In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1) Page 10

by Michelle Woods

  “Do you have to stand so close?” She asked huffily.

  “Fuck yes,” he replied. He watched as she rolled her eyes at him from over her shoulder and proceeded to lock all three deadbolts before she turned around and shoved him back. He allowed it only because he’d promised her dinner and he was trying not to screw this up any more than he already had. As he guided her along the drive towards his bike with his hand resting on the small of her back, he tried hard to tell himself to behave. His cock had other ideas and it twitched in his pants demanding that he fuck her. He ignored it, but when he climbed on his bike he had to reach down and adjust things or cut off the circulation to his balls. Fuck, he should have gone commando.

  When Sin’s arms wrapped around his waist and she leaned into his back he felt something inside him shift. He’d never ridden with a woman on his bike. It felt right somehow that it was her perched on his bike with those kick ass heels. He was glad it wasn’t a cool night because riding could get cold if it was and she wasn’t dressed for it. Her sleeveless tank was sexy as fuck, but he didn’t like the idea that she’d be cold.

  “You remember how to ride, right?” He asked, when she was settled in behind him.

  “Yeah, I’ve told you before that I’ve ridden lots of times.” She replied, and he felt that twist in his stomach he got when he was feeling super possessive of her. He still didn’t like the idea that she’d been on another man’s bike and he was not at all pleased that she didn’t seem to think it was a big deal.

  “You get cold you tap me on the stomach, okay,” he finally managed to get out around the anger he was feeling.

  “I’ll be fine, Nix.”

  He’d never had anyone shorten his name, and if it was anyone else he would’ve been feeding them their teeth, or telling them to fuck off. Only he liked that Sin was calling him Nix. He liked it because no one else was allowed to call him that, which meant it was her pet name for him. He couldn’t deny that he liked that more than a little bit. In fact, he was down-right ecstatic about it.

  He decided to let it go and he kicked his bike into gear and took off fast hearing Sin laugh a little and cling to him. He found himself grinning as he headed to the restaurant he’d decided to take her to tonight. Sin was a warm distraction clinging to him on the back of his bike. He knew he shouldn’t like having her there, but he did.

  Damn, he was sunk.

  He’d already known that after Stacy had offered to suck him off the other night and he’d refused, but this ride brought it home in a big way. When they arrived at the restaurant he helped her off the bike, his hands lingering on her waist to steady her in case her legs were shaky.

  “Wow, I forgot how shaky that could make your legs.” Sin said as she waited on him to get off his bike. Phoenix liked the idea that it had been long enough since she’d been on someone’s bike that she’d forgotten. It eased some of his jealousy.

  He followed her into the restaurant, his eyes trained on her pert little ass in those tight as fuck jeans. His mouth watered at the thought of biting into those sweetly rounded globes. Sin stopped when they reached the hostesses podium and he finally managed to rip his eyes off her ass to give the twenty something girl standing there his attention. She was batting her eyes at him and the look in her eyes was one he’d seen before. She was excited and if he’d had a mind to, she’d have let him take her out behind the building and fuck her. Not that he was at all interested in her when he had a woman like Sin just inches away from him.

  “Can we get a table for two? Somewhere quiet please.” He grunted, not bothering to acknowledge the girls desire in any way.

  He felt Sin move closer and her arm brushed against his cock, making his brain go haywire. He almost didn’t follow the girl who was showing them to their table because he was too focused on Sin to bother. Sin moving to follow the girl, who’d picked up two menus with a disappointed look on her face, was the only reason he moved at all. His cock was apparently going to go wherever Sin led him. Not that he was surprised by this almost puppy dog loyalty from the stupid thing. It’s lack of interest in anything other than Sin’s pussy was what had him begging to get back into her good graces in the first place.

