In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1) Page 12

by Michelle Woods

  “Something isn’t right about her. Something I just can’t put my finger on, but I agree the vote will go your way.” Rage muttered

  “I want to be straight up with you. Sin’s told me again and again that she’s not a normal girl and we both know that’s true. She had Snake pissing his pants and she didn’t do anything. I will get to the bottom of that, but I need to patch her. I’m about to lose my shit after the last time I brought her to the club house. I went to piss and one of the prospects was all over her when I got back. It took all I had in me not to castrate the mother fucker. Without my patch we all know that would have gotten me into some serious shit with the club.”

  “Phoenix, you need to really think about what she might be hiding. I’m not trying to be a total dick here, but we both know that shit you don’t know about can bite you in the ass. Part of the reason we chose you as Sergeant at Arms is because you’re cautious. However, with this girl you’re not thinking with the right head and I’m really afraid it might end badly.” Rage said, looking seriously worried.

  Phoenix understood Rage’s hesitation and his warning, but he didn’t agree. Sin was a straight shooter. He knew that much about her. Whatever she was hiding wouldn’t hurt him, or she would have tried to leave him by now. She was the kind of woman who’d take a bullet for anyone she cared about, and he knew that she liked him, possibly even loved him. He felt his heart clench at the thought and a warm tingling settled in his bones as he realized he didn’t hate that idea. In fact, he rather liked the idea that she might be in love with him.

  King walked into the clubhouse with the package he’d ordered after church last week. Phoenix couldn’t help the grin on his face when he saw King coming towards him. He held a black leather vest in his hand with, “Property of Devils Arms” written on it. He knew it was for Sin because she was the only old lady who’d been voted in this month. He stood up with his beer in hand as he met the man in the middle of the clubhouse. Phoenix took the patch from King when he thrust it into his hands. He held it up grinning at the thought of his baby doll wearing it. It was a thing of beauty and he grinned at the words written in red across the back of the patch. The property of Devils Arms poised over their symbol with his name sewn underneath into the leather, making him feel almost giddy. He’d never admit it, but he felt like a teenaged girl with her first crush.

  “You sure about this? I just don’t get it.” King muttered, shaking his head making his glossy black hair shine in the lights. He really was a pretty dickhead and it had likely made his head bigger than it should be. When women saw his hair and his pretty boy good looks they flocked to him like bees to honey. He wasn’t surprised that King was asking him if he was sure he wanted to hang up his ways for a woman. Phoenix didn’t know how to answer for a moment and he stood looking at King for a long time trying to figure it out.

  “I mean shit, you can get pussy anytime. Why give a woman you’re already getting pussy from a patch?” He continued. Phoenix didn’t say anything after taking the leather patch from him.

  “Boy shut the hell up. You won’t understand till you find the right woman. Even then you might not get it.” Chains howled from the other end of the bar.

  “Shut up old timer, nobody asked you.” King snapped back.

  Phoenix didn’t pay either of them much attention as he inspected the property patch his old lady was going to be wearing from now on. He loved thinking of Sin as his old lady. Fuck, he was hard as lead pipe thinking of her in this damned thing. Not that he wasn’t always popping a woody when he thought about Sin, but shit, his balls were so tight he was afraid he’d unman himself getting on his bike. He’d never thought he’d see the day that he’d place his patch on someone. Now he couldn’t wait to get it on her. Hell, he couldn’t wait to fuck her in it. Just the thought had his feet moving as he headed towards the door.

  “Hey where are you going? I thought you were playing poker with us tonight,” Hemp asked confused.

