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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

Page 8

by Nikki Brown

  I grabbed the helm of her tank top and pulled it over her head; she didn’t have on a bra. I took her nipple in between my thumb and forefinger and rolled it around until it was nice and hard, just like I liked them. A small moan escaped her lips, I broke the kiss and lowered my head to her nipple and took it into my mouth and licked and sucked until her head fell back. Then I switched to the other one and showed it just as much attention.

  “Ummm,” she moaned. That shit was sexy and had my shit on brick.

  I reached for the waist band of her shorts but her ass was to into what I was doing to her fucking titties to raise up so I could show her what else this tongue could do. I lightly bit down on her nipple, “Raise up.” I said with it still between my teeth. She lifted her hips so I could slide off her shorts. “That’s what I wanted to see.” I let go of her nipple and pushed her legs open. “Damn Jen.” I smirked.

  “I can’t help it.” She bit her bottom lip and smiled at me. Her pussy was so pretty, not a strand of hair in site and it wasn’t all worn looking and shit. You know when a bitch been through it and her shit just lay open, nah baby girl shit was snatched and I loved it.

  I attacked her lips again as I ran my thumb across her clit and down her center. She was wet as hell, I had to force myself not to just pull out and dive head first. I wanted to show her some things but her pussy was calling me something serious.

  “Got damn I missed you.” I said against her lips. “You gonna feed ya man?” I smirked and she nodded with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. I took her by her shoulder and pushed back until her back was flat against the island. I grabbed the stool and positioned myself right between her legs like I was really about to have a damn meal. I leaned down and licked from her opening to her clit, nice and slow.

  “Sssss shit.” Her legs shook with excitement and that made me excited.

  I twirled my tongue around her clit a few times and then sucked and she started moaning like crazy. After attacking her clit, I licked down to her center and moved my tongue in and out of her skillfully, slurping, sucking and licking. I replaced my tongue with two fingers and went back to my favorite place, her clit.

  “Oh dear God.” She cried out as I sucked on her clit and moved my fingers in the come here motion. “Shit Kayson you gonna make me cum.”

  “Umm hum.” Was all I could say in my current state. I continued to work my magic until she started to throw her pussy in my face. I knew she was on the verge of cumming, and I wanted to get everything I could out of her. I stood up and dove all the way in.

  “Oh oh yeah shit fuck baby I’m about to cum.” She moaned out loud as hell. “Uhhhhhh,” she moaned as she released into my mouth. I made sure to lick all of it up. Her little ass was spent but I didn’t care I was just getting started. “Oh my God baby.” She had her arms crossed over her eyes.

  “Don’t tap out on me.” I said and she peeked from under her arms, I could see the smirk that was plastered on her face. “I got so much more in store for you tonight.” I worked my way out of my ball shorts and tank. I stood there and admired her sexy ass naked body. I was a lucky muthafucka and I needed to make sure I didn’t fuck up.

  I put my dick at her opening and I could already tell it was gonna be a got damn struggle. I slid in nice and slow not wanting to hurt her. My thumb found her clit again to take her mind off any pain she may be feeling. She raised up and looked at me as if I was doing something wrong.

  “I ain’t no virgin baby.” She smirked and I rammed my dick in her and she cried out. “Ohhh shit.”

  “You shouldn’t have been talking shit.” I chuckled.

  “I forgot how big you were for a second.”

  “Clearly.” We both laughed and I looked into her eyes as I moved my hips in a circular motion to stretch her out a little. Once I was in comfortably I started making love to her. Long, slow strokes that were driving her ass crazy and me too.

  We stayed that way for about a half an hour before I came all inside her. I knew we didn’t use a condom and we probably needed to be more careful next time, but tonight I didn’t give a shit about any of that. I just wanted to make love to my woman and that’s what I did. After the round in the kitchen, I carried her upstairs where we fucked in every position possible. If I wasn’t sure before, this shit confirmed it, no doubt. Jenacia was my woman and there was nothing else left to be said about it.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I swear I hated that nasty ass hoe, she was just fucking disgusting. Sitting up there making demands and she fucking brothers. I wanted to tell Jaako so bad that he should just go ahead and do what the fuck he wanted to do because her hoe ass was. She knew not to challenge me. The only thing holding me back from blowing up her spot was the fact that I didn’t want to betray Denari, other than that everyone would have known what a slut she was.

