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Charming: The Coast Book 9

Page 14

by Hart, Eve R.

  Then Blade was stalking toward the bed. He was coming for me with a look in his eyes that was on the verge of being deadly. I might not have known what was to come but I knew it would be something life-changing.

  “You take Beth, I’ll get Bonnie,” Charming said and I smiled as I shifted my eyes to him.

  “The fuck?” Blade said clearly confused.

  There was no explanation but Charming didn’t let him stand there clueless for long. His hand slapped down on the back of Blade’s head. They both seemed to lower down to my chest as one. I sucked in a harsh breath and then it got caught in my chest, refusing to come out as I felt both of their tongues swirling around my nipples.

  Their touches were different. I was split in two trying to figure out which one I liked the most. But then again, maybe the whole point of this was that I didn’t have to choose.

  Charming’s tongue was smooth and soft as he licked around my peaked nipple. His suction was light but enough to set me on edge. He was savoring his time there. While Blade was completely different. It shouldn’t have been a surprise. Blade’s tongue was harsh, almost lashing my nipple as he flicked it inside his mouth. Blade was working Beth like she was a hot little tramp in the back of her daddy’s car on prom night. I had never felt sexy like that before and I couldn’t deny that I wished my prom night had ended with something like this feeling. Blade’s touch made me feel on fire, hot. But Charming’s touch was equally needed because he made me feel beautiful and the way he wasn’t rushing his movements had me feeling like he was enjoying every bite of the most delicious meal.

  Fingers slid over my body, both sets snaking down toward the space between my thighs. I opened my eyes to see Charming and Blade sharing a look. It was almost like they were having a silent conversation. Then their eyes were on mine as Charming’s fingers dipped inside of me while Blade’s parted my folds. Blade flicked my clit over and over again.

  The orgasm that I’d been denied moments before was quickly rising again. Tingles flowed through my body and I felt heavy and light at the same time.

  “This is…” I sighed out. “Fantastic.” Okay, that was a little lame. But you had to give me a break, these two men were currently making my brain turn to mush.

  Then, because I was me, I went into my head. What was I supposed to do? Were there some kind of rules I needed to follow here? Yes, that should have been something we talked about before going into this. Charming had kind of just sprung it on me. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this would happen. Yes, I knew they liked to do stuff together with women. Yes, I was curious about it. But… was I different?

  Ugh. I was so in my head that I felt my orgasm slipping away again. They paused practically at the same time and I sighed because it was obvious that I couldn’t hide what was going on with me.

  Charming climbed between my legs, his mouth now next to my ear. He rocked his hips against me, spreading my wetness around.

  “Whatever you want to happen, happens. You want to touch, then touch. Don’t think, Abs, just feel and enjoy.”

  Charming’s words calmed me. And then his lips on mine made me melt again, forgetting all the questions and panic I felt a moment ago.

  ‘Just feel and enjoy.’

  That should be easy enough, right?

  When Blade’s lips closed around the sensitive skin at the curve of my neck, I nearly lost it. Charming thrust himself forward, filling me in an instant. I moaned and broke away from him. My hand clawed at his back and my other one went to the back of Blade’s head.

  Charming’s lips were on my neck. Blade’s head was raised, his eyes looking down into mine. He was still guarded but there was something else there. Something that he was allowing to slip through so I could see it. I didn’t know what it was but I did know that it made me feel hot all over.

  Blade hovered as if he needed some sort of answer from me. I tilted my head, pushing my lips in his direction. I guessed that was what he was looking for because then his mouth was on mine. His kiss was powerful and bruising. His tongue probed my mouth like he wanted to taste every inch of me. Then I felt his fingers working me again. Between Charm’s strong thrusts and Blade’s brash flicks over my clit, I was going out of my mind.

  Without thinking, my hand glided down Blade’s chest. The hair felt coarse under my fingertips and I really liked the strange feeling.

