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White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8)

Page 5

by Mary Rundle

  “Ahh, I think Kieran is back to normal,” Colton chuckled.

  “So it would appear,” Ian smiled.

  “What do you think, Ian?” asked Logan. “Mac…I mean Dr. Evans has been checking Kieran’s vitals since you left and there hasn’t been a problem.”

  “Here,” Mac said, handing the clipboard to Colton. “Aunt Hope’s on the first page and the Shaman’s on the second one.”

  Passing it to Ian, Colton looked at Mac and said, “We haven’t been introduced but I’m your cousin, Colton. Thanks for taking care of mom all these years. It mustn’t have been easy, especially knowing what you could do to help her was limited.”

  “No thanks are necessary. She’s my family, too,” Mac murmured.

  “Well, Doc, can I go now?” asked Kieran.

  “Uhh,” Ian mumbled, looking at the numbers Dr. Evans wrote down. “Maybe. Will you promise to stay in bed until tomorrow morning?”

  “Absolutment!” Kieran replied.

  “And you promise not to do any hanky panky until I examine you tomorrow morning?” asked Ian.

  “Ahh, do you mean hanky panky like kissing and cuddling or do you mean HANKY-PANKY like…” The rest of Kieran’s words were muffled by Logan’s hand.

  “See? I told you, Kieran’s back to normal,” sniggered Colton.

  “I mean no hanky-panky, period. I want you to sleep—cuddling and kissing will only lead to something more than that,” Ian said, looking sternly at the Shaman.

  Looking dejectedly at his mate, Kieran replied, “You heard the Doc, macushla, there’ll be no hanky panky tonight.”

  “That’s okay, babe. I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow,” Logan whispered.

  Perking up, Kieran smiled broadly. “Does that mean I get to pick which mating ritual we’ll do?”

  “Mating ritual?” asked Colton.

  Logan’s face turned bright red and, ignoring his brother’s question, asked Ian, “Anything I should watch out for?”

  “I can’t think of anything…his numbers are good and Kieran’s certainly back to his old self, so I don’t think there’ll be any problem. Just make sure he stays in bed,” Ian responded.

  “Will do,” Logan said, scooping up his mate. Pausing for a moment before leaving the room, he turned to Mac. “I also owe you my thanks about Mom. Remember what I said…anything I can do for you, just ask.” Then, Logan tightened his hold on Kieran, smiling down at him as he left.

  Mac watched them go, the love between them so palpable, it caused an ache in his heart. Someday, I’m going to have that with my mate. Lost in his dreams, he failed to hear Ian’s question and only when the room’s silence was broken by the sound of a throat being cleared, did Mac come back to the present—only to see Ian scowling at him. What the fuck did I ever do to him?

  “Dr. Evans, may I please have the rest of her medical records?” asked Ian.

  Oh so that’s what he asked me. “Here,” Mac said, handing Ian three, very thick folders. “They start the day Aunt Hope arrived, but they don’t include today’s notes. I’ll have those ready for you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, I look forward to reading them. Colton, do you need help carrying your mom? Should I call Jackson?” asked Ian.

  “I can help,” Mac offered.

  “No, I have her,” said Colton, “and Ian can get the doors.” Moving next to his mother he wrapped her in a blanket, lifted her, and then, cradling her gently in his arms, turned toward the door.

  “Ready?” asked Ian.

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  Opening the bedroom door, Ian moved aside, clearing the way for Colton and his mom, then, looking once more at Mac, said, “I’ll expect your notes no later than nine o’clock tomorrow morning.”

  “Not a problem,” said Mac, coolly. When the bedroom door was finally closed and Mac was alone, he sank down on the bed, shaking his head. “I don’t fucking believe it…Dr. Ian Wallace…here…with my cousins…fuck…mated to one of my cousins…and pregnant. Holy fucking shit! Hunter isn’t going to believe this.”


  On his way to the motorhome, Jackson saw Ian holding the door open as Colton stepped onto the driveway with Hope in his arms. Meeting them halfway, he asked, “How’s mom?”

