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Under the Same Sky (Kaitlyn and the Highlander Book 7)

Page 18

by Diana Knightley

  He asked. “Dost ye want your toys?”

  “You are awesome, yes, the green one.”

  He got up and went across the room to my top drawer and by the light of the moon found my green sex toy, which was kind of awesome to watch. His wide shoulders, his perfect ass, as he gingerly sifted through my underwear looking for what I wanted.

  Then he climbed back on the bed and handed it to me and I positioned the toy between my legs and turned it on so it could turn me on and pushed him to his back and hovered over him, my little vibrator making a whiiirrrrrring noise within my folds. I kissed across his wide chest and brushed my lips down his stomach, and gently, with kisses and licks along the firm mounds and dips of his muscles moved to the top of his thighs and then pulled all of him into my mouth and played there enjoying the length of him for a long while until I brought him to moans. My toy worked its magic too and I collapsed on him, spent.

  I rested my cheek on his pelvis, my arms wrapped around his hips and smiled up at him. He smiled down, his brow lifted, and he chuckled.

  “What are you laughing at, Master Magnus?”

  “You are nae usually so quiet when we are at play.”

  I laughed. “My mouth was full.”

  His eyes sparkled. “There is that wit I love.”

  So I climbed him, kissing and licking, all the way up his body to his mouth where our tongues met and our lips. I wrapped around him and we rested for a few minutes until I raised my head to look at the time. “It’s Christmas Eve.”

  “Och. We will have a busy day on the morrow makin’ all of Chef Zach and Emma’s dreams come true.”

  “They do have a lot of dreams tied up in Ben’s first Christmas. Though truth be told, I have a lot of hopes and dreams in your first Christmas too.”

  “We will have tae make it verra special.”

  “Tomorrow morning we’ll go get Ben a present?”

  “Aye. Dost he want a horse too?”

  “Oh.” I raised my head. “I haven’t actually had time to get you the horse I promised you, or learned to ride, and—”

  He ran his fingers through my hair, twirled his fingers along an end, and watched it spring into a wave. “Tae me it daena matter that the horse is nae here. What matters is ye want tae give me a horse. Ye want tae learn tae ride. I winna hold ye tae the day, twould take the fun from it.”

  “Good, thank you for being understanding.” I thought for a moment. “So you’ll be okay with a box that means I will learn to ride a horse and I will soon buy you a horse?”

  “Aye. I am okay with a box that means all of the rest.”

  His voice was sleepy sounding, quieter, lower. “And I will give ye a box that has inside of it a promise — everything you will ever want, I will give tae ye.”

  “We can wrap them. I like that very much.”

  He kissed the top of my head, right at the hairline between my forehead and my hair. A kiss that lingered with an intake of breath as if he was breathing me in and then his hold on my shoulders tightened and then loosened as he fell asleep.

  Fifty-four - Kaitlyn

  I woke up very early and forced Magnus awake and after a quick breakfast we went to Centre Street to go Christmas shopping. I raced through gift shops and clothing stores buying every single stocking stuffer I could find for Quentin, Beaty, Zach, Emma, Hayley, Me and Magnus, as well as big stockings for each of us, and a bag of oranges and so much candy and chocolate from the fudge store.

  Magnus and I went into a toy store and he bought Ben a wooden push-toy that looked like a red hippo and made clacking noises when he pushed it with a little yellow bird that spun up and down on the top and then he found a beautiful silver teething ring and put it with the other on the counter.

  “Is that for Ben?”

  “Nae, for Archie.”

  “You’re right, I am sure Lady Mairead will find him soon. We should be ready.”

  I bought a silk baby blanket for Archie and for Ben a little boy doll made of cloth that had removable overalls and embroidered features and then I sent Magnus to the car with it all, eight bags worth, to stuff it in the trunk of the Mustang.

  I ran into a gift shop to buy some wrapping paper and some gift boxes for our gifts. Then, because I wanted Magnus to have something real to open, I went back to the toy store and bought some frisbees, a few balls, and six nerf guns so we could play family games out on the beach on Christmas Day.

