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I Dated a Supervillain

Page 3

by Viola Grace

  She chuckled. “A little. That is how I knew the doll maker’s work when I saw it. I know that he can hold onto the soul, but if he wants to, it is something completely different.”

  He hugged her. “Did any of them hurt you?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “There were no permanent injuries. Soft tissue heals quickly. For me, more so than others. You also know that hurting me does not mean that I didn’t have a good time.”

  “It is one of your more worrying and endearing qualities.” He chuckled and stroked her hair. “You look good dressed for work. If you add a baton to the ensemble, I will request it for the next time.”

  She swallowed. “You can still change it.”

  “No, I want to see you in all your glory, my empress.”

  “But, eleven hours?”

  “You need contact, and I want contact, and I want to hold you when you wake.”

  She exhaled slowly. “Fine. Have you chosen your hotel?”

  “The Zephr. I will send you the room number when I have checked in. I will expect you at seven.”

  He set her on her feet, stroked her back, and walked into the boardroom without her. She checked the time and groaned. It wasn’t even noon yet.

  Chapter Three

  Dr. Miliken looked at her as she ran her numbers. “So, you and Torun...”

  “He’s a client. The service was his idea when he and I first got together. There hadn’t been any specifically scheduled relief for quite some time, and no one was recruiting for this branch of service. So, Blind Date was created, and he was the first, second, and third client before the others started asking him about why he was relaxed and more even-tempered and more powerful. From there, it expanded, and I ended up with my little roster of program students and one professor.”

  The doctor asked, “Really?”

  “Two of the team members have maturity interests, so I had to go recruiting.” She chuckled. “And that is the last of the gossip regarding the Blind Date Corporation.”

  “But, you know all this stuff.”

  “I do.”

  “And you and your escorts are not considered a threat?”

  “The folk who work for me have the same vague memories as their clients. The masks interfere with the electronics around them. It is a frequency of my own discovery.” She smiled. “I own the patent on the projector.”

  “The program doesn’t own it?”

  “No. I created it when I was sixteen. Dr. Yamel helped me file the patent.” She continued to check the data with the location triangulation. She compared all of the date data and came up with one annoying conclusion. Mentor was using a portal, and she hadn’t even noticed. “Well, fuck.”

  She had been so fixated on keeping an eye on Susa that she hadn’t bothered to check if Mentor was using volatile technology that could have ripped them apart. She frowned. It wasn’t like her to miss that.

  Zera was frowning over the data when her com chimed an alarm. “Aw, hell. Right. I am going for the day. Notify me if anything changes in Susa’s condition. I might not answer immediately, but I will be checking in every few hours.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “First, I am kissing Susa goodnight, and then, I am going home.” She locked down her terminal and got up.

  “I thought you had more research to do.”

  “There is always more research to do. Now, I have to uphold my obligations.”

  “You don’t mean...”

  “Don’t wait up.”

  She headed to Susara’s room, checked her monitors, her vitals, and then pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Behave. I will be back in the morning with stories to tell if you want to listen, just like old times. Tonight’s client asked for the full empress, so you know how much work that is going to be. You always hated doing that one.”

  She smoothed the pale hair back and got up. She said she was heading home, but in reality, she was going to the offices of Blind Date Corporation. That is where all of the equipment was to fulfill the requests of the clients and where all dates began and ended.

  The empress was an intricate costume born of the history of Torun’s people. There was apparently an empress who would get ready for her lovers and challenge them to please her or die. The costume was tricky and meant she would have to remove all hair from the chin down and do some serious grooming to her eyebrows. The enema was pretty standard by this point.

  The stand-up hair remover did the entire job in under five minutes.

  It was time to get pretty.

  After the layers of scraped skin, makeup, and intricate designs, she had a quick snack before putting on the gauzy silk layers that only concealed in the same way cobwebs were concealing. There were two other escorts getting ready, and when they heard what she was gearing up for, they expressed their sympathies at her prep routine.

  Twelve was going to visit a businessman for a scenario that involved a little hunting and chasing. Three was off for an evening of a private concert and some straightforward sex with another non-team client.

  One had to go and put on ten pounds of jewels, her customized mask for this costume, and a headdress that fit over the mask. When she was done, the bots wrapped her in the cloak and she stepped onto the footpads that would ease her walk. She had listened to the news while she got ready, and Torun’s team had been seen landing at a nearby base.

  Her maintenance bot and guard bot accompanied her to the transport. Through the mask, she looked out at the people on the street going on dates, dances, and heading out for dinner. She was doing one of those things, but the difference in her night was that it was guaranteed to end in sex unless the client changed their minds. In the six years of the company, only one client had changed their mind, and it was because they were summoned to attend an emergency. They rescheduled as soon as they were able, and Susa had had a very nice time.

  The transport glided to a halt, and her bots preceded her. She did not let the doorman take her hand. She had the code for clearance past the guard and for the private elevator.

  The guard muttered as her bots rolled into the lift with her, “What kind of a whore are you?”

  She smiled slightly. “I work with a niche clientele. Good evening.”