  “Raincheck,” was Phoenix’s only reply as he headed to his bike with an urgency he felt inside his bones. He needed to get home and get this leather on his woman right away. It was funny that the thought of keeping her forever didn’t bother him a bit, when a few months ago it would have scared him shitless.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sin was reading a book when she heard the door burst open. She glanced up unsurprised to see Phoenix storming into the house. She’d heard his bike pull up a minute ago and she’d expected him to come in. What she hadn’t expected was the way he almost ran inside and headed towards her with a tissue wrapped package in his hands. Her brow raised as she watched him come closer, looking determined. His heavy jaw was set in a straight line and his eyes were filled with dark desires she couldn’t name. She marked the spot in her book with a ribbon, unsure of what he was so worked up about. He dropped the package into her lap and she raised her brow in question.

  He leaned over to kiss her hard on the lips before barking, “open it.”

  “Well hello to you too lover. You could at least be polite you know.” Sin muttered as she set the book on the table next to her looking up at him still hovering over her impatiently. She wasn’t sure what was in this package, but he was bound and determined that she open it right away apparently. Gifts from Phoenix were always sexual in nature, she’d learned over the past few months with him. It seemed to be his way of showing affection. Not that she was complaining. The vibrating panties he’d brought home had been interesting and the cock ring was really fantastic. She wondered what was in this package that had him so worked up.

  She knew that when he got all curt and commanding that he was hornier than fuck. It was one of the many things she loved about the man. When he was horny, he became downright bossy and she liked it. She liked it a lot. It always made her pussy tingle and her nipples hard. She knew she shouldn’t get turned on by the caveman act he put on, but she couldn’t help it. Phoenix was sexy as fuck when he got all commanding and ordered her around in the bedroom. Any other time he tried that shit it wasn’t at all sexy and she set his ass straight quickly.

  “Sorry, doll. Need you to open that though,” he grumbled, watching her with those dark green eyes. She realized that he looked really nervous and she frowned. Hmmm, something was happening here, and she didn’t know what it was, but maybe this present wasn’t about sex for a change.

  “Okay,” Sin said and picked up the package. She could tell it was soft and wondered what the hell it was and why it had him in such a tizzy. She glanced up at him and saw that he was biting his cheek and staring at her. If she didn’t know better she would think he was pale and a little sweaty over whatever she was holding. It wasn’t just desire in his eyes as she slowly pulled at the taped tissue paper intending to open it carefully.

  “My god woman, just open the damned thing.” Phoenix growled, reaching out to open it for her.

  “Stop,” Sin said, jerking it away from him and glaring.

  “Fine, fine. Just open it please.” Phoenix muttered, holding his hands up in surrender.

  Sin grinned a little and bit her lip to keep him from seeing. Whatever was in this package made him more than a little nervous and she liked that. She took pity on him and finished opening the package, feeling tears jump to her eyes as the soft leather fell into her hands. She let out a little gasp unable to hold it in. Fuck, her man had just given her a patch.

  Holy fuck.

  She felt her chest constrict as she held the soft leather to her chest and looked up at him with tears still in her eyes. He was shifting from foot to foot looking like he had ants in his pants. She blinked the tears away and tried to speak, but couldn’t. Her heart was in her throat and she almost couldn’t form any thoughts to tell him what she needed to.

  “Say something, doll. I’m dying here.” Phoenix commanded, and she couldn’t help it, she just jumped into his arms holding the cut between them as she cried.

  “Yes,” she finally managed to croak out after what seemed like fore
ver, and his arms tightened around her.

  “Thank fuck.” Phoenix breathed as he lifted her up and headed into the bedroom. He tossed her onto the bed and followed her down, already kissing her like they hadn’t seen each other in months instead of the seven hours it had really been. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she moaned as he ripped her shirt off kissing the tops of her breasts before removing her bra too.

  “Put it on, baby.” He whispered against the valley between her breasts as he moved his mouth from one to the other placing kisses on each nipple before scrapping them with his teeth. Sin sat up pulling the patch onto one shoulder before moaning and thrusting her bare breast further into his hungry mouth.

  “Mine, every fucking inch doll. Every inch of this body belongs to me.” He growled when he finally released her nipple. His hand cupped both breasts as she put her other arm into the leather cut. He growled and jerked her pants off while his hands clenched around her and he moved down, his mouth heading for her soaked core.

