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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

Page 3

by Michelle Woods

  “Damn. Now that’s fucking pretty.” Phoenix said harshly as he watched her come apart at the seams as she wiggled and twisted in his arms.

  When she was finally starting to regain her senses, he looked at her with deep green pools of dark desires clouding his eyes. Then he was moving away from her quickly as if he hadn’t just made her come in an alleyway like a fucking whore. Sin watched his back covered in his cut with the name of his MC on it fading away into the darkness. Her brain registered the design and the name. Devils Arms. She’d heard something about them, but she couldn’t remember as she lay against the wooden building panting. Finally getting ahold of herself she pushed off the wall and headed to her car, her hands shaking and her insides still twisted.

  Chapter Three

  Sin’s legs felt like jelly and her hands were shaking as she neared the car where Sandra was waiting. Her eyes fell on the smirking redheaded biker who was leaning on the hood. She flipped him off and rolled her eyes as she rounded the car to the driver’s side. Cutter snorted out a laugh and his voice cut through the darkness.

  “Phoenix make you wet princess?” He asked laughing.

  “Fuck off, dickhead.” Sin replied as she opened the door and slid inside the car, slamming the door. What an asshole. He’d just had to make a snide comment because he’d seen his boss pushing her against the wall in the alleyway. Just fucking great! Cutter tapped the hood of the car as he stepped back, a shit eating grin on his face that made her want to run the fucker over with her car. Sin laid her trembling hands on the steering wheel feeling her heart pounding in her ears like a freight train.

  “What the hell was that Sin?” Sandra asked.

  Sin glanced at her friend, seeing her staring at her questioningly. She didn’t know how to respond to her question, or even what she was asking. Did she want to know about how she’d stitched up a gunshot wound without a second thought, or was she asking about the alleyway with Phoenix? Sin didn’t know, but she wasn’t sure how to answer either question because both answers were difficult.

  “Well obviously that’s not the Donny I know. Shit. I should have asked what club when I told you I knew Donny.” Sin finally said, answering part of her friend’s question.

  “I meant in the alley with Phoenix. That looked serious and well—getting involved with Phoenix isn’t a good idea Sin. He’d chew you up and spit you out. He isn’t a good guy.” Sandra said, looking worried as she stared at Sin.

  Sin wanted to protest that Sandra was wrong because not every biker was a bad guy. It was true that they didn’t fit into what most people considered normal, and nobody would call them nice or kind because they weren’t, but that didn’t mean they were bad men. She didn’t say anything though because she didn’t really know him.

  “Don’t worry, I don’t want anything to do with that dick. He’s too cocky. Thinks because he’s a sexy biker every woman is going to fall at his feet. Ha, not me.” Sin snapped.

  “Good. I can’t believe that I was an idiot and brought you here. I really shouldn’t have. I knew better.” Sandra said, her voice wavering as she stared out the window at Cutter who was still standing a few feet away watching them. Sin started the car finally feeling a little less shaken up than she had when she’d crawled into the car. She waved her middle finger at the prick who just grinned and did a vulgar hip thrusting motion in response. Sin grunted as she headed back to the bar to drop Sandra off. The car was silent because neither of them knew what to say after what had happened in the last two hours. She pulled up and waited for Sandra to gather her things with her stomach in knots as she still tried to process Phoenix and the effect he’d had on her.

  “Sin, I’m sorry about tonight. I should have told you to just bring me back here so I could get my car, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. I’m glad everything turned out okay and we both left that warehouse alive. Someday you’ll need to explain to me how you could remove a bullet like a pro, but for tonight just get some rest and I’ll see you next week.” With that she exited the car and headed into the bar leaving Sin sitting in her idling car feeling alone in a way she hadn’t in a long damned time. Her hand reached over to the glove box and grabbed for the burner phone. With a deep sigh, she flipped it open and scrolled through the numbers, her heart beating quickly as her palms began to sweat. She hit send and waited as the phone began to ring.