  I was so pissed at Denari for even putting me in the situation, while he sat unbothered. His ass didn’t even give a fuck and I bet money on anything that he was still gone fuck her but just be more discreet about it. I wasn’t believing all that bullshit about that being the last time, if I knew my brother he would be banging her ass out later tonight.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Zemia’s sweet voice resonated through my E-Class Benz Coupe, for a second I was so lost in my thoughts that I had forgotten that I wasn’t alone.

  “Nothing to worry your pretty little head about.” I glanced at her and then back at the road. I had volunteered to take her home after the cookout so that I could get to know her better but here my thoughts were consumed by my brother and my other brother’s trifling ass bitch.

  “I can’t tell,” she chuckled. “Whatever it is, it’s got your face over there going through the motions.” I had to laugh because Ma always told me that I wear my expressions on my face. It didn’t matter what came out of my mouth but whatever I felt showed on my face.

  “Whatever man.” I laughed. I didn’t know what it was about her but I felt comfortable around her. I didn’t really trust people but with Zemia it was different and I hadn’t even known her long. I wouldn’t say she was the one and all that hoopla but she definitely had potential. I just needed to know more. “I’m not ready to go home yet, have a drink with me?”

  “You promise to be on your best behavior?” I could see her staring at me out of the corner of her eye.

  “Scouts honor.”

  “I don’t know you well Mr. Barnes but I can almost bet my life savings that you are far from a boy scout.”

  “You have no idea beautiful.”

  I turned on to Caswell Dr. and pulled up to this little nice spot that I frequent. A little Irish pub that sold some banging ass food. They had a nice ass outside bar and sitting area and I couldn’t think of a better place to take her to have a nice little convo.

  “What you know about Kennedy’s?” She said looking at me and smiling.

  “Shit this my spot, I come here to chill when I need to just chill and clear my head. It’s cool here and the women ain’t thirsty.” I chuckled. “So I can just relax and get my drink on.”

  “Maybe if you weren’t so damn cute you wouldn’t have to worry about all of that.”

  “Are you flirting with me missy.” I pointed my finger at her. “I only give one warning, do that shit at your own risk.”

  “Duly noted.” She laughed and opened her door.

  We walked in and I went straight outside to the patio. It was end of May so it was kinda warm out. The tiki torches were lit and soft music played, there was just enough people there to set the mood for a bar scene but not enough to overwhelm you. The waitress walked over to get our drink orders.

  “I’ll have a whisky sour please.” Zemia requested.

  “A what?” I snarled my nose at her. “What the hell is that shit?”

  “It’s good you should try it.” She smiled at me. “Make that two please.” She told the waitress and I mugged her beautiful ass.

  “How you know I’ma lik
e that shit? It sounds weird as fuck.” I wasn’t a person to try new things. I liked to stick to my regular, which was Crown straight, no chaser. All my brothers drank Crown but Denari’s ass was a gin drinker through and through.

  “If you don’t like it then I’ll drink it and that round will be my treat.”

  “Ahhh shit look at you, trying to boss up and shit. Deal.” Not that I would ever let her pay for anything while she was with me, that wasn’t even my style. Even though I dibbled and dabbled with quite a few different women, Ann Barnes taught me how to treat them when they were in my presence.

  The drinks came and I actually liked the whisky sour shit, for some reason I thought that it would be some sweet shit even though the name was whiskey sour. I guess she proved me wrong. We sat and made small talk until she brought up the tension at the house.

  “Now stop stalling and tell me what had your mind in a frenzy.”

  “You nosy as fuck yo.”

  “Duh, you’ll learn me.” She smiled and I swear that shit made my heart jump. Chill muthafucka we don’t do this shit, I coached myself. I had a feeling that she was asking from a genuine place, I just needed to decide just how much I was going to tell her.

