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Desperately Seeking Roommate

Page 23

by Smeltzer, Micalea


  Five Years After That

  Entering the zoo gates, I feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. I haven’t set foot here in ten years. It seems apt that it’s happening again now.

  “See the monkeys, Sawyer.” I point out the silly acting monkeys to my two-year-old son, lifting him into my arms. He bangs his small fist into the glass and I grasp his tiny hand in mine. “No, sweetie, don’t do that. We don’t want to scare the monkeys.”

  “Monkeys!” he cries, throwing his hands in the air and I laugh, darting my head away when he nearly smacks me in the face.

  Sawyer Abel Russo is the spitting image of his dad, except with my blue eyes. He’s perfect in every way, so perfect in fact, we decided to have two more—well, one more, the third wasn’t expected or planned for at all. Definitely not this soon at least.

  “Be good for mommy.” Abel bends and kisses the top of Sawyer’s head. “I know you’re wild like she is, but she’s carrying your brother or sister.”

  Abel’s large hand splays across my belly that Sawyer’s legs dangle over. Our nine-month-old daughter, Sophia Louise, is strapped to his chest, giggling and kicking her legs wildly.

  I’m fourteen weeks along with our next and even though we agreed on two and then to see how we handled that before we considered adding another … well, fate, the pesky bitch that she is, loves to interfere with our lives and I was surprised to find myself pregnant with our third.

  It’s entirely Abel’s fault, though. He can’t keep his hands off of me.

  It seems appropriate for us, though. We’re chaotic and full of life, why shouldn’t we have a whole brood of children to chase after?

  After standing watching the monkeys for a bit, I put Sawyer back in his stroller as we explore more of the zoo.

  We near the snake exhibit and a wistful smile spreads across my face.

  “Would you like a picture?” A zoo employee asks and we both turn toward the sound of the voice.


  I don’t know if she recognizes us, but it’s the same woman who told us ten years ago we had a beautiful family.

  Only then it wasn’t ours.

  Abel and I exchange a look of disbelief and one word is communicated between us.


  Again and again that words appears in our life. I can’t not believe in it, not when the evidence is always staring me in the face.

  “Thank you, ma’am. We’d love that.”

  He pulls out his phone and turns the camera on, handing it to her.

  I pick up Sawyer from his stroller for the photo-op and Abel and I stand in the exact same spot we did all those years ago, only this time the zoo employee doesn’t have to tell me to stand close to my husband.


  We do.

  The flash goes off and I see stars as Abel takes his phone back.

  We stand there looking at the photo, thinking of the one we took with his niece and nephews who are now fifteen, thirteen, and ten.

  “We were always meant to end up here, weren’t we?” He gazes at me with so much love and awe that if I wasn’t already pregnant I’m pretty sure I’d be getting pregnant tonight.


  Through Starbursts, Jonas Brothers, crepes, fancy cookies, football games, and so much more, we made it to today, tomorrow, and every day after.


  Whatever Happens

  (A Young Adult love story)


  Finnley Crawford doesn’t fit in. Being autistic has always set him apart from his classmates. None of them quite knows how to approach him or interact, leaving him only one friend in the form of his support dog. His lack of friendships lead him to a unique love of space and aspirations of one day reaching the stars. For in the stars, he sees a peace and beauty he can’t find on Earth.

  Violet Page is having a rough time. This former popular girl is lost. Her parents uproot everything after her younger sister’s suicide, moving states away to escape the lingering pain of loss. She sees nowhere to fit in at her new school, not until she meets Finn. He’s different than the others, reminding her of the sister she lost.

  The more time these two seemingly opposite teenagers spend together, the more they learn it isn’t what’s on the outside that counts. So much can be found on the inside if you only care to look.



  He was a beautiful nightmare.

  Mia Hayes is comfortable with her life as it is.

  Boring is good.

  Boring is normal.

  Boring is safe.

  But the thing with boring is it makes temptation all the sweeter.

  She was a sweet dream.

