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The Billionaire's Birthday Love

Page 4

by Ginny Sterling

  That didn’t happen—and thank God there was a boat!

  She was quite literally fried from the sun, no matter how hard she tried to hide in the pathetic excuse for shade the small sapling provided. Even Max, with all that lovely bronze skin, was bright pink through his deep tan. She’d seen him wince as they climbed on board the boat and were handed towels.

  “Shall we get back to port and head out again?” Max asked.

  “I know this ruined your birthday,” she said apologetically, as they both accepted bottles of water gratefully from their rescuers. The group of men had been out deep-sea fishing and drinking, so she wasn’t keen in the slightest at sharing their plans, nor remaining out there with them. While she was grateful to be rescued, she was also a woman alone on a boat with four men she barely knew in a swimsuit.

  “I will need to contact my insurance company, my bank, and get a new license, and a bunch of other stuff before I think of heading back out,” Jolie said flatly, pulling the towel around her tighter and ignoring the raw feeling against her skin.

  “Nonsense,” Max said politely, “this wasn’t your fault nor should you have to lose your livelihood at my expense. I would be happy to help…”

  “It’s unnecessary,” Jolie said warily, trying to get Max to hush. “Can we talk about this when we get back to port.”


  “Good. I think that is best.”

  She saw the concerned look on Max’s face and hoped the guy didn’t start prattling on again about things. He was so sweet and naïve that it was almost humbling that he could be so kind. She was skeptical and definitely street-smart. The faster she got off this boat, the better off they would both be.

  Pulling into port, she flagged down the police there at the inlet and relieved they’d pulled in so close to the officers. She didn’t think they would get rolled there on the docks because there was no place on them to hide any items, but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t extract ransom for her little Richie-Rich fella.

  “C’mon Max, let’s go,” she instructed, seeing him slowly make his way off the boat. Jolie walked back over and held out her hand. Max had swum and dug around most of the day in an effort to keep them fed off the stuff he wrangled together. She was pretty sure that between muscle fatigue, sunburn, dehydration, and just exhaustion in general – he was wiped out.

  She knew it because she felt so herself.

  Getting a ride from the police to a nearby hotel that looked extremely posh and swanky, with bright neon lights and artwork everywhere. Jolie listened as Max asked to borrow a telephone at the desk as he strode in like he owned the place. He spoke quickly into the receiver before handing the phone to the clerk who was making googly eyes at him.

  Jolie practically rolled her own eyes in disgust for her own sex.

  Were women so easily swayed by a pretty face?

  Yup, she thought, as Max turned, smiling at her.

  “My uncle will take care of the bill and arranging for belongings to be delivered to our rooms. Is there anything specific that you will need, Jolie?”

  “Aloe Vera gel and conditioner,” she said simply.

  “We will have dinner as well,” Max turned and instructed the clerk.

  “Of course, Mr. Georgas,” the manager said, arriving at the desk as they gathered up their cards and were handed a gift bag tied with raffia. Frankly, Jolie was impressed at how kind they were to them considering that they looked like bedraggled urchins that had washed up suddenly. The people in the lobby were staring at them and whispering, but this man in the suit didn’t seem to notice or care.

  “Super nice place,” Jolie whispered, following Max towards the elevators. One hand clutched her towel around her shoulders, the other hung onto the baggie and her room card. “It’s exceptional that they are so considerate too. Did you look in your bag yet? There is a big ol’ fat monster-sized cookie, Chapstick, and a fancy-schmancy bottle of water. I am soooo leaving this in a Yelp review.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Whaddya you mean ‘thank you’?”

  “This is my uncle’s hotel and he would appreciate an honest opinion.”

  “This is his hotel?”

  “Well, technically it’s ours. This entire chain belongs to the Georgas family—but specifically my uncle. My father focused on shipping and travel, my uncle decided to turn to real estate and hotels. He has places all over the world.”

  “Must be nice,” she replied sadly, thinking of her own living arrangements on her ship. They had not only taken her vessel and livelihood—but they’d taken her home-away-from-home too.

