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Summer Heat (Wyoming Fever Book 2)

Page 9

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Chapter 10

  “I don’t know why Arik wanted us to stay here,” Sage grumbled as she rearranged the cutlery in his kitchen, wanting to irritate Arik since he wouldn’t tell her what he was up to. “And seriously, why couldn’t we tag along to help with the investigation? I mean, you and I are the ones who know what Jerry looks like!”

  Jade worked on the books on Arik’s shelf. He had them organized by subject, then by alphabetical order. She arranged them by color. “I’m with ya. But Simon insisted that they’d be able to concentrate better if we’re safely out of the way.”

  “That sounds like a bunch of overly protective hogwash,” Sage grumbled, taking one of the cans of beer out of his fridge. Carefully, she poked a hole in the bottom, letting it drain into a glass. She took out another can, doing the same thing. When the cans were empty and returned to the fridge, she brought one of the glasses over to Jade. “I think they just don’t want us to know something.” She took a long sip of the cold beer, appreciating the crisp taste.

  Looking around, she absently ran a hand over Xena’s back, feeling the dog sigh with happiness. “I think the sofa would look better on that side of the room,” she said to Jade.

  Jade turned around, assessing the furniture in the room. “That’s doable. But…would we need to move the bookshelf?”

  Sage considered that idea. “I don’t know. The books would be hard to take off the shelf if the sofa was there.”

  “Good point.” Jade tapped a finger against her chin. She sipped her beer thoughtfully, as she looked around the room. “I think this room needs a décor update.”

  Sage nodded. “Yes, I agree, and the guys asked us to stay indoors. We’re not supposed to leave until they get back.”

  Jade grinned mischievously at her sister. “Are we really going to obey them when they won’t know that we’re gone?”

  Sage laughed. “Are we really going to be like those movie women who don’t follow the instructions from trained police officers who asked us to stay hidden from the enemy?”

  Jade grimaced, but agreed. “Okay. Fine! Let’s move the couch.”

  For the next forty-five minutes, the ladies moved furniture around the room, shifting smaller pieces out of the way until they got the sofa exactly where they wanted it. Then they moved the lights and chairs, but left the television right where it was. But once they were done with the furniture, the television seemed like the next option to “personalize”. So they ordered pizza, finagled more beer from the cans in the fridge, while making sure to put the empty cans back exactly as they’d been before, then proceeded to find all of their favorite channels and reprogram the remote.

  It was late afternoon when a knock came on the door. Two pale faces turned toward the door.

  “Arik wouldn’t knock,” Sage whispered, grabbing Xena’s collar when she started growling.

  “Maybe it’s one of Arik’s neighbors,” Jade offered.

  “Sage?” a man’s voice called out. “Honey, it’s me. Dad.”

  They stared at the door, then at each other. “Dad?” Sage whispered.

  “Honey, open the door. I know that you’re in trouble and I’m here to help.”

  Jade shook her head, her eyes wide with worry. “Don’t do it,” she mouthed.

  Sage’s eyes widened. “He wouldn’t…!”

  “He would!” Jade hissed right back.

  Sage knew that her sister was right. Their father had no paternal feelings for his daughters. But still, there was something about not following his order that caused a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  “Damn it, Sage! Open the fucking door!” he roared, pounding on the door with something harder than his fist.

  Sage pulled back, startled by the fury in her father’s voice. “Well, that settles it,” she muttered, grabbing Jade’s hand while holding Xena back with the other. Jade held Minx in her arms, doing her best to calm the little dog.

  Her father’s soothing voice came back. “Honey, I’m sorry. I just…you know me. I let my temper get the best of me, but you also know that I’ve never hurt you.”

  Sage shook her head. “Not physically…yet,” she breathed, tightening her hand gripping Jade’s.

  There was another bang, then his voice was low and furious. “Fine. If you won’t let me in, then I’m just going to find that asshole that you’ve been seeing and put a bullet in his head!”

  “No!” she shrieked, rushing to the door. She swung it open, shaking in fear for Arik’s safety. She couldn’t let anything happen to him! Not if she could do something to stop it! “What do you want?” she demanded.

