In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1) Page 11

by Michelle Woods

  “He’ll be back.” Star said from beside her, seeming to read her mind. “I’ve never seen Phoenix bring anyone to these parties and he’s definitely never insisted on Rooster keeping an eye on one.”

  “Yeah, that’s for sure. Most of the time he would just fuck the girl and disappear, letting her figure it out.” Kate snickered.

  Star glared at her a little. “Not that he’s an asshole mind you. He just never brought a woman who wasn’t a bit of—,” her voice trailed off and she looked upset.

  Sin understood that they were trying to tell her that Phoenix never brought decent women to these parties. He brought town pussy and he didn’t give a shit who fucked it.

  Shit, was that how he thought of her?

  “Town pussy.” Sin asked, when she didn’t say anything else. Star’s cheeks turned pink and she couldn’t meet Sin’s eyes letting her know she was correct on that assumption. Great, just freaking great. She was likely waiting on a man who wasn’t coming back because he’d forgotten all about her when he went off with his President.

  “Well, yeah.” Kate said from her lounger which was nearby.

  “That’s not you though,” Star rushed to tell her “because he never would have introduced you to us and asked our men to keep an eye on you if you were—ummmm.” Her voice trailed off because she couldn’t say those words. Sin found it kind of funny that a biker’s old lady couldn’t talk about town pussy, or hell any type of pussy. Star was too sweet. She’d known it the second she’d sat down and it hadn’t changed in the past hour. Kate however was rolling her eyes at her friend and shaking her head.

  “Just say it. Pussy—puu-sssy. See it’s not hard,” Kate said, earning a glare from Star.

  “I was raised a lady and I will not say that nasty word.” Star snarled.

  “What word is that honey girl?” Rooster said, suddenly appearing from wherever he’d been hiding for the last thirty minutes. Star blushed as his arms slipped around her waist and she was pulled against his chest while his lips kissed the side of her neck from behind.

  “She won’t say pussy. Haven’t you taught her any naughty words in the three years y’all have been together?” Kate demanded.

  “Nope, my sweet honey girl doesn’t need to be saying that shit.” Rooster defended his old lady.

  “You’re a freak.” Hambone grunted as he lifted Kate from her chair and plopped back down with her on his lap.

  “I like my woman just the way she is and don’t give a shit what any of you fuckers think.” Rooster said, holding Star tightly as she leaned into him. He was holding her around the waist from behind and it was cute the way she was leaning into him and tilting her head back to give him that sweet as honey smile. He leaned forward and used the differences in their heights to give her a light kiss on the lips that made her smile deepen as she let out a breathy little sigh. The whole scene made Sin almost feel a little jealous. The love between the two was obvious and she could almost feel it surrounding them like a damned glow. Not that she wanted Rooster, but it would be nice to have that kind of deep connection with someone.

  “So sickeningly sweet.” Kate said, laughing when her friend shot her a bird. Star had a soft heart and she’d been raised to be a society princess, but there was a reason she’d ended up a biker’s old lady. Sin glanced around looking for Phoenix again, wondering where the hell he’d gotten off to and why the hell he thought she’d wait all night on him to come back. She’d had enough of this bullshit. She wasn’t going to keep waiting on him like a loyal dog waiting on its master. Nope, he’d obviously forgotten about her and she was done with waiting.

  She stood and started walking towards the area she’d seen Sandra about thirty minutes ago. She’d ask her to take her home. She was over this party and she would not hang around here anymore.

  “Hey, wait. Where are you going? You’re supposed to wait here for Phoenix.” Hambone called out as she moved into the crowd ignoring him.

  “Come back. You can’t wander off! Hey, Sin. Shit—Phoenix is gonna kill us. Go get her.” Rooster said from behind her as she moved further into the crowd, almost out of their sight. She could just barely make out Hambone’s reply.

  “Why do I have to go get her? I’m comfortable. You go grab her.”

  “Shit, where’d she go?”