  Once they were seated and their male waiter had arrived at the table to offer them drinks, Phoenix was recovered enough to glare at the little shit for staring at Sin’s boobs. He likely would have ripped the little peckers head off—and not the one he was using to ogle Sin’s cleavage with either—if Sin’s leg hadn’t brushed against his under the table.

  “I’ll take a Heineken for me please.” Sin said, her red lips turned up in a smile as she watched him from across the table. Phoenix realized that she was using that little leg brush and her accidental graze earlier to control him. It should have ticked him off and had him storming out of the restaurant while barking over his shoulder for her to find her own ride home. Only he was shocked to discover he didn’t mind. Not at all.

  If it meant she’d touch him turning his cock into a steel pipe and then let him fuck her silly afterwards he was okay with it. He was actually more than okay with it. Yep, he was royally fucked, and the sad part about it was that he didn’t give a shit.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sin reached into the drawer beside her bed, pulling out the burner phone she stared down at it with her whole heart aching. She wanted to call Jack so bad she almost couldn’t stand it. He’d been her best friend for so many years and after two months with Phoenix the only thing she wanted to do was call him and talk to him about it. Only she couldn’t. She’d called him five times since she’d started dating him, but she hadn’t said anything about her relationship. Shit, was that what she was calling it now? Damn, when had that happened? She couldn’t pin point the exact day, but there was no denying it.

  If she was honest with herself, she’d admit that she was living with Phoenix. He was here every night that he wasn’t out on a run for the club. She hadn’t even protested when he’d dumped her winter stuff into a box last week so he could put his clothes in her dresser. Sighing, she laid back holding the phone on her chest wondering how angry her family was going to be if they found her and she was still with Phoenix. Not that Phoenix seemed to be going anywhere. She pushed her feet into the mattress and stared at the ceiling.

  “Dollface?” Phoenix called out as he stomped down the hallway startling her. Sin didn’t know how long she’d lay there thinking about her family’s reaction, but it must have been a while because it was dark outside. Sitting up holding the phone to her chest she watched Phoenix walk into the room, dropping his duffle on the floor. His green eyes landed on her bare legs and he grinned.

  “I missed you, doll,” he said, his look heated.

  Sitting the phone on the dresser she smiled back and jumped up into his arms. He’d only been gone for a day, but she had missed him too. She’d gotten used to having the giant lug under foot all the damned time. His lips took hers in a deep kiss that had her entire body tingling in anticipation.

  “I missed you too, Nix,” she whispered against his lips when he pulled back placing little pecks on her lips.

  “What were you up to, baby doll?” he asked, watching her carefully.

  “What do you mean?” Sin asked confused.

  “You’ve got a burner. Why?”

  His brow was furrowed with concern and he looked a little bit suspicious. Sin closed her eyes with her arms still around his neck as he stood next to the bed holding her against his hardened body. She could feel his sculpted abs against her stomach and his cock was resting—hard and heavy—against her leg. She didn’t want to lie to him. It made her feel a little bad that she was hiding her family from him the longer they were together. If they ever found out and came after him for defiling their sweet angel, he should at least be prepared. Sin almost snorted as that thought flittered through her head.

  Damn, how did she explain her family to him? She didn’t know, but she did know that she was going to have to figure it out eventually be
cause she couldn’t hide it forever. With her heart pumping heavily in her veins, she pulled back staring into his gemstone colored eyes wondering how to broach the subject without revealing the truth just yet. After all, he’d never said this was a permeant arrangement between them. Yes, he’d moved in without asking and seemed to want to build a relationship with her, but she wasn’t one hundred percent sure he’d be around long enough for her explanation to matter. Then there was the fact that once she told him he’d want to contact them and she wasn’t at all ready for that shitstorm to come raining down on her head yet.

  Even if they liked Phoenix and accepted him, she would be getting some serious lectures for leaving like she did. She still remembered the first few weeks she’d been gone and tried to call them. Papa had yelled every time she’d spoke to him and her brothers had told her to get her ass home. She’d ignored them and hung up when she’d realized that they weren’t going to stop yelling long enough for her to explain they’d been smothering her. None of these thoughts were helping her to formulate an answer for Phoenix.

