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I Dated a Supervillain

Page 12

by Viola Grace

  He murmured, “Normally, I am the one getting you wet. Turnabout is fair play.”

  She let out a startled giggle and a hiccup.

  “Would you like to go somewhere and eat? We can get pancakes.” He pressed a kiss to her temple.

  She swallowed and nodded. “I think that would be nice. There is a quiet place down the block.”

  “Let’s not bother with quiet. I wanna go loud. If they don’t like that I am seeing you, they can tell me to my face. Before we were lovers, we were friends, and I want to be there for my friend.”

  She smiled, finished paying for the added floral arrangements, and left the mortuary with her current best friend.

  He wove his hand with hers, and they walked over to a local and popular pancake restaurant. They were quiet together until they were seated and coffee was on the way.

  “Where are you staying?” He kept hold of her hands across the table.

  “At the office. I am having trouble imagining a house without Susa in it.”

  “Yes, it is a horrible thing that your house burned.”

  She nodded. “Just a cumulation of a very bad week. If I was easy to break, that would have done it.”

  “Have they found out what started it?”

  “They have a preliminary guess of electrical. I am never very cautious with my power supplies.”

  “Is insurance going to kick in?”

  “Eventually. For now, I have to decide whether to build or just rent a place in a building somewhere.”

  He raised her fingers to his lips. “A home is definitely in order. I have a nice secure place in the country just a few minutes outside of town.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Really? That is a little far for my purposes.”

  “I have an express transport. It makes up for the difference in distance.”

  “Good for you.”

  He kissed the inside of her palm. “You could live with me if you liked.”

  “You are really on your best behaviour, aren’t you?” She chuckled. “I have known you for six years, and this is the first time you have invited me to your home.”

  “The timing has never been right, and you have never needed me.”

  She smiled softly. “I have always needed you.”

  Their pancakes arrived. She grinned. Torun had ordered for her, and the result was that three varieties of fruit were on top of her pancakes, covered with whipped cream. She did like them as more cake than anything else.

  He asked her. “What do you do with your days when you are not studying or working?”

  “When Susa... I mean... I used to go skating, rollerblading, driving recreational vehicles through the desert. I take crafting courses. Paint and go out for coffee with friends.”

  “You don’t drink?”

  “It isn’t recommended for a lot of actives. I am one of those kinds. Physically applied energy likes to get freaky.” She took a wedge of pancake and fruit and shoved it into her mouth to stop herself from talking. He was far too interested in what she was saying. That meant he was taking notes.

  “What do you do when you are not saving citizens and holding up buildings?”

  He grinned. “If I can get a booking, I am doing you.”

  “If not?”

  “Working out. I work out, especially if I have seen you. I feel stronger.”

  She coughed and reached for her coffee. “Do you? How odd.”

  She sipped, and he was smiling at her. “You do something to us.”

  “Not everyone. Just the teams.”

  “What do you do?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I think of it as honing. I use my energy to sharpen yours. Help with focus.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? Did you tell anyone else?”

  “Oh, gods no. No, this was something that was going to be figured out, or it would never be figured out. You obviously know that something happened.”

  “They think it is just us having sex that is driving us higher, but it is you specifically.”

  She blushed. “There are one or two escorts that have a boosting effect, but they have a niche clientele.”

  “Like Salat. I have noticed the briefings that he was in town.”

  Zera smiled. “Oh. Is he? I have heard that his appearance is rather striking.”

  Torun growled. “Suddenly, I feel like striking it.”

  She stuffed her face again and hid her laughter. She swallowed after a while. “So, while I can take dates, I can’t talk nice about Salat’s features?”

  He shrugged. “My love for you is complex, and women’s love for his face and body is legendary. Once they get beneath the suit, they change their minds.”

  “It isn’t for the faint of heart. She dealt with it rather well. Very well. He asked if he could send her presents.” She smiled. “She should have gotten the first one yesterday.”

  * * * *

  Khytten blinked as she got to the receptionist’s desk. “You called me, Mary?”

  “This came for you.” Mary gestured to the large box on the desk.

  “Oh. Um. Right. Thanks.” Khytten picked up the box and returned to her cubicle.

  She was just about at the end of her day and shrugged as she opened the box. “Ohmygod.” She closed it and quickly taped it shut.

  Another ten minutes of work, and she grabbed the box, put it in her crappy car, and looked at it on the passenger seat. She released the tape and opened the box again. Blushing furiously. A very high-end cream jar was there, as was a bundle of dark silk that looked like a nightgown and felt like sin. A note said Next time, wear this and this.

  She shivered. He wanted a next time. Nice penmanship, too. She fanned herself with the card, and she caught his scent. Her stomach dropped like she was on a carnival ride. The same danger-excitement adrenaline had her heart pounding.

  She got her car going and headed home. The hospital had the evening feed doses, and she had a present to examine.