  When I got that load out to the car I made Magnus hide his eyes so I could sneak the newest bags into the back seat. “Don’t look back there or you’ll spoil Christmas.”

  “Och, I daena want tae be the one who spoils the most magical holiday in the world.”

  Fifty-five - Kaitlyn

  We wrapped presents and afterwards everyone needed to split up for activities with their own families. To call Zach and Emma harried and overly-excited would be an understatement. They were seriously on edge and when they got in the car to drive to Zach’s family’s house they really didn’t want to go, but we helped them in the car and waved goodbye.

  Then Magnus and I drove to the hospital to pick up Beaty and Quentin. I had cleaned the oxygen tank and it was charged up and ready to go. We gently helped Quentin get her from a wheelchair into the back of the Mustang and then drove them to our house and helped her up the stairs.

  She said, a little breathless from the effort. “Tis much less grand than yer last castle, Queen Kaitlyn.”

  I chuckled at her bluntness. “True, it’s smaller, but you’ll like it, the couch is very comfortable, and we have a perfect place for you at one end of it.”

  In the house she was surprised by everything and Quentin was so excited to show it to her. “Check out this refrigerator, Beaty.”

  I lowered her to the couch and wrapped a blanket around her legs. “What dost it do, Quenny?”

  “Cold food, and wait, would you like some ice water?”

  Without waiting for her to answer he filled a glass with ice and water and delivered it to her at the couch. She looked a little peaked by the traveling so we put the oxygen mask on her face for some extra breathing help and then we all sort of stopped and looked around. To blow her mind I pressed the button to set the Santa in motion and her eyes went wide watching him rock his hips back and forth, in that red suit, singing that song that I had heard already 175 times that day but was somehow still funny.

  And then we set up a gift-wrapping station on the dining room table, Beaty napped and Quentin ran to his house to pack his bags and probably buy Beaty a Christmas present and I wrapped a box for Magnus showing him how and then he wrapped a box for me, with his fingers all stuck to the tape and the paper ripping down the middle and some funny fumbling. At one point he jokingly stuck a piece of paper to his head. “I daena think it is listenin’ tae me on how tae lie flat.”

  I teased, “I see that, you’re supposed to aim for the box instead of waving your hands around.”

  He tried to flick wrapping paper off. It was stuck to the back of his hand by a wad of tape.

  “I could help, but I’m not going to. You’ll have to figure this out. It’s part of the present to suffer over the wrapping of it. The end result is supposed to show the person how much you love them.”

  “Och, tis a great deal of importance in it.” He pulled off a very, very long strip of tape. “Tis why I am wrappin’ around and around so ye will ken it is my feelin’ on ye.” The strip of tape was folded over, taped on itself, wadded in places, and yes, went around the box twice, holding paper in some places, completely useless in others and there were big folds of paper on one side all pointless and the other side there was barely any paper covering the box. Overall it looked like a four year old had done it.

  Magnus gave me a sad look, with his usual good humor behind it.

  I said, “I think with practice you would have it.”

  He held it up. “Tis like when I asked ye tae marry me, twas nae perfect but my heart was in it.”

  “Well now
that you said that, it’s more than perfect. Now we put it under the tree.” I led him to the tree and we placed our gifts there.

  There weren’t many gifts until Quentin came with his suitcase and a stack of presents for Beaty and at around 7:00 pm Hayley arrived after a shopping extravaganza carrying twenty-nine presents. She piled them under the tree and we sat around in the living room eating cheese and crackers and drinking wine, telling Beaty all about Christmas and the house and the Island and really overwhelming her with information until finally Quentin carried her up to their room.

  He returned a bit later after getting her settled. I asked, “How are you?”

  He slumped back on the sofa. “This has been one helluva honeymoon. What the actual fuck?”

  Hayley said, “How long have you been married now? Like a week?”

  He groaned. “Yeah, and I’ve almost gotten her killed like ten times.”

  Magnus said, “I need ye tae come with me on the morrow tae fight Reyes.”

  “If it keeps him from coming here, I’m absolutely game. Let’s finish this. We should get the weaponized ATVs out of storage and use them.”