  The lift took her upward, and her guardian bot remained outside the doors, making sure that anyone who arrived was allowed to be there. On this floor level, there were only four doors. The odds were slim that anyone would sneak in.

  Her maintenance bot came with her, ready to repair her makeup over the course of the evening. They would take breaks, and the makeup would be repaired and replaced as often as needed.

  Zera tried to ignore the flutter in her belly as she held the icon programmed with the location, and the third door lit up. She walked to the door, and it opened at her approach. The maintenance bot proceeded her and took up a station near the door.

  She walked in precisely on time to see Torun lounging on a couch in his casual gear. A wrap made of black silk covered his hips, and nothing else covered the purple expanse of his body. She could not see it in colour, but she could imagine it. She unlaced her cloak and pushed the hood back carefully. She went into a deep curtsy and asked, “Is everything as my patron wishes?”

  He slowly got up and slid the cloak away from her, tossing it to one side. “Oh. Yes. This is perfect. You have outdone yourself, One. Are you okay with this?”

  She nodded. “I need the distraction, and you are definitely distracting, Patron.”

  She went back into character. “Are you willing to please your empress?”

  Zera saw the curve of his lips a moment before he traced the first design around her lips with his tongue. She had three hundred patterns on her, and they would only dissolve with saliva.

  He went after each pattern with intensity, and as he knelt to lave his tongue over her collarbone and breasts, she felt the slight trickle of honey on her inner thighs. He paused in his quest and leaned toward her waist. “My empress, it seems that you h
ave an urgent need.”

  He idly trailed his fingers up her inner thigh.

  She swallowed. “I would not call it urgent.”

  He slid two fingers into her and tasted them. “Your heat is surprising in one of your status.”

  “Alleviate it then, and I shall begin again.”

  He laughed and got to his feet, lifting her high in the air before bringing her down his body. He reached between them, and his erection fit against her until he pulled her onto him in a brutal shove that would have torn anyone who wasn’t activated with a physical adaptation. She wrapped her legs around him as he withdrew and thrust hard; their bodies bucked and twisted, and she let her upper body fall back until he caught her with both hands and thrust while his mouth sucked and nipped at her breasts. She was his, totally and without reservation, and as his cock thrust inside her, she bucked and groaned, clawing at his arms as her first climax hit hard. He held himself inside her and grunted as he jetted inside her for his first time that evening: ten hours and forty minutes to go.

  He pulled her up face to face, and his kiss scorched her soul. The gems clashed as theirs was less of a kiss and more of a consumption. She held his head and kissed him and felt the tears seeping through her mask.

  “Aw, baby. Don’t cry. I am not that pretty.”

  She chuckled and nipped at his lip. “I wish that I could see you, but that isn’t in the contract.”

  “We know who you are, Zera, and you know who we are. You can forego the mask with us.”

  “We are the only ones in here.” She checked to make sure she was correct.”

  “The others are waiting in the next room. I just have to give them the word. We were going to do this by transfer, but we all want to feel you at once.”

  She shuddered. “How many are we talking about?”

  He traced her lower lip with his tongue. “Just the four of us. Me, you, Ryma, Tycho.”

  She shuddered again. “They can come in. Should I reset?”

  “Please. It is more fun if we can all start at the same time.”

  Zera swallowed and removed her mask. “Then, I had better get off your cock and get started. Please, warn them that sex without the mask is a lot more sarcastic.”

  He nuzzled her cheek. “Just like old times.”

  She laughed and pressed her hands to his shoulders, moving off him with some difficulty. He wasn’t helping at all. She dropped to the ground and looked at his erection. “That was quick.”

  “Around you, my empress, it is a continual state.”

  She blushed and went to the maintenance bot. It expanded into a shower-style cubicle, and she was cleaned of cum, and her designs were repainted. Everything was on a base layer of gold, and the base layer only came off with a specific solvent. She was going to be getting gold off her vulva for days.

  It took her five minutes to reset. When she stepped out, Torun drew her to his side as the door opened and Ryma and Tycho came in.

  They stopped when they were inside and wearing what Zera considered to be orgy clothing. A scrap of wrap on Tycho and a chiffon tunic on Ryma. They both looked wonderful, but then, the teams always did.

  “I am terribly overdressed.” Zera smiled.

  Ryma walked up to her and kissed her. “You look wonderful.”

  Tycho kissed her when Ryma moved aside. “Torun said he took the edge off, so we can play.”

  Zera looked at him. “Is that what that was? The edge? I thought I got the whole thing.”

  He swatted her backside, the other two laughed, and there was just one thing she had to ask, “You are alright with me going without the mask?”

  Tycho smiled. “I have wanted to see your eyes for years, Zera.”

  “I had no idea that they were hazel.” Ryma smiled. “I always thought they would be brown.”

  “Most folks can’t tell the difference.”

  Torun smiled. “The green and purple in the jewellery make the colours more distinct.”

  Zera quirked her lips. “Now, do I have to play damsel in distress, or can I just turn myself over to your hands and bodies?”

  Torun chuckled. “I don’t think we have ever had you play a person in distress. We get enough of that with the day job.”