  It was another reminder of how they were so different. Charming was smooth. The hair on his chest and abs was nonexistent. And I’d only ever seen a small dusting of light stubble on his face a few times. Blade was rougher, less polished, if you will. His face was hard, he always looked angry, while Charming loved to smile. Blade’s skin was taut around his sculpted muscles. Like they had been carved out of stone. And then his body, while it wasn’t hairy enough to make me think of a bear, it definitely screamed manly.

  My fingers drifted down hesitantly. I was trying to stay out of my head but I was nervous.

  Kissing Blade back harder, I took the plunge, slipping my hand into his opened pants and wrapping my fingers around his hard length.

  He groaned into my mouth. Or really, it was more of a growl, I guess. Either way, it seemed that he approved of what I was doing so I kept going. Pulling him free, I continued to jerk my hand up and down his shaft. Remembering what I’d seen that night I walked in on them, my curious thumb swiped over the metal ball. A shiver shot through my body. I suddenly wanted to know what it was like to roll my tongue over it. But maybe I wasn't ready for that just yet.

  Not that it mattered right now because I suddenly couldn’t hold back any longer. I shattered and moaned with Charming inside of me and Blade’s lips on mine.

  I went weightless against the mattress as Blade’s hand covered mine. With a tight grip, we both worked his cock until I felt it swell even more. I wanted to open my eyes and watch, but they were so heavy. Two loud grunts filled the air at the same time. I was surprised that I was able to notice the differences between the two. Yet I had, and they both equally made me smile. Charming let go inside of me with a deep thrust, filling up the condom to the brim, or so I imagined. That was what it felt like with each pulse that rippled through him. Then I felt the warm liquid hit my stomach as Blade continued to work our hands and milk everything out of him.

  My hand fell away as both men left me. Though I knew they weren’t really leaving me. Charming was there wiping between my legs while Blade cleaned my stomach. I may not have had my eyes open but I knew the differences in their touch.

  Charm’s warm body was there a minute later, cradling my left side. His bare, soft cock was pressed against the side of my hip as his arm draped over my stomach. With a soft chuckle, he kissed the side of my mouth.

  There was a sigh. It was low, but I heard it. It wasn’t from my left side so I knew it didn’t come from Charming. Blindly, I reached out, somehow managing to snag Blade’s wrist. I didn’t open my eyes because I couldn’t. I felt him freeze for a second but he didn’t pull away. With a light squeeze, I tugged his wrist, silently asking him to stay. Why? I wasn’t sure. Even though I was almost passed out and clearly not of sound mind, I felt something pulling me to do it. To silently ask him to stay. There was another sigh, this one seemed to make his body relax. Then he was there, sliding onto the bed and wrapping an arm around me too. His lips lightly kissed my forehead. Once I was safely and warmly sandwiched between these two men, I gave up the fight and zonked the heck out.



  I smiled down at Abigail. She was nearly asleep. I wasn’t sure she was even aware that we were cleaning her up. Yeah, we’d maybe taken it easy on her. She loved it, so that was all that mattered. And of course, I did too. Come on, it was hot as hell. Blade and I took care of her so perfectly that she didn’t even have a chance to think about who was doing what to her. There were times I saw her start to over think it, but then she wasn’t. Hell, I didn’t even think she was thinking at all.

  She felt. She ga
ve in and she reciprocated. It was kind of beautiful. No, there was no kind of about it. It was really fucking beautiful. It didn’t even compare to anything I’d ever done before. I might not have been able to explain it and I probably shouldn’t even try.

  I settled down beside her without a second thought. Of course I did, it wouldn’t be the first time I fell asleep with her.

  Then I caught it. Her hand reached out and grabbed for Blade as he was about to leave. I realized then that he’d been staring down at her. There wasn’t anything different about his face so I had no clue what was going on in his head. He stiffened the moment her fingers closed around his wrist. His eyes slowly slid over to mine. I got the silent question right away and gave him a little nod.

