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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

Page 17

by Michelle Woods

  “It could take a year for this to come to trial! You can’t wait that long till you tell them where you are Serenity North.” Stan scolded, looking truly pissed. “He’s lost without you kid. They all are.”

  Damn, that tugged at her heart strings because she’d already known that, but she was really trying to be sure everything was settled before she contacted them. Even though she loved them she knew that they were going to go ape shit over this and she already had enough people here who’d be on knifes edge about this shit. Nix was going to shit a brick when he found out about the break in when he rolled back into town tonight. Shit, he may already know about it, she realized.

  “I know, but I can’t tell them yet. I—you—look, I just need some time, okay?”

  “Okay, but could you maybe make it less time, Sin. They’ve been sinking money into the search for you and it’s starting to make your father cranky.” Stan finally settled on.

  “That’s not my fault. I told him to stop looking, that I would show up when I was ready.”

  “Ha, you know him better than that. He won’t stop till he finds you, however long that takes. You’re his only daughter.” Sin knew he was correct and it made her feel guilty because she’d told them to stop looking, but in her heart she’d known they wouldn’t stop.

  “He knows I’m safe. Why can’t he accept that?” Sin asked, feeling like an asshole.

  “He wouldn’t be Barry North if he did, Serenity. I’ve known him for a long time and I can tell you that he’s always been like that about his family, and you’re his family, kid. You were his daughter, even before he adopted you when you were sixteen and changed your name.” Soon there was a buzz and the door to the room they were in was opened.

  “I need to process her out and then you two can leave.” A female officer said as she entered the room. Sin got up and went with her finishing her night in jail with a heavy heart and a guilty conscience.

  Sin exited the station behind Stan who carried his leather briefcase and headed towards the parking lot. As they neared his car, Sin was surprised to see Phoenix leaning against the side of Stan’s black BMW. Stan kept walking, but stopped and turned to glare at her when Phoenix spoke.

  “Baby doll, I don’t know why you have the best defense attorney in the state on speed dial, but I think maybe there are few things about your past that you still need to tell me.” Phoenix said, his big arms crossing over his chest as he watched her from a few feet away. Sin felt a blush stain her cheeks and she let out a little sigh.

  “What are you up to Serenity North? You can’t be involved with this man.” Stan demanded, his previous composure breaking.

  “I—well,” Sin began, but was interrupted by Nix.

  “She’s more than involved, asshole. She’s my property and you’d do well to keep your mouth shut on the subject.” Phoenix snarled, coming off the car towards them with a growl.

  “Serenity,” Stan scolded, now really glaring. “You know damned well this is going to blow up in your face. You need to tell him who your father is before it gets too messy. Do you want someone to die?”

  Sin cringed, her eyes pleading with Stan not to say anything more because he wasn’t wrong, but she just needed more time. She’d talk to them all and explain who she was to Nix and tell her family about him, but not yet.

  “Look fucker, I don’t give a shit who her father is. She’s mine now. Thanks for getting her out, but you can leave now.” Phoenix said, scooping her into his arms and squeezing the breath out of her.

  “Can’t b-breathe.” Sin wisped out.

  “Sorry, baby doll.” Phoenix said, and let up on the tightness of his arms. She could tell it was taking everything he had to stop himself from tightening his arms again and she knew it was because of fear. He’d been afraid something would happen to her and now that she was fine, he needed to hold her to reassure himself that she was safe. She reached up and caressed his face.

  “I’m fine, I promise.” She whispered.

  “Serenity, you better fess up to both your dad and this man, or you might start something you didn’t intend to. Even if you do tell him about Cabo, I’m only giving you two weeks to explain this to them all, or I will. No way am I going to get buried because I knew where you were and didn’t say, now that I know why you’re having such a hard time confessing. No, you tell them and get this shit straightened out.” Stan threatened.

  “Mother fucker, you better check yourself. Nobody threatens my woman.” Phoenix said, turning to go after him, but Sin pulled him back.

