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I Dated a Supervillain

Page 14

by Viola Grace

  “And then your sister denied summoning you and left you to take the fall for your lack of proper registration.”

  “So, you know the story.”

  “I did some research. Your parents didn’t accept your help?”

  She looked down. “You mean that? No. They find the idea disgusting. They find me and my body disgusting and couldn’t believe my sister had called for me. I got them back on their feet and put my milk in their coffee starting at week three. They got better, and by week five, they asked me to leave, and when I didn’t do it quickly enough, they called the authorities.”

  “It was my sister that arrested you, by the way.”


  He kissed her softly. “I haven’t asked her about her opinion of you, but her report regarding your family was scathing.”

  She sighed softly as his tongue taunted hers into moving with him. “Past is the past.”

  “And yet, it shapes who we are.” He threaded a hand through her hair and held her as he brushed kisses across her forehead, eyelids, and the tip of her nose. “You are adorable.”

  She didn’t know where to look. “Uh. Thank you.”

  “I don’t think I have ever been thanked for stating the obvious before.”

  She kept her mouth shut.

  “You are silent because you would argue with me? It is not wise to tell me that I am wrong.”

  “How about that you have a skewed perspective?” He smiled, and it was not a nice smile. She quickly added. “A unique perspective?”

  “It is that. I see you because I am really looking.” He drew his finger down the front of her shirt, and to her shock, the tee split an instant behind his fingertip.

  “What is that?”

  He grinned. “I am really looking, and I haven’t had breakfast yet.”

  She blushed and yelped as he ran his tongue over her, and her particular talent overflowed.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair and held him. He flicked his eyes toward her and met her gaze as he sucked.

  Her voice was husky, and she whispered, “You wrecked your own shirt.”

  He released that nipple and laughed. “Worth it.”

  She flinched when he attached to the other side and swallowed while looking at her. He slid his fingers into her and thumbed her clit. He started with two and then added a third as his hand moved in time to the sucking.

  Khytten felt herself tighten around his fingers, and his sucking involved grazes of his teeth. It took less than a dozen strokes before she moaned low and her muscles gripped his fingers. He continued to move his digits inside her while her body clasped and released him. She shuddered as he slowly sucked at her.

  He licked at her breasts and said, “You taste different when you cum.”

  “I have never actually tested that.”

  “You don’t need to. You taste like sex, but just until the spasms stop then it is all sweetness again. You program it as it exits.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Why did I tell you all that?”

  “Because I asked, and no one else has. You know all these wonderful things about your body and have no one to tell. It must be frustrating.” He smiled. “I am genuinely interested in how your body works. Allow me to demonstrate.”

  He opened his trousers, the thick skin-tight fabric pressed on her inner thighs as he leaned in and pressed against her. Her body resisted for a moment, and then, she welcomed him in, gloving around him.

  He shuddered. “Oh, that is good.”

  The rush of heat that moved through her was intense as he started to move. She gripped his neck with one hand and used the other to brace herself as she moved with him.

  When he touched her, it seemed like the most logical thing in the world. When she looked in his eyes, he was everything that should terrify her and everything that didn’t.

  Khytten was screwed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “So, when are you going to bring me back?” She leaned forward on his shoulder, and her body fought for air. The air between them was thick with the scent of sex.’’

  “Today. Perhaps tomorrow.” He lifted her chin. “Certainly, eventually.”

  She felt the rub of his cheek against hers and responded. “I need to restart my life again. Depending on how much press was out about my abduction, I might have to switch cities.”

  His kneading hands tensed on her. “What do you mean?”

  “Businesses that handle financial information don’t like it when their employees make the papers. They certainly don’t like it when their employees return and are followed by the press.”

  He frowned. “What will you do?”

  “Well, thanks to my involvement with the Blind Date Corporation, I have the ability to start over. It will tap me out, but I will be able to start over again in another place where folks don’t know who I am. I have done it a few times.”

  He stroked her neck. “You aren’t thinking of getting away from me, are you?”

  She looked at him and shook her head. “I am going to be out of the city. Out of your life. You can find another woman with attributes similar to mine and go balls deep into her.”

  He growled. “These are not statements you should be making if you want me to return you to the city.”

  Khytten chuckled. “I believe in honesty. You will forget about me when you meet someone else.”

  “And you?”

  “Will learn how to serve coffee or tea or something.” She shrugged. “I just need to get by.”

  “What about the children you care for?”

  “It is constantly a changing thing. Sometimes I get repeats; other times, it is a new infant who grips my fingertip in their own. There are always children rejected by their own. I will just go looking wherever I end up.”

  He nodded. “Isn’t it a breach of contract to move without notice while you are an active escort?”

  She blinked. “How do you know... Zera will probably let me free.”

  “Yes, but your patrons need to agree if there has been no breach of their conduct.”

  “I don’t have any regular patrons. I had two curiosities and... well... you. One date on the books is hardly a patron who will miss me.”

