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I Dated a Supervillain

Page 21

by Viola Grace

  “What do you think you were put here to do?”

  “To start my race all over again with a dash of human bloodline. That is why the activity started to begin four hundred years ago. It was a primer.”

  He blinked. “Your species did that?”

  “Yeah. It was what they needed to do to make suitable mates here. Three hundred years was enough time to disperse the activity. Then, we were dropped here, and you have already heard the rest.”

  “So, what I am hearing is that you are all alone on this world.”

  “Yes. I only have the friends and family I have collected.”

  He slid his body along hers, and she arched up and rubbed herself against all available planes and angles.

  “So, I am all you have.” His voice vibrated with energy.

  “You are all I have; you are all I want.” She slid her legs on either side of his thighs.

  He reached between them and rubbed the head of his cock against her. “Oh, so ready.”

  He thrust in, and she inhaled and arched against him, gripping his shoulders. “Ohhh. Now I feel like I am home.”

  He kissed her. “So do I. Hang on.” He withdrew nearly completely and then thrust in to the hilt.

  She lifted into every plunge and slide; the friction of him moving inside her over and over drew moans and grunts that matched his as he propelled her toward orgasm. She started begging when her body would tense, and he slowed. He moved with her and kept her from sending herself over.

  When she reached for herself, he grabbed her hand and pinned it to the bed, kissing her hard. “Now, now, no cheating.”

  She gasped and slid her tongue against his, licking at his lips and whimpering. His self-control had been her gift to him, and it was a torture to her. She flexed her fingers against his, and he held her while he pounded into her with a slow, inexorable beat.

  Her orgasm burst free with a heavy pulse that throbbed through her limbs. She groaned as it went on and on with his continued forays inside her. Zera shuddered as her body gripped him tight, and his face took on his cruel smile. “Oh, poor thing, it just goes on and on for you.”

  She squirmed and tried to get out from under him, her body getting more sensitive by the moment. She spoke in a soft and breathy tone. “Please.”

  “What is that now?”

  “Please stop, sir. Or cum. Please cum, sir.”

  He grinned. “You will have to do better than that.”

  “Please, sir, I want you to cum inside me. I want the chance that I can have your child. Only you, sir. I only want your offspring.”

  His eyes blazed. “Can you?”

  “Yes, it isn’t easy, and it will take a very long time, but I am made for it. I will have—oh!”

  He thrust into her and shuddered as he groaned, and he threw his head back, his neck corded with effort. She felt the spasms inside and smiled in relief as he stopped moving.

  Zera held him as he slowly collapsed on her. She stroked her fingers through his hair and pressed soft kisses to his temple. “You are my mate. No matter who I sleep with, you are the one I turn to, every time.”

  He lifted his head and looked down at her. “You are my mate. You can escort five hundred patrons, and I will be there waiting to take you in my arms. You can ease their pain, loneliness, suffering, and help them find themselves again, and I will wait to hold you through the night when I can.”

  “I want to reduce my active role at Blind Date once I have more personnel, more branches. I like the choosing, the coaching. I like helping folks find the right fit for a night or longer.”

  There was a pause. “Can you really have my child?”

  “Yes. As I said, it will take some time. My implant shorts out in four months. I will need a secure bunker in six months, or I will have to keep the incubator at my new house. You are not going to burn that one down, are you?”

  He blinked at her in surprise. “Whatever could you mean?”

  “I mean, you have been trying to coax me into moving in with you for a few months, and you didn’t like me being alone when Susa died, so you did what you thought was appropriate. You took my house off the table. It wasn’t safe, there was no one sharing it with me, and you had somewhere you wanted to put me. You burned down my fucking house.”

  He sighed. “Are you going to report me?”

  “No, but I still need a property of my own.”

  “Why? You can live here.”

  “I can, and I intend to, but I need a place halfway between here and the city for work purposes. Meeting with escorts and doing design sessions with Susa. Plus, Susa might not be comfortable living here. She might look around and join a team, but she needs a place to call home. All her life has been with me, so I want to stay close until she doesn’t need me anymore.”

  He smiled. “But, you want to stay with me?”

  “I do. I always have. I think we are wearing them down.” She chuckled and flexed her fingers against his.

  He grinned, kissed her, and started moving inside her again. “Well, in that case, I am practicing.”


  “Getting you pregnant. Will you lay an egg?”

  “I have no idea. I do know that I have created an incubator that has been used successfully in a few experiments. Technically, I won’t have your child; I will incubate it. Hell, I don’t know if I lay eggs or not.”

  He chuckled. “As long as you call me your mate, I don’t care if you give birth to a bright purple squid.”

  She grinned. “That could definitely be an interesting team member.”

  He rocked inside her slowly, kissing her softly. It was the sweetest coupling that she could remember, and when she came, he was with her. It was definitely a good practice run. They would make excellently weird parents... eventually.

  They spent hours with each other and cuddled up in each other’s arms. She followed what he had told her earlier and whispered, “Open doors.”