  “I’ll tell them. I promise.” Sin agreed.

  Stan nodded and hit the unlock button on his key fob and climbed into his car. He drove away without another word, leaving Sin standing in Phoenix’s arms with her mind a jumble of unsaid confessions. Damn, why did telling the truth have to be so damned hard sometimes?

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Phoenix felt like a mad man as he rode towards the cabin, which he’d borrowed from the club until the cops had finished their investigation. He figured it would be at least a week or two before they’d even be allowed to get their things out of her little bungalow. He was grateful that Rage and King had convinced the officer to let them pack up some of his and Sin’s clothes before they’d locked the place down. Sin would be glad to have some of her clothes, even if she wasn’t allowed to go back to her place. He knew that the prospects had stocked the place with food and whatever else Rage had thought they’d need.

  He pulled down the lane that led to the cabin, feeling a bit crazed. He needed to get her inside, so he could strip her and check every inch to be damned sure she was ok. Rage had told him that she seemed like she was good, and he hadn’t noticed anything off about her in the parking lot of the jail, but he needed to be sure. Her having to kill two men was likely fucking with her head. Rage had assured him that her lawyer had already gotten her released when he arrived in town three hours ago, but he’d said that they were waiting on them to finish the paperwork. He’d wanted to go storming into the jail house to wait on her, but Diablo had convinced him that it was a bad idea.

  Phoenix couldn’t say he was wrong with the mood he’d been in. He’d wanted to rip that place apart and take Sin because he needed to reassure himself that she was ok. He didn’t like the idea that this shit had gone down, and he hadn’t been home to take care of it. He’d never been more grateful that Sin was paranoid than he was tonight. If she hadn’t been who she was, he would have been coming home to find her corpse tonight instead of feeling her arms wrapped around his waist while they rode. That thought left him feeling a mix of anger and fear that had him gripping the handlebars on his bike harder.

  Rage and Diablo were both impressed that despite killing the two men, she’d had the sense to grab everything illegal and toss it into the alley behind the house. Rage had Diablo drive a cage around the back to grab the stash while he and King handled the police. Rage said that Sin was already in the cop car and he’d seen tear tracks down her face, but she’d been steady when he’d spoke to her. It was the only reason he’d listened to Diablo about waiting outside by the lawyer’s car. If she’d been upset or fearful, he’d have stormed that building the minute he’d arrived and likely gotten arrested trying to get her out.

  He stopped the bike near the little porch of the cabin and cut the engine. He felt Sin’s hands on his shoulders as she used them for leverage to climb off the bike. He put down the stand and climbed off himself. Sin stood staring at the little cabin. He felt impatience stirring as she viewed her surroundings.

  “Wow, this place is nice.” Sin said as she glanced around the little yard. Phoenix had to agree, this was one of the nicer cabins that the club owned. They’d used it as a safehouse on more than one occasion. It was on some property near the main clubhouse, but still isolated enough that no one knew it was here. The road he’d taken was marked with no trespassing signs that were outfitted with cameras, so whoever was staying in the four-bedroom cabin could see who was coming
long before they got there. There were also cameras set up surrounding the cabin that all fed into the monitors with an alert set up for any motion the camera’s picked up.

  The computer was set to only alert if it was a human, not if it was an animal. Hemp had set it up to somehow scan each person, looking for certain types of characteristics that helped the program to eliminate most, if not all animals. Phoenix knew that the system would likely be right up his paranoid old lady’s alley. Taking her hand he tugged her inside, needing to spend some time holding her to reassure her that she was safe. Or hell, maybe he needed to reassure himself because he still felt like his insides were jumping around like a cat on a hot tin roof.

