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An Office Alien Christmas- Ro

Page 1

by V. C. Lancaster


  Office Alien




  V.C. Lancaster

  Text Copyright 2018 V.C. Lancaster

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents






  Saturday mornings were the best.

  On Teiss, Ro’d had to work every day, bending over choba cultures, crawling on his hands and knees through narrow tunnels. At the time, he had been primarily concerned with what his next meal was going to be, and stewing as he always had in hatred of the Balor who forced his tribe to farm for them. Now, on Earth, work meant something very different. It meant going to the DETI building and sitting in his chair and answering his phone, five days a week, eight hours a day including lunch. His evenings were his own, and his ‘weekends’.

  He liked weekends.

  He liked waking up with Maggie still in his arms and no alarms and nowhere they had to be. He liked taking his time. He liked not having to rush.

  And today was Saturday.

  He woke up first, as he usually did. He wasn’t disorientated anymore when he woke up and saw painted human walls and a ceiling instead of tunnelled stone. After sharing a bed with Maggie for so long, he fell asleep looking forward to waking up next to her, so it was never jarring to open his eyes to their dark basement bedroom. They had been together now for sixteen months. Maggie counted it differently, starting from their first kiss at the office winter party, which would make it not quite a year yet, but Ro counted from the day they met. When Maggie found out about that, she had blushed, but she hadn’t told him not to so he figured it was alright. He was learning to be more honest with her, but some things… Some things were still hard. Some things he didn’t ever want to tell her.

  But why think about that now, when Saturday mornings were their time? His time to be close to her. Sometimes Sunday afternoons or Friday nights were also their time, but now Kez was with Bia, they often ended up going out together on a ‘double-date’. Ro did want to see Kez, but he would have happily found another opportunity to do so when it wouldn’t cut into his time to get Maggie naked and under him. Maggie and Bia wanted their ‘girl-talk’ though, and it made no sense for him and Kez to stay home by themselves, so double-dates it was.

  The night before they hadn’t seen the other couple because Ro and Maggie were busy preparing for the next office winter party. It was nostalgic, in a way, to repeat the preparations he had helped with last year, back before he had ever kissed Maggie, but wanted her nonetheless. So much had changed between them. They were together now, they shared a house off the DETI campus that Maggie said was ‘cosy’, and they weren’t ‘dancing around each other’ like she said they had been back then, though Maggie still liked to dance with him and the teacher said he was very good. He had a good memory for the steps.

  They had got home late, and eaten late, and Maggie had yawned, so Ro had thought he should wait to take care of her needs until the morning. He diligently made sure he did it with eager anticipation. Even if he wasn’t in heat, he still enjoyed making Maggie come. He liked seeing her naked and touching her breasts and he liked how much it made her like him afterwards. He didn’t think she noticed the soft way she always kissed and touched him afterwards, with love like her own bioluminescence in her eyes, but he did.

  He reached for his Gadjit on the bedside table to get the time. 9:42am. She would be waking up soon, or wanting him to wake her. She complained if she slept past ten on the weekends. He rolled up behind her where she slept on her side, her face slack and her breath slow. Ro smiled to himself. She looked so different when she was asleep, and he didn’t think she would like to know that, so he kept it tucked away with the rest of his secrets. He wasn’t supposed to keep secrets and their number had dwindled to almost nothing, but he didn’t see the harm in gathering new ones if they were small.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling the soft bundle of her into his stomach and burying his face in her cloud of curly brown hair. She called it brown, but it was full of yellow- blonde highlights where it had been bleached by the sunlight that hit this planet. Ro didn’t know why hair could be brown or black or red, but yellow had to be ‘blonde’. Just one of those things he had to remember, he supposed. Her hair snagged on his scales, the only thing that really registered since it was too soft for him to feel, but he still liked doing it, surrounding himself with this soft, airy stuff that carried her scent and tickled in his nose.

