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I Dated a Supervillain

Page 6

by Viola Grace

  The dominating kiss was what had upset them. It made them feel less safe to know that he had that kind of impulse under the polite and powerful surface. He and his team were being interviewed on the matter, with international news organizations lining up to talk to them. She checked her com. Hm. Cool. No one wanted to talk to her.

  She chuckled. “Since my talk a few hours ago, we have sixteen new applicants. That means there might be two suitable candidates. That’s exciting.”

  Susa’s body remained calm, and it was time to take her for a walk. Zera sat her up and slid into her. She manifested her com unit through Susa’s body and continued working her way through the applications, as she dismissed a few who were just after sex or notoriety. They received very polite letters that thanked the applicant and stated that their application would be held for two years in case there was a requirement for their particular skills.

  She did send a message out to the existing escorts to warn them about the upcoming notoriety and share the situation since one of their members had been exposed if they knew of any friends or acquaintances who might be interested in trying the escort option. Folks with healing activations were drawn to it, so she had a lot of med students.

  She got a response from the professor, who offered two names. She would test the waters using the script that they had designed together.

  Zera wore Susa around for about forty-five minutes while walking around, stretching, and doing push-ups in the body to keep it limber. Susa wasn’t using it anymore, but it still had to serve a purpose.

  She had just finished her time in Susa when her com started to light up with date requests. Her stomach flipped. Her regulars were taking up every window she had for the next two weeks.

  Hron wanted the pleasure of her company for three hours that evening. Astel wanted the next night. Naima wanted to meet her for coffee of all things. All were requesting that she left the mask inactive. They wanted to clearly remember a night with her.

  She bit her lip. That wasn’t part of the deal. She wondered how many times she was going to have to say no on these dates. She hated saying no.

  Zera went back to her office and worked on some new energy theory ideas. First, she set her manufacturing unit to make a micro version of the mask tech that could be concealed in a pendant, and then, she started answering some of the queries from her secure server. While she was paid via research grant, she was paid for the production of her ideas, so she had enough projects to trickle out for a few months in order to keep her association with the program ongoing. She had promised Susa’s parents that she would stay with it as long as she could. She was trying. The next two weeks were going to determine if she could manage it.

  She checked the testing schedule, said good night to Susa, and trotted off to headquarters. Hron had booked a private room at a very upscale restaurant, and he liked her hair curled, so she had to get on that.

  Her new necklace was ready, as were the earrings, which served the same function. She even had a bracelet created to act as an emergency com. All of them were keyed to her biometrics and energy signature.

  She got dressed, piled her hair up in thick curls until it could be held in place with precisely three clips, and then she put on her jewellery and an evening gown in soft grey. Her makeup was smoky and subtle. It was funny that she had to remember how to do eyes. A cloak hid everything, and her transport indicated that it was five minutes out. She took her guard bot with her and headed down for her ride.

  The process of getting from the base to the restaurant made her nervous. If Susa had been with her at the base, they would have joked about how she was exposing herself by using her face when others had to use their genitals.

  There hadn’t been any contact from Mentor or the doll maker, but it would be soon.

  She steeled herself and got out of the transport, letting her guard bot remain at the entrance. The hostess took a look at her and inclined her head. “How may I help you, Miss?”

  “Private room two.”

  The girl blinked and nodded, leading her down the hall and to the upper level where the private rooms were located. Zera had been here a few times. She raised just the hem of her cloak so that even the tips of her shoes were not visible. No one else here was paying for her time, so they could not see her.

  The hostess stopped outside the door. Zera lifted her recognition icon from her cloak, and it glowed blue around the doorframe. “Thank you. You may go.”

  The hostess blinked. “I need to make sure that you are welcomed.”

  Zera smiled and inclined her head from the shadows of the cloak. “Go ask if I am welcome, then.”

  “He did not wish to be disturbed.”

  “But he told you he was expecting a guest. So, you do not wish to let me in. That is fine.”

  She tapped the icon twice. The door flew open, and Hron was standing there in his formal evening wear. He looked at the cringing hostess. “My guest has arrived, and you are delaying our time together.”

  The hostess flinched. “Yes, Master Hron. Please excuse me.”

  Hron stepped out and took Zera’s hands, kissing her palms before pulling her into the private dining room.

  He slid her cloak off her shoulders and folded it over his arm. “Ah, dearest Zera, you have no idea how happy I was to find you unengaged for this evening.”

  He led her by the hand into the room where a long, low table was surrounded by cushions. Zera smiled. “It is Master Hron now?”

  He grinned and pulled her against him. “It sounded juvenile from her, but from you, I could definitely get used to hearing it.”

  She inclined her head. “Whatever you wish, Master.”

  He shuddered. “You smell amazing.”

  “So I have been told, Master.”

  He paused. “I think I would rather that you call me Hron. You are too much an equal for the other term to be other than patronizing.”

  She smiled and reached up to stroke his face. “Hron, I have missed being able to call you by your name.”