  Sin allowed him to lead her inside. He’d unlocked the cabin using the key he’d gotten from Diablo earlier when he’d offered the cabin for them to use. When the door closed behind them Phoenix turned and grabbed her, jerking her into his body as his mouth crashed into hers. He kissed her deeply with his tongue thrusting to meet hers in a dance as old as time. His hands held her tightly to him as he explored her body. His hands clutching her hips before one slid up to cover her breast. She moaned, arching into him, her hands clinging to his shoulders. He grunted, his fingers tugging at the tightened nipple he was playing with. She moaned softly before wrapping her legs around his hips.

  He growled and tugged at the hem of her shirt feeling slightly out of control as his desires hit him hard. He wanted to devour her in a single bite. This woman made him insane with desire and the fact that he’d nearly lost her a few hours ago spurned his already insane passion to new levels.

  Needing her naked, he carried her to the couch and fell on her ripping at her clothing as she whimpered and moaned. It didn’t take long before he was pressing against her opening, feeling the wetness of her body flooding him. He groaned, kissing his way back to her mouth, desperate to feel her surrounding him. She lifted up offering him her breasts. He growled low and deep as her nipples continued teasing his lips. He sucked one into his mouth licking around the rigid tip.

  He heard her little moan and he moved to her second breast, his body settling between her legs. Unable to wait another second to feel her hot heat surrounding him he slowly slipped inside her. His hips pushed forward slow and gentle, even though he wanted to slam inside. He felt every inch of his member sliding into her and grunted, the pleasure of the slow glide was mind numbing.

  He couldn’t help the sound that escaped him as he gripped her hips staring down into her eyes, feeling like he was losing some part of himself as he moved in and out of her. Phoenix was surprised that the feeling didn’t frighten him or make him want to pull back from her to create distance between them. It made him want to get closer instead, and it was then he realized that he really was head over heels for this woman in his arms. He had been from the moment she’d walked into that warehouse all those months ago. Sin had rocked his world the second she’d shown up giving him attitude.

  “Nix,” Sin cried out, her eyes soft and heavy lidded as she cupped his face in her hands. She was close, he could tell. After months of fucking her he’d learned the signs of her pending orgasms. Leaning forward to take her breasts into his mouth, he sucked on the tips of her breasts again. His hands held her down when she bucked trying to get him to move faster.

  She gripped his hair and her eyes darkened with passion that roared through them both like a freight train. Most of the time he was happy to fuck her hard and fast, but tonight he wanted to give her slow and easy. Not that she seemed to appreciate it as she commanded him to fuck her harder. Phoenix grinned as the words left her sweet lips. He knew she was a dirty girl, but she was his and he’d decide tonight she needed a slow easy fucking, not their usual crazy passion. Normally they were both so hot for each other that slow wasn’t even possible. It didn’t matter that they’d been together for five months, or that they’d had sex more than most couples did in a year.

  Their passion for each other was wild. He loved that, but there was something to be said for this slow climb he was forcing them to experience too. Sin looked up at him, her eyes half closed with her lip captured in her teeth and one set of her nails dug into the back of his arm. Her other hand was clutching his hair as he hovered above her looking down. He was taking in the sight of her breasts, with the pink tipped nipples and the slight swell of her stomach. He felt her knees bend and she used her feet to push up the couch still trying to get him to move faster.

  Phoenix knew she wanted to come and he was happy to get her there, but he wasn’t going to go quick and fast tonight. He slid his hand down between them caressing her clit as he continued to fuck her. She gasped, and her eyes widened as she trembled beneath him. He knew she’d come any second now. Sin cried out his name again and went wild beneath him as her orgasm tore through her. He watched it feeling satisfied in a way he never had before. He’d always prided himself on making a woman come first, but with Sin it was different. Something about watching her fall apart in his arms was deeply affecting him and he felt tears stinging his eyes.

  What the fuck?

  He was really becoming a damned pansy assed motherfucker, wasn’t he? Phoenix buried his face into her shoulder still keeping up the slow and steady rhythm. He kissed her shoulder nipping her skin. He felt like his body was going to explode as he continued to move insider her trying to make her come a second time. She was already gasping again as she moaned his name over and over. He was rolling his hips every time he entered her and knew he was hitting her g-spot because of the angle he was holding her hips at. She bit into his shoulder growling as she came apart again. She threw her head back and let out a harsh moan as her eyes rolled back into her head.