  Her father’s laughter was her answer. He shoved past her, quickly followed by…Jerry!

  “What are you doing here?” she spat, backing up and grabbing Xena’s collar again. Xena kept barking, her hackles raised.

  “Put the dogs away, Sage. You know that I dislike…animals,” her father snapped, closing the door as Jerry stepped to the side, looking smug.

  Jerry looked the same, although he’d put on a few pounds. It made him look weaker than she knew he was.

  Herbert turned and looked at the sofa, his eyes lighting up when he saw Jade sitting on the couch. “Ah, good! We’re all here! Just one big, happy family!”

  His mocking smile dropped, replaced by implacable fury. He pulled a gun from under his suit jacket. “Get rid of the dogs, Sage, or I’ll shoot them dead to shut them up.”

  Sage cried out, hugging Xena. “Okay! Okay, just let me handle this,” she gasped, dragging Xena towards the bedroom. The protective dog didn’t want to go, her sweet lady more than willing to protect. But Sage couldn’t let her dogs get hurt!

  Jade carried Minx, who was also snarling and struggling to get free. Finally, both dogs were safely behind the door, but their barking didn’t stop.

  “Make them shut up!” Jerry bellowed, putting his hands on his hips. Unfortunately, that only drew attention to his weak chin and fleshy lips. The man really didn’t know how to scowl very well, Sage thought with surprise. She’d always been terrified of Jerry’s bad moods. But now, perhaps because she’d “killed him” in so many ways, or maybe because she’d worked through her fear of his temper via her writing, she wasn’t afraid of him.

  Afraid of the gun her father held? Oh yeah!

  “They are dogs,” Jade snapped. “They bark to raise the alarm. It’s what they do.” Her gaze dropped pointedly to the pistol in her father’s hands.

  Herbert smirked and the sisters knew that was a bad sign. He swaggered over to Jade, just staring at her for a long moment. Then, without any warning, he backhanded her across the face.

  Sage cried out, shocked. Never, in all of their years together, had he ever laid a finger on either of them. He’d demeaned them, nagged them until they did what he wanted, and maligned their personalities at every opportunity. But he’d never struck them.

  Unfortunately, Jade dropped like a lead weight, crumpling onto the floor in front of the bedroom door.

  “Jade!” Sage shrieked, trying to go to her sister. But Jerry was there. He grabbed her arms and held them tightly behind her back.

  “Not so fast, little wifey!” he snarled.

  “We’re not married anymore! I’m not your wife!”

  “Oh, that is easily fixed.”

  Sage froze, a new kind of terror bubbling up inside of her. “What?”

  “I want you back, dearest,” he said, then ran his tongue up her neck and over her cheek. “I realized after you were gone that I kind of missed your adoration.”

  Sage shuddered with revulsion, trying to wipe off his saliva. But he was stronger than he looked and he snickered at her weak attempts.

  “Never!” she hissed. “We’re through!”

  “Ah, but dearest, I know that you like to shop. And this new guy you’ve found,” Jerry sneered at the apartment which was filled with comfortable, inexpensive furniture, “isn’t nearly up to your standards. No, you’ll be better off with me.”

; “I’m never coming back with you!”

  “Honey,” he jerked her arms tighter behind her back, causing her shoulders to ache, “you were meant to be some man’s little toy. You were meant to be my wife!” Again, he jerked her arms, causing pain to shoot through her shoulders. “And I want you back!”

  Sage didn’t answer. There was no way to make Jerry recognize that he was bat-shit crazy! He clearly couldn’t hear a word she said.

  “What do you want?” she asked, thinking as fast as she could. A plan. She needed a plan!

  “I just told you!” he hissed, his lips caressing her ear as she cringed. “I want you smiling at the other end of my dinner table every night. I want you in my bed.”

  “You never liked me in your bed before,” she replied, then yelped as Jerry jerked her around so she faced him. He shook her, hard.

  “Ah, but I haven’t found anyone as intriguing and fun as you were, my dear.”

  She hated him. Goodness, she really hated him! “Let me go!” she whispered, feeling herself shake with fear and wishing she could hide it. Jerry loved fear! He got off on it. He loved intimidating anyone, thinking it gave him power!