  “What?” An angry male voice barked, sending a dark sense of relief through her as she tried hard to speak, but her voice seemed frozen inside her chest.

  “Look mother fucker, I don’t know who you are but don’t fucking cal—,” the voice began, but she interrupted.

  “It’s me Jack.”

  “Fuck, Sinny Bear? You need us?” Jack demanded, his voice instantly softening as he spoke firing the questions at her rapidly.

  “Yeah, it’s me, Jack. No need to worry I’m fine.” Sin replied, her eyes closed as she took in the happiness mixed with concern she could hear in his voice.

  “Ha, you know that’s not my name and you don’t sound fine, Sinny Bear.” Jack stated in his no bullshit tone. Her lips curved into a smile as her hand tightened on the burner phone.

  “I promise I’m okay. I was just missing you guys and wanted to be sure everyone was okay.” Sin lied. She wasn’t about to tell Jack what had gone down tonight because then he’d show up with her cousin and brother and things would likely get ugly. They were beyond overprotective with her which was why she’d left.

  “Come home, Sin. We miss you too. We will even come and get you.” Jack pleaded.

  “I didn’t call because of that, I just wanted to hear your voice because I was a little lonely. I like my life here and coming back isn’t in my plan, no matter how much I love you guys.” Sin felt a smile tugging at her mouth despite her heart not being in it. Mostly because she was still really shaken by her encounter with Phoenix—the sexy asshole. Looking at the timer on the phone seeing it had been two minutes she sighed because she knew she needed to hang up because Jack had likely already started the trace and the little jammer she had attached to the burner phone wasn’t going to reroute the signal for more than three minutes.

  “Come home, Sin,” Jack repeated, sounding sad.

  Sin didn’t like hearing that tone in his voice. She knew that calling him always upset him because she wouldn’t tell him where she was and let him come fix all her problems by bringing her home. She closed her eyes and her teeth sank into her lower lip as she leaned back into the seat trying hard not to cry. She wanted to pour out the events of the night to him because for years he’d been her best friend and she loved him, but she knew she couldn’t. There were too many clues in the story and if they were somehow able to track her down using the information they would.

  “No, just wanted you guys to know I was okay and hear your voice for a little while.”

  “Two months between calls is not okay, Sin. Papa Bear has been more brutal than usual and we both know it’s because we hadn’t heard from you. He has us looking, but no one can seem to find you. I trained you too well. Fuck. I hate this, come home.” Sin felt another half-hearted smile tug at her lips as she rubbed her hand down her face. Jack’s voice was filled with anger and pride. He had trained her well, and if he knew where she was he’d laugh his ass off, but she wasn’t about to tell him. Her family was awesome, but she didn’t want them dragging her back home.

  “I’m safe, I promise and I will try to call more often. I love you, Jack. Tell Papa and the boys I love them too.” Sin was already pulling the phone from her ear when she heard Jack yelling.

  “Don’t you dare hang up, Sin. Don’t you dare! Damn it, we love you too.” Jack said, because he already knew she was going to hang up because she always did.

  As she hit the end call button on the phone she let her head fall forward onto the steering wheel and let out a deep sign. After a moment of self-indulgence in her little pity party because she wished her family could show up and not force her to go back home. If she thought she
could trust them to leave her alone, she’d be able to talk to them more often which would make her much happier, but it wasn’t ever going to happen. Nope, she knew that her family would always come for her.


  She took the little jammer off the phone and set it in the cup holder before she pulled the back off the phone and took out the sim card. She used some scissors from the glove box to cut the tiny chip in half and then lowered the window and tossed it onto the ground outside the car. As she drove back to her house she thought about the issue at hand. After a bit of thought she realized that what had happened wasn’t so bad. Phoenix had let her walk away and she had zero intentions of ever going anywhere near him or his club again so she should be fine. She wasn’t going to get mixed up in something she couldn’t handle and Phoenix was definitely a man who was hard to handle. Not that she wouldn’t mind having the mind-blowing sex his kiss had promised. However, being involved with a member of an MC always came back to bite you in the ass.