  His hands cupping her hips he knew his lips were curled into a feral grin. He liked making her come so hard she’d never forget who she belonged to. Still keeping that slow climb going he knew he likely wouldn’t be able to make it through another orgasm for her because he was nearing his own. His teeth caught his lower lip and he groaned as she started moving her hips in counter point to his own. She gasped again, her breathing still heavy as she clung to him.

  Staring down into her eyes he felt connected to her in a way he’d never felt connected to another human being, he couldn’t help the way his heart ached. Her eyes were dark pools of desire he could feel burning into his. He was so caught by her he didn’t think he’d ever be able to let her go. Not that he intended to. She belonged to him now as much as he belonged to her. He understood now what Chains had meant about a woman owning him.

  He thought he’d known before, but now looking into her eyes as he pumped his cock into her he knew that no matter what happened to either of them in their lives that they’d be together. He couldn’t bear to imagine any other outcome because he loved her too much to live without her. He understood why some men lost the will to live when their wives died. It was the loss of moments like this one that broke them. He’d never be the same after this moment with her. It had changed him, she had changed him.

  She started moaning again, her eyes lighting with pleasure he’d been sure would take longer. His fingers slid over her slippery button rubbing gently. She was likely sensitive after her two orgasms and he didn’t want to hurt her when they were stuck in this perfect moment.

  “I’m almost there, baby doll. Come with me.”

  “I can’t, it’s too much.” Sin moaned.

  “You can.” He told her moving a little faster, his thumb still rubbing her gently as her eyes tried to close. He cupped her face with his other hand.

  “Look at me baby.” He begged. Her eyes popped open and connected with his.

  “Oh god,” She screamed as they both began to come, his rhythm uneven and almost clumsy as he fell into her groaning as his come shot out of his cock like lightening pouring into her in a warm jet of passion that seemed to go on forever. He must have passed out for a minute because he came back to himself lying on his side beside her panting like he’d run twenty miles. He’d never come so hard
in his life. He wasn’t sure he hadn’t just had an out of body experience.

  “I think you may have killed me.” Sin said, making him grin.

  He brushed her hair off her face, kissing her long and deep. His heart in that kiss. He was hoping that she could hear what he was trying to say without him saying it. He’d already told her that he loved her, but tonight that connection had been deeper somehow. Almost like he’d traded hearts with her. Phoenix didn’t know when he’d become a romance novel heroine, but apparently it had happened when he wasn’t looking because there was some sappy shit going on in his head right now.

  “If you give me a few minutes for my legs to stop quivering I’ll carry you to bed, baby doll.” Phoenix murmured against the side of her neck as he inhaled her sweet honeysuckle scent.

  “Ok, I knew there was a reason I kept you around.” She muttered, giggling. If he’d had more energy he would have tickled her into apologizing, but he was too tired.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Sin laughed as she was lifted off her feet and spun around by Franky. She and Phoenix had come to the bon-fire party tonight last minute and he was excited to see her for the first time since she’d been arrested three days ago. Phoenix had pretty much locked her in the bedroom and made love to her repeatedly until she was nothing but goo.

  “Hey, hands off my woman.” Phoenix mock growled, smacking Franky on the head.

  “Aww, can’t we share her boss?” Franky asked, setting her back on her feet.

  “Fuck no,” Phoenix said.

  Sin laughed and rolled her eyes at their antics. She was leaning into his side laughing when she heard a man behind her call out her name. At first, she didn’t recognize the voice, but when she turned to face him, she gasped. Oh shit.

  “Hi Donny.” Sin managed to eek out feeling nervous.

  “That’s it? Hi Donny? That’s all I get from you, really Sin?” Donny, her cousin snarled. He was staring at her with undisguised anger.


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