  It took three minutes before they were in a cuddle pile with Ryma and Tycho on either side of her and Torun watching over all three of them. They simply held each other and slept. It was an excellent way to enjoy the first night in a house, surrounded by people she trusted.

  Susa carried a tray full of coffees and pastries in at dawn. She grinned as she set it down and brought the cup over to the bed. A pale limb came out of the pile as Zera fought her way out of the stack of heroes and took the coffee. “Thanks, Susa.”

  Zera yawned. “I would go for a run, but my legs are currently being used as pillows.”

  Susa laughed. “I can skip a few runs. You look happy.”

  “I am. While I was stuck, I had some more ideas for Khytten’s birthday party.”

  “Are you throwing a party?”

  “I am. Salat’s orders. He wants his kitten to have a party, so she will have a party.” She chuckled. “I have a few ideas about a theme. We are inviting all the escorts who want to come and a few select patrons.”

  Torun looked up from his spot, belly down in the sheets. “Are we invited?”

  “If you are available, of course. All three of you. Dress will be formalish, though.”

  Ryma looked up. “What is formalish?”

  “Fancy with a lot of bare skin.”

  Susa laughed. “I can help with clothing.”

  Zera slugged down her coffee. “Good idea, Susa. We will just provide the clothing, and guests can change when they arrive. It will make things more uniform.”

  Susa nodded. “All escorts will be invited?”


  “Excellent. I have a ton of designs I never got made up. I can totally make up a few dozen in different colours for both genders. If I can get a tablet, I can start having the CAM units get underway.”

  Zera finished her coffee, and Susa grabbed the mug. Ryma looked at her with sleepy eyes. “Are you getting up now?”

  Susa laughed and left the room.

  Zera flopped back, and the team started to move around her.
She was soon pleasurably swamped under muscled limbs and had to admit it was a nice way to start the day.


  Zera spent a few days setting things in motion and interviewing new escorts. She managed to get five in process, and twenty-three new patrons were running through security checks.

  Khytten called her every day to ask her to cancel the party. Each time, Salat’s com cut in, and he stated that the party would continue. The two other patrons that had had Khytten in their arms were also invited.

  With the party taking place that evening, Susa was back in the swing of things, legal and registered with her working com.

  At the venue, she organized the caterers, the decorations, and the racks of itemized costumes for the event.

  This was the first big party that they had engaged in. There would be alcohol available for those who wanted it, but anyone stepping out of line would be dealt with.

  With twenty minutes before the first guest was to arrive, the birthday girl showed up with her backpack on. Mortified.

  “We still have enough time to cancel this, Zera. I am really not good with folks staring at me.”

  “Khytten, there are times in life when a little attention is warranted. Birthdays are one of those times. Come on, Salat wanted you to have this party, and I want to throw it, so all you have to do is enjoy it.”

  Khytten groaned. “No fair bringing him up. He has to work tonight.”

  Zera gave her friend a hug. “There will be plenty of friends and familiar faces here tonight, but first, we have to get you dressed.”

  “This is going to be embarrassing, isn’t it?”

  “Yup, but don’t worry. We are all playing dress-up tonight. Even the patrons.”

  Khytten grumbled but allowed herself to be dressed in a heavily modified outfit consisting of a skirt, a top, and a cape, all designed to show as much as possible.

  Zera was in something similar, but instead of Khytten’s green, Zera was wearing black and purple. Susa put on some pastel blue, and the other escorts arrived and got dressed. Several brought gifts for the birthday girl.

  It was another hour before the patrons showed up, and the escorts smiled as the patrons showed up wearing less than they were for a change.

  Zera mingled with the guests as they paid their respects and gave well wishes to Khytten.

  Music started, people danced, and Khytten refused to dance with anyone. Zera watched and sighed. Her friend was unhappy and lonely, even in a room full of people.

  Presents flowed toward her, and she started to open a bunch of presents, mostly scents and grooming items. Fifteen gave her a beautiful shawl with butterflies patterned and swirling on it. When it was Zera’s turn, she carried the case to Khytten and presented it. The birthday girl opened the box and stared. “Oh, wow. Is this really for me?”

  “It is. They are all your weapons. Fully adjustable from stun to cutting through steel. Don’t get those two mixed up.” Zera explained the cuffs and what they could do. “Do not think of testing them out right now.”

  Khytten grinned. “I won’t, but I have no idea how I am getting this home. I came on my cycle.”

  “We will have your presents delivered. I am sure Salat can arrange it.”

  “Sure. Tomorrow when he gets home.”

  * * * *

  Khytten paused when she felt something familiar. Hands caressed her shoulders from behind her chair. She looked and only saw the slight pressure marks on her arms.

  “If you want me to wait until tomorrow to celebrate your birthday, you are mistaken.” His low, smooth voice rolled over her.

  “Ooh, Salat. You made it.” She smiled.

  “Yes, kitten. Would you like to dance?”

  “I don’t know how. I practiced with projections like I was taught, but I have never done it with another person.”

  His lips touched her ear. “I can help you with that. I don’t mind if you step on me, kitten. You look lovely.”

  He touched her hand. “Come on. I won’t let you fall.”