  “I’m not the innocent person you think I am, Nix. I have a past and that past isn’t something I’m ready to share yet.” Sin finally settled on as she gazed at him with her arms around his neck.

  “You think we’re not solid? Is that it? You think I don’t need your secrets because we aren’t serious enough? Baby doll, I don’t like that answer.” Phoenix grumbled, his eyes narrowing to green slits. He grabbed her ass in his hands tightly holding her to him as he let out a little growl.

  “Stop it. You haven’t told me about your past either.”

  “I can’t tell you about shit involving the club, but anything else you want to know, ask.”

  Her mouth opened in surprise. Had he just told her they were serious? What the hell? She supposed he’d been telling her that for a while now. Ever since that night he’d shown up on her doorstep and literally threw her date he’d been acting like he owned her, but she’d never really thought he’d admit it so soon. He was the type to fight it, and the fact that he was now handing her himself on a silver platter was shocking.

  “Really? Anything?” She asked, feeling slightly surprised.

  “Anything, doll.” He confirmed leaning forward to kiss her lips again. When he finally released her lips, she was panting, and he looked horny.

  “So have you ever fucked a man?” She asked.

  “What? No. Why the fuck would you ask me that?” He demanded.

  Sin couldn’t help it, she started laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes as she shook her head and clung to his shoulders.

  “You little she devil, I swear sometimes I think you like it when I’m pissed off,” he muttered.

  “I do like it. You fuck me harder when you’re angry.” Sin teased.

  He smacked her ass and pulled her tightly to him as he shook his head back and forth as his hands smoothed up her back pulling her shirt with it. Sin let out a little moan as she leaned into his chest, feeling content in a way she hadn’t in a long—damned—time.

  “What am I going to do with you, baby doll? Sometimes you make me insane.”

  “I do my best.” She snarked back smiling.

  “You know this isn’t making me forget about what we were talking about Sin. You’re going to tell me what’s going on with you eventually. I’m not going to let it go,” he said.

  His hands were pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it to the floor as his eyes burned into her skin. Sin watched him carefully trying to read the look he was giving her. It was somewhere between ownership and frustration as he stared at her bared breasts.

  “I didn’t expect you to forget about it, Nix. I will tell you if you stick around. but I’m just not ready yet. Just know that I’m not who you think I am and when you learn some of my past it might change things between us.” Sin told him, running her hand through his hair as he watched her.

  “Nothing is going to change, Sin. You aren’t going anywhere. I thought I’d made that clear over the past few months, but apparently you need another lesson, because I can promise you that nothing is going to make me let you go. Even if the shit you have going on is dangerous. I don’t give a shit.” Phoenix took her mouth then in a needy, almost violent kiss that left her trembling as he pushed her back onto the bed and proceeded to make love to her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I hear a rumor that you’re thinking of patching that girl you’ve been seeing.” Chains, one of the older brother’s who’d been with the club for more than forty years said stopping him. Phoenix paused near the man, his eyes already focused on his goal—Sin who sat near the fire. He’d hated leaving her alone with two brothers and their old ladies but a prospect had insisted that he needed to handle some club business. His conversation with Diablo and Rage had taken a lot longer than he’d thought. Now Chains was preventing him from getting back to her side before she ended up being pissed at him.

  “Yep,” he nodded, intending to just keep going, but Chains held a beer out to him.

  “Then sit down, boy.” Chains said.

  “I left her over thirty minutes ago. I need to get back to her.” Phoenix said, ignoring the beer.