  Maggie made a little noise, a quiet groan or hum, disturbed from her sleep. She put her hand on his arm, sliding it down to his hand, working her fingers between his. “Morning,” she acknowledged him without opening her eyes, leaning her weight back against him.

  He lifted his head and looked at her face. “Good morning, my love.”

  She smiled like she always did when he called her that, which was exactly why he did it.

  Now she was awake… He slid his hand from her soft stomach to work between her thighs. She made a gap for him obligingly.

  “Ro,” she said with an edge of a moan as his thumb found her clit through her pyjamas. He liked these pyjamas, they were thick for winter, and meant he didn’t have to be as careful with his claws. “Are you horny or just a creature of habit?”

  He wasn’t sure what that meant but… “Horny,” he said. He knew that was the right answer.

  Maggie opened her eyes, blue, but with no glow. She had described to him what he looked like to her in the dark once, a disembodied collection of pink irises, pink ‘moons’, as she called his marks, everything else invisible, but her night vision was strongest when she first woke up so he imagined she could see him now. He could always see her perfectly. Even in this windowless room, he could count the freckles across her cute little nose and cheekbones. She rolled onto her back and he made room for her, staying propped up on one elbow as her hands reached up to his cheeks, tracing the lines of his face with her thumbs before pulling him down to kiss her.

  It was easy now. He wouldn’t say routine, but it was familiar, comfortable, and he loved that about their relationship. There was no question that his hand would be welcome under her shirt, no stress, no nervousness. He knew just how to touch her, he could do it without thinking, and he was good at it.

  He smiled against her lips as her tongue looked for his, his hand sliding up her stomach to her breast. The contrast between them was as delicious as it always was, his hand a hard stiff thing of scale and bone, her breast nothing but soft, her ample flesh escaping between his fingers as he squeezed gently. She moaned softly to keep him going, but she needn’t have bothered. He didn’t need encouraging or spurring on, he was in no way reluctant to continue. He circled her nipple with his thumb, and her hands left his face and started undoing her buttons.

  Ro broke their kiss and moved to her neck, down to the skin that showed between her lapels. He took over undressing her and she wriggled, adjusting herself on the bed. He made sure his thigh was there between her legs if she wanted it.

  It wasn’t heat sex, the way he cared for her like this. This was a careful balance of what he could and couldn’t do for her. He could touch her, kiss her, undress her, make her come, and he made sure to do so. He couldn’t get hard, however, and he couldn’t join her in physical pleasure, but he always enjoyed what they did, and it all served as inspiration for when his next heat did eventually roll around.

  His heat cycle was still settling, but it looked like he would end up with a similar rhythm to other Balin in the area, with one heat every three months or so. He knew Maggie was relieved about that. The problem was however that it c
ould come on from one minute to the next, or he could linger on the uncomfortable precipice of one for days, and their severity was unpredictable too. He’d had one so mild that he had only felt the need to fuck four times in the three-day stretch, and he’d had one so strong that Maggie had been unable to continue, and had had to recover upstairs while he locked himself in the basement and tore their bedding apart. So there were still doctor visits in his future, but she reassured him the prognosis was good.

  He had stopped turning the thermostat up after finding Maggie crying on the couch one day. This was a better way to keep her satisfied. Even if he’d had to swallow his pride at first, he’d recaptured it by making Maggie come until she couldn’t move, because that was the thing: he didn’t use up any stamina doing this, he could go all day, which was nothing to a Balin used to heats, but compared to a human male… He won.

  At least judging by Maggie’s reactions, he did. He could wear her out in under an hour, some days. He’d taken longer over cups of choba. It made him wonder if it was dangerous for her to see him through his heats, but she insisted on doing it, staring at his cock with hungry eyes. Maybe she missed it when she didn’t have it, or maybe it was just something new every now and then, but whatever it was, Ro wasn’t complaining.