  Her body burned for him so hotly that every time he had touched her she went up in flames. Those flames were so hot she knew she would never find a way to quench them. They were awakened the moment he’d sucked her nipples into his mouth, and by the time his tongue was spearing into her depths like a blade of hot fire, she was lost. She clenched his hair, riding his tongue as he cupped her ass and tilted her to his mouth.

  He pulled back suddenly, his mouth wet with her body’s juices. A darkly seductive gleam in his eyes. She reveled in the knowledge that his green eyes glittered with such dark need. She liked knowing the power she had over such a strong man. He’d likely never tell her, but she knew that she owned him. He’d told her that when he’d handed her that property patch and they both knew it. His clever mouth lowered towards her wet pussy, his eyes holding hers.

  “Come for me. I need to feel it on my tongue,” he growled. She felt his hands tighten on her hips. His fingers digging in harshly. Then he was tilting her upwards and his mouth covered her pussy again. His hot tongue licked over the wet folds and his finger rubbed against her clit in time to the renewed thrusts, making her clutch his hair desperately.

  She felt like her head was going to explode as she clutched his hair holding him to her as she let out a needy moan. She wanted to come so much she felt like she was breaking apart in his hands. She almost couldn’t bear the sensuality he brought out inside her. It broke over her skin like shivers of fire, burning away everything else to leave behind a quivering mass of dark need that frightened her with its intensity.

  Sin couldn’t seem to string two thoughts together. She felt his thumb rub across her swollen, sensitive clit making her gasp in pleasure. He growled dangerously against her and sucked at her pussy hard. Another wave of mind-numbing pleasure poured through her veins and she screamed his name. Sin was unable to stop herself from letting the noise escape her as she shattered and her world fractured into bliss.

  When she finally came back to herself she was lying in his arms with him gently stroking her skin as he laid tiny kisses along her stomach. She couldn’t help the feeling of happiness that made her whimper. She needed him to be inside her.

  Phoenix was watching her silently from between her legs, his dark gemstone eyes taking in her body as he lay between her legs. Her heart squeezed and she wordlessly tugged at the button fly on his jeans. He grinned and tore his pants off. It wasn’t long before he was placing the head of his cock at her entrance.

  He slipped in a tiny bit before he moaned, his hands gripping her hard. They hadn’t used a condom since the first night he’d went bare and she could feel every inch of his hard cock as he slowly slipped inside her. She was drowning in her pleasure already and he hadn’t even started fucking her yet. Damn, it was fucked up how much she wanted this man. She’d never really been a clingy woman, but with him she wanted that. She wanted to hold him close and never let go. It was why she was so moved by receiving his patch tonight because it meant he was feeling it too.

  “You ready, doll face?” Phoenix asked her when his cock was fully seated. “ ’Cause this is going to be a hard ride.” He finished.

  With a rough jerk of his hips, he thrust into her hard. He let out a bellow of lustful possession as he set a hard rhythm holding onto her shoulders, so she didn’t slide up the bed. He was heavy and thick inside her and the feeling of him filling her was mind blowing. Moaning, she held onto his thick arms, feeling the muscles flex and twitch beneath her hands as he moved inside her. Her nails dug into his skin leaving little indents of possession. His thrusts were fast and hard, almost untamed. Now that he’d patched her it was like he had unleashed a savage need that wouldn’t allow him to go slow or gentle.

  She moaned, feeling his possession all the way to her toes. He pumped into her, his eyes watching as his body slid in and out of hers. Sin moaned again, her hands slipped up to grip him around the back of his neck and her fingers lacing together as he powered into her over and over again. Her pussy rippled with passion as she felt her orgasm nearing. His mouth moved to her neck, kissing and caressing as he left marks on her skin.