  His hips thrust against hers, and he grimaced. “Too bad dinner is required.”

  She grinned. “By the end of the date. It is not required now.”

  His eyes glowed with anticipation. “We can do things out of order?”

  She slipped out of his grasp and unfastened his trousers. “There are no hard and fast rules outside the contract. And the contract says you invited me for sex and dinner; it did not specify the order.”

  She eased him out, and he thudded into her fingers. She wrapped her lips around him and drew him deep into her mouth. His hands flexed, and he stood still until she pulled back and whispered, “This would be easier if you were reclining.”

  He moved them both extremely fast, and she was draped across him, wearing nothing but her jewellery. He was naked as well. They were lying next to the table.

  She giggled and gasped when he slid two fingers into her, arching her back at the touch. “I am relieved that your eyes reflect what I imagined you were feeling.”

  She looked at him and put her want and need into her gaze. When he stroked her, she showed him what his touch did to her, and he inhaled sharply. “I see now why Torun suggested this as a possibility for you. Your intellect is astonishing, but your sensuality is off the charts. You genuinely are looking at me like I am the only male on the planet.”

  She smiled. “Right now, for me, you are.”

  He smiled and stroked her cheek. “Then, I will make the most of it.”

  Their kiss was sweet with a slightly wild touch. He turned her to her back and moved down her body with slow drags of his tongue and sharp nips of his teeth. When he settled against her sex, she moaned, and her hips matched his rhythm thrust for thrust until she bucked against him, and he moved up, sliding into her with a deep plunge.

  Her lids flickered as she adjusted, and he groaned when he was all the way inside her. He remained above her, and she looked up at him with flushed cheeks. His smile was slow. “How can
you taste like heaven and feel like sin?”

  She chuckled. “Just the way I am, I suppose. How can you be a speedster and one of the slowest, most thorough fucks I have had?”

  He grinned and started to move. “Just the way I am, I guess. I like to take my time.”

  She grinned. “Take all the time you need.”

  He laughed. “Oh, I will.”

  His pattern was delightfully predictable. Every time she came, he changed position. In an hour, she had been screwed on or over every surface in the room and had cum five times. There was a moment when she felt a flash of cool air, and then, he was inside her, pressing her up against the wall while holding her hips. When she gasped and shuddered, he slammed into her and let out a short shout.

  He pressed against her back and held her to the wall, licking the sweat on her shoulder and up her neck.

  “Dinner will be here in five minutes.”

  She nodded and caught her breath. He withdrew from her, and she dropped into his arms.

  “Zera, are you all right?”

  She snorted. “Yes, I just need to not be on my legs for a few minutes. You tuckered me out for now.”

  He looked disappointed. “I thought after dinner we could...”

  “Oh, we can, but first, I just need to rest and have something to eat. I just remembered that I am running on some protein bars from this morning, and my body needs more.”

  He chuckled and wrapped her cloak around her while he suddenly appeared in his formal wear. She leaned against him when the servers came in, and she felt their stares while she looked up at Hron. He glanced down at her, and it looked like he grew taller, just having her entire attention on him.

  Zera stroked his cheek, and when the servers departed, he chuckled.

  “Thank you for that; if I wasn’t hungry, I would slide into you again.”

  She chuckled. “You would have to do it with me prone. No strength left right now.”

  He grinned. “I had better help you get sustenance.”

  He held her in his arms and handed her a fork. He held each plate up to her, and she took a bite. She mumbled, “When are you going to eat?”

  “When you have what you want. You know how fast I can go.”

  She sighed. “Yeah, but it feels so good nice and slow.”

  He chuckled. “Try this one. My mom used to make something similar.”

  She took a forkful of shredded meat and sprouts. “It’s good. Kinda salty.”

  “It’s supposed to be. Take a forkful of the purple shredded stuff in the middle.” He smiled.

  She tried the purple stuff, and her eyes watered with the salty-sweet-spicy hit. “Oh, gods.”

  He laughed. “Now, both together.”

  She gathered the combination and took a cautious bite. “That’s pretty good. Okay, that’s really good.”

  He chuckled. “It is.”

  She grabbed another forkful before he put the plate down. She sighed. “It feels kinda bad to be mauling this food like this. It was so pretty before I got to it.”

  He snorted. “It was designed to be destroyed. That is what food is all about, fancy or not. Can you eat on your own, or do you need me to help?”

  “I can manage on my own. But, you start at normal speed and let me know if something is particularly tasty.” She levered herself onto the cushions and let the cloak slide aside to expose her thigh.

  He smiled, and she leaned on one arm while taking small forkfuls off the dozen plates that he had ordered.

  She bent one knee, and her cloak slid away. The low table didn’t hide much, and Hron was looking down the line of her knee to her inner thigh.

  He swallowed. “You are a lot more tonight.”