  That was the last she heard from those two as she made her way around the fire looking for Sandra or Freddy. One of them would take her home. Hemp might work too if she could find him because he owed her one after bringing Phoenix to her place drunk the other night. Her eyes were scanning the crowd looking for someone to take her home when her eyes landed on a man who was forcing a young girl against a tree a few feet away near the edge of the party. It was obvious that the girl was trying to get away and as she neared them, she recognized the cut the man was wearing. It was a Serpents MC cut. Sin’s eyes narrowed as she got closer. She was focused on those two struggling bodies and the cut on his back. She knew both spelled trouble and she was going to have to handle it.

  “Stop acting like you don’t want it. I know how you bitches are. You all want cock, but you try to act like you don’t want it.” The man’s harsh voice was saying as he held the struggling girl.

  “No, stop. My brother. I was looking for my brother.” The young girl’s voice was broken, and Sin could hear the tears clogging the words as she begged the man to let her go.

  “Keep begging. I like it when a woman begs.” Sin heard the stupid fucker say as he let out a loud laugh. She knew that laugh. Fuck, why did she have to know the son of a bitch? This was likely to cause issues for her, but she wasn’t going to allow him to hurt this girl. As she neared, she realized it was Kelly, Diablo’s younger sister. Phoenix had introduced the kid earlier before dark and long before the bon-fire party had gotten rowdy. She wondered how in the hell the girl had ended up wondering around the bon-fire alone. Diablo didn’t strike her as the type to allow his younger sister to wander around alone with another club at the party. Hell, he didn’t seem the type to allow her here at all when things got rowdy. Sin didn’t take the time to puzzle that out, she just grabbed the man’s shoulder and twisted his arm jerking him away from Kelly.

  “Let her go, you stupid fuck.” She snarled.

  “What the fuck, bitch?” Snake demanded, turning around to see her standing behind him. He stared at her in shock for a long moment.

  “You!” he exclaimed, and she punched him in the mouth to shut him up. He stumbled and fell backwards knocking into Kelly a little as she rushed by him, her eyes wild and filled with tears as she ran to Sin. Sin held her trembling form for a moment before she spoke.

  “It’s okay, honey. Go find your brother. I’ll handle him.” Sin said gently, shoving the girl towards the fire. Kelly looked panicked, but she shook her head.

  “I can’t leave you here with him. Let’s go. Please.”

  “It’s fine, I have this. Just go get your brother.” Sin told the frightened girl, her eyes on Snake, who’d recovered and was coming their way.

  “Go.” She snapped, shoving her gently.

  “I’ll be right back with help.” Kelly said, and she took off.

  “You stupid bitch, I’m going to beat the fuck out of you.” Snake said coming at her. Sin didn’t bother to respond, she just used his momentum to shove him to the tree in front of them and twisted his arm behind his back earning a howl from the stupid fucker. Sin felt a deep satisfaction when she heard the loud thunk of his head hitting the tree.

  “Snake, my dear boy, haven’t you learned to use your manners yet? I know the boys tried to teach them to you. I helped, remember.” Sin snarled as she jerked on the idiots arm, slamming his head into the tree again. He let out a howl and she smiled. She loved it when an asshole like him got what was coming to him. She’d pulled her knife from her boot when she’d jerked him up and she thought briefly about gelding him. Maybe then he’d leave women who didn’t want him alone.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you�
��d run away? Maybe I’ll collect that rewa—,” Snake started saying as he tried unsuccessfully to get her to let go of his arm, which was still twisted behind his back. She jerked him away from the tree and laid the blade against his throat shutting him up.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Snake.” She said, allowing the blade to dig in, making a little cut under his chin.

  “Wait, I’m sorry. I didn’t do anything.” He whined.

  She glanced back towards the fire noting Phoenix, Rage, and Diablo approaching them with Kelly clinging to her brother as they neared. Knowing her time was up, she put the knife back into its sheath and turned him around to face the men who were coming towards them.

