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I Dated a Supervillain

Page 16

by Viola Grace

  She and Zera were in the transport.

  “Why, what does it matter?”

  Khytten chuckled, and Zera looked at her when she said, “Free, no-holds-barred sex on your birthday until you are sated or I pass out, whichever comes first or last, I guess. Non-transferrable if you are out of town.”

  “You are trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

  “Absolutely not, but rules are rules.”

  He began to whisper in her head all the delightfully depraved things he would do to her. It was like when he had been invisible and his lips were next to her ear. Her pulse quickened the same way.

  * * * *

  Zera looked at what was rapidly becoming a friend and laughed at her appalled expression. It reminded her of her first dates with Torun. He had trouble letting go, but once he did, it was like she had unleashed a beast that loved rough sex and cuddling. When she thought back to the early days, she remembered her being in a daze most of the time and Torun showing up at her door after every clash and intervention, wanting attention. He noticed the power that she gave him when they had sex, and he wanted to be the best that he could be and enjoy an actual relationship at the same time.

  Dating someone on the teams was forbidden, and she was charged, and he was put on a warning. That was when Blind Date was created. For it to be a legal escort arrangement, she needed to open membership and have more escorts. She and Susara discovered that there was a true need for the service, and the company grew. The training regimen for new recruits took trial and error, but if they could make it through the vids and practical, chances were that they could make it through a date while blindfolded.

  “Khytten, would you like to go out for dinner?”

  “I couldn’t take up more of your time. You have a funeral tomorrow.”

  “Sweetie, you can help me forget; plus, Torun keeps trying to get me to move in with him, and I have no idea where he actually lives. I think I am better off in town for now.”

  She gave directions to the transport and made a call. Her usual table for two would be ready in half an hour.

  “Khytten, did you want to dress for dinner?”

  Khytten perked up. “That sounds fun.”

  “Dress-up is one of the best parts of the job.”

  Khytten’s colour began to rapidly rise. “He would disagree. Hell, he is disagreeing.”

  “He can do what he likes, but I can put together a signal jammer if he keeps interrupting. He can listen, but he needs to stop commenting.”

  Khytten tilted her head and nodded. “He agrees. He was just playing with a new toy.”

  Zera smiled. “What did you promise him?”

  “Absolutely nothing.”

  “Fine, what did he ask for?”

  “Oh, he just wants to listen in at private moments.”

  The transport pulled up at the corporate headquarters, and they left it and headed inside. Time to do a five-minute makeover and hit the town for a nice meal.

  Zera looked at her friend and grinned. “Well-chosen, Kit.”


  “It is shorter and cute. You deserve a cute name. Did you sign the contract?”

  “I did.” She pressed a hand to her ear and blushed. Salat must be expressing his enthusiasm.

  “Excellent. Torun was starting to get interested, and since Salat wants you to be exclusive, that would get messy. They would probably both survive but not if Torun gets his head cut off.”

  Zera finished applying her lipstick and smiled. “Ready when you are.”

  They linked arms and headed back down to their new luxury transport, which glided smoothly away once they were inside.

  “So, do you go out for dinner like this often?” Kit smiled.

  “Not as often as I used to. Life has gotten away from me. I need to get it back so that I enjoy it a bit more.” Zera chuckled. “Also, I like to show off. We are stunning and ostensibly available. What they don’t know might drive up clientele.”

  Kit laughed. “Well, then, what do you suggest?”

  “Don’t be shocked if I suggest that we kiss.”

  Kit muttered, “No, I will not take pictures of that. Not even if you beg. No bargaining. Yes, I am guessing that if she is asking, it is because it will be on the news or in a tabloid or something.”

  Zera laughed. “I will see what I can arrange. So, Kit, when is your birthday?”

  “Uh, a week from this Thursday.”

  “Nice. What do you want?”


  “For your birthday. What do you want as a present?” Zera smiled slyly.

  “You are evil.”