  “Not just yet, my love.”

  She shivered, closing her eyes as she tried to think. How long had Arik and Simon been gone? Unfortunately, she had no idea. But, she knew she couldn’t wait for them to save her. She remembered Arik’s comments about leaving certain things to the experts. If Arik and Simon were here, she’d definitely let them take care of Jerry and her father. But they weren’t here. She was basically alone since Jade was still unconscious. And hurt! Jade needed help! She needed medical attention. What if she were dead? What if…?

  No! She couldn’t think like that! She had to slow down and come up with a plan.

  “Um…Jerry, I think we should–”

  “Just get her into the car,” her father snapped. “I’m going to shoot those dogs. They’re annoying the crap out of me!”

  Sage swallowed hard. Glancing over at Jade, she noticed movement. Jade’s eyes were open! Was Jade trying to tell her something? Yes! But what?

  Jade looked lower, but Sage was still confused. Then Jade closed her eyes again, feigning unconsciousness.

  “We should do something with Jade too. If she’s found here, someone will call the police.”

  Herbert sighed. “She was always such an obstinate child!” he sneered. “Let’s put her in the trunk.”

  “We can’t just haul her out of here,” he argued. “Someone will call the police!”

  Herbert rolled his eyes. “She’s my daughter, you idiot! I’ll just tell any busy bodies that we’re taking her to the hospital!”

  Jerry considered that for a moment. “Yeah, I guess that will–”

  Before he could finish, Sage pulled her leg back and, with all of her strength, slammed her knee into Jerry’s groin. For a long moment, he didn’t speak. He didn’t react. His eyes widened, but other than that, he didn’t move.

  Then he slowly, silently tumbled sideways. If Sage hadn’t been so terrified, she would have laughed as he hit the floor, both hands clutching his groin.

  While all eyes were on Jerry, Jade opened the bedroom door. A split second later, Xena dove through the door, literally landing on Herbert. The man screamed and threw up his hands. But Xena already had a grip on Herbert’s arm, shaking it viciously and taking him to the ground. Herbert tried to throw Xena off, but Minx was right behind her. Minx might look like a teddy bear or a mop, but he was surprisingly vicious! He sank his teeth onto Herbert’s earlobe. Hard! Herbert screamed.

  Sage rushed over and snatched the pistol from Herbert’s flailing hands, aiming it at her father and Jerry.

  “Off!” she ordered her dogs.

  Shockingly, they obeyed, backing towards Sage, while continuing to growl, clearly ready to finish this.

  “Your damn dog bit me!” Herbert screamed.

  Just then, because there wasn’t enough chaos in the small apartment, the front door burst open. Arik was the first through the door, sweeping the room with his weapon at the ready. Simon came in after him, doing the same thing. Several other officers followed them in.

  “What’s going on?” Arik demanded.

  “My father and Jerry were trying to kidnap us.”

  “Not Jade, you stupid bitch!” Jerry yelled. “Just you! Good god! You can’t even get that right!”

  Arik stepped closer, pistol still aimed at the guy’s head. He kicked his foot into Jerry’s gut.

  “Whoops, I tripped,” he explained. The other officers chuckled, while one stepped forward with handcuffs. He quickly restrained Jerry while another officer handcuffed Herbert. Both men were quickly led out of the apartment.

  As soon as they were gone, Arik turned and pulled Sage into his arms, almost crushing her as he held her close. “I thought I’d lost you!” he whispered into her ear. “Don’t ever do that to me again!”

  Sage held him just as tightly, luxuriating in the safety she felt in his arms.

  “You were so right about the dogs!” she told him, burying her face in his chest. “Xena took him down! Then Minx bit his ear. They saved us!”

  Arik tightened his arms around her. “You saved yourself, damn it! You’re such a beautiful woman!” And then he kissed her. Sage was breathless, overwhelmed by his kiss, but she didn’t protest. In fact, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, just in case he thought about pulling away from her.

  Several hours later, Sage sat at Arik’s desk at the police station with Jade at Simon’s desk, facing each other.