  She looked to Ryma and smiled. “What about a game of tag one day? If you are interested, I run, and you hunt.”

  Ryma made a fist in Zera’s hair, pulling her head back. Her eyes were shining, and there was excitement in them. “That sounds like fun. But, would you enjoy it, little rabbit? I know that I am not your preferred prey.”

  “Ah, making you happy is its own type of enjoyment. Name the date; I’ll bring the toybox.” Making casual conversation while having your neck exposed to a fanged predator had taken some getting used to.

  Ryma kissed her savagely. “I look forward to it.”

  She returned the kiss. Females were not her preference, but her preference didn’t matter. Pleasure mattered. Giving and receiving were high on her list. The teams were monsters; the criminals were monsters. Her entire world was full of scary monsters. She should know. She was one of them.

  She heard a groan, and Tycho knelt next to her hip, his tongue tracing a design that arrowed directly toward her groin. His fingers crept up her inner thigh, and she gasped.

  Torun cupped her breasts and traced his tongue over a design on her neck and shoulder. When Tycho’s tongue entered her, her legs buckled. This was his favourite thing to do, and Torun supported her while massaging and pinching her breasts to stiff peaks.

  Ryma straddled one of her thighs and sucked at one nipple while grinding against her. Zera caught her hand and sucked her fingers. Ryma shuddered and groaned as Zera swirled her tongue around and around. The feral team member grunted and whimpered as Zera’s thigh was slick.

  Tycho was persistent in his activities, and when he slid his third finger in and rapidly flicked her clit with his tongue, she twisted in Torun’s grip and arched hard against the invasion and the fluttering tongue. The sound she made was harsh and raw, causing the team around her to chuckle softly as they returned to work on the designs and patterns.

  She yowled and sobbed in frustration as they made a game out of how many designs they could eradicate with their tongues. Tycho provided the manacles that they used to hang her from a hook in the ceiling while they worked. She was up on her toes as they turned her from left to right and back again.

  Only nine hours and twenty minutes to go.

  Chapter Four

  Zera groaned, and a hand stroked her hair; someone kissed her temple. She was at the bottom of a very tangled pile of limbs of mixed colourations. Her body was telling her it was time to get up for her run, but her contract was going to keep her pinned for the next hour.

  Torun moved his teammates off her and eased her under him. She thought he was going to speak, but he kissed her, and his thigh parted hers. Zera shuddered and opened her legs for him so that he could just slide in. He stretched her to aching as he moved inside her. His slow undulations into her touched every nerve.

  He kissed her tenderly, moving inside her with little of the frenzy from the previous night. The bite marks on her breasts, belly, and shoulders were already healing. The marks on her inner thighs where Tycho had drunk her blood stung, but it made the slow thrusts that Torun was treating her to all the sweeter. He took every gasp, every moan, and gave her soft sighs and low growls.

  She stroked her arms up his sides and held him tight as he pushed into her and retreated. He murmured against her mouth, “You are still so fucking tight.”

  She blushed and muttered, “And you are still too fucking big.”

  He grinned and increased the speed and depth of his thrusts. She planted her feet flat on the bed, and the tension in her muscles made it tighter, harder for him to move.

  “You play dirty, Zera.”

  “I play dirty? I am not the one who spent two hours last night shoving himself into my ass.” She muttered it, and it ended on a gasp as her body
convulsed under his. Her body felt like liquid gold as he continued to rock into it.

  He laughed. “Every part of you is mine, and it is my generosity that shares you with the other teams.”

  “Big words when you have me pinned.”

  “Ah, but I have you right where I want you.” He dragged his tongue up her neck. “And I want all of you that I can get. It might be a while before I am back in town.”

  She kissed him again, holding his head. “I had forgotten how pretty your eyes were when you cum.”

  He growled, and his blue-white eyes glowed as he pounded into her, the power radiating from them as he focused on her features. He shoved deep, and his neck corded with effort as he jerked into her. His cock flexed and pulsed before he let out a groan and slowly collapsed on her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and held him tight until the shuddering and twitching stopped. She sighed and licked his ear. She ran her nails up his spine, and he shuddered and plunged into her again.

  Tycho was on his elbow, watching with a fascinated expression. “How do you know how to do that?”

  Torun chuckled, his voice husky. “Yeah, Zera, how do you know how to do that?”

  “Um. Trial and error. Torun and I have danced before.”

  Ryma leaned up behind Tycho. “You call that dancing?”

  She smiled. “It is as close as I have come to it.”

  Tycho’s face was shocked. “What?”

  She chuckled. “I am a busy woman. I don’t have time for dancing.”

  Torun laughed. “Busy indeed. Here I am still balls deep in you, and you are talking about dancing.”

  Zera slowly undulated her hips. “Isn’t this dancing? I have a partner, we are close, and there is a rhythm.”

  He smiled slowly. “You aren’t going to be able to walk today.”

  “Oh, baby, that ship has sailed.”

  He rolled, and she rode him slowly; a flicker in his eyes told her what was coming next or, rather, who. Tycho and his ridiculous amounts of precum slid into her ass as Torun pulled her toward him.


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