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Awakening Page 15

by Hayden Pearton


  I am standing on a small hill, in a place I have never been. Farmland stretches across the horizon, from edge to edge, broken only by a large, rocky outcrop. A road, paved and gleaming, runs beside the hill, before curving away out of sight. A metal sign, erected by the roadside and covered in words, finally gives me my location.

  “Welcome to Creed! Where All Things Grow” the sign reads.

  Following the path, I make my way to the small farming town, already knowing what I will find. A flash of light blinds me, and I suddenly find myself in a different place.

  Here, men in white coats and black boots hurry busily to and fro, each seemingly more frantic than the last. Standing in the centre of the chaos is a man barking orders to his scurrying comrades. He has the air of a leader, and a face built for photo opportunities and press conferences.

  “Sam!” one of the men cries, hurrying up to his superior.

  “Yes?” replies the leader, in a well-practiced tone.

  “News from the search teams! Goat has found the source of the pollution readings, and he told me to tell you that we should scan the caves to the west for more pockets.”

  “Excellent! Now we can finally get down to business, and get rid of this pollution once and for all! If we can prove to the council that the containment field is a viable solution, then we might be able to convince them to start mass-production. In a few short years, we could have contained almost all of the pollution, before it causes any real damage! Tell Goat to recall the other search teams and have them converge on his location. In the meantime, I will have my assistant ready the containment field generator for transport, which I am sure he will do without incident. I want that containment field set up before nightfall, do you understand?”

  “Yes sir, I will relay your orders without delay.” The man quickly disappears, barking commands into a hand-held communicator. Sam Mendel returns to his office, calling for his intern as he walks. I follow him, knowing… dreading, what is to come.

  “You called for me, sir?” cries an unseen voice, from around a nearby corner. A moment later, a young man rounds the corner, his face obscured by a large stack of sealed files.

  “Yes, Simmons, I want you to go over the settings for the containment field generator. Check the power drain rate, the amplifier feedback inhibitor and the seals on the field stabilizers. And remember, one slip up could result in a catastrophe that you and you alone will be responsible for, alright?”

  Simmons meekly nods, although with his face hidden, it is to tell exactly how he feels. Smiling in anticipation of success, Sam excuses himself, no doubt already composing his victory speech in his mind.

  “But I don’t even know how to check the…” mumbles Simmons, as he continues walking towards his original destination…

  I am left alone, unable to intervene, unable to prevent the greatest mistake humanity has ever made. I can do nothing, but stand here and wait for the dream to end, hoping that I will not be forced to witness the carnage first hand…

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