  “Still in a coma but her heartbeat is stronger and she’s breathing easier, so I’d say better than when she arrived,” replied Ian. “My plan is to get her into the ICU, let her rest tonight and then, tomorrow, if she hasn’t had a relapse, I can run some tests.”

  “Sounds good,” Jackson said. “After you’re finished, do you both want to hear from Hunter about what she went through? I decided to restrict the meeting to immediate family and their mates instead of the whole pack.”

  Glancing at Ian, Colton replied, “Yeah, I do, but first we have to get Mom settled and then we’ll see if we can both come or just one of us.”

  “Fine, let me know as soon as possible. By the way, Theo laid out a great spread on the dining room table in case you guys are hungry,”

  “Maybe later,” Ian said, after looking at his mate who was shaking his head.

  “No problem. Shoot me a text when you decide who’s going to come to the meeting,” Jackson said, then continued on his way to see Hunter.

  Looking out the window, Robin saw their cousin approaching. “Uhm, Hunt, I think you have a visitor.”

  Twisting in his seat, Hunter inwardly groaned, spying a grim-faced Jackson. “Mase, go to Quin and tell him I’ve agreed to his request. The rest of you, stay here while I see what our cousin wants.” Rising, he quickly exited the motorhome, determined to intercept him as far away as possible so his brothers wouldn’t overhear their conversation. Stopping and blocking Jackson’s way forward, Hunter asked, “Hey, all good with your brothers about Aunt Hope?”

  “Not quite. Frankly, they…well me too, are having a hard time understanding how Mom escaped the fire and ended up across the country. Hunter, this has blindsided all of us and while we’re now sure she is our mother…shit…well, we need some answers.”

  “I expected as much,” replied Hunter. “My brothers and I will tell you everything we know, but all of it came from your mother so I can’t vouch for how accurate it is. She was pretty hysterical when she arrived.”

  “Thanks, but I think it’s better if only you attend. I made arrangements for only my brothers and their mates to be there, so it’ll be private. As you can imagine, feelings are running pretty high against our uncle right now and I can’t risk one of them going after him,” explained Jackson.

  “Where will this meeting be held?” Hunter asked, his anger rising to a low boil as he got the gist of what Jackson was proposing.

  “In my study.”

  “Uh, huh…so my brothers will be where, exactly, when I’m in with you, your brothers and their mates?”

  “They can stay out here, in the motorhome,” Jackson replied.

  “That’s some hospitality you got, Jackie,” Hunter said snidely. Then, forcing his anger down, knowing it wouldn’t help win his mate if he antagonized his mate’s Alpha, he asked, “What about my mate? When do I meet him?”

  “After things are settled with my brothers,” responded Jackson, knowing his answer would piss off his cousin. But he also was pissed off—pissed about why it took so long for his cousin to contact him, pissed he was never told the reason his cousins wanted to visit and pissed at the problem dumped in his lap about his cousin finding his Fated Mate in his pack.

  Narrowing his eyes, Hunter’s agitation showed in the taut lines of his stance, growing stronger as he fought his wolf about the delay in meeting their mate. Nothing good would come of it if he lost control now, but it was taking all his resolve to keep his animal under control. “Jackie, he’s my Fated Mate. You can’t stop me from claiming him. The law is on my side.”

  “I don’t intend to, but things are done differently in my pack. Here, your ‘mate’ has the right to reject his Fated Mate and I won’t have you using your Alpha
power to force him if he’s unwilling.”

  Hunter was incredulous at Jackson’s pronouncement. Reject me? Why would my mate reject me? He’d never heard of anything like that. “I don’t understand…the Fates decided we are perfect for each other and you…you think you have the right to defy them?”

  “I’m not defying anyone. This is my pack and my rules. I will introduce you to your mate—but after I take care of my mother and brothers.”

