The Virgin Diaries
Page 14
He sits down across from me, crossing his legs and considering me while I take a sip. “Better?”
I nod and uncertainly hold the glass, not sure where to set it. He takes it from my hand and places it carelessly on his desk, definitely not something I would’ve ever done. “Thank you, Mr. Blackstone. I appreciate the opportunity. But might I ask . . . isn’t this irregular? To consider me for a position as your secretary when I’m a front desk intern?”
Shit. I sound like I don’t want the job. Of course I want it! But it does sound too good to be true, which in my experience is a definite red flag.
Liam chuckles, shaking his head. “You and Jacob. He’ll like you. As to your question, I’m the boss and I can do what I want. I make the rules around here.”
I sit up straighter in my chair, squaring my shoulders. “Of course, sir. Can I ask why me? As far as I’m aware, you didn’t know I existed before yesterday.”
He nods. “As I said, you handled yesterday’s situation well. Tell me about yourself.”
I lift an eyebrow, not sure how to take this. Shit, maybe I impressed him even more than he impressed me.
Wait. No, that’s not possible. But if this is real, I need to get my head in the game, because a chance like this doesn’t come around more than once.
“I’m a junior at the university, with a 3.83 GPA, majoring in international business with a focus in negotiations and contracts. My previous internship was with Orion Industries, where I mostly acted as a third set of eyes on contracts, learning the appropriate wording for their various industry-specific clauses. This year, I set my sights on Morgan Inc. as my first-choice internship and was fortunate enough to be tapped for the program. I’ve been working with Ms. Maples on the first floor, primarily as a receptionist, greeting visitors and answering the phone.” I try to give him as much insight as I can while still being concise.
He nods. “And do you feel your time here has been beneficial?”
It sounds like a trick question. In fact, I’m rather sure it’s a trap, so I tread carefully. “I do. While the work itself has been easier than my previous internship, seeing the inner workings of Morgan has been extremely valuable and I hope to continue here with part-time employment in the fall when I return to my full course load.” Bob and weave the hazard and slam-dunk the request.
“What was the most difficult job you ever had?” he asks.
“This one might surprise you. Working at the Dairy Queen as a teenager.” His eyebrows lift, just as I expected. “No, really. It was my first job, so I was nervous, and I had to take orders on a headset that cut in and out randomly, ensuring that approximately every fifth customer was mad as hell by the time they got to the window. I also had to make change without a calculator, fill orders in a timely manner, and clean the ice cream machine every night.” I shiver for effect. “That thing was so gross, I could never eat ice cream again.”
He grins. “That actually does sound pretty bad. Where do you see yourself in five years?”
These questions seem like Interviews 101, so maybe this is actually real. I start to get more hopeful. “Maybe closer to ten, but I’d like to be the CEO of an international firm, sitting somewhere like you are now,” I state proudly.
“Ambitious. I like it,” Liam says before grinning. “But it takes a lot of sacrifices to make it where I am.”
I nod. “It does, but I’m willing to work hard. I have been for years and don’t foresee that changing. I enjoy the challenges of business, how each new product or contract offers something totally unique and new.”
He strokes his chin for a moment, and a new light comes to his eyes as he gazes at me. He’s not looking at me professionally anymore, but like he did yesterday. I swear the temperature in the room just jumped a few degrees. “Now I’m going to ask you some questions that are totally off-record. If they unnerve you or offend you in anyway, you can get up and walk out that door and never come back. You’ll get a letter of recommendation for your internship regardless of what you decide. But I assure you, the last thing you want to do is walk out that door.”
Now what in the world could have him saying something like that? It’s like he’s still maintaining power, but he’s not beating me over the head with it. I nod my head slowly, leaning forward in anticipation of where this is going. “Ask away.”
Liam also leans forward, almost halving the space between us, and I feel the power in his body calling to me and my body responding. My pussy tingles, and I can feel my nipples starting to stiffen in my bra. “Tell me, doll, when’s the last time you masturbated?”