  Sin leaned in, getting close to Snake’s ear as she gave her final warning to the little shit stain. “Keep your mouth shut about who I am fucker, and you remember when you see Papa Bear or my brothers that you didn’t see me Snake. If you go blabbing about me being here, I will hunt you down and cut off your balls. You know who taught me how to do that and how good he is. Hell, if I asked, he’d help, so I wouldn’t chance it, you-fucking-pervert. It would be fun for me. You know I’ve always hated you and the sick way you always go after girls who are way too young.” Sin pulled back seeing the way Phoenix and Rage watched her. She released his arm and shoved him forward, watching dispassionately as he landed on his knees in the dirt. Then in a louder voice that she knew the other two men would hear, she snarled, “Have a nice night and next time leave the children alone and try finding a sweetbutt, you sick fuck.”

  When the other men were barely a foot away she smiled sweetly. Rage looked a little shocked and Phoenix had a suspicious look on his face as he assessed her silently. Sin didn’t say anything, she just smiled at Kelly who glanced at her for a moment before she buried her face into her brother’s chest again.

  Diablo was still holding his younger sister, tightly. He nodded to her with a grateful look in his eyes. He was silently thanking her for saving Kelly. Even though the kid shouldn’t have been out here tonight, she’d likely only wanted to see what a bon-fire party was like. If other clubs hadn’t been here most likely she’d have been ignored until someone ratted her out to her older brother. Teenagers testing their boundaries were the worst. She didn’t judge Kelly harshly. She’d gotten into more trouble in her teens than Kelly had even thought of she was sure.

  Seeing the young girls tear stained face, Sin was glad she’d seen what was going on and handled the issue. She only wished she’d had more time to knock Snake around a bit more. Snake had always been after younger and younger girls, and it disgusted her. He was likely in his fifties and he was going after Kelly who had just turned fifteen. The fucker was obviously a pedophile.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it. I thought she was a sweetbutt or a house mouse that had come out to play. I didn’t know.” Snake whined.

  His face was pale, and he wasn’t looking at the men, he was looking at her. She wanted to knock the idiot fucker over the head with something. Him acting more frightened of her was going to make the boys ask questions she didn’t want to answer. She’d told Phoenix she wasn’t who he thought she was, but him finding out who her family was this way wasn’t at the top of her to do list.

  “Just get the fuck out of here and don’t come back.” Rage snapped.

  “Yeah, yeah. Okay.” Snake said as he started walking to his bike at a fast clip, hollering out for his riders to move their asses because they were leaving.

  Phoenix watched her for a long moment, his eyes still assessing and his brow furrowed. She knew the wheels inside his head were turning because he realized that Snake was more afraid of her than he was of Diablo and his MC. That wasn’t normal for a man like Snake. Sin grimaced internally, trying not to let her nervousness show. If Phoenix discovered who’d taught her the moves she’d used to disable Snake he’d likely feel betrayed. He wouldn’t like the threat she’d whispered to Snake right before she’d shoved him away. He’d be upset that she’d used her family to frighten Snake instead of him. She almost grinned at that because she knew he liked being the man who took care of her. Using her family as a threat was the only choice she’d had when threatening Snake tonight, because he had no idea she was connected to the Devils Arms MC. It had left her with one choice. Men like Snake only understood one language. Fear.

  Her family had taught her that lesson well. They’d made sure she could handle men like Snake and any number of other sick fucks who lived in this world. She knew it would seem weird to most people, but she’d come from a fucked-up family. Not her adopted family, but the one she’d been born into who’d beat her daily. That’s why her true family was one she hadn’t been born into. That family had understood that coddling her wouldn’t work because she already knew about the monsters. They were the ones who’d shown her the world wasn’t all bad and she would be eternally grateful for that.

  “You all right?” Phoenix asked, moving towards her, his arms wrapping around her waist. She was still a little ticked about him leaving her sitting with his buddies for so long, but she allowed him to hold her. She leaned into his chest and sighed. Damn she really should bitch at him for running off, but she didn’t.

  “Yeah,” she whispered.

  “Good. Let’s head home. Sorry I left you alone so long, but I got caught by one of the old timers who wanted to talk.” Phoenix explained.