  “It has its advantages,” Max said, shrugging as they stopped at the hotel door. Jolie glanced up and hesitated. This was her room. As if he read her mind, Max continued on down the hallway and looked back at her. She held her card up to the electronic pad, and the doorway popped open silently.

  “Okay, that’s cool.”

  “If you need anything, I’ll be next door.”

  “Sounds good—and thank you for this, Max.”

  “Of course, Jolie.”

  “Have a goodnight,” she said nervously, darting inside the doorway and gaping as her eyes took in the surroundings. She’d never seen a hotel room like this before.

  Mahogany furniture practically glistened in the sunlight that streamed in the room from the large balcony that overlooked the ocean. White fluffy bedding, bright green throw pillows, and a plush white rug seemed to enrich the dark flooring and furnishings.

  Stepping into the bathroom, an irregularly shaped sink that looked to be made of sea glass sat proudly atop an enormous chunk of driftwood that had been burnished and sealed. It was like it had a nautical or ocean theme to the room—but only if you went over-the-top with the fantastical theme. The faucet knobs were knots, glistening sterling silver dishes rested on the countertop with fancy little seashell shaped soaps.

  It was all just so… perfect.

  It was also a reminder at how different her world was.

  This was Max’s realm, whereas Jolie lived a different lifestyle. Duct tape was her best friend on the ship, using it to help with any repairs or to seal things. Her cushions were handmade out of necessity and certainly didn’t match out of luxury. The rug in her room was braided because the sand could slip through the cracks and easily be swept up, not trapped within the fibers. Nothing matched, yet it was quaint and lived in.

  She was out of her element.

  Hearing a knock at the door, she turned to stare, realizing that her room shared a doorway to Max’s. Padding over silently, she unlocked the deadbolt and saw his expressive face. There was a slight crease on his brow that made her want to smooth it away.

  “Did you find everything all right?”

  “Yes. This is really… nice.”

  “Shall I order up room service?” he offered politely.

  “Uh… sure?” she stammered, surprised that Max was still wanting to spend time with her. Why would he? She fully expected him to ask for a partial refund or insist on going out with a different guide.

  “Just no oysters.”

  His wide smile was breathtaking as he chuckled lightly, leaning against the open doorway, watching her. His bright eyes seemed to virtually glow against his skin, and how had she not realized how thick his eyelashes were? My goodness!

  “How about something simple like a pizza?”

  “That sounds great. Let’s get plenty of ranch and jalapeños on the side.”

  “Do you like artichokes and goat cheese?”

  “Um… no?”

  “Have you had it?”

  “Have you tried a Hawaiian pizza?”

  “No,” he replied, laughing.

  “Don’t judge me and I won’t judge you,” she quipped nervously. “You can ask them to make the pizza half-n-half, so we can each get what we like.”

  “I will do that,” Max confirmed with a nod. “I wanted to order before I got my shower so that way we could eat soon. I’m st

  “Me too.”

  “I’ll order—go clean up and relax. I will knock on the door once it arrives.”

  “Max?” Jolie blurted as he began to shut the door connecting their two rooms. She saw him hesitate and look at her, his eyes brimming with curiosity.

  “Thank you for taking care of this all. I really appreciate it,” she repeated nervously. The words just didn’t feel like enough and she was grateful for the help.

  “Of course.”

  Jolie nodded and shut the door shyly, setting the deadbolt as she stepped back and just listened. She could hear his voice speaking faintly through the doorway, and then it grew silent. She realized that she was dawdling like a teenager staring at the quarterback at Homecoming. He was nice and would be gone before she realized it. They were simply thrown together for a few days and that was it.

  Shaking her head, she disappeared into the luxurious bathroom. Humming to herself, she took a lukewarm shower and winced at the amazing water pressure hitting her tender skin. Washing her hair, she breathed deeply, feeling herself finally relaxing a bit as the warm scent of lush coconut and vanilla assailed her senses. This was phenomenal after such a trying event.