  Her apartment was tiny, so it was easy to lock up and strip before opening the box and taking the jar of cream. It was hyper-hydrating and non-toxic. She smoothed the cream over a nipple, and her toes curled. Damn, that felt good. The tiny bit that she had went a long way. She slipped the gown on over her head and tied the ribbons on her side.

  She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, and she wanted to cry. She looked happy. There was a robe that went over the gown, and she slipped it on a moment before her world blew apart.

  * * * *

  Torun looked at his com.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “There was an explosion last night that the peacekeepers thought was a gas leak. An examiner took a look this morning, and it has been upgraded to a kidnapping. I might have to leave you.”

  “Who was kidnapped?” Zera got a funny feeling in her stomach, and she brought up the stats on her escorts. Eleven was in distress. “Damn it. What do they want with her?”

  Torun frowned. “What is it?”

  “Eleven. They have taken Eleven.”

  She made a call and left a message. “Just for your reference. Eleven has been stolen, and her tracker is at the following coordinates. No demands have been made, and an explosion was used to camouflage the abduction.” Zera rattled off the location and paused. “I can dispatch a team if ne—”

  A low growl sounded. “Don’t bother. I will bring her home.”

  The call disconnected.

  Torun frowned. “What did you just do?”

  She sipped at her coffee, tense and worried. “I just told Salat that his toy was in danger.”


  “They have had one night together and have not really spoken. At this point, he wants her for her body, and she feels the same.”

  “She wants her body?”

  “She wants his. Affection will come later. Right now, each has everything the other one wants. They have to find out if there is anything aside from that.”

  Zera finished her coffe
e and sat there, worried.

  “And our date is over.”

  She chuckled. “It wasn’t a date. I was arranging a funeral.”

  “Oh. Right.”

  She took his hand. “It’s okay. I know how this works. I want to spend time with you, too.”

  “Right. Where can I take you?”

  She felt the gleam enter her eyes. “Team headquarters? I want to have a look at their electronics.”

  “That would be against the rules.”

  She shrugged. “Fine. We can go to the program research centre, and I can use the monitoring equipment there.”

  “What are you going to monitor?”

  Zera chuckled. “If my hunch is correct, a massacre. And hopefully, Salat doesn’t miss it.”

  Torun perked up. “What? I thought Eleven was soft and helpless.”

  “By choice. Not too far under that kitten is a tiger. She just needs to be properly motivated.” She sighed. “I hate that this happened to her, but I think she needs to rediscover her claws.”

  “She had them before?”

  “She did. Instead of joining the program, she took peacekeeper training but stopped right before graduation. Her parents had been in an accident, and she had to leave town. She missed the final exam, and when she returned, the heart had gone out of her.”


  “Her family is dismissive of her activation. I think that had a lot to do with it.”

  “You seem remarkably calm about this.”

  “I am not, but there is nothing I can do, and they have taken her out of local jurisdiction. Your team could manage it, but it would generate a lot of press that she really doesn’t need. She feels strongly enough about being unusual; she doesn’t like attention being drawn to her.”

  “And we have to go under authorization, which would create a why, which would mean that her name would appear in the news reports.”

  “The Milkmaid isn’t something she likes to see in print or hear about in the news.”

  “Ah. You think she can manage things?”

  “I think if there is no one there she needs to worry about, she can do just about anything.”

  * * * *

  Khytten groaned and sat up. Her hands were shackled together, and she was on a cot. Her breasts ached, and she gritted her teeth against the persistent heaviness. Her beautiful new gown was filthy, torn, and smeared with blood. Her blood.

  She felt so stupid. She shouldn’t have tried the clothing on. It would probably be fine in a box, but with it on her, it had taken the majority of the hit. Her hair was still tight in a braid.

  “Oh. The little cow is up.” The man had dark hair and glowing white eyes. “I don’t know why the precog told us to kill you, but I think I could have a lot more fun with you alive.”

  She looked at him impassively. “Fun is not something I have ever been accused of being. Where am I?”

  “You are in our little hideaway. Don’t worry. No one can find you here. We checked for a tracking device, and you are clear.”

  He stroked her neck down to her cleavage. She jerked away. “Ah. Don’t fight it, little cow.” She grimaced while he cupped her breast and squeezed. The spray of milk was annoying, but when he growled, “That is fun. Let’s just fix those cuffs, and we can enjoy ourselves.”

  Khytten smiled. He had the key. He leaned forward. She slammed her hands up, and when he reeled back, she struck him in the skull with the manacles. Once he was down, she hit him repeatedly until his eyes were open and the white glow had drained from them, leaving sad brown eyes that dimmed.

  She rifled through his pockets and found the key. He didn’t have a weapon, but many actives didn’t carry them. She unlocked her manacles and tucked her breasts back into the gown. If they were out, someone had been playing with them. She didn’t fall out on her own when the bodice was made this well.

  She walked to the doorway and sighed when she saw a guard approaching. She wrapped the chain from the manacle around her fist and waited until he had passed the door. He continued down the hall and made a left turn. She counted to ten and glanced out, seeing him turning and coming toward her. She stepped out and walked to him, running the last few steps before she jumped up and slammed her fist into his face. He turned his head and grinned after taking the hit; his arms caught her on her way to the floor.