  He spread her flannel shirt open, rubbing his lips against her breasts as she started to grind gently against his stomach. Her hands slid to his waist, her thumbs tracing the line of muscle over his hips. He had learned by now what parts of his body were her favourite. She liked his face, his stomach, and his cock the best. She thought he was pretty, like a jewel. He didn’t, but that was beside the point. She did. And she liked his muscles, so he flexed and thrust against her, jolting her body and making her gasp. He smiled to himself when her exhale trembled.

  Her hands, her skin on his scales were almost too soft to feel, only their heat seeping through to his blood, but he could feel her nails, and her teeth, when she chose to use them. Her soft human hands were gentle enough to touch his cock directly, an utterly maddening sensation that more than made up for not being able to feel her touch the way a human would. Whenever she touched him there, he had to take his hands off her for fear of hurting her with his claws. They’d ruined a lot of sheets that way.

  He kissed down her soft stomach, but when he hooked the waistband of her pyjamas, she murmured “You don’t have to.”

  They’d had this discussion a lot. Maggie worried he made love to her like this ‘just for her’, as she put it. She couldn’t seem to grasp that it was no hardship, that he would do anything to keep her by his side, and making her come until she couldn’t move was selfish. He did it to shackle her to him, so she didn’t have the energy to even think of looking at other males. But if she wanted to think him generous, he wouldn’t correct her.

  “I want to,” he replied, meeting her eyes and holding. She reached out and put her hand to his head, running her thumb along what was left of his crest. He instinctively tucked it down tighter. It was an old reflex. He had always kept it down, except during his heat when he couldn’t help it, blood swelling the spines. He saw sympathy glint in Maggie’s eyes as she noticed, then nodded.

  He looked down and pulled off her clothes, letting Maggie slide her fingers to either side of his crest and tug gently. His eyes almost rolled back in his head as the muscles in his head and shoulders turned to mush. It was a soothing, numbing pleasure, a delicate and intimate touch that came in short pulses. If his crest had been whole, the movement would be smoother, longer, from base to tip, but as it was, it was like bolts of warmth that rippled from the top of his head down the rest of his body. He laid his cheek on Maggie’s bare sex, her thighs split over his shoulders, and panted against her skin, his eyes closed. No one but her had ever touched him like that.

  Maggie gave a breathy laugh and reached for the longer spines that had survived at the back of his crest, fondling them instead, working them through her hand. It tickled so much that Ro shivered hard, shaking them both, and with her hand dislodged, he remembered what he was down there to do.

  Lifting his head, he dipped his mouth to her sex and flicked his tongue over her clit, making her twitch and gasp. He was familiar with her body now, different though it might be from a Balin female. Her external pleasure centre was so logical he couldn’t see why his kind didn’t have them. He licked her again, and Maggie gave a blissful sigh, relaxing into it and rolling her hips up to him. She wasn’t shy anymore. Ro looped his arm around her thigh and got to work, sucking and pressing just the way she liked, one claw tucked neatly and carefully against her skin to keep her open for him.

  They had a rhythm, the two of them, that was just their own, and Ro had mastered it. In minutes, Maggie was mewling and twisting, her hands stroking his head and his name falling from her lips. Ro glanced up her body, watching. He delighted in it. He couldn’t be proud of himself for much, but he could for this.

  Maggie came with a cry, arching her back, her leg tensing against him. Under his mouth, her sex fluttered and pulsed, and he nudged his tongue into her entrance as if to soothe it. He toyed with staying exactly where he was and pushing her into another climax with his mouth, but Maggie let her legs fall off his shoulders and swept her hair back from her face, smiling down at him, and it felt like the moment passed.

  He crawled up over her, flopping to his side beside her, watching sweat glimmer between her breasts. Maggie petted his chest, her fingers slack and satisfied.

  “Come here,” she said, and he bent over her to kiss her, his hand on her stomach, feeling her heart slow. When they broke apart, he reached for the drawer of his nightstand.

  Maggie chuckled, then groaned. “Again?” she asked as if it was an imposition.

  Ro knew she didn’t mean it from her laugh. “Lie on your side,” he said, making his selection but keeping his hand in the drawer to preserve the surprise.

