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Black Ruins Forest (The Elder Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Karen DuBose

  “I appreciate your concerns, but we haven’t even talked about all that yet. I think his answers should have been for me first.” I turn back around in his arms and look into his beautiful eyes. “I would like to hear the answers. I don’t like being left in the dark,” I say playfully.

  He bends down and gives me a quick kiss. “I told them the truth. How I’ve been wanting to ask you out but never had the nerve to do it. I didn’t know if you would say yes or not. I never did get to tell them my intentions. I’d rather tell you when we’re alone. Not that I don’t want them to know. I’d just rather tell you first. Then it’s up to you if you want to tell them or not.”

  He looks at me with despair and admiration. I wish he would have asked me out sooner, but I’m glad he finally did. I get closer to him, putting my arms around his waist and hugging him tight. I look up into his beautiful green eyes again.

  “I’m glad you finally came to your senses and talked to me. These two,” I point at my Mom and Kira, “have known I’ve had a crush on you since I was twelve. I would love to know your intentions sooner rather than later. Would you like to go take a walk and talk?”

  I look over to my mom. “If that is allowed.”

  She gives me a nod letting me know it’s ok. I grab his hand and pretty much drag him out of the room. We walk outside, holding hands. We are silent as we walk. I don’t know how long we walk or how far. I’m lost in thought about what he’s going to say to me. I’m nervous, but I want to hear what he has to say. He tugs my hand. I didn’t even know we had stopped. There’s a bench that looks out at the water. We sit down, and he takes me into his arms and kisses my forehead before he turns me around. He clears his throat and starts talking.

  “I have wanted to be with you for many cycles like I said earlier. I was scared that you didn’t like me and would turn me down. My intentions are to keep you in my life cycle for as long as you’ll have me⸻hopefully the rest of our lives. You are my world and have been for a while. I know you may think this is all new and fast, but for me, you’ve been mine since we were thirteen. You are always on my mind.”

  He pauses to let it sink in. I give him a nod to continue. “When you weren’t looking, I was always looking at you— watching you— taking notes on what you like and dislike. Who you talked to and who you didn’t. I was waiting for you to start dating, and when you didn’t my heart fell. I didn’t know if you would even consider me or not, so I waited. I couldn’t wait anymore after hearing what the Elders were trying. I had to protect you, even if it was just as your friend. I’m glad I’m not just your friend. I don’t know how I would have acted if you dated someone else.”

  “I am yours now. I feel the same way. I’ve daydreamed about you since I was twelve, but they weren’t daydreams— they were visions. I know that now. The day you asked me if I was a seer I knew they were visions. The visions were always in your point of view. I always wondered why that was. I’ve seen every way you wanted to approach me. I just wish you would have sooner. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe we weren’t supposed to be together until now. I can tell you one thing, I am glad. You made me fall in love with you so long ago.”

  I can’t believe I just told him I loved him. This is too soon. No, no, no what have I done? He is going to run away and never come back. How could I be so stupid? What is wrong with my brain? He must have seen the horrified look on my face.

  “I know what you are thinking, Dariya. I’m not going to run away, and it’s not too soon to say that. Because I love you as well. My heart belongs to only you.”

  If I would have been standing, I would have fallen flat on my face. My heart swells and I get light headed. Kiernan Marcelo loves me. I wrap my arms around his neck and slide my fingers into his hair. I pull him down, so I can kiss him. The man I love just told me he loves me too. How could I have gotten so lucky? My feelings are just getting stronger every day for him. He isn’t what I expected.

  We stop kissing, even though I don’t want to. We need to get back to the rooms before my mom sends out a search party. I’m so happy; I could jump up and down.

  My stomach has butterflies in it. Giddy isn’t even a strong enough word to describe what I’m feeling. We walk back to the room, and we see Kira sitting on one of the beds. When she hears us come in, she pretty much runs me over.