  “Surprising, little cow.” He gripped her, squeezing her ribs until she saw spots. “Looks like we need to tie you tighter, little cow.”

  She pushed against him, but he kept holding her until things went dark.

  They took her attempt at escape seriously. The next time she woke, she was shackled to a wall with her ankles connected as well. The fuckers had strapped breast pumps to her. She glanced down, and they had only gotten a few teaspoons. The fact that her lactation was mostly voluntary was a boon. She didn’t want these assholes getting any kind of boost from her.

  Her ribs were sore, and there was a stabbing pain as she inhaled. Great.

  She smelled blood. She took a quick inventory. It wasn’t hers. She also wasn’t alone. There was someone in the room. The scent of blood got closer. She felt a stroke on her cheek, and there was a smell under the blood. Her eyes went wide. “Patron!”

  He chuckled. “Hello, Eleven. I got a call that you were in trouble. Luckily, I was still in town.”

  She shivered. He was carefully stroking her neck. “Um, thank you for coming to get me.”

  “Oh, I am not in the business of rescues. I do accept ransoms, so what will you offer me to free you?”

  She licked her lips. “What do you want?”

  “Oh, that is a long and varied list. I see you got my gift.”

  She hung her head, and a fat tear made its way down her cheek. “They wrecked it.”

  She felt his lips on her cheek, and his tongue licked the tear.

  “I can get you another. You liked it?”

  “Yes. It’s beautiful.”

  He chuckled. “It is just well-constructed fabric; you are what makes it come alive. Now, you are shackled here in place, and... wait. Is that someone else’s blood on you?”

  She blushed. “When I woke up, there was a man with white eyes. He tried to play with me, so I beat him to death.”

  The invisible suitor laughed. “Why should I not be surprised? Why aren’t their pumps working?”

  “I don’t want them to. They aren’t getting it.”

  He chuckled and shut the pumps off, removing the harness they had put on her.

  “Can I offer you milk for my freedom?”

  “You offer me something that I can take for myself? Decline.”

  She shivered as he nuzzled her breasts, and she felt the change. He knelt in front of her and started to suck. He wrapped his arms around her, and she winced at the stabbing pain in her ribs. When he tightened his grip, she cried out, and he stopped.

  “What is wrong?”

  Khytten shivered; his voice sounded all dark and sexy. “A constrictor caught me and knocked me out. I think I have a broken rib.”

  He muttered something hostile.

  “Um, Patron, can you take some milk and then give it to me?”

  “How much?”

  “A mouthful should do.”

  He chuckled. “You will owe me for parting with it.”

  “Right. I will try and make it up to you. Please.”

  She put what she needed into it, and when he drew, she hoped that he didn’t swallow. He came up and kissed her; the sweetness ran down her throat. She shuddered and focused. The throbbing pain receded, and her abrasions healed.

  “Eleven, how are you doing that?”

  “My milk is a building block. I can make it create whatever effect I like.”

  He stroked her breasts lightly. “What do you put into it for me?”

  She blushed. “I wanted to make it tasty and satisfying.”

  “No addiction?”

  “Um, no. I can’t affect behaviour, just physiology and biology.”r />
  “You added something.” He chuckled and licked at her. “What was it?”

  “Stronger and faster.”

  He chuckled. “Not more stamina?”

  “Um, no. That was fine. I just wanted to give you something since you were so kind to me.”

  “Kind?” His hands stroked her breasts. “I don’t recall being kind.”

  “Well, you could have been the kind of asshole who shackles a woman to the ceiling and floor in a negligee. Or the kind that ransoms freedom while she has her tits out...”

  He barked a laugh. “So, you are feeling better.”

  “Yeah, my milk does wonders. Can I offer you any other biological enhancements that you would like?”

  He was behind her, kissing her neck while cupping her breasts. “No, I think I am good. I mean, a smaller penis might be nice and stop the complaints, but then, there is one woman who took me and asked for me to go harder.”

  “Sounds a bit freaky.”

  “Oh, she was, but I am delighted to be on the receiving end of her attentions.”

  She shivered. “Would you accept sex as ransom payment?”

  “Hm... to collect, I would have to deliver you safely home.”

  “Just... wait. Why are you in here when there are a bunch of henchmen out there?”

  He chuckled. “No, there aren’t.”

  “Oh, that is what the blood is all about. Why are you still invisible?”

  “I did not think that you would take to my appearance. My features can be unpleasant when I am working.”

  She swallowed. “So, you kill people a lot?”

  “I can get into terrorist strongholds more easily than any other agent of Aksalla. That kind of skill costs.”

  “Oh.” Of course, he would be a citizen of the most exclusive country on the continent. She couldn’t even visit. It was impossible to get a visitor’s visa; she had had to sneak in to attend to her parents and had gotten caught and ejected.


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