  Hollis Wilder goes a hundred miles an hour after everything he wants.

  Fast is fun.

  Fast is crazy.

  Fast is dangerous.

  But the thing with fast is it keeps you from thinking before you act.

  Together they were the notes in their favorite song.

  When Mia and Hollis collide—literally—music’s new bad boy can’t help but notice the beautiful red-haired woman with soft curves. She calls to him like a siren, and since the word no isn’t in his vocabulary he’s determined to get what he wants.

  The problem is, one night won’t be enough, and the fact that Mia is his mentor’s daughter complicates things royally.

  Mia’s the one girl that’s off limits, but she might be the only one he wants for real.



  The pounding pulse of the club music vibrates through my entire body.

  It doesn’t matter what country or city you’re in, all these places are the same.

  Too loud music, overflowing drinks, and sweaty bodies gyrating together.

  The sexy brunette who’s latched onto me for the night grinds her ass against my dick.

  “Someone’s getting laid tonight,” Cannon, one of my best friends and the bass player in our band, calls out to me.

  I smirk back at him even as he looks on in disapproval.

  Last night. Tonight. Tomorrow night.

  They’re all the same, only different faces—and fuck, most of the time I don’t even remember them.

  The girl turns, wrapping her arms around my neck and pushing her rock hard fake breasts into my chest. I suppress a groan.

  She licks her plump overly filled lips, looking at me through hooded eyes. “My place or yours,” she purrs.

  “Neither,” a new voice growls.

  I turn, stumbling in my drunken state.

  “Oh shit,” I mutter.

  My bandmates exchange similar sentiments.

  “I drove all the way to D.C. for your sorry asses. Why am I not surprised you’re at a place like this?”

  The middle-aged man shakes his head, clearly disappointed with us.

  “Hayes, man,” I plead. “It’s only some harmless fun.”

  “Yeah, harmless fun when you’re supposed to start recording your first studio album tomorrow. You might’ve had a few successful singles but don’t think for a minute if you fuck up people won’t move on to the next band.”

  I swallow thickly at his threat.

  Joshua Hayes is the guitarist for one of the biggest bands in the world and we’re damn lucky he wants us to be his first producing job.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He looks like my words mean nothing. I guess they don’t—they’re some of my favorite and I rarely mean them, so why would now be any different.

  “We thought one more night of fun before we buckled down to record our album would be okay,” Fox, another friend, and the guitarist, calls out. He’s the jokester out of all of us—the rest of us are far too broody and serious, at least according to the media. They have no idea who we really are.

  I prefer to think of myself as introspective and a deep thinker.

  Unless you put a hot chick in front of
me—then all I think about is ass, ass, and more ass.

  “Yeah, well it’s not okay. At least not for me. I want to know you’re serious—because if you aren’t then I’m not wasting my time. What you’re doing here … this does nothing to alleviate my worries.”


  “How’d you find us anyway?” Cannon asks, having ditched the girl he was dancing with and joined us. He crosses his muscled arms over his chest.

  I belatedly realize the girl I was with has left, blending into the crowd and lost from my sight.

  Hayes tosses us a look like a pissed off dad who found his kid sneaking out the bedroom window.

  “Rush,” is all he says.

  The three of us turn and as one we cringe when we spot our drummer on top of the bar, with a bottle of whiskey, on fucking SnapChat.

  “Get your asses outside and into my car. It’s the Range Rover. I’ll get Rush.”

  Before we can reply to Hayes he’s bled through the crowd and is heading toward the bar.

  “I thought he was our producer, not a fucking babysitter,” I mutter.

  “He is part of one of the most successful bands ever, maybe we should listen to him.” Cannon shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans, his shoulders shrugging up to his ears. I swear I hear a girl moan when she gets a look at his neck tat.

  I have a bigger cock.

  And isn’t that what’s most important?

  “Fine, whatever.” I weave my way through the crowd to the exit, Cannon and Fox on my heels.