  “So, what did he say? I want to know every single word!”

  “He wants to have ten youngsters and name them all Mater. Oh, and I can have my way with you anytime I like,” I say, trying to keep my laughter in.

  The look on her face is priceless. We all burst out laughing; Mom, Bruno, Kiernan, and myself. My mom and Bruno walk into the room still laughing. Snoopers, I think.

  She finally composes herself and giggles. “You wouldn’t be able to handle me even if you tried.”

  I’m glad I could make everyone laugh. I can’t handle being serious all the time.

  “Where’s Nessa?” I ask.

  We walk into the other room and found it empty. I go to the bathroom; the door’s locked. I knock on it, but there’s no answer. I look at Bruno, and he knows what I want without me having to say anything. He gets out a lock kit. Ok, so that wasn’t exactly what I want, but he’ll get it open. With a click, he steps back from the door. Opening the door, I walk into the bathroom, and then I turn and walk right back out.

  “Do I have any privacy at all?” Nessa yells.

  The guys turn their backs to her. She stands their naked and has no shame. Mom walks up to her. “If you would tell us what you’re doing or even answer when someone knocks on the door, you would have privacy.”

  She holds her head up even farther. “I didn’t hear the knocking. I was listening to my music.”

  I yell over my shoulder as I walk back to my own room. “Next time let someone know. We don’t want to clean up a dead body.”

  I can hear Kira say, “Little girl you need to stop pissing everyone off. This isn’t a vacation from the real world. You’re just going to end up being left behind⸻unless that’s what you want?⸻because the rest of us don’t want you here.”

  Kiernan walks over to the bed and pulls the covers down. He looks at me with a mischievous smile. I love how his mind works. I go back into the other room and tell them we’re going to bed.

  I give my mom a hug goodnight. “You are to sleep in the same bed as Kira.”

  I smile at her. “Mom, I’m almost nineteen. I think I can do as I please, but nothing’s going to happen. For one, I’m not ready for that, and I know he’ll respect me for that. Two, you’re in the next room. Even if we were mated, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that.”

  “I’m sure he will respect you, but I don’t want you sleeping in the same bed.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Sleep tight. Love you, baby girl.”

  “Love you too, Mom.”

  I walk back into my room sulking. Kiernan looks at me with sad eyes. I go to the bed Kira’s already in. I plop down, not even bothering to move the covers. I lie there looking at the ceiling. My DC buzzes in my pocket. I take it out and look at it.

  When she falls asleep come join me.

  You do know she will be checking on us, right?

  I got it covered.

  I look over at him. He has that mischievous look in his eyes. What is he up to? My mom is a light sleeper. She’ll know. I wait for another twenty minutes, trying to keep my eyes open.

  Bruno walks into the room. “She is asleep.”

  I look at Kiernan, and he pulls the covers down for me.

  Kira smiles at me from beside me on the bed. “You’re welcome, Bruno gave her sleeping pills, so she can sleep. Enjoy it while it lasts.” She rolls over and brings the covers up to her chin.

  What is all that about? I get out of the bed and walk over to Kiernan. I slide into bed with him. We’re facing each other. He pulls my chin up so we’re looking at each other. The heart-melting smile is in place.

  “She was getting dark circles under her eyes. She need
s sleep. That gives us time to sleep and cuddle.” He kisses me so deeply that I was sure to never find my way back.

  It ends way too soon. I’m in a blissful state and he ruins it. I pout at him and he laughs at me.

  I can’t seem to get my brain to shut off. “I know you’re tired, but I can’t stop thinking about those men at the other public house. What were they doing there? How did they even know we would be there?”

  “I wish I knew the answers to those questions. They were there for only one reason that I can say for sure, and that reason was you.”

  “If that’s true, how come they didn’t snatch me when our attention was on the alarms? We all turned around at that point.”

  “I was wondering the same thing. I’m just glad they were too dumb to realize they could have. I will not be letting my guard down like that again. We could have lost you for good.”