  “Sit,” Chains barked, his bushy white brows heavy over his narrowed eyes. Phoenix glanced across the yard. He was unable to see Sin, but he knew her well enough now to know that she was likely getting impatient waiting on him to come back. Chains big leathered hand held the beer out and with a sigh he took it. Whatever the man wanted to say likely wouldn’t take long and then he’d get back to her. Chains was one of the brothers who’d been around since before he joined the Devils Arms. That afforded him a bit of respect. He was one of the staples of the club. Old timers were the one’s who’d made this club what it was today, and he always respected his patch. Landing his ass in the lawn chair beside the older man he took a swig of the beer.

  “Alright, but just for a second. I got to get back to Sin.”

  “She’s set up with some old ladies, right?” Chains asked.

  Phoenix knew the old man was asking if his girl was safe and his temper flared a little as he glared at Chains. Did the fucker think he’d brought Sin here and left her to the wolves?

  Fuck that shit.

  “Yes, you ancient-mother-fucker. I’m not stupid, I left my woman with Ham and Rooster.”

  “Good choice, boy. Good choice. Glad to know you aren’t an idiot when it comes to caring for a woman.” Chains spit a bit of tobacco out before eyeing him for a long moment.

  “What?” Phoenix asked, feeling a little uncomfortable with the other man’s scrutiny.

  “You know that patch means she owns you right?” Chains asked.

  “You mean that patch means you own her.” Phoenix responded, his brow raised in confusion as he took another swig of his beer.

  “No boy.” Chains barked. “I meant what I said. You see those fuckers over there, they think a patch means they own a woman.” He said as he motioned to Joker and Farley who were chatting up some sweetbutts over by the bar. “They’d patch anything with tits and then fuck whoever offers it up. It’s why their women leave them. Nope that isn’t what patching a woman’s about.”

  Phoenix stared at the older man, his gaze assessing. Chains was sixty-two and he’d been with his old lady Suzie since he was twenty-five. Phoenix knew that Chains had been in prison twice and that his old lady had waited both times. She’d never faltered, and their story was one of the few that went that way. Most of the old timers in the club had lost their old ladies—some to death, while others hadn’t worked out—only about ten were still together and none of them were together as long as Chains and Suzie. He didn’t listen to advice often, but since he was thinking about patching Sin, he figured it couldn’t hurt to lend an ear to someone who knew what they were talking about.

  “A property patch on her back means that she owns you. Body and soul—every-fucking-thing you’ve got belongs to her. She has to be the very breath you need to survive
, or it don’t mean shit that she’s wearing it. Most of these young fuckers give a woman their patch like it don’t matter. It isn’t right. My patch on Suzie means her shits my shit and vice versa. It means I’m taking on her safety and she’s taking mine. How many brothers have patched the wrong woman and gotten kicked in the teeth for it? It’s because they didn’t respect the fact that when you patch a woman, she owns you, not the other way around. She can break you with one little chat. If you’re planning on patching that girl, you be sure, boy. Be sure that she owns you and that patch is gonna be on her back till the day you meet your maker.”

  Phoenix stared at the old man as he stood to his feet with that last speech and his wrinkled hand landed on his shoulder as he prepared to walk away. His mind was still processing the things he’d said when Chains grunted.

  “Go back to your gal now, but remember what I said. She’s a good egg like my Suzie, but you need to be sure.” With that, he spit tobacco on the ground and rumbled away towards his old lady who was sitting with two other women near the fire. Phoenix watched until the two of them disappeared, his thoughts heavy as he headed back in the direction he’d been heading when Chains had grabbed him. He needed to get back to Sin, but the echo’s of his brother’s words were still rattling around in his brain.

  Sin sat beside the fire staring at the flames wondering where Phoenix had run off to. She’d been waiting on him to return for almost twenty minutes after he’d told her he’d be back in a few minutes. Had he forgotten about her? Found another woman? She didn’t know, but he’d been gone a long time and she was getting bored sitting here waiting. Yes, he’d left her with two of his brother’s to look out for her, and he’d insisted that she would be safe with them and their old ladies, but that had been almost an hour ago.


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