  “Oh, yeah. The mask had a restrictor in it, plus with me being blindfolded, I was able to mentally remain in the requested scenario. No mask means there is a little more me at the moment, and that is a little trampier than most folks are expecting.”

  “You used to actually date Torun?”

  “Um, yes. If you can call it that.”

  Hron frowned. “What do you mean? He speaks of you in such glowing tones.”

  She took a bite of something that exploded in her mouth. She swallowed. “Well, you guys can’t really date. You can have lovers if you can find one who can physically match you, but going out in public when you have a physical aspect to your activation is difficult. Girls would rush him on the street, and he would have to sign things and parts. It would take up the time he had available, and then, it would be a quick fuck, and he would have to leave. When we occasionally had more time, he let more of himself out.”

  Hron smiled. “How often did you punch him, and how? You don’t look like you have a physical activation.”

  She set her fork down. “I don’t. That is not what form my activation took.”

  He frowned. “Are you done?”

  “Dinner? Yes. It’s all yours.”

  He blurred around the room, and then, he paused in front of her. “Try this.”

  She opened her mouth, and he put a sweet on her tongue. She closed her mouth slowly and sucked his thumb as he pulled it out of her mouth. She bit down, and a sweetly fruity liquid ran out of the tiny piece. She groaned and closed her eyes. He kissed her, and she opened her eyes, draping her arms around his neck.

  He lifted his head. “See? It’s good.”

  She smiled. “Yes, it definitely was.”

  His hands stroked her back and around to her belly. “You are naked under this cloak.”

  “Oh, no. And in the hands of such a dashing team member. You wouldn’t be the leader, would you? Those are always the most dangerous.” She smiled. “I am all helpless and naked.”

  “Well, it is a bad thing for you that I am not on duty. Helping you is the last thing on my mind.” He slid a hand between her thighs and released the clasp of her cloak. It fell back, and he moved on top of her. “You are helpless in my clutches.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she breathed heavily. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Whatever I want.” He pinned her arms above her head and kissed her roughly, moving down to her neck, and then, his mouth took him lower.

  She moaned, and he settled in between her thighs. She exhaled power as her senses wound tight. This was the moment when part of her activation came out to play. She loved powering up the teams; she just couldn’t tell them that it was what she was doing.

  She rode the waves of pleasure until she screamed softly. He slid up her body and rocked into her hard and fast until he groaned and pressed his forehead to hers.

  She stroked his cheek, shoulders, and feathered kisses across his lips. He looked into her eyes and smiled. “That is what I was missing. Seeing the slightly dazed expression is worth it.” He kissed her softly.

  Zera blushed. “The jewellery I have on is going to blur some details, it is mostly for the cameras and security stations that I pass, but it will have an effect on you.”

  “Will I get to remember your eyes?”

  “Probably, but you have seen them before.”

  He stroked her cheek. “Not like this. This is different.”

  She looked at him and saw something shining in his eyes. “Ah, Hron, you have strange taste.”

  He bent his head and licked her neck. “You taste amazing.”

  She groaned. “Don’t start with the licking.” Her ten-minute warning chime made her sigh. “I have to get dressed.”

  He smiled. “Take a breath.”

  She inhaled, and when she exhaled, she was standing on her feet with her dress on and Hron holding her in his arms.

  This was the part she loved. The coming down after the contact high. They stood together until her chime rang, and she pulled her hood up, stroked his cheek, and walked out of the private room, activating her guard bot for when she reached the lobby.

  When she reached the home base, she checked her com. “Holy shit.” Her available schedule was filling up. Her regulars and some occasional
clients were booking her three-week window. She swallowed. The news had run highlights from the meeting and the public speakers. Uh oh.

  Chapter Seven

  Zera changed and headed back to her office. Her security camera at home showed that there were interested parties waiting for her to come or go. Some were reporters, and others had eerie leers on their faces. She just didn’t want to deal with it.

  Her body ached from her encounter with Hron, so she spent the remainder of the evening going through the applications for the corporation and actually came up with seven candidates out of the accumulated twenty-one.

  She got a call and chuckled as she answered. “Hey, Torun.”

  “Zera, are you safe?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Your house has been blown up.”

  She sat up from her reclined position on her sofa. “What?” She checked her security cameras, and there was no signal. “Aw, fuck. All my stuff was there.”

  “But, you are safe. Where are you?”

  She yawned. “Trying to get some sleep. In my office.”

  “You don’t sound upset.”

  “I am not, really. I figured that this kind of thing would happen when you blew my cover, so to speak. There are a lot of folks that consider team members akin to gods. No one can sully them, and I have sullied the hell out of you.”

  He chuckled and then said, “I want you safe.”

  “I understand. I want to be safe, and I am. No one without section black clearance can get in here. Anyone trying to get in here will be recorded by seven different cameras every second.”

  “Perhaps I should have been clearer. I want you with me.”

  “That is unfortunate. I want me under a blanket on my couch right now. I will shop for a new house in the morning.”


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