  “That’s what scares me. I knew I should have never looked away from them. That’s been drilled into our heads for so many cycles: Never turn your back on your enemy.”

  I could kick myself for that stupid move. I guess I still need more training. I can’t afford another mistake like that. Exhaustion is the only reason I can think of as to why I turned my back on them.

  Kiernan rolls me over so I’m facing the other way. He curls up behind me, wrapping his arm around me, and pulls me closer to him and kisses my ear. “We need sleep as well, love.”

  He’s right. We do need our sleep. If we get too exhausted, we’ll be no good to anyone⸻or against anyone. I get comfortable and close my eyes. The last thing I remember thinking is that this is going to get way worse before it gets better.

  Chapter Twelve

  I’m being nudged awake. I almost tell the person where they can go, by which I mean to hell. I’m not ready to wake up. I groan and roll over, but then I remember that I’m in Kiernan’s bed. I haven’t slept that good in a long time. I roll over and stretch. A moan as I work out the kinks in my body.

  “My Love, it’s time to wake up and go to your own bed. Your mom will be awake soon.”

  I cuddle closer to him. “I don’t want to.”

  He laughs and gets out of bed. I groan. I don’t want him to leave either. I feel the covers come off, and before I know it— I’m in his arms being carried to the other bed.

  “As much as I want you in my bed, love, we don’t want to make your mom mad.”

  He has a point, but I still don’t like it. He goes back to his bed. I’m just falling

  back to sleep when I hear my mom enter the room. She comes over to me and kisses my head before going back to her room. I open my eyes to see green ones looking at me. He smiles and mouths, ‘I told you.’ I stick out my tongue at him and roll over.

  I hit my head on Kira’s forehead. She was not that close a second ago. Dam she has a hard head. I rub at my temple to get the sting out.

  “Ouch! What the hell?” she says.

  So much for getting any more sleep. There is no way any of us are going back to sleep.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I toss the covers off and yell, “I got dibs on the shower!” I’m getting my things together when I hear the water turn on. I’m about to protest when Kiernan comes out of the bathroom.

  “I started the shower for you. What do you want for breakfast?”

  “Surprise me. I pretty much like anything, unlike some people— I know.” I look at Kira.

  “What? I can’t help it. My taste buds only like certain things. Blame them.”

  Bruno walks in the room. He is looking at Kira. When he sees I’m looking at him he stops looking. That’s weird, does he have a thing for Kira? I will have to ask him when we are alone. If that ever happens.

  Bruno leans against the door frame and looks at Kiernan “You ready to get some food?”

  “Yeah, as soon as the picky eater tells me what she wants to eat,” he laughs.

  She sits up in bed. “I want French sticks, eggs, and taters please.”

  I leave them to get into the shower. They’ll be sorry if they bring her back something that isn’t supposed to be included on the plate. I walk into the bathroom and get undressed. I test the water temperature before I get in the shower. I let the water run down my back. It feels so good. I can feel some of the tension leave. I realize that I forgot to grab my shampoo and conditioner. I’m about to get back out to get them, when I look down, everything’s there: shampoo— conditioner— soap and a razor.

  What would I do without him? He’s the sweetest guy. I wash and shave as quickly as I can so that Kira can take a shower before they get back. I wrap myself in a towel as I step out of the shower. I see my bag on the floor and I grab some clothes. I notice that I don’t have any bras in my bag. I peek out the door and yell for Kira.

  “Where are my bras?”

  “Look in the big pocket on the side.”

  I go back to my bag, and I find them. She even packed my good push-up bras. Have I said how much I love her? I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom.

  Out of nowhere, Kira asks. “What do you think about Bruno?”

  Sitting on the edge of the bed putting my shoes on, I look at her.

  “What do mean?”

  She’s blushing and not making eye contact. Which only means one thing; she likes him.