  Magnus’s brow furrowed, “I daena ken how tae drive it.”

  I said, “I can go. I’ll drive you.”

  Magnus shook his head. “Nae Kaitlyn, you canna—”

  “I can, I’ve been going to the past. I learned to shoot, I can jump, sometimes I’m the first person up when we do. I’ve driven the ATVs and I’ve outrun men on horses and I—”

  “Nae Kaitlyn, tis a man’s job—”

  “Nopety nope, nope, nope, that’s not the correct answer—” I sat up on the couch.

  “I ken what is correct, Kaitlyn, daena argue with me.”

  I asked, “Quentin, what do you think?”

  Quentin looked nervously from me to Magnus, “Not sure how to answer.”

  Magnus said, “I daaena think Kaitlyn should come, but I would be willin’ tae listen tae your opinion on it.”

  Hayley was chewing her lips, keeping herself from blurting her opinion too.

  Quentin said, “I think it would help if we had two ATVs. Katie has proven herself capable of thinking under pressure and she’s been able to keep people around her out of harm’s way. I think she would be an asset.”

  Hayley held up her wine glass, “Holy shit Quentin, I did not think that was what you were going to say. You’re usually a total misogynist.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know what the hell that is, but Katie can handle herself, and we might need someone extra who can handle herself.”

  “See,” I pleaded with Magnus, “let me come. I can help.”

  Magnus glowered and took a deep breath then said, “I am nae agreein’, but I will think on it.”

  “Good, thank you.”

  Quentin said, “Tomorrow when I gather the weapons in storage I’ll bring two of the ATVs, just in case.”

  Magnus took a big sip of ale.

  Zach and Emma and baby Ben came in through the front door carrying more packages and some aluminum foil topped leftovers from their Christmas Eve meal. We all rushed around putting everything away and then Magnus and Quentin went to take a turn guarding the house while Emma put Ben to bed.

  I followed Magnus to the deck and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “I’m sorry I argued with you in front of Quentin and Hayley. I get things in my head and just want you to agree with me…”

  “I ken it, but sometimes, mo reul-iuil, I need time tae consider a thing. Ye have tae give me time afore ye try tae force your will on me. I will always try tae be fair, but ye have tae respect me enough tae listen tae my opinion on it as well. I am your husband, ye need tae listen tae me.”

  “As you know, that’s really hard for me, to keep quiet while you think, but I do know you’re fair and I do respect you. You’ve always taken my opinion in things, thank you for that.“

  He nodded then took a deep breath. “Tis nae that I daena want ye tae come. I am havin’ trouble with the decision of it. You have been with me tae the past, ye are verra capable, but this will be dangerous. Tis difficult tae decide tae bring ye, tae plan tae put ye in danger. What if somethin’ happened tae ye? Twould be my fault. I couldna live with it.”

  “I understand. I’m just sorry about the argument. Okay?”

  “Okay, Kaitlyn.”

  “We’re about to put out presents, promise me you won’t look in the living room when you come back in?”

  He joked, “Did Santa come a’ready? I have been keepin’ guard and haena seen him.”

  “He’s magical, but don’t look.”

  “I winna.”

  I returned to the living room as Emma came downstairs. “Ben’s asleep, you ready Zachary?”

  They began to put Santa presents out. Emma said, “Katie, this is for you and Magnus.” She put a small stocking in my lap. “It’s for Archie. I know he probably won’t be here, but maybe Lady Mairead will find him in time and… Zach and I don’t want to make you sad, if you want to keep it to the side, just in case, we understand. But we thought we might want to put it up and put some presents in it, because he’s a part of the family too.”

  Tears welled up.

  She said, “I knew it, I didn’t mean to make you sad.”

  “No, that’s okay.” I gave her a sad smile. “Actually Magnus and I bought him presents too. Let’s hang his stocking. I think hope is so much better than fear.”

  I began filling all of the stockings and we all drank and talked and laughed. It was pretty special and festive and we were tired but remained in good spirits though we were worried about what might come, who might show up.

  We knew Santa was coming, that was enough.