What the actual fuck?! Leave! Just get up, walk out that door, and take the first elevator you can back down to the first floor. You don’t need this! my mind seems to scream. I knew this was too good to be true, and he’s just like every other asshole, even if he’s the only one to ever make my body respond the way it did yesterday. I’m worth more than this shit.
I stand, looming over him intentionally for what I have to say. I know my eyes are blazing fury and I want him to see every bit of that fire. “That is none of your business, Mr. Blackstone. I thought this was a serious job offer, and while you may think I’m the weaker player in this little back and forth chess game we’ve had going here, I assure that I am not some silly little girl awed by your audacity and arrogance. Contrary to some people’s opinions, I’m not some whore, and I won’t let you string me along, lording some false opportunity over me when what you really want is something much baser. I’m sure you can get that elsewhere.”
I am dying inside at the loss of what I thought was going to be a real opportunity, the hope that had already started burning sparking out in a flashbang, leaving only the smoke to obscure my eyes. I’m proud of myself for standing up to his rude question, but the tears are already burning behind my eyes as I walk toward the door.
“Stop . . . wait.” He says the command in a hard voice, and despite my desire to get out of here, he is my boss, and on some level, I think I’m hoping he’ll apologize for the gross misstep.
I stop just shy of the door, and he gets up, stalking toward me. Unable to stop myself, I shrink and my back presses to the door. Though he doesn’t cage me in with his arms, I feel just as trapped by his gaze, frozen as he stares down at me. “Did I misread you yesterday, Arianna? Did you enjoy the photoshoot with me?” His voice is softer, kinder, though still demanding.
I’m still mad as hell, but another side of me, the part that remembers how it felt being pressed against him yesterday and is experiencing the same buzz from his proximately now, is turned on, keeping me rooted in place. But I still call him out, refusing to back down. “You already know you didn’t misread, but your question was way out of line.”
He dips his chin. “My apologies then.” He says the word as if he’s tasting it, like a rare delicacy he’s never experienced. I have a feeling that’s true. He doesn’t seem the type to apologize for much, so I nod back, silently and graciously letting him know I accept.
It feels like a reset of the chess board, like he’s looking at me as something greater than a fucktoy intern to use for shock value and good times. It’s a damn good thing, too, because I am more than that. But the dance begins again, more tactfully this time.
“Not to reignite your ire, but you said, ‘contrary to some people’s opinions’. What did you mean, Arianna?”
I can tell he’s broaching carefully, and I respect his diplomacy for asking that way, but it’s not a story I usually share. But something makes me want to tell him. Maybe it’s the patient way he’s waiting right now, not pressuring me, even though I know he desperately wants the story. It doesn’t feel salacious but more that he wants to know my details. I let my eyes drop, not able to look him in the eye as I whisper my confession. “Not that it matters, but once upon a time back home, I went out with a boy. He bragged big and loud about things that didn’t happen. It became a thing, and at some point, folks decided ‘the lady doth protest too much’ and began to tease me mercilessly. S
o I took control, embraced what they thought, even if they were wrong, and used it to my advantage. It’s a part I’ve played well and often as it suited me, even if it’s not the truth.”
“And what part is that?” he asks, though he knows the answer.
I realize he wants me to say it. I lift my chin, meeting his eyes directly, and I find the strength in my core that I always need for this. “A whore.”
He grins ferally at my use of the filthy word, like he likes it. His eyes bore into mine, lengthening the heavy moment and making me feel exposed, and though I’d die before admitting it, turning me on. The heat of my anger is morphing inside me, fraying around the edges and curling into an almost painful need. I can feel the weight of him even without actual contact, as if my skin yearns to touch his. This is what I felt yesterday, but amped up so much more.
“If I don’t ask you questions, can I tell you what I know, Arianna?” he whispers huskily.
I bite my lip but give the slightest of nods.