  He wrapped a hand in her hair and pulled her head back. “Repeat after me. Salat. Will. Miss. Me.”

  She felt her eyes widen in surprise. “Salat will miss me.”

  “Say it again and use your name where it should be.”

  She blushed. “Salat will miss Khytten.”

  “When I heard your name, I couldn’t believe my luck. A kitten of my own.” He nuzzled her cheek.

  “I am sure that that isn’t how the contracts work.”

  He grinned. “They are open to interpretation.”

  “I am sure that they aren’t.” She reached out and stroked his cheek. “Salat?”

  He smiled. “It sounds good when you say it; it will sound better if you scream it, kitten.”

  She looked away. “I am not planning on screaming anything.”

  “That will make it all the sweeter.”

  He picked her up with his hands on her butt and his cock still lodged inside her. Every step was pleasurable torture, and when he turned and dropped onto the bed, she was astride him. Her eyes were wide, and she braced herself on his heavily muscled chest. His hands started to move her, and her senses started to spin.

  He helped her to the edge, and then, he stopped.

  She blinked and looked at him in shock.

  He was breathing heavily, and he asked, “What do you want?”

  “More.” She ran her hands over all of his available skin. “I want more, Salat.”

  He shuddered as she whispered his name. “Then, get it yourself, kitten.”

  She grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts while she slowly tried to mimic the rhythm he had had going. He pulled her down to him and kissed her as she moved faster and harder. Just as she was about to cum, he rolled, pinning her to the bed an
d kissing her slowly. Her arms were held up and away from her over her head while he began a slow and steady thrust and retreat that was driving her insane with his care and deliberation.

  He released her arms, and she held him as he provided her with slow undulating thrusts that stroked every inch of her internally. She shuddered, she gasped, she moaned, and then, she heard the whisper, “Say my name, kitten.”

  She blinked and groaned. “Salat.”

  He nipped her neck while he worked into her. “Again.”


  He coaxed her to the edge of release, and then, he bit her shoulder hard.

  “Ah! Salat!” She screamed as the bite caused a wave of pain that was just what she needed to send her over the edge. She bucked, she thrashed, she moaned, and she held onto him while her body went insane.

  She heard his triumphant shout, but she didn’t care. Her body was wrapped in a golden cloud, and her mind was floating with it. She slowly lowered the legs that had locked around him and ran her inner thighs along his outer thighs.

  He sighed happily. “That was as amazing as I had imagined. I like hearing my name from you, kitten.”

  She swallowed. “I certainly got that impression.”

  He gave her a look.

  She stroked his head and brought his mouth to hers. “I got that impression, Salat.”

  The kiss was sweet, and it made her heart ache. If she had remained un-activated, she could have had a normal man and a normal family and a normal life. A single fat tear slid down her temple.

  The kiss continued for minutes, and then, he rolled to one side, taking her with him. He slid out of her and pulled her to him. “I don’t want to bring you back.”

  She shivered. “Reality has to start sometime. You have to go on your assignments, and I have to figure out what comes next.”

  He sighed. “Fine, but stay in town. I will send you funds to keep you going.”

  She swallowed. “That isn’t why I did this, Salat.”

  He smiled. “I know, but if I want you where I can find you, I am more than willing to pay for the pleasure. I can send you the bounty on the active you killed. That should help you buy a house.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “He was worth two hundred thousand.” He stroked his hand down to her breasts and moved shortly after to follow his slight touch with his mouth.

  She heard a humming sound outside. “What is that noise?”

  “Delivery drones. They are dropping clothing and your vehicle.” He kept his attention focused on where he was. He preferred the right. She shifted to her back, and he smiled and moved across her. His thigh pressed between hers, and as he took in the calming chemicals she had dumped into the milk, he moved his thigh to press against her clit. She moaned and held tight to his head, her fingers urging him closer.

  They flexed and strained together until she let out an imperceptible shiver. She felt his grin, and he continued to move between them.

  She came twice more due to the steady pressure, and when she moaned, “Salat,” the final time, he raised his head, and when he kissed, she got a rush of her own product. It was calming and would help her reflexes.

  Bots started to whir along and brought a stack of clothing and a backpack.

  He sighed. “So, a quick shower, and then, we part paths for a while.”

  She nodded. “Good, I am beyond sticky.”

  Khytten tried to sit up, but she was pinned by his head and torso. “Are you going to let me up?”

  He groaned. “Fine. I am being picked up in two hours, so I will escort you as far as I can.”

  She blinked. “You are going?”

  “I am. Aksalla calls, and I answer. I will be back here as soon as I can.”

  She nodded. This was what she wanted. Her freedom and his departure. Right?

  The shower was slow and sweet. He washed every inch of her thoroughly; his fingers didn’t miss a thing.

  When he finished drying her hair, she turned and tried to wrap her hands around his cock. “Well, I can see the difficulty.”

  He chuckled. “I am surprised you are looking. I thought you were going to continue averting your eyes.”

  “It is more normal-sized than it feels.”