  Clenching his jaw, Hunter stared at his cousin, furious yet oddly proud of the Alpha Jackie had grown up to be. He knew Aunt Hope would be proud of him also if she ever woke up. Trying to put himself in Jackson’s place, Hunter imagined how his brothers would feel if the tables were turned and they just found out their mother was alive after years of thinking she was dead. Hunter wasn’t sure he would measure up to how well Jackie was handling it—and that was fueling his anger. He couldn’t fault his cousin; putting his mother first, and then his brothers should be Jackie’s priority—and it was. Struggling to overcome his frustration, Hunter pulled back his wolf. Then, gritting his teeth, said. “Fine, I’ll do it your way…for now.”

  “Thanks. I really appreciate your cooperation, Hunter,” Jackson said calmly.

  Hunter waved off Jackson, and headed back to the motorhome, thinking of how he was going to tell his brothers about this latest turn of events.


  Arriving at his hoard, Fionn set about making a bed from piles of gold coins, trying it out several times before he got it right. Smiling as he unpacked his bag, he knew a couple of nights sleeping with his gold would recharge his dragon, making both of them happy. What a colossal fuck-up, He dragged a solid gold table over to his makeshift bed, arranging his sketchpad and charcoal pencils on it, along with his supply of food. I don’t understand why the fucking cousins kept it a secret and, if I were Logan, boy would I be pissed. I wonder how Ki feels about it…happy for Logan probably. I don’t blame him…not really…if I were him, I’d be overjoyed finding out my mother was alive. So why didn’t it happen to me? Why couldn’t my mother survive? Why did the Fates leave me all alone?

  Flopping down on his bed of coins, he stared up at the solid rock ceiling, relishing in the safety it gave him. The last time he felt this way was when his mother was alive—before he knew what was special about his dragon— and before he killed his father. But here, finally, he felt the long-lost security he once had, because here no one could find him, so he didn’t have to worry about some asshole trying to kill him. As he let out a held breath, he realized how much he’d been warped by his father’s and uncle’s efforts— they’d kept him and his dragon on edge until it was the new normal. Now, in the quiet of his subterranean hoard, Fionn finally understood how it had changed his personality. Realizing how disappointed his mother would be at the brat he’d become, tears began to veil his eyes.

  Chapter 6

  Setting his mother down gently on the hospital bed, Colton held back the tears that were threatening to fall. He wouldn’t cry…he couldn’t cry because he had to be brave for her. Slowly tucking the light blanket around her, he mentally recorded her reactions—or lack of them—as he touched different locations on her skin. Placing sticky pads on her chest, he connected the leads from the heart monitor to them, making sure each was securely attached. Given her inert condition, Colton wasn’t too worried about them coming loose by her thrashing around, but still, he intended to take everything into account so his mother would have a fighting chance to wake up.

  Ian stood silently in the hallway, looking through the ICU window, impressed by the tenderness of his big alpha mate as Colton settled his mother in her room. Sighing, he walked back to the computer and, sitting down, began to scan Hope’s medical records beginning with the most recent. He immediately realized Dr. Evans was right. Kieran had saved her.

  Once the sensors were connected, Colton flipped the monitors on, and the room resonated with the low, steady, beeping sounds so familiar to him. Gazing at the woman who, in her wisdom, had protected Colton by hiding his healing abilities from the world, he finally allowed his tears to flow. How she’d survived was nothing short of a miracle, but now it was his turn to produce another one—bringing their mother back to his brothers—and that was the problem. For his gifts to work she needed the will to live and he couldn’t give her that. Kieran might, but Colton would never agree to it if it could cost the Shaman his life. Without a doubt, he knew Ian would agree with him, but the question nagging him was whether his brothers would understand, especially Dakota. Hearing some commotion in the hall, Colton quickly dashed away his tears, while turning to see what it was about.

  “Ian, my mate wants to see his mother, now,” Slate loudly demanded.

  “Dakota needs to rest,” Ian insisted.

  “He won’t until he sees his mother. What is so fucking hard about this?” growled Slate, his frustration beginning to build.

  “I understand, I really do,” said Ian calmly, “but do you? A Dire Wolf pregnancy is tough even when it’s a Dire Wolf who’s pregnant. But your mate isn’t one and that increases the risks tremendously,” Ian explained. “Just the shock of finding his mother was still alive could’ve caused Dakota to miscarry. Luckily, that didn’t happen…yet. Now, what do you think will happen when Dakota sees his mother in the state she’s in right now? Do you honestly believe it’ll produce the results you’re hoping for?”