  “Feels so fucking good. You know you’re mine don’t you, baby doll? You’re just fucking mine,” he growled. His hips were slamming into her increasing her pleasure with every thrust. She was so close she could feel it hovering just out of her reach. She let out another groan. She knew that when her orgasm hit it would be so good she wasn’t sure she’d be able to bear it.

  Phoenix kissed up the side of her neck still thrusting in and out and she felt her mind splintering as her orgasm hit her hard. She splintered into a million pieces. His lips took hers and his tongue thrust beyond her lips as she was hurtled into the stratosphere as her pleasure took flight. When she came back to her body, she heard Phoenix growl above her and he let out a little shout of her name as he came inside her. His hips slowed and he collapsed next to her with a grunt.

  “Damn, I feel drained.” He said after a long moment of them both lying there in silence, their heavy breathing being the only sound in the room. Sin couldn’t help it, she started laughing and before she knew it he was laughing with her. Phoenix gathered her close tucking her into his side.

  “Let’s take a nap, baby doll.”

  Phoenix rolled on to his back arranging her like he wanted her. Sin grinned as she snuggled into him resting her head on his chest and her leg thrown over his with his hand resting on the back of her knee. With a content little sigh, she fell asleep wearing nothing but his property patch.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sin ran her finger around Phoenix’s nipple feeling a bit unsure about what she was about to talk with him about. Her family was hard for her to talk about. Not because she didn’t love them, but because talking about them when they weren’t here seemed like a betrayal. They’d saved her when she was only thirteen years old and she didn’t ever want to repay that gift with disloyalty.

  “What are you thinking about so hard, doll? I can almost hear the wheels turning in here.” Phoenix teased, tapping her gently on the head.

  “I want to tell you something, but I don’t know how.” Sin finally said after a long pause. She’d sat her hand on his chest and she was now looking at him. He reached out cupping the back of her head. She felt his body shift beneath her and she snuggled into him trying to find a more comfortable position for both of them.

  “You can tell me anything, baby. I won’t judge. Just tell me what you need to.”

  “I ran away from home when I was twelve years old because my parents had been beating me since I was two. I’m not talking spankings. I mean trips to the hospital, broken bones, and having to stay home from school for weeks, kind of beatings.” Sin began, feeling Phoenix’s body stiffen beneath her.

  “Wait, they beat you? I will fucking kill them” He demanded, anger in every line of his face and in the way his hands now gripped her hair.

  “They’re already dead.” Sin whispered, her eyes closing as she relived the fear that had gr
ipped her as a young girl.

  “Fuck, baby doll. I’m sorry they did that to you.” Phoenix said, rubbing circles on her back as his other hand smoothed through the strands of her hair gently.

  “It was a long time ago and not really the point of my story. I lived on the streets for a little over a year. I ate from trash cans and stole from people’s houses. I would find abandoned buildings to sleep in and would sometimes stay with the older bums. The ones who didn’t look at me funny. I was nearly starved when a man found me behind the diner eating thrown out food from a dumpster. He didn’t pressure me to come with him. He just asked if I was hungry and when I said yes, he handed me his dinner. At first, I eyed him like he was trying to poison me, so he ate some of the burger to show me it wasn’t drugged. I ran over and took the food intending to run away, but as I took it I ran over to eat it behind the dumpster. I didn’t realize that he was going to grab me while I was too distracted by the food.” Sin felt him stiffen again. A smile curled her lips because Papa Bear hadn’t hurt her even though he’d basically kidnapped her from behind that diner.

  “I’m not liking this story so far baby. Might want to speed it along.” Phoenix growled. Sin liked that he was pissed on her behalf.

  “The man tied my hands together and took me home with him. He then locked me in a bedroom in his basement. I went crazy and destroyed the entire room. I’d never met anyone kind you see, and I didn’t understand that he was trying to help me.” Sin paused, remembering how she’d thrust herself at the door over and over until she was just a heap sobbing on the floor in that basement room that he’d shoved her into.


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