  Zera laughed. “Which one of us are you talking to?”


  “Well, what is it. What do you want for your birthday?”

  “I... don’t celebrate it. My activation kicked in on my birthday, and that was when my life went to shit. Next thing I knew, I was checked into activation camp and then came the lawsuit, and I was on my own. I see it as the start of a disaster, not something to be celebrated. Maybe I should put up a cenotaph and deal with it that way.”

  “Oh, Khytten. I am sorry.” Zera took her hand.

  “No, it’s not a problem. I know you will probably be back to business as usual, but I wouldn’t mind another girls’ night out. I don’t have much of that in my life.”

  Zera smiled. “I think I can arrange something.”

  “Why am I suddenly uneasy? The look on your face is chilling.”

  “Because you are very smart, Kit.” Zera patted her leg. “Now, let’s have dinner, and we can talk about your party.”

  “Party?” There was panic in her eyes.

  “Yeah. I think this is going to be quite the event.”

  “Zera, no, please, I will do anything, but no party.”

  “Oh, you beg so sweetly; no wonder Salat is smitten.”

  Zera could tell that Salat was laughing as Khytten covered her face. She would have a nice party with patrons and other escorts, no masks required, but the escorts could wear them if they wanted. She really hoped that Salat could make it, or their contract was going to be the subject of conversation frequently as the patrons got one look in Khytten’s eyes and were smitten by her shy innocence.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Halfway through dinner, Zera needed to ask, “Kit, will you come to Susa’s funeral tomorrow?”

  Kit looked at her with wide eyes. “I don’t want to intrude.”

  “I need all the friends there that I can get.” Zera added in a low singsong. “I can get you some light weaponry.”

  Kit’s eyes glowed. “You can?”

  “Sure. I have a bunch in my research and development department. Better than peacekeeper issue. Pulse weapons with fast recovery time.”

  Kit looked at her, all breathy. “Zera, are you trying to seduce me?”

  Zera laughed. “No, but it’s nice to know your sweet spot. What would you do for a rocket launcher?”

  Kit leaned in and whispered with her hand over one ear so it would muffle what Salat could hear.

  Zera listened to the graphic proposition, and Zera blinked in surprise. “Wow. That’s... detailed. Sorry, Salat, I am going to have to cancel your exclusive contract. Her mouth alone could make millions.”

  Zera laughed when her com lit up with angry threats.

  Kit whispered, “She was kidding, Patron. I don’t cheat once I have made up my mind.”

  Zera handed a recording unit to the server. “Take a video, please.”

  Kit leaned toward her, and Zera turned her head and kissed her with a slow kiss that rapidly got out of control. Kit whimpered, and Zera blinked and lifted her head. “Oh, wow. It’s a shame I never got to sleep with you.”

  The server was standing there with a hot blush on her cheeks, and she handed the recording unit back. “Thank you, ladies.”

  Zera grinned. “I think we have improved her world outlook.”

  “What are you doing?”

era uploaded the video to Salat’s account. “I promised him a copy of the kiss. Damn, I wish that I could have gotten to you before the contract.”

  Kit asked, “Uh, why?”

  “Because my activity is to enhance others. I increase power and precision.”


  “With pleasure. Giving or receiving.” Zera grinned. “I can go either way.”

  Kit sat still.

  “What is he saying?” Zera was smirking.

  “It isn’t really words; it is just a long, low growl.”

  She giggled, and they saw the dessert cart. A look from Zera, and it was brought over. They showed it no mercy.

  In the transport back to the base, Kit asked, “Do you always eat on the VIP platform?”

  “That is up to the discretion of the restauranteur. They can put us up there or in the back. Today, we looked good, and the kiss got quite a bit of attention. How is Salat’s situation?”

  Kit smiled slightly. “I think he’s purring.”

  Zera laughed. He had always been horribly intimidating, and she was never invited on a date by him. It turned out she literally wasn’t his type. Kit was his ideal woman, and there was a lot more to her than there appeared to be at first glance. Her fascination with weaponry was eye-opening.