  “Well, he is good looking, and we are both single,” she says sheepishly. I have to laugh at her for that one. She is getting all shy over a guy.

  “Just because a guy looks good doesn’t mean anything. Do you like him?”

  “He does have this brooding thing going on. I kind of like it.”

  “Yeah, he kind of does. He wasn’t like that when I was at his house the other night, though. He was laid back. I think Nessa has something to do with that. He doesn’t want to put his guard down. I don’t either, for that matter. I say go for it. If it doesn’t lead to anything, at least you tried.”

  She bounces on the bed, laughing and giggling with a goofy smile. I shake my head at her with a smile on my face. I wonder if that’s the same goofy smile I have when I’m near Kiernan?

  Mom walks into the room with Nessa behind her. Great. My day just went from blissful to foul. Why is it that when she’s near, she sucks all the joy out of the room? I’m starting to think it’s her talent.

  “Hey, Mom. Did you sleep well?”

  She comes over to sit on the bed with me and Kira.

  “Tell you the truth, it was the best night’s sleep since your father was murdered.” She looks sad. I give her a hug. I’m sad for her. I don’t know how she’s doing it. If I lost Kiernan now, I would be a basket case. I wouldn’t even want to live.

  “We will get them for that,” I promise her. Nessa clears her throat. Why is she ruining this moment? I know she wasn’t close with her mom, but I am. I want to get all the time I have with her before things get worse.

  “I know you guys hate me. I don’t blame you for hating me. I haven’t made it easy for anyone to like me. I know you don’t know why I don’t like you, so I’m going to tell you. I don’t like you… because you have an easy life cycle compared to mine. You make friends so easily, and you took my best friend away from me⸻at least, he was my best friend. He apparently didn’t feel the same way. Jade and I did everything together, until that day on the playground, when he decided that he’d rather play with you than me. I was angry at both of you. I felt like you did it on purpose, and I hit you for taking him away from me.”

  My jaw drops. Is she for real right now? She’s jealous of me for something that I didn’t even do.

  “So, you are telling me you hate me for not even doing anything. How petty can you be?”

  “To me, it wasn’t petty. He was the only friend I had at the time.”

  “So, instead of coming over and playing with the rest of us, you attacked me? If that isn’t petty, I don’t know what is. Is this the real reason you hate me? Because I never did anything to you. I never told you that you couldn’t come play with us. If I re
call, you didn’t want anything to with us.”

  “That isn’t the only reason I hate you. Ever since we were little, you always thought you were better than everyone else. You sat there and tuned everyone else out⸻everyone but Kira. You never gave me the time of day, even when I did try.”

  “I never tuned people out. If I did, I was daydreaming. I tune everyone out when I do that, including Kira. When did you ever try talking to me?”

  She storms off to the other room. I really don’t get how she could have been holding onto that all these cycles. She never even approached me that I know of. I am not going to take the blame for her life cycle. She made it the way it is, not me.

  My mom squeezes my arm before following her. What are we going to do with her? She is trying to get revenge on me for something I didn’t even know happened. How come Kira never said anything to me? She always tells me what was going on when I was in a trance.

  Kira breaks me out of my thoughts. “That chick has some serious issues to work out.”

  “How come you never told me she came up to me when I was in a daydream? How can someone blame something on someone else when they didn’t even do anything? Or is she that jealous of me that she would make up stories?”

  Kira comes over to me and puts her arm around my shoulders.

  “I never told you because I didn’t see it. If I had, I would have said something. She was a nice girl when we were younger. Now, she’s a few colors shy of a full box of crayons. She’s just crazy, Dariya. Don’t let her get to you. That’s what she wants⸻a reaction out of you.”

  I get up and walk over to the window. The sun is shining like it has no worries in the world. I wish I could be the sun right now. Then I wouldn’t have people trying to use me or kill me. How did my life cycle turn out so messed up? Where did it even start to mess up?


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