1787) 177
spends two weeks at 11,000 feet 178–9
Savoia-Aosta, Luigi di, Duke of Abruzzi see Abruzzi, Luigi di Savoia-Aosta, Duke of
Scallon, Mr 212
Scandinavia 72
Schiller, J.C.F. von 180
Schley, Captain Winfield Scott 382–3
Schyberg, Lieutenant Birger 486
science 119–20
Scott, Robert Falcon 165, 366, 420, 444, 445, 450, 488
maps of Ross Ice Shelf 270
description of character 423
expedition to South Pole 290, 291–2, 423–31
Terra Nova lands at Cape Evans 424
mechanized sledges seize up 425
race for the South Pole 426
shoots the horses 426
hauling sledges over Beardmore Glacier 427
elects group of five to go to Pole 428
reaches Pole and finds Norwegian flag 428
Edgar Evans grows weaker 429
writes on Oates 429
letter of regret 430
and Mawson 432, 443
caused by Vitamin C deficiency 79, 259, 366, 427
exacerbated by alcohol and exercise 212
prevention and cure see anti-scorbutics
symptoms 49, 57, 79, 132, 251–2, 261, 302, 364, 427
viewed as disease of the past by Markham 361, 366
on Magellan’s expedition (1519–22) 57
on Willoughby’s expedition (1553) 73
on Barents’s expedition (1594–7) 79, 80, 81
on Hudson’s expedition (1610–11) 91, 94
on Bylott’s and Burton’s expedition (1612–13) 96
on Foxe’s expedition (1631) 100
on James’s expedition (1631–2) 101–2
on Bering’s expedition (1725–42) 131, 132, 133, 134, 135
on Cook’s expedition ((1768–79), 161
on Parry’s expedition (1819–27) 212, 214
on Caillié’s expedition (1827–8) 251–2, 254
on Ross’s expedition (1829–33) 261, 262
on expeditions searching for Franklin (1850S) 278, 279, 283
on expedition across Australia (1860–1) 302, 304
on expedition led by Weyprecht and von Payer (1872–4) 356
on Nares’s expedition (1875–6) 364, 365, 366
on Greely’s expedition (1881–4) 381
on Scott’s expedition (1911–12) 427, 428
on Shackleton’s expedition (1914–16) 445, 448, 450
scurvy grass (Cochlearia groenlandica) 81–2, 101, 133, 136
sea ape 133
Sea of Attilia 53
Sea of Okhotsk 127, 128
’Sea of Ujiji’ 308, 310
Seaman’s Practice 138
Searchthrift (ship) 73
Sedov, Grigoriy Yakovlevich 291
Selwyn Range 300, 301
Senegal 228, 246, 250
French troops from 402, 403
Senièrgues, Jean 139, 143
Serrano, Juan 59
Severnaya Zemlya 479, 480, 481
Seville 61, 62
Shackleton, Ernest 165, 270, 420, 427, 433, 435
and rewards of exploration 291
character description 444
Antarctic expedition (1907–9) 423, 432
Antarctic expedition (1914–16) 294, 444–61:
Endurance leaves Plymouth 447
ship stuck in ice 447
clashes of personality 449
heads for Elephant Island 452
sails for South Georgia in the James Caira 453–4
crosses South Georgia with Worsley and Crean 456–7
rescues castaways on Elephant Island 458–9
description of living conditions on Elephant Island 459
looks for Mackintosh and Hayward 460
journal South sells well 460
change in public attitude 461
departs aboard Quest 461
heart-attack 461
buried in South Georgia 461
Shackleton Ice
Shelf 433, 442
Shalatskii Promontory 127, 129
Shang-tu 13, 15
Shari, River 232, 403
Shelley, Mary: Frankenstein 123
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 123
Sherard Osborn Fjord 365
Sheriff Harbour 260
Shetlands 77
Shoshone 200, 201
Shredded Wheat 291
Shumagin 133
Si Lapulapu 58, 59
Siberia 8, 11, 75, 78, 122, 124, 125, 353, 404
Russian expeditions 82, 125, 127, 129, 131
De Long’s expedition 367–74, 385
and Nobile’s plans 479
Sidi el Muktar 248
Sierra Leone 250
Silesia 9
Silla 183
Simon’s Bay 269
Simpson, Governor George 226
Singh, Kishen (‘A.K.’) 329–30
goes to Mongolia 329
answers the Tsangpo-Brahmaputra question 329
longest lived of the Pundits 330
Singh, Nain (pundit ‘No.1’) 329, 330
travels across the Himalayas 327
walks from Ladakh to Lhasa 327
Singh, T.K. (pundit ‘No. 2’) 327
Sioux 108, 198, 199, 200, 205
Sir Thomas Roe’s Welcome see Roe’s Welcome
Skead, Francis 277, 281
slaves/slave trade 6, 28, 41, 43, 51, 345, 346
smallpox 198
Smith Sound
discovered by Baffin and Bylot 97
and Ross’s expedition (1818) 207, 209, 210
and Polaris expedition (1871–3) 336, 337, 339, 341
and Greely’s expedition (1881–4) 378, 379, 382
Smithsonian 293, 294, 413
Smythe, Sir Thomas 88
Society Islands 161
Sofala 44
Sokoto 232, 233, 234, 235, 236
Solander, Daniel 149, 151, 152, 154, 159, 160
Somalia 309
Somerset House (Arctic shelter) 261, 262
Somervell, Howard 465, 466, 469, 470, 471–3
Soto, de 7
Soudan 401
South America 72, 86, 103, 120
Columbus travels past (1498) 41
Magellan’s expedition (1519–22) 53–6, 62
exploration (1500–34) 63, 65
Orellana in (1541–6) 65–71
Condamine’s expedition (1735–45) 138–48
Cook travels along coast of 164
Humboldt’s exploration of (1799–1803) 181–9
see also names of countries and places
South Georgia 164, 269, 453, 454, 455–7, 458, 461
South Magnetic Pole 265, 267, 422, 423, 432, 444
South Pole 54, 164, 180, 270, 285, 432, 478
Ptolemy’s ideas about 5
and Dumont d’Urville’s expedition (1837) 264
Markham urges British attempt on 366, 423
Scott’s expedition to (1911–12) 290, 291–2, 423–31
Amundsen’s expedition to (1911–12) 292, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430–1
Shackleton’s ambition to reach 444
Southampton Island 97, 102
Southern Cross (ship) 422
Southern Sky (ship) 458
Soviets 486, 487
Spain 8, 18, 85, 109–10, 122, 130, 141, 149, 181
Off the Map Page 74