  She’d been stuck on a desert island—quite literally.

  … with someone that was utterly wonderful.

  Stop it, Jolie! she thought suddenly, shutting off the water. Gingerly patting herself with the towel, she slathered on some lotion, wrapping herself in a fluffy robe. Using the hairbrush and toiletries in the room, she quickly dried her hair. As she shut off the hairdryer, she realized someone was knocking.

  Padding out into the hotel room, she tightened the belt on her robe and opened the doorway, expecting to see Max standing there in regular clothing. Instead, he stood in a bathrobe that mirrored hers.

  “Sorry,” he started congenially. “I didn’t think to give them our sizes, and the staff left a message that we should call down to let them know so they could get new items for us. Splendid news is that the pizza arrived. Are you hungry?”

  “Very,” Jolie said, hesitating as he held open the doorway to his room. She slowly stepped forward, clenching her robe tightly at the neckline, embarrassed at being dressed like this even though she’d just spent the last twenty-four hours in a swimsuit before him.

  Stepping into his room, it amazed her to see that the table off to the side was covered like they were dining at a five-star restaurant. A bright white linen tablecloth held covered plates, crystal goblets of water, a large pitcher of something, and a small vase with a spiky hot pink flower she’d never seen before. It vaguely resembled a pinecone with all sorts of greenery around it. The pizza was mouthwatering as the scent of pineapple and ham wafted upwards.

  “And that is why we got Hawaiian pizza…” she moaned lightly, waving the scent towards her face. “I adore pizza and if you throw jalapenos on there, it’s sweet and spicy. You can do the artichoke stuff that you prefer and I’ll have the…”

  Jolie hesitated and looked at Max.

  “They got the order wrong,” she apologized.

  “Actually, I thought I would try the pizza that you enjoy,” he said quietly, taking the large silver cover from her hands. “There are salads under the other covered dishes. Would you like some tea?”

  “Truthfully, I’m so tired, hungry, and thirsty that it all sounds good to me.”

  “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll start serving.”

  “No, you sit down and I’ll get it.”

  “Jolie,” he said, reaching for her hand. She froze the moment he made contact with her fingers, his hand touching hers. She looked up at him and swallowed hard. His pale colored eyes were watching her as the corner of his lip lifted in a tender, sweet smile. She never really realized just how tan he was, nor that he had a faint scruff on his chin. It wasn’t anything in particular that made him look handsome, it was the overall picture before her once put together made him devastatingly gorgeous.

  “It’s your birthday,” she faintly argued.

  “So, it is. I am quite enjoying myself right now,” he admitted. “I asked for an adventure I would never forget and I can honestly say this has been a memorable twenty-four hours. Just think what the next two days could bring?”

  “You still want to go through with this?”

  “Absolutely,” he said firmly, raising her fingers to his lips and kissing her knuckles softly. “Now, sit down and relax a bit.”

  Jolie plopped down indelicately in the chair simply because she wasn’t sure how much longer her knees would hold her up. He actually kissed her hand with such old-world charm that it was heady! There was no wincing at her rough hands or comments on how she should get her nails done, instead, it he looked past it all to her through those dark eyelashes that should be illegal. She watched as he used the utensils to serve a slice onto her plate, right beside the salad. He put a slice of pizza on his own plate and looked up at her, smiling.

  “Go ahead,” he gestured, picking up his fork and knife.

  Jolie saw the little bowl of jalapenos that had been provided and immediately fished out a few, sprinkling them on her pizza. She glanced up to see that he was cutting his pizza with his utensils. She hesitated, realizing that he was planning on eating the entire slice one tiny bite at a time.

  Max glanced at her and stopped.

  “Am I doing something wrong?”

  “Oh no,” Jolie sputtered, grimacing immediately. She never intended to make him feel bad. It was quite the opposite. She felt like a slob and a little embarrassed that she was getting ready to pick up her slice with her hands, just before dunking it in the small dish of ranch dressing that was on the table.