  Sin shrugged as she allowed him to lead her towards the bikes. She wasn’t going to be a bitch about it, even if she was still a little ticked off. Lucky for him, beating on Snake had obviously taken some of the bite out of her anger.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Phoenix leaned back into the leather couch in Rage’s office staring at the handprint someone had put on the wall near the window. How Rage was ignoring that he didn’t know. The man was anal about his office being clean and that hand print once noticed, was likely to put him in a serious—well, rage. Phoenix internally snickered at the thought. His president was an odd cat. Not that all his fellow Devils Arms members weren’t just a little bit off. It made sense that they were in an MC instead of marching to the beat of someone else’s drum.

  His eyes turned to the left as Rage entered the office stomping his boots just outside the door to remove the mud. He’d likely tracked that shit all the way through the clubhouse, but not into his pristine fucking office. Phoenix just rolled his eyes at the assholes idiosyncrasies.

  “Why the fuck do you do that? I just don’t fucking get it. Just stomp that shit off outside like everyone else does so the girls don’t have to clean the fucking hallway all the damned time and then we wouldn’t have to listen to them bitch about it.” Diablo grumbled as he followed him into the room.

  “Who runs this club, asshole? Me. They can fucking clean it up because I allow their lazy asses to live here for free. The prospects are the one’s meant to do it anyway. If they told them to do their own damned chores it wouldn’t be an issue, but those dickheads get away with it because the girls don’t say shit about them not doing it. Then they turn around and bitch about it. Just fucking do it, or tell them to do it. Fuck.” Rage snapped.

  Diablo shook his head and sighed loudly. Phoenix knew that this wasn’t the first time this argument had come up. He’d heard it at least five times before today and it always ended the same. Why Diablo bothered to say anything anymore was beyond him. He sat on the brown leather couch watching the two of them as they moved across the room to sit down. Rage on the edge of his desk and Diablo on other end of the couch still bickering about the dirt.

  When they’d finally given up on the conversation Diablo looked at him questioningly.

  “You two done with the bitch fest?” He asked politely. Earning a glower from both men. Rage grabbed a cigar out of the box on his desk and bit off the tip before spitting it into the trash. He then lifted the lighter puffing on the end of the cigar to get it started. When it was smoking he dropped the match into a glass jar on his desk letting out a long puff of smoke.
  “What do you need from us Phoenix?” Rage asked, his eyes watching him carefully. Phoenix wasn’t surprised that Rage had accurately predicted his reason for waiting in his office. Typically he wouldn’t be in the office waiting on them. If he wanted to talk to his President and Vice President, he did so in the common room of the club house. He didn’t typically wait in his office for him. Reaching up he rubbed the back of his neck before he spoke, feeling a bit nervous for some reason. He wasn’t sure what was making him that way, he just was.

  “I wanted to talk to you about Serenity. You know I’ve been living with her for over three months now.” He began looking at his two friends with apprehension thrumming through his veins.

  “What about it?” Rage asked, letting out another puff of smoke as his eyes focused on Phoenix. Fuck, the man wasn’t going to make it easy for him was he?

  “I’m putting it to a vote.” Phoenix said, his eyes bouncing between his Prez and Vice looking for any signs that either man was going to try and put a road block up between him and his goal. It took several moments and a look that passed between Diablo and Rage that included a nod from both men. When the words flowed over him he felt his muscles relax.

  “Look, after what she did for Kelly the other night when she was attacked by Snake, nobody’s going to object. If she hadn’t grabbed Snake and somehow scared him shitless, that whole scene could have been really ugly.” Diablo muttered frowning.

  Phoenix knew he was thinking over the way Sin had so easily twisted Snakes arm behind him and the quiet conversation she’d had with him before letting him go. Phoenix couldn’t help but remember the fear in Snake’s eyes as he practically ran to his bike calling out to his friends to follow. It wasn’t something he’d ever seen before from that group of men unless it was a brother running them off. Snake’s MC had its uses, but they were all fucking perverts who felt women should be beneath their boot heels rather than revered or treated like equals.


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