  “What do you think they’ll charge them with?” Jade asked, moving Simon’s pens into his bottom drawer. Jade and Sage had begged to be included in the interviews, or at least allowed to watch. But the men insisted that their women needed to be kept safe and out of harm’s way. Which is why Arik and Simon they’d parked Jade and Sage at their desks and ordered them to stay put.

  Sage shrugged, removing the lead from Arik’s mechanical pencils and storing them in her wallet for safekeeping. Soon enough, the guys would learn not to patronize her or her sister. It might take a few more weeks of mischief, but he would figure it out. After enough headaches and stuff shifted to different places, she supposed.

  “I don’t know. I hope it’s really bad, though.” She pulled his stapler out and…!

  A hand latched onto her wrist. “Enough, woman,” Arik pulled her up and into his arms. “We’re charging him with attempted kidnapping, reckless endangerment, assault, and animal cruelty. The district attorney might have additional charges later.”

  “Ooh! Those are good ones!” she replied, peering over his shoulder so that she could check on Minx and Xena, who refused to leave her side. They had been lying beside her while she reorganized Arik’s office supplies. But now they stood up, watching intently.

  “What did you do my desk?” he demanded, his voice low and gravely.

  Sage smiled, sliding her hands over his chest. “Did I mention how heroic you looked when you busted through the door earlier?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Not that you needed my help.” He took her hand, grabbed the leashes, then nudged her towards the exit. “See you tomorrow,” he called to Simon, who was leading Jade out through another exit.

  “I needed your help,” she pointed out, wanting to reassure him.

  He didn’t comment. Instead, he led her to the parking lot, then lifted her into the passenger seat. He opened the back door and let Xena jump up, then reached down and, without even a sigh, put Minx into his pet harness. When everyone was strapped in, he started the engine and headed to his apartment.

  Once inside, he released the dogs, both of whom raced across the room to jump onto his leather sofa, sighing contentedly now that their humans were safe.

  Finally, Arik looked down at Sage with a look in his eyes that told her that he wasn’t in the mood for shenanigans. “I need you naked,” he snapped, pulling her into his arms and holding her tightly. But he didn’t d
o anything to make that happen. Sage understood. He needed a moment to stop thinking about this afternoon. She needed it too. It was still too fresh in her mind, the way Jade had hit the floor, the bruise on the side of her face. Thankfully, the doctor announced she didn’t have a concussion, but Sage still closed her eyes, trying hard not to think about the hit.

  “I need a beer,” he decided and turned toward the kitchen.

  “You’re out of beer,” Sage announced, then moved to scratch the dogs, checked that they both had food and water, then she quietly stripped off her clothes. “I need you, Arik.”

  Arik slammed the refrigerator door closed, staring intently at Sage. For a long moment, he simply stood there, looking at her. His eyes moved up and down, lingering in certain places as he took in everything. “You’re beautiful, Sage,” he growled.

  She smiled invitingly. That was all the invitation Arik needed. He pulled her into his arms and make love to her until they were breathless! It was one of those life affirming, spiritual, crazy and wonderful moments that they’d look back on and smile about in fifty or sixty years.

  For a long time after that, Sage slept and Arik held her in his arms. Around midnight, he pulled away, slipped quietly out of his bedroom and…

  Tripped over the sofa. “What the hell?” he muttered, then pursed his lips, not wanting to wake Sage. The dim glow of the moon warned him that his sofa was in the wrong place. Why the hell was his sofa moved against his bookcase?

  Minx and Xena woke up and followed him, their tails wagging happily. “You were amazing today,” he praised them, as they tried their best to lick every inch of his face. “Tomorrow, you two are getting the biggest bones I can find!”

  With both dogs trailing behind him, Arik opened the fridge and pulled out a can of beer but…oddly enough, it was empty. “What in the world?” He frowned at it for a long moment, confused. The top was still intact, but the can was obviously empty. Had the store sold him a bum beer?

  He grabbed another, but it was empty too. He was baffled. The top hadn’t been opened on this one either. Unfortunately, he wasn’t thinking clearly yet, still too freaked out about the events of the day. Seeing Sage in pain, knowing that he and Simon might have been too late, he just…he couldn’t get it out of his head.


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