  They headed back to BDC, and in the elevator, Zera asked, “Did you want to see those weapons?”

  “Sure, but I have to take care of things for a few minutes.”

  “Oh. Right. So, you are pretty much tethered then.” Having a physical restraint would be rough.

  “Well, Salat got me a backpack with a pump kit in a really quiet design. It does a good job, too.”

  “What does it feel like?”

  Kit laughed. “Like two suction cups attached to your tits pulling rhythmically. No romance, a little bit of hormonal action, and embarrassing. I can show you a fun trick if you can find two shot glasses.”

  Zera blinked. “A trick? Like what?”

  “I can capture an orgasm in a glass, but the process is going to be embarrassing.”

  Intrigued, she said, “What will it take?”

  “I can express a bit when I orgasm, and it freezes the hormones in that moment.”

  “Ask Salat if I can help.” Zera smiled.

  Kit blushed. “He said yes if he can listen.”

  “If we put masks on, we can record it, and he can watch.”

  Kit winced. “Uh, he said yes.”

  Zera got to watch Kit’s milk-white skin writhing and undulating as she took in pleasure and power. When she came, the glasses filled, and Zera helped her right them.

  The hit of the milk on Zera’s tongue dropped her to her knees. Liquid pleasure ran through her blood, and she shuddered hard as her thighs clenched and her channel flexed. “Ohmygod. Where have you been all my life?”

  Kit laughed and handed her the second shot. “I have already had mine. Go ahead.”

  “How about we share it?” Zera took the shot and kissed Kit, causing her to flinch and moan when the milk hit her tongue.

  They both shuddered and moaned. Zera shared what she could while she held herself upright.

  She sat back and looked at Kit. “When did you learn you could do that?”

  “I learned about the mood transfer when I was a teenager. It’s why I am usually so calm. I try and keep my emotions on the bright side. When I go dark, so does the emotion in the milk.” Kit chuckled. “I am usually too tired to masturbate, so I had nearly forgotten about the orgasm thing until Salat reminded me.”

  “Yeah, that seems like the kind of thing he would notice.”

  “Right, now I need to actually pump. This is getting messy. Kit reached for her bag and tidied up before attaching the pumps to her breasts. She flicked them on, and the collection unit began to extract.

  “Why does the suction pulse?”

  “Two reasons. It mimics human consumption, and it reduces the chance of burst blood vessels and mastitis.”

  Zera watched and then thanked Kit for the demonstration. She went back to her office and made some arrangements for Kit’s birthday party. That girl really deserved to be celebrated.

  The next morning was obnoxiously cheerful. Zera was dressed in a mourning dress, and Kit was at her side wearing black. They stood near the casket for a moment before it was closed, and then, they followed it to the front bench. Torun arrived, and Kit moved aside to let him sit next to Zera.

  There were people from the program, team members, business moguls, and admirers, as well as friends of Susara’s parents. Words were spoken, music played, and Susa remained still and silent at the front of the chapel.

  Zera felt big, fat tears streaking down her cheeks, and she held Torun’s hand during the service. She was numb. The line afterward was intense. Folks hugged her, shook her hand, stroked her cheek, and Kit stood just behind her through the whole thing.

  When she needed to touch up her makeup, Kit went with her, and they were standing by the sinks when the door started to glow.

  Kit took a step toward it with a weapon drawn. When someone came out of the portal, she shot, once to the leg, once to the head.

  Zera was stunned at how calmly Kit pulled the trigger.

  “Do we want out of here?” Kit’s voice was bland.

  “We do.”

  Kit shot into the portal, and another figure fell. “Right. Stand away from the wall.”

  She took the weapon, twisted the control, and aimed it at the wall for a concussive blast. Four quick repeats, and they were out of the ladies’ room and standing near the parking lot. Kit quietly adjusted the weapon again, and they walked back to the crowd at the front of the chapel.