  I could admit I wanted to see what he’d do. When it came to having women in his bed, Blade wasn’t shy about telling them it was time to leave when it was over. He was more blunt about it that I was. Not that it was a surprise to me at all because Blade didn’t like people near him for the most part. Sex, that was what it usually took to let someone near. And when it was over, well, it was over with a get the hell out now kind of stare.

  I knew him, as well as anyone could know him. He was stone and darkness. So it was no surprise that his face remained stoic and blank right now. But what I did see, was a flicker of something in his eyes. And then he got in the bed and, with his pants still clinging on to his hips and hanging open, crowded in on Abigail’s free side.

  Blade wasn’t the type of person that did something if he didn’t want to. He wouldn’t go along with shit just to make someone happy. And he sure as fuck never worried about hurting anyone’s feelings. He wasn’t smooth in the way that he placated people with soothing gestures or words. That right there told me something. Because if he didn’t want to stay, he would have grunted and walked out the fucking door.

  I reached over and clicked off the bedside lamp, instantly submerging the room into darkness. Abigail was out, her soft breaths filled the silent room.

  I closed my eyes but I knew I wouldn’t be drifting off anytime soon. I would bet it was the same for Blade.

  “What do you want here, Charm?” Blade asked, his voice was low and raw, the question coming out more like a gruff whisper.

  What did I want? I hadn’t really thought it through, I guess. Which I realized was where I’d fucked up. I’d been going off of her and the things in her head that she did, and didn’t, say. Why should I hold this experience from her when she was obviously curious about it. I wasn’t ashamed and she shouldn’t be either. That didn’t mean that I cared any less about her. Maybe, just oddly enough, it meant I cared more.

  I mentally shook my head, it wasn’t time to get into that train of thought. I had a feeling it was going to be a long one with a bunch of analyzing and self-digging.

  “This is different,” he stated when I hadn’t said anything.

  I cleared my throat before I attempted to get words out. Sure, I could have been looking for any excuse to stall right now.

  “I know.”

  And I did. I got what he was saying. Abigail was different from all the other women we’d done this with for so many damn reasons. This could end badly. That realization hit me like a burning sledgehammer to the gut.

  I cared for Abigail and I knew Blade did too, in his own way.

  “Fuck,” he mumbled harshly as if something just occurred to him. “You didn’t even talk about it with her before you invited me over, did you?”

  He sounded a little pissed.

  “No,” I said with a huff as I opened my eyes. I turned my head in his direction. I couldn’t really see him but I knew he was looking at me. “And she was the one that banged. It was all her choice. I don’t know… I knew you were over there and… I just went with my gut, I guess.”

  “You’re attached,” he said.

  I was, it was no secret that Abigail meant something to me. More than something. Like a lifetime of somethings.

  “So are you,” I shot back but without any hurt or irritation in my voice.

  He grunted like he wanted to say more but he wouldn’t, not now. He cared about her, but the thing with him was that you never truly knew how much.

  “What do you want here?” he asked.

  I smiled, a little cocky, a little genuine. I knew he couldn’t see it in the dark room but I still did it.

  “To wake her up in a little bit and make her come again,” I told him.

  I could practically feel him rolling his eyes at me.

  “Alright,” he said giving in. “But we do this whole thing slowly.”

  “I agree.”

  “Means it might take a few goes at it,” he said and I knew he was pushing to get a feeling on what I was thinking about all of this.

  “Well, yeah,” I said. “Look, let’s just keep her happy. That’s all I want. She deserves that much and I think you might agree.”

  “You don’t think it’ll get messy? For her?”

  There was something in his tone that I couldn’t decipher. In a strange way, it was almost like he saw the end of this whole thing playing out. Why would he though, when it hadn’t really gotten started… you know, whatever this was. I wasn’t trying to think too hard on it. Overthinking usually led to over analyzing it. Which led to seeing things that might not really be there. The mind liked to play tricks. It liked to ruin things when there wasn’t a need to.