  “We don’t eat as politely here when it comes to pizza,” she admitted, “but you go ahead.”

  “Back home, they eat it like this and pick it up sometimes. Do you pick up the piece here?”

  She nodded.

  “Show me how you eat it, please.”

  “This is ridiculous,” she stammered. “Go ahead and eat. It goes in the same way and tastes the same. There’s nothing wrong with using a fork and knife.”

  “Except that you don’t,” Max countered, growing serious. “Jolie, I would like to consider you among my friends—and I can tell you that I don’t have many of them. I would like to learn your customs and your world here while I am visiting. Maybe someday we can meet again and perhaps I can show you some of my customs?”

  Jolie swallowed nervously. Once he left, she knew deep down inside she would never see Max Georgas again. He would be on the other side of the world and she would be here… alone. What did it hurt to indulge in a temporary friendship with someone that seemingly set her heart aflutter with that smile? Everything, she realized, as he put a few jalapenos on his slice of pizza and picked it up. She picked up her own and nodded, gesturing at the ranch.

  “I dip mine in there but it’s good without too.”

  “Then I shall try a bite with and without,” he replied amicably with a nod. She laughed as he took a large bite with ranch and winced. “That is most unusual… oh-but I like the flavor of these little peppers. They are quite good.”

  “Aren’t they though? I put them on everything. Tacos, nachos, pizza, and even on macaroni and cheese. Some bartenders will put the juice in a cocktail to give it a little zing.”

  He took another bite without the ranch dressing and closed his eyes in appreciation. Jolie was glad she hadn’t taken a bite yet because she might have choked in that very moment. Max’s eyes were closed, and he had the most blissful look on his face that was downright decadent and sensual.

  “That is incredible,” he breathed, opening his eyes. “It’s sweet, salty, and spicy all at once. You have excellent taste, my friend.”

  She was trying incredibly hard not to fall for the gorgeous Greek billionaire before her. If someone would have asked her two weeks ago what she looked for in a man, she would have said blonde, blue eyes, and enjoys being on the ocean. Now,
she could narrow that search for Mr. Right all the way down to detailed specific descriptions of him.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” she muttered, taking a large bite to prevent her from blurting anything else out at that very moment.

  They talked for a bit, in between bites, when Jolie suddenly yawned as the last twenty-four hours caught up with her. A knock on the door interrupted them, and she watched Max pad silently over to the doorway. What guy had gorgeous feet? she mused absently, realizing that she was noticing everything about him. Opening the door, she saw one of the hotel concierge walked in with several bags of goods. She handed him a leather pad with a slip of paper on it, which Max signed absently.

  “This is much appreciated,” Max said genuinely, smiling politely before shutting the door again.

  “I thought you said they didn’t have our sizes?”

  “I told them mine and described you to them.”

  “You described me,” she squawked, rising to her feet. “How exactly did you describe me?”

  “I said you were shapely, with a lush feminine figure, and would prefer something that was flattering but also with a little give.”

  “Great… they got me a poncho,” she muttered. “You can’t just go buying stuff off the racks for girls with boobs and a butt—you have to… ohhh…” Jolie sighed mid-sentence, stopping her mock-tirade as she pulled a dress from the large paper bag. “Wow. This is… incredible.”

  She held up a breathtaking gown that had an inner and outer layer. The inner was form fitting and designed to hug the body while the sheer outer layer was almost iridescent and lay heavily against the material. It would drape beautifully and was so lovely that even if it looked like a sack, she was interested in trying it on.

  “You said lush and shapely,” she asked, holding the gown against her and looking up at him in complete surprise. The emotion in his eyes was almost her undoing. His eyes were so warm, so inviting, that she was taken aback. His hand reached up to caress her cheek just before tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear.

  “I certainly did,” Max replied softly, his finger trailing down her cheek and hesitating near her lips. “Exquisite, incredibly feminine, and svelte like a goddess. I asked them to get you a dress so perhaps we could go out on the town tomorrow. Would you accompany me?”


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