His delight at the victory is in the tilt of his lips. “I know that you are a brilliant woman with a mind for business. I know that you are capable of speaking your mind, even when it borders on dangerous. I know that you see possibilities where others see risk.” His eyes dip down before lifting to meet mine once again. “I know that your nipples are hard. I know that your pussy is wet for me. And I know that my cock is throbbing for you.”
Everything he said is true, both the mental compliments and the physical realities. He steps closer, and I can finally feel the searing connection of our skin. It’s heavenly bliss but also hell because it’s so fucking hot. I vaguely wonder if it’s this hot through the filter of our clothing, would our naked bodies would simply spontaneously combust on contact? My pussy clenches at the thought, and I barely hold back the whimper in my throat.
“So tell me, Arianna. You may not be a whore, but what are you? Are you a woman who wants to see where this might lead, what’s behind door number one?” He places his hands on the door behind me, one on either side of my head, caging me in. “Or are you a woman who wants to play it safe? Tell me, doll.”
At first, I don’t say anything, truly contemplating my sexual choices for the first time in years. I made a decision a long time ago as a girl, in response to other’s critiques, but I’m different, stronger now. Or maybe I’m weaker, because he definitely makes me consider giving in and just bending over his desk so he can take me. The sexy image makes my breath hitch, and I know he’s scanning my face, looking for any hint of my thoughts.
At the last instant, a quiet little voice inside me whispers, lending me strength. Remember, you’re saving yourself. You don’t need to sell yourself short.
Liam tilts his hips against me, and I can’t help but moan softly, my eyes rolling at the grinding pleasure. Liam quirks an eyebrow, and I clear my throat. I shouldn’t tell him. Nobody knows, not even my best friend, Daisy. But I can’t help myself.
With the last shreds of my strength and confidence, I place my hands on his chest and look him in the eyes. “I’m not a whore. I’m a virgin.”
“I’m a virgin.”
The words hit me with the power of a supercharged lighting bolt. This sweet, sexy little angel in front of me is a virgin? Pure and untouched? You’d never know it with how flirty she is. Yesterday, she played with me like a kitten with a string.
She’s almost breathless, aroused at my question, and I can see the tremulous pride in her shoulders. She’s been hiding it, pretending to be the flirty little vixen. But she wants me to fuck her, even if she doesn’t fully realize it yet. I can see it in her eyes.
“Are you telling me the truth, Arianna?” I hiss, still a seed of doubt in my head as I wonder if this is a game she’s playing.
She nods, more confident this time. “Yes.” And I see the raw honesty of her answer.
I bite my lip to hold in the groan but lean back a bit, letting my cock tent my pants and doing nothing to hide it. Let her see what she does to me. We both know she wants it. “Yes, sir,” I correct her.
“Yes, sir,” she repeats, looking at me through her lashes. “I’ve never had sex before.”
“That’s hard to believe,” I challenge her. “You were very convincing yesterday.”
“It’s the truth,” she says before her confidence falters. “I don't know why I’m telling you this. I’ve never told anyone.” I can see the thought of running blooming in her eyes, and I circumvent her.
I press back closer, not touching her but just shy of it as I lean to her ear, letting the quiet of my whisper soften the filthy words I say to her. “You’ve never even had a man eat that sweet little pussy? Felt his fingers plunge into you until you were fucking his hand?”
She squirms a little, and I can tell she’s thinking about it. “No. I’ve never even touched a man’s dick before.” My own cock jumps at the words on her lips, but I ignore it for the time being, keeping my focus on Arianna and the things I could do to her, make her feel.
“And would you like for me to give you that opportunity? To show you what it feels like to have my tongue dance on your clit until you scream in ecstasy . . . before I sink first my fingers and then my cock in that virgin pussy?”
She squirms more, a flush coming to her cheeks, and she looks so fucking sexy. I’m feeding the naughty side of her, tempting her, teasing her. We both want it. She just has to say yes.
“It would be inappropriate,” she manages, her breathing heavy. “On so many levels.”