  I blew out a harsh breath and looked up at the ceiling.

  “She takes the lead,” he said after the silence seemed to stretch out between us.

  “Okay,” I said knowing exactly what he meant by that.

  “You start to feel uneasy, you fucking tell me.”

  “Got it,” I said in a sharp whisper. We may not have communicated with words often, but we’d never had a problem with understanding each other. I was pretty sure this was the most we’d talked at once, and yeah, maybe that was saying something.

  “Alright, laying here with her naked has my dick hard again. Let’s go.”

  I chuckled at his to-the-point statement. I wasn’t going to argue, I was very much in the same boat.

  I flicked on the light again. I whispered her name right before I kissed her neck. Unexpectedly, her body jerked, her hand flying out and nearly slapping me in the face.

  “Holy toadstools!” she said as her eyes went wide. “Was that a dream? I think I came in my sleep.”

  She then seemed to notice that Blade and I were both in the bed with her.

  “Wasn’t a dream, baby,” I said with a chuckle, thinking she’d like it even more that it wasn’t.

  “I didn’t come in my sleep?” She sounded a little disappointed in that. “Wait, what?”

  “We’re not done,” Blade said and his voice was so raw it caused my body to shiver.

  “Yeah?” she asked with a hopeful ring.

  “This time,” Blade said as he moved to cover her body. She didn’t even seem to notice that he was still wearing his pants. “I’m going to be the one to fuck you.”

  Her eyes slid over to meet mine. With a smile and honesty swirling in my gaze, I gave her a firm nod. I didn’t need to ask if it was what she wanted, it was written all over her dazed face.

  We took our time working her up. Each of us taking turns with every single part of her body. At one point, my tongue was licking her sweet pussy while Blade sucked and worked her clit.

  After she came, I crawled up the bed. I leaned against the headboard and pulled her body to rest flush against mine. My legs parted, giving her room to relax. My cock was hard and pinned down under her back. I ignored it because this was about her right now.

  “Watch him,” I whispered into her ear while my fingers lazily rolled her nipples.

  Blade looked up and then lowered himself once again between her legs.

  She whimpered and whined like that wasn’t what she wanted right now.

  “Let him get his fill. Don’t worry, he’ll give you everything you want,” I told her.

  Watching him eat her out while I touched her was extremely hot. It was all I could do to keep my hips still. I was ready to hump her back but I didn’t think she’d appreciate that.

  I heard Blade’s pants drop to the ground. She must have heard it too because she was suddenly sitting up.

  “She’s going to poke it,” I warned him as he held a condom up in one hand.

  He cocked his head at me and since his focus wasn’t on her, he was a little shocked when she did, in fact, poke his cock.

  With a small upturn of his lips, he looked down at her.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  “Touch it all you want,” he told her.

  She did, her eyes looking at it intently. No, not like it was a piece of meat she wanted to shove into her mouth. More like she was trying to map the ridges and curves of the thing into her head.

  “This is cool,” she whispered and began to delicately play with the ball at the top of his dick. “Can I lick it?” She looked over her shoulder directing the question to me.

  “Go ahead,” I told her and tried to hide my chuckle. I found it adorable and by the look on Blade’s face, he at least found it amusing.

  Watching her tongue slip out of her mouth as she dragged it up the length of his cock was really fucking hot. She circled the ball at the bottom before taking the entire tip into her mouth. That was all she did though. She didn’t try to take him any further into her mouth. I wondered why but now was not the time to ask.

  A deep, rumbling growl filled the room and Blade looked like he was straining to hold himself back.

  I urged her back against my chest and she came without hesitation.

  Blade slipped on the condom and I asked her if this was what she wanted. I just had to be sure. I didn’t want her to feel like we were pushing her to do this. With an eager nod, I had my answer.

  Blade placed his knees on the bed and pushed her legs open.

  His eyes went to mine for a second before looking down at Abigail.

  Then he grabbed his cock and lined himself up.


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