  The funeral director came up to Zera and said, “We are proceeding to the mausoleum, Miss. If you are ready?”

  Zera looked back at the direction they had come from and didn’t see any incoming personnel. “Yes, that is... I am ready.”

  The casket was carried out on the shoulders of six of Susara’s patrons. They walked out of the chapel and down the gravel laneway. Zera’s gaze and senses were on high alert. Torun was one of the pallbearers, and she kept her gaze fixed on him.

  Kit walked beside and behind her, but she was alert as well. It was nice to have someone have her back for no other reason than that they were friends.

  “Something is going to happen.”

  Kit snorted. “I know. Salat is cursing a blue streak. He’s surprisingly inventive for someone who doesn’t like cussing.”

  “Well, we are going to a place with only one door.”

  Kit chuckled. “I think I can pay for any damages.”

  “Don’t worry about the damages; I can wear it.”

  “Oh good. I am out of practice.”

  “It didn’t look that way.”

  “I guess it is like riding a cycle.” Kit smiled.

  Zera sighed and watched them carry Susara into the family mausoleum and set next to her parents. When she had put three roses on her family caskets, she stepped out, and the stone door was set in place.

  Susa was gone. Kit caught her as she slumped and brought her over to Torun. Zera smiled. Kit smelled like peaches and cream. It was comforting and hard to leave her when Zera was handed over.

  Kit smiled and walked a few feet away, only to be surrounded by men from some of the teams.

  Zera didn’t hear what she said, but she knew that Salat did, and anyone who stepped out of line would be spoken to politely but firmly at a later time.

  “How are you holding up, Zera?” Torun’s voice was quiet.

  “Pretty well, I think. Kit has been a godsend. She is charming, witty, and distracting as can be.”

  He let out a low sigh. “There is a certain fresh-faced charm to her.”

  “Yeah, but I wouldn’t entertain any ideas. Her patron just signed an exclusive contract with her.”

  “I am sure I could ask him to spare a night.”

  Zera giggled. “I am sure you couldn’t. Her patron doesn’t
get along with you.”

  He looked at her with wide eyes. “He has an escort? I thought he was too freaky for that.”

  “He was put on a supply file. He made specific requests, and when those requests were fulfillable, he was contacted, and he made a date.” Zera grinned. “I am happy for them both. She’s a hard fit as well.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist. “So, have you given any thought to my invitation?”

  “I have, and I prefer to be in a place I can get away from.”

  “You will have to give in to me eventually.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. “I know. But I have to finish the company expansion first, and that means more personnel, which means interviews.”

  “I am beginning to regret my suggestion.”

  “Without it, we would be facing charges again. It is easier to be your whore than your girlfriend.”

  His arms tightened around her. “I don’t like that term.”

  “I know, but it is the one the government lets me live with. Team members can’t have relationships, but they can pay for relief, remember? It was a fun loophole that we found.”

  “It is frustrating.”

  “Yeah, but you have been able to try so many more lovers this way.”

  “And I always come back to you. You are my choice, every time.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Though your friend Kit offers some interesting options.”

  She chuckled. “You have no idea, and you won’t. Salat will skin you alive if you try.”

  “Shit. Salat? I thought she was Morniger’s.”

  “You fear an auditor more than being sliced to pieces?”

  He laughed. “Every day of the week.”

  Kit walked back to her and said, “I have to, uh...”

  “Yeah. Got it. I will wait here with Torun. Torun, this is Kit.”

  He extended his hand and took hers in his. Zera watched her face as Kit tracked the hand being raised to Torun’s lips. He left a light kiss on her knuckles, and she stood politely until he let her go.

  “Pleased to meet you, Team Leader Torun. Please excuse me.” She bobbed a short bow and smiled. Kit scampered off, avoiding hands that tried to reach out for her, and Zera didn’t think she even noticed that she avoided contact.


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