  Not that Phoenix would ever allow anything more than one night in his bed, because he was the fuck ‘em and leave ‘em type. She’d known that before she’d even let him kiss her. He wasn’t the type for white picket fences and happily-ever-after’s.

  Sin wasn’t a one night stand type of girl, even if her who-ha was screaming that she should be because it was horny and wanted more of the mind-blowing pleasure that he’d sent through her veins like lighting. Pulling into the driveway at her bungalow, she got out and headed toward the door with her purse clutched in her hand. She walked up her drive looking around alertly for anything out of place. All the while wondering why the hell she couldn’t forget the way he’d grabbed her and slammed her against that wall as he’d used that gravely almost dark voice on her. Shivers of desire slipped through her body and she couldn’t seem to stop the wetness between her legs from starting all over again.

  Damn it.

  She needed to stop thinking about this shit. Her vibrator didn’t need the kind of workout that fantasies of Phoenix would inspire. Sin reached her door and shoved the key into the first lock. She opened her door and turned, stepping inside and then flicking the three locks into place. She then pulled her Glock from her bag and moved slowly into the room, her gun in her hand. She stepped over the wire just inside the door before she checked every room. When she was sure no one was hiding in the house, she sat the gun on the counter with her purse and set the alarm before getting into a warm shower trying like hell to forget the smug bastard who’d given her the best orgasm she’d had in months.

  Chapter Four

  Phoenix was in a damned foul mood and had been for almost a week. Ever since he’d pressed a sexy as fuck blue-eyed beauty against the wall last weekend. Ever since she’d tossed her chestnut hair over her shoulder as she’d snapped at Cutter when he’d teased her while she got into her car. He still didn’t know why he’d hidden between two buildings and watched her walk away. When Cutter had spoken to her, he’d stiffened hearing the vulgar way he’d asked about her being wet. It had taken everything he had to stop himself from going over and rearranging his friends face. Fuck, he’d been in a foul mood since he’d seen her eyes closed and her lips parted with her head thrown back against the wall with her hips wiggling back and forth as she rode out her orgasm.

  Yep. Ever—fucking—since.

  He wanted to shove the thoughts of her out of his mind and get on with business as usual but somehow, he couldn’t seem to forget her. It was like her image was constantly popping up every fucking minute and he was pissed as fuck about it. Hell, he hadn’t even fucked a woman all week and he usually fucked once a day. He wasn’t one to deny himself anything he wanted. When he’d come back to the clubhouse the night after he’d kissed her senseless and made her come for him, he’d thought he’d find a sweetbutt or a sheep he liked and fuck the blue-eyed bitch out of his system. Only he hadn’t been interested in any of the women who’d been there. It wasn’t that his cock hadn’t stirred when he’d seen the naked women dancing around the clubhouse that night—because his dick wasn’t dead, he just hadn’t been interested enough to take one upstairs to his bed.

  “Boss, what’s got you in such a foul mood tonight?” Cutter asked.


  “He hasn’t gotten laid all week. Think our boys going through some kind of dry spell. Maybe his dicks limp,” Hemp said laughing.

  “Fuck off. My sex life is none of your business, mother fuckers and my dick is just fine.” Phoenix grunted, grabbing his beer and knocking back half of it in one quick swig.

  “I think his dicks pinning for that hot little witch who was here a week ago when Donny got hurt.” Cutter said, laughing as he took a sip of his beer.

  Phoenix wanted to knock that smug look off the bastard’s face, but he knew from experience it would only encourage them to tease him more about his lack of interest in fucking. Ignoring the two idiots fucking with him he slammed his bottle on the bar running a hand through his hair, his eyes roaming around the room trying to pull his mind off his blue-eyed hottie. Damn, he needed to stop calling her that. He wasn’t a fucking pansy and his dick wasn’t usually so fucking picky. He just needed to find a bitch to fuck and he’d be golden.