“I’m an inappropriate person on so many dirty, wonderful levels,” I retort with a grin. Fuck, I can almost picture sucking on her pretty pink pussy. I’d have her chasing my tongue and begging me to never stop. “Are you sure?”
“I–I–I’m saving myself,” she admits, looking down into her lap.
“For whom?” I ask, interested. Is she dating someone? He must be a weak asshole if he hasn’t claimed her yet. More importantly, she must not want him if I can push her buttons so easily, and yet she seems so surprised by her body’s every response. I want these breathy sighs for my own, her orgasm at my hand, no one else’s. Just mine.
Arianna whimpers again, biting her lip. “The perfect man. My future husband.”
Oh, my sweet doll . . . so innocent. And so sexy. “I don’t know if the perfect man exists, but there’s a man who can make your eyes roll back in your head, a man who can make you scream so hard you forget who you are, a man who can make you want to be fucked so badly that you’ll do anything to have it.”
Her chest is heaving, her eyes almost glazed over as her lip trembles, and if I pushed the issue . . . I could have her now. “And you know who that man is?” I growl, leaning back. “That man is me.”
But I realize I want more than just a quick fuck in my office. I want more than her cherry. I want her everything. It’s been so long since I had to chase, to earn it . . . and when I do, it’ll be so much sweeter.
She’s quivering, practically shaking in her skin. “Mr. Blackstone . . . Liam . . . sir . . .”
No, my sweet little doll. It’s not going to be that easy. Not for either of us.
I trace my fingertips down her cheek and along her jawline. She lifts her chin unconsciously, seeking my lips, but I hold back, teasing us both and letting it build. “Do you feel that electricity shooting through you, Arianna? Just from my touch along your silky skin?” I let my fingers drift lower with my words, from her neck down to her collarbone.
She arches her back in answer, not realizing what she’s begging for, but I take advantage of the shudder that rushes through her, leaving the relative safety of her shoulder and dropping my hand to her thigh. I grab a firm handful, letting her know I’m there before caressing up to her ass.
“This ass pressed against my cock drove me wild yesterday. You may not have answered the question, but I will. I jacked off last night to thoughts of you, your dark hair twisted up in my fist as I plunged into your hot pink slit, the feel of your
slick wetness coating me in your cream. I pumped my cock, rock-hard for you, up and down . . . up and down . . .”
I trail off, realizing that she’s working her hips along me with my words, mimicking what I say. And though it feels amazing, and I could come from that alone right now, this is about her, not me. I want to make her come like she never has before, pressed right against my door and under my hand.
Her rocking motion has inched her skirt up her thighs, and now I can feel more of her heated flesh. I let my fingers roam higher too, until I feel the lacy edge of her panties. I growl when I discover how soaked she is. “Fuck, doll. You’re dripping for me. I’m going to be the one who fills this sweet virgin pussy first.”
She tenses slightly but doesn’t resist. I want her at ease, though, so I reassure her. “Not today, not like this, but soon, you’re going to be begging me to fuck you, to fill you with my fat cock.”
I almost expect her to sass back with some sharp retort, but a glance at her face tells me that she’s far too gone for thoughtful dialogue. Her mouth hangs open, panting for breath, and her eyes are closed, lost to the new sensations I’m piling onto her body.
I dip a finger inside her panties, getting instantly covered in her honey, and let my finger run from her opening to her clit and back, slow and easy so she doesn’t spook. She cries out, and I cover her mouth with my own, silencing her pleasure with a kiss.
Her hands weave into my hair, pulling me into her, and she kisses me back passionately. Our tongues tangle as we devour each other, sharing breath and space with the ease of long-time lovers and the fire of first-time fuckers.
I pull back, needing oxygen and needing her. Meeting her eyes, I tell her, “Another time, another place, I’m going to have you screaming my name to the heavens above. I’ll teach you that heaven is being impaled on my cock and riding me until your heart feels like it’s ready to explode. But this time . . . you have to be silent.”
She nods but finally finds herself enough to speak. “Mighty confident in yourself, aren’t you?”