  Maggie dutifully rolled over, putting her back to him, and Ro pulled out the toy he wanted to use and shut the drawer. They had a few different sizes and functions, but the choice was always his. It was meant to stand in for his cock, after all, and there were none that Maggie disliked.

  Ro snuggled up behind her, pressing his front to her back. She lifted her head onto his arm as he propped himself up to look down at her face. In his free hand, he tucked the vibrator against his palm so Maggie wouldn’t see it from the corner of her eye, not that she was looking. As he curled around her, she looked over her shoulder and he kissed her. She smiled against his mouth, and he reached down to lift her leg back onto his thigh. She knew what was coming as he brought the vibrator down to slip it between her legs, notching the head into her entrance and pushing it in slowly. The resistance of her body giving way to it made him groan, and Maggie sucked in a breath, breaking their kiss.

  “Is that the pink one?” she whispered.

  He nodded, swallowing. Maggie thought the pink one was his favourite because it was pink, like his cock, but Ro insisted he didn’t have a preference. In truth… he probably had a slight one. But only slight.

  “It’s big,” Maggie continued, working her hips as if to adjust it inside her.

  It was the biggest, yes. Maybe that was why he favoured it. He knew the soft silicon dulled the vibrations, and Maggie came harder from their hard plastic toys, but something soft was more suited to a lazy Saturday morning, and it wouldn’t wear her out. He could make it last. He found the silicone easier to hold with his claws, too.

  Ro rubbed his nose against hers, holding her eyes. “Not too big,” he murmured. Of course, if she didn’t like it, he would change it, but they had used it plenty of times before. He knew she could take it. She stared into his eyes and he felt her go lax in his arms, sinking against him. She liked his eyes so much she occasionally lost her train of thought when he looked directly at her. It was great for his ego, and yes, he did use it to get his own way sometimes, or distract her from something he didn’t want to talk about, but he knew his eyes didn’t hold any
real psychic powers. It was just Maggie. A smile, dropping his voice low… It wasn’t his fault she found him so entrancing, and she’d never complained or got angry, not really. Sometimes she smacked his arm and accused him of hypnotising her, but it was always with a smile, and he wasn’t making her fall for it.

  Now he slowly pumped the toy in and out of her, watching her eyelids flutter and listening to her breath hitch. He brushed his nose against her cheek. When he was in heat, he rarely had the presence of mind to really watch, to be close with Maggie like he could in these moments. She brought her hand up to cup his jaw, and a small smile played at her lips, which parted as her breath came quicker.

  “Good?” he prompted her.

  She nodded, sucking her plump lips into her mouth for a second. When she released them, their wet shine drew his eye, and he kissed her again. This time, Maggie moaned as he fed her his tongue, and she pressed her ass back against him. The movement rocked him until he recovered and pushed back, thrusting his hips against her.

  The movement of the vibrator was slick and quick now, and Ro tilted it just a little for a new angle, and he felt Maggie twitch, her back jerking against his stomach just a little as she let out a small moan. He turned on the vibrations for her, hearing the toy buzz as Maggie turned her face away to bury it in the pillow. Now her hips were working in time with his hand and she almost rolled onto her stomach as she writhed with the pleasure, so Ro cocked his leg, pulling hers that rested on him up and back further, shifting more of her weight onto him as he continued to work her. Now her sex was open, and he wanted to touch her, but he didn’t have a free hand and he had to be careful with his claws.

  “Ro…” she moaned, dropping her hand to let her fingertips rest on his hand where he thrust the vibrator into her.

  “Touch yourself, Maggie,” he growled. “Stroke your cunt for me.”

  She moaned again and he watched her move her fingertips to circle her clit instead. He kept his eyes there, his tongue flicking out briefly as if he could capture the taste off the air. He knew certain words had more impact for her, that she liked what she called ‘dirty talk’, and he was happy to oblige. He liked being able to say whatever he wanted, and ask for whatever he wanted, knowing that Maggie would just moan and do it, that it turned her on when he told her what to do when they mated.


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