  He laughed. “It feels bigger when I am inside you?”

  “For a moment when you enter, it feels like you will split me apart. Can I get dressed now?”

  His eyes had narrowed, and he leaned in. “You are teasing me.”

  She smiled. “Yes. I get the feeling you don’t get that much.”

  “No, I do not. I am deciding whether or not I like it or want to act on it.”

  “If you are going, I need to get on the road, wherever the road is.”

  He sighed. “Fine. I will remember the teasing the next time I book a date.”

  Her eyes widened. “You are still going to book me?”

  “As long as you are on her roster, you can be requested by other patrons unless you are marked as exclusive. So, I have signed an exclusive contract for you while you are listed, and when you get your com back, I suggest that you agree to it.” He stroked her cheek. “The terms are generous, and Blind Date’s legal team has already authorized it.”

  She blinked. “Exclusive... I...”

  He smiled. “Get dressed. At least your motives for doing this are simply survival. I don’t have to worry about you being some sultry spy out to snare me.”

  “They have tried that?”

  “A few times. They are always... a bit surprised when I try and take them up on it.”

  She snorted, stroked her fingers down his erection, and turned to look at her clothing.

  He grabbed her and pulled her against his body. “Teasing kitten.”

  “Just a little bit. It will probably increase as our association goes on.”

  He laughed. “Get dressed. Everything should fit. They were taken from your scans.”

  “Was there a healer here?”

  “Yes. She’s very good. I have used her when I needed to be patched up now and again.”

  She put on the miniscule thong while he sat on the edge of the bed and watched her get dressed. The nursing bra was lovely and made her mourn the torn and stained gown that she had lost. The leather pants were snug but nipped in at the waist. It was a custom fit.

  “Where the hell do you get custom-fit clothing on such short notice?”

  She pulled on a silky black tee and slid the outer casing of black leather over her. She could feel the armour segments in the jacket. The socks were fluffy and white with cartoon kittens, and the boots were knee-high and tight-laced.

  “I look like a fetish doll for guys who like cycles.” She sighed and braided her hair quickly.

  He grabbed her and pressed his face between her breasts. The scooped neckline of the tee was no barrier to him. He pulled her against him, and she knelt on the bed on either side of his hips. She held his head, and they just held onto the moment. This wasn’t sex. This was connection.

  He got into his car, and she started the cycle. The moment they had exited the house, she knew where they were. She was forty-five minutes from the city.

  She nodded to him and pulled on her helmet. The backpack had her expressing kit and a cooling unit. If she could do it on her own terms with her own equipment, she had a bit more control, and she teared up inside the helmet when it was clear that he knew it.

  Control of her own body had always been lacking.

  She roared down his drive, and he followed her. He knew enough about her to know that she could ride a cycle, but did he know how well?

  She continued down the two-kilometre drive, and then, she turned toward the city. She was up to speed in seconds. Then, she went a little faster.

  The cycle was one that she hadn’t even dreamed about. It was sleek, expensive, and responded to every touch.

  “Kitten, what are you doing?”

  “Seeing what this cycle can do, Salat.” She purred it through the com
in her helmet.

  His sleek desert runner pulled up next to her, and he shook his head slightly. “You are being reckless.”

  “Check my files again. I used to test vehicles for a living. This is just a test.”

  She lowered herself over the controls, and her arms slid forward for high speed. She passed cars like they were standing still and moving like she was on a mission.

  “You do know what you are doing, kitten. I will leave you there. Head to Blind Date Corporation. They will help you find quarters and help you get in touch with law enforcement.”

  She said, “Thank you, Salat. How do I get the cycle back to you?”

  “Oh, that? It’s yours. I don’t like them. Too dangerous.” He chuckled. “See you soon, kitten.”

  She chuckled and slowed to a more reasonable speed as she entered the city.

  Zera’s voice came to her. “Salat gave me your com frequency. You are heading to Blind Date?”

  “Yeah. I have no clothes, my com was blown up, and I need to park a cycle.”

  “Those are things that can be fixed. I will also have the examiner come here to interview you.”

  “Right now?”

  “Sure. Better to get it over with.”

  Khytten drove directly to the hub, and Zera talked her over to the loading dock. The cycle drove neatly into the cargo elevator, and they headed up.

  Zera was wearing dark clothing, and her mood was sombre.

  Khytten pulled her helmet off. “What’s happened?”

  “My sister passed. It seems she wasn’t free of the effects of the doll maker’s attack as we had hoped. The funeral is tomorrow.”

  “Oh, Zera. I am so sorry.”

  “Thank you. At least she passed the program. That was what she always wanted.”

  They arrived on the Blind Date floor, and Khytten pushed the cycle to one side.

  “Salat’s cycle?”

  Khytten blushed. “No, he... uh... gave it to me. He doesn’t like them.”

  “But he knew you did and got you leathers and a helmet as well. I like him more and more. We will get you into something business-suit-like.”

  “Okay, let’s go play dress-up. Can you help me find out if my com was retrieved?”


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