  “He’s going to be unbearable tomorrow,” Cannon sighs, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He smacks the new box against his hand and pulls one out, sticking it between his lips but not lighting it.

  “Why?” Fox asks with a laugh, though he already knows the answer.

  “No pussy for Hollis means he’s an insufferable bastard.”

  I don’t even try to defend myself because they’re right.

  We step outside into the crisp fall air and spot the Range Rover easily.

  “Shotgun,” I call, and stand by the passenger’s side before one of these fuckers gets the bright idea to steal it from me.

  We wait outside the car and it’s a few minutes before Hayes comes out, supporting a stumbling Rush.

  “My boy never can handle his liquor,” Cannon chortles, tossing his cigarette on the ground.

  Hayes unlocks the Range Rover and I slide into the passenger seat while the other guys tumble in the back. Hayes dumps Rush with them.

  Hayes jogs around the front of the car and into the driver’s seat.

  Glancing in the rearview mirror he warns, “Don’t throw up in my fucking car.”

  “Of course not, sir,” Fox replies, flashing a cocky smile.

  Hayes stares for a moment longer before pulling out into traffic.

  We barely make it to the stoplight before Rush retches up whatever cocktail he’s consumed tonight.

  Hayes pinches the bridge of this nose. “What have I gotten myself into?”

  What indeed.

  Wild Collision


  It takes a village to write a book, and I’m so beyond grateful for the village I’ve created.

  Barbara and Kellen, you’re always there to take my book to the next level. You cheer me on when I’m feeling down or doubting my words. I love the friendship we’ve created and can’t wait for all the goodness that is yet to come.

  Emily Wittig, thank you for creating this gorgeous cover. I told you abs aren’t my thing but I wanted to try something different for this cover and you delivered in creating something I absolutely love. Props to you. I can’t wait until I can squeeze you again.

  To my beta readers Raquel and Stefanie thank you for all the hard work you put in on my books. It’s so appreciated and never doubt your roll in the stories I create.

  Regina Bartley, I miss your face like crazy. You’re the bestest author friend ever and we seriously need to start our sprints up again.

  Sara and Wendi, thank you for your unwavering friendship, support, and laughs. I hope one day we have a Fab Four get-together with us and Barbara. ApollyCon 2020? Let’s make this happen, ladies.

  To you, Dear Reader, whether you’ve read all of my books or are just starting with this one thank you. Without readers, authors are nothing, each book you buy, review you leave, makes a huge difference in my life. I appreciate every message and comment I receive from you guys. It truly makes my whole day, and I’m beyond blessed to be able to live my dream.

  Until the next one.



  About the Author

  Micalea Smeltzer is a twenty-something author from Northern Virginia. She has four dogs, which is as crazy as it sounds. As a recent kidney transplant recipient she’s dedicated to raising awareness around the effects of kidney disease, dialysis, and transplant as well as educating people on living donation. She enjoys writing about fantastical paranormal creatures and sexy rock stars. When she’s not writing you can catch her with her nose buried in a book.

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  Also by Micalea Smeltzer

  Fallen Series




  Outsider Series





  Second Chances Standalone Series



  Trace + Olivia Series

  Finding Olivia

  Chasing Olivia

  Tempting Rowan

  Saving Tatum

  Trace + Olivia Box Set

  Willow Creek Series

  Last To Know

  Never Too Late

  In Your Heart

  Take A Chance

  Willow Creek Box Set

  Always Too Late Short Story

  Willow Creek Bonus Content

  Light in the Dark Series

  Rae of Sunshine

  When Stars Collide

  Dark Hearts

  When Constellations Form

  Broken Hearts

  Stars & Constellations Bundle

  The Us Series

  The Road That Leads To Us

  The Lies That Define Us

  The Game That Break Us

  Wild Collision

  The Wild Series

  Wild Collision

  Wild Flame

  The Enchanted Series




  Beauty in the Ashes

  Bring Me Back


  The Other Side of Tomorrow

  Jump (A 90s novella)

  Desperately Seeking Roommate




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