  Fifty-six - Kaitlyn

  In the wee hours of the night the bed shifted as Magnus climbed into it. “Are we safe?” I asked. It was becoming my habit to ask it.


  He curled up against me, the skin of his face and the back of his hands were cool from the breeze outside. His breath and chest warm against me. “I am verra tired.”

  “I imagine. Me too.” I wrapped my arms around his head and he nestled into my neck. “Do you think Archie is okay? I’m so worried about him.”

  “I am as well, mo reul-iuil.”

  “He should be here, a part of our Christmas. Instead he’s out, what, in some war-torn world?”

  Magnus nodded against my shoulder, his face scratchy. “Twas supposed tae be my kingdom. I was goin’ tae keep him safe there.”

  “Well, Reyes got in the way of that.”

  “Tis why he is a dead man and if Lady Mairead is incapable of locatin’ Archie, I will find him.”

  “Do you think you’ll have to fight Roderick to win your kingdom back, does it matter?”

  He thought for a moment. “It matters. If Roderick is king he will have tae imprison me or kill me. I would never ken when he was comin’ tae finish me.”

  “God, that’s scary.”

  He raised up and put his hands on both sides of my face and looked down into my eyes. “I will find Archie and I will keep ye safe. You have my word on it, Kaitlyn. Tomorrow is Christmas. Quentin and I have been speakin’ about my plan, and we will leave tomorrow night after the presents and—”

  “Who will leave?”

  “All of us. Quentin, myself, and ye. If you are a part of the battle though ye have tae follow my orders, promise me.”

  “I do. I promise. Thank you.”

  He lay his head beside mine on the pillows. “I wanted tae practice your defenses again afore we left.”

  “That’s okay, I remember enough. I’ll fill my backpack with chocolate from my stocking and then I’ll be savage protecting it.”

  “Twill be chocolate that ye protect? Good.” He nestled down onto his stomach, under the covers, his face turned toward me, and just before he fell asleep, he asked, “How dost ye ken that Santa put chocolate in yer stocking… have ye been peekin’ inside?”

  I chuckled and curl
ed up beside him. Almost nose to nose and watched him sleep for a moment before I fell asleep too.

  Fifty-seven - Kaitlyn

  “Wake up Magnus. Wake up, it’s Christmas, Santa came!” I said it as soon as my eyes opened. I was sprawled across his chest, and when I looked up at him he was already smiling.

  “How dost ye ken he came? Ye have been snorin’.”

  I pushed him playfully and leapt from the bed. “I have not been snoring. I don’t on principle. How can I snore when I have such a hot man in my bed? It would be unseemly.”

  I pulled on a pajama top and bottoms and raced down the hall to the bathroom where I peed, squeezed toothpaste onto my toothbrush, and returned with the electric toothbrush whirring on my teeth and paste lathering my lips. “What is taking you so long, Magnus? Up up, the sun is up, Santa came, up!”

  “Och, ye are full of excitement this morn for someone who kens what is inside all the packages.”

  I ran down the hall, spit in the sink, and came back wiping my mouth with a towel. “I do know and I’m still so excited. Up!”

  He tossed his covers to the side and dutifully stood. As he passed me he pulled my hips tae his front. “We daena have time for a verra quick moment together?”

  “No. Magnus, there is a literal baby out there, about to have his first Christmas and we might miss it having sex. It would either be a scandalous tragedy or a tragic scandal, one or the other, I don’t know, but we can’t.”

  He laughed as he headed to the toilet. “We canna make a baby because of the baby that lives here.”

  “I’m going to go put on the coffee, you have three minutes to get out there.”

  It took five minutes before everyone in the house came downstairs. The pot of coffee was on. The tree was lit up and sparkly which was a good thing because we needed the light to see by because it was really possibly too early. In hindsight, having woken Ben to open his presents might not have been the best idea, because he was in a mood, alternately laughing happily and then being overwhelmed by something and crying his head off. He was staggering up to shiny packages and beating them with his hand and then staggering to the next box and because he was teething stuffing everything that wasn’t larger than his head into his mouth.


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