  “I hear you, but I’m telling you,” insisted Slate, “Dakota won’t get any sleep until he sees his mother.” Then, leaning forward, he whispered, “If he doesn’t get to see her, I’m afraid he’ll use his Shadow Voice again and that frightens the hell out of me.”

  Ian’s eyes narrowed at the not-so-subtle attempt at coercion, but it was effective. Knowing he had no way to stop Dakota from using his gift, Ian sorted through his options before he finally said, “All right, but only if Dakota accepts my conditions.”

  Satisfied at his win, Slate smiled, “Sure, what are they?”

  “One, Dakota uses a wheelchair. I don’t want him up walking. Two, Dakota can’t use his gift on his mother until I give permission…”

  “Now wait a minute,” Slate interrupted. “I’m sure my mate will agree to that, but only for tonight. We get it, you want him to rest tonight but all bets are off tomorrow.”

  “Not acceptable,” replied Ian. “Kieran has removed a lot of the trauma associated with some of Hope’s memories and she needs time to process it in order for her to want to wake up and live again. I’m asking that your mate give her that without any pressure from him.”

  “Dakota would never hurt his mother,” snarled Slate.

  “Intentionally? No, I know he wouldn’t. But unintentionally? There’s a possibility it can happen. Slate, there’s much that medicine doesn’t know about the power of the mind, but we do know it has the ability to heal a lot of mental trauma. That’s what I want for Hope…time…to find her way out of the hell she’s in.”

  After Ian put it that way, Slate knew Dakota would agree. “Fine, we accept number two. Anymore?”

  “Yes, three, Dakota stays in bed for the next few days so I can make sure there aren’t any issues, and fourth, no more than ten minutes tonight.” Before Slate could object, Ian continued, “If Hope has a good night then Dakota can have a longer visit with her tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Ian. We’ll be right back.” Slate grabbed a wheelchair near the nurse’s station and headed back to his mate.

  Joining Ian, Colton said, “I heard most of it. Do you want me to be in there with Kota?”

  “No, I’ll do it,” replied Ian. “I’d rather you sit in on the meeting with Hunter to find out what your mother experienced. Knowing that might help us decide what course of action we can take to help her.”

  “Okay, but I don’t think we’ll be of any help to mom; she needs more of what Kieran can do than what I can do,” Colton answered, looking down at his mother’s chart.

  “Agreed, but it’s still important to f
ind out exactly what we’re dealing with,” insisted Ian.

  Glancing up, Colton saw Slate wheeling his brother toward him. Handing the chart to Ian, he murmured, “Babe, please make sure Kota doesn’t get too stressed out over seeing Mom. I never told you this, but after the massacre, my brother went into a deep depression and it took a long time before he came back to us.”

  Gently pushing his mate toward the door, Ian replied, “I promise to take care of both of them. Now go. We need that information from Hunter.”


  Cody was the first to enter Jackson’s study, his face grim as he glanced at his Alpha. Sitting in a chair near his brother’s desk, he said, “Dylon’s taking care of the pups.”

  “Are you going to be okay without him here?” asked Jackson. “I can get Theo and Norm to do it instead.”

  Cody shook his head. “Not necessary. Right now, my mate’s putting the twins and Daniel down for their naps so once they’re asleep, he’ll join me.”

  Giving a short nod, Jackson’s eyes settled on Zane and David as they walked in and sat on the love seat. David looked nervous and he wasn’t sure it was a good idea for Zane’s mate to be in on this meeting; nevertheless, he trusted Zane’s judgment.

  “Hey,” Colton greeted everyone as he headed for another chair close to Cody. “Ian won’t be coming.”

  “I figured,” replied Jackson. “How’s Dakota?”

  Giving a snort, Colton said, “Okay. Slate convinced Ian it’d be in Dakota’s best interest if he could visit Mom and, after laying down some ground rules, Ian finally agreed.”

  “Can I see mom?” asked Zane.


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