  She turned her fingers in his and looked to where his face was. “Promise?”


  He tugged her to her feet, and she clung to his arm, noticing. “What are you wearing?”

  “The same as most of the other patrons here.”

  Her eyes went wide as the men were wearing short skirts and not a lot else. She blinked. “Can I see?”

  “Yes, kitten.”

  He led them to the dancing area and turned in her arms. He became visible, and she looked down at the soft black hip wrap that fell just past mid-thigh. “Oooh, best present ever.”

  “I am not your present, kitten.” He pulled her toward him, and his skin made contact with her bare abdomen, and she held tight to him as he started to sway with her.

  “I have never understood why people get a prize for getting older.”

  He smiled at her, his hair neatly braided along his scalp, making his pointed ears stand out. “You deserve a prize for surviving and getting this far.”

  “I am still thinking that present is you, Patron. How did you get here so fast?”

  “Airlift to the building. Zera thoughtfully chose one with a landing pad.”

  She blushed. “Oh. You shouldn’t have hurried.”

  “And miss my kitten’s birthday? Never. I would have gone faster if I could.”

  She smiled. “It wasn’t necessary. Usually, the day comes and goes without comment.”

  They moved together and twirled around and around. He turned her, dipped her, and she clutched him in panic. He kissed her, and the world fell away.

  “Ah, Salat. I have missed you. Four days gone and only the occasional growl in my ear.”

  He smiled. “It is my version of letting you know I am still alive.”

  “Well, it did do that.”

  He leaned in and murmured, “And I like what you do when you hear my voice.”

  She blinked. “You can hear that? I am going to need better sound protection.”

  “Trying to deprive me of the little soft sounds is a punishable offense, kitten.”


  “What did the contract say about privacy?”

  “Um, it is at your discretion.”

  “And when it involves listening in to your pleasure, I choose to hear it all.”

  Khytten felt the fullness in her breasts, and she blinked. “I need to excuse myself.”

  He smiled down at her. “Why?”

  “Don’t play coy. I am going to squirt all over the place if I don’t take care of this.”

  “Ah, yes, management has made a request.” He leaned in and told her what he wanted her to create.

  She shivered and looked around. “Seriously?”

  He chuckled. “Seriously.”

  “Where... oh. They brought the kit.” Zera had her pack near the throne; a small table with shot glasses was handy.

  He picked her up and carried her to the throne, sitting down before tucking her on the arm of the chair. He took one of the flat pumps with the capture chamber, and he eased the fabric covering her out of the way. A light nuzzle and some strokes with his lips, and she started leaking. He attached the pump, and it hummed as he held it in his palm. He kept his hand on her until she had produced eight ounces. He turned the pump off and set it aside.

  She tried to stop him from sucking, but she gasped. When he exposed her other breast and said, “Ah, kitten,” she was embarrassed at how readily her body let down the milk for him.

  He slid a hand under her skirt and stroked the slick petals of her sex carefully as he drank.

  She didn’t look at the crowd, didn’t watch Zera prepping the tiny shots, she just looked at Salat’s solid black eyes, and she held him to her as she shuddered in his arms.

  * * * *

  Zera shared out the milk, and she grinned to the escorts. They had all been briefed on this. If they wanted to try, they could.

  Putting pliant arousal and confidence into a
shot wasn’t something most beings could do, but Khytten managed it without any trouble.

  Fifteen took a shot, shivered, and went to speak with a patron she had been flirting with. He was on her safe list, but they had never met. Apparently, that was about to change.

  She felt hands on her waist. Tycho murmured in her ear. “Are you going to take a shot?”

  “When the other escorts have taken one.”

  “You poured thirty; there are only fifteen escorts here. What are the others for?”

  “Anyone who wants them.”

  He wandered over and took a shot for her and one for him. They did the shot, and there was a moment of shivering, and the warm hum of arousal ran through her. She turned to Tycho and kissed him, guiding him to a portion of the floor covered with cushions.

  It was the start of a forty-person orgy, which Khytten and Salat had begun on the dais. Salat pulled his kitten into his lap, and they joined together, rising and falling, Khytten’s eyes nearly closed, and her lips parted with every move. They linked and withdrew, and there were a lot of jealous gazes directed at Salat. Tough, it just went to show them that they needed to keep an open mind about the escorts. If they put their own preconceptions of what the escorts’ bodies were supposed to do, they might find something spectacular.

  Salat had gone for the basics and stayed for the extraordinary.

  Susa was off with one of her favourite clients before the events of the last few weeks and renewing her acquaintance with her own body.

  “Zera, you are a million miles away.” Tycho nipped at her breast.

  She inhaled sharply. “Sorry, dearest, just thinking in a few dimensions.” She caressed his hair. “I am back now. All yours.”

  He laughed. “I truly doubt that, but we have you at night, and that’s what matters.”

  Ryma came toward them, and she started suckling at Zera’s breasts as Tycho slid into her. They were rocking together with hands and tongues moving in concert. They had all cum at least twice before Torun approached and lifted them, sliding his cock into her rear passage.


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