  “Huh, yeah she was a hot piece of tail that’s for sure.” Hemp nodded, licking his lips likely thinking about touching his blue-eyed hottie. Phoenix’s hand tightened around his bottle and he lectured himself not to kill him. His teeth clenched and his eyes closed briefly as he tried hard to rein in the almost possessive reaction to Hemp’s statement about Sin. What the fuck was wrong with him? Most of the time he didn’t care if another man talked about fucking a woman he was interested in, but the burning knot in his gut told him he cared this time. Phoenix knew he needed to get a fucking grip. What did it matter if Hemp was thinking about fucking her? He took a deep breath trying to deal with his temper. He repeated to himself that it didn’t matter, but somehow his guts didn’t ease and his body remained coiled.

  “Fuckers, I’ve just been focused on this job we have coming up. Now can we talk about something more important than me and my cock for a fucking minute?” Phoenix finally managed to get out without ripping Hemp’s guts out for thinking about fucking his Sin.

  Fuck. Seriously?

  What the hell was wrong with him? She didn’t belong to him and since he’d never see her again it was a moot point anyway. Shoving her out of his thoughts Phoenix glanced over at Franky who was moving towards them, a large smile on his face. He looked goofy with that shit eating grin on his face and Phoenix had the urge to knock it off his face just because it annoyed the fuck out of him but he curled his hand around his beer and refrained.

  “Hey boss man, want to go to club Catch with me and Thumper?”

  “What’s going on at Catch that would make anyone want to go there, newbie?” Hemp asked, snickering.

  “Wet t-shirt contest.”

  “Fuck, I’m in.” Hemp said, a huge grin on his face thinking of girls showing off their tits.

  “Me too, but I doubt Phoenix wants to come Frankie-boy. His dicks limp.” Cutter snickered. Phoenix decided that the little bastard was getting bold now that he’d been fully patched earlier in the week.

  “Fuck you, asshole. I’m in.” Phoenix grunted, even though he really didn’t want to go watch a bunch of bar bunnies show off their tits.

  Fuck maybe he was turning into a pussy and it was all because of one fucking kiss. Phoenix tossed back the last of his beer and slammed it on the bar standing up. He was going to that bar to find some pussy because he was not turning into a fucking eunuch. He heard the others snickering as he got up and followed them out to his bike. He climbed on, his hands tightening on the handle bars as he thought again about the way Sin’s lips had felt on his, reminding him of the way his hands had clutched her tight little ass as he’d pressed his cock into her soft stomach, the way—no, enough.

  He needed to get this shit out of his fucking head and come hell or high wate
r he was going to do that tonight with the first girl who looked like his blue-eyed beauty. And fuck him for thinking that because he really needed to get his shit together and this chick out of his fucking head.

  Sin laughed as she hugged Sandra good bye. She’d come over for their weekly girl’s night where they stuffed their faces with pizza and popcorn while making fun of old movies. They had started the tradition only a few days after they met eleven months ago, and they still managed to have a riot every week. Sin loved their goofy movie nights that allowed her to forget for a little while that she missed her family fiercely. She’d met Sandra Larkin nearly a week after she’d come to town when she’d gone to the bar Sandra lived above to have a drink, trying to figure her life out now that she was away from her family. Since she’d been traveling for nearly three months trying to figure it out she knew that meeting Sandra was what had made Sin stay here. She’d known the instant that they’d met that they would become more like sisters than friends.

  “Hey, don’t forget to call me when you get home so I know you made it safe. We went through an entire bottle of wine tonight. In fact, why don’t you just stay over.” Sandra finished frowning.

  Sin rolled her eyes before replying, “First of all you drank most of the wine, I only had two glasses and second you only have one bed and your couch is hardly comfortable with its worn out cushions and the creaks it makes every time you move.”


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