  “Have you even been put in a position where no matter what you do you will be betraying someone you love?” Staring her in her eyes, I could tell that she was really thinking about what I asked her. For a second there, I thought I saw a glimmer of sadness.

  “To be honest, yes I have but I had to do the right thing so that I could sleep at night.” She gave me a half smile.

  “Care to elaborate.” She laughed. “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s just weird to hear you say that.”

  “What? Elaborate?” I furrowed my brows. “I’m a street nigga, not a dumb one.”

  “I wasn’t saying that, you just so hard and it was weird to hear you say it that’s all.” Shit I got something hard for you alright, I thought.

  “Hmmmhummm” I rolled my eyes in the top of my head mimicking a woman that thinks you’re lying.

  “Seriously.” She smiled then got serious. “I had to tell my mom that my dad was taking me with him to see his mistress when I was 12.”

  That shit shocked the shit out of me, hell I spit my drink out. What kind of man takes a 12-year-old out to meet another bitch? I wanna beat her daddy’s got damn ass and I don’t even know the man.

  “Yep.” She nodded her head. “Told me that she was just a friend and that they needed to talk about some stuff in the room. I didn’t know who the hell he thought he was talking to because I knew when I heard the moans and shit that they were doing more than talking.” She shook her head and I could still see the hurt in her eyes. “He made me promise not to ever tell my mother. Said that if I did I would be the reason that our family broke up. I held that secret in for about a year. It destroyed my little 12-year-old heart until I couldn’t take the guilt anymore. My mother was the sweetest woman in the world and didn’t deserve what he was doing to her. After talking with my grandmother about it she explained to me that what my dad was doing was wrong, she encouraged me to tell my mother and I did.”

  “Damn that’s some deep shit.”

  “Yeah but it honestly worked out for the best, the day I told my mom she went over there and caught them, left his cheating ass and found her a new man that loves her to death.” She smiled. “The only thing that sucked was that my dad was pissed at me for telling it and refused to have anything to do with me, I hadn’t seen him since the day he came and picked up his things.”

  “That’s some punk ass coward shit.”

  “At first I was sad about it, but my step dad is an amazing man. When him and my mom got married, my dad signed his rights over and Justin Femster adopted me and gave me and my mom the best life ever.”

  I sat there and looked at her as she tried to mask the hurt that her dad caused. Even though she had a good life there was nothing like the love of the parent that created you. I could relate with her right there. I love Ma and what she did for me and my brothers, I appreciated the life that she gave us but in the back of my mind I can’t help but to yearn for the love of my birth mother and even the bastard that killed her.

  “Our scars show where we’ve been, not where we’re going.” I said remembering that’s what Ma use to tell us when we first got with her. I remembered that and I even have it tatted on my calf.

  “I like that.”

  “Ma always use to tell us that when we would act out because of what happened to our birth mother.”

  “What happened?”

  “That’s some sad shit and I really ain’t trying to be crying and shit in front of you so if you don’t mind can we save that for another time?” I asked lowering my head into my hands trying to wash the thoughts away.

  I never understood how some people could just bury shit like that in their minds. I couldn’t, I thought about that shit at least once a day which is one of the reasons I stayed either high or drunk.

  “Of course,” she reached out and touched my hand and the electricity that flowed through that one touch caused me to shiver. She laughed. “I seem to have that effect on guys.” I looked up and she was pretending to be checking out her nails. I threw her a bird and we laughed.

  We got to know each other a little better, she told me that she had a little brother that had been getting into some trouble, and he was in juvie now but was soon to get out. The way she talked about him let me know that she loved him like I loved my brothers. The more she talked the more I was starting to feel her and that shit was scaring me. I was telling her shit that no one knew, hell not even my brothers.

  We talked about our exes, well her punk ass ex and my situationships. She thought that it was funny that I called them that but that’s all I knew. They damn sure wasn’t no relationships, hell I hated all them broads. I was just around for the fuck.

  She didn’t judge how I lived my life. The one thing that I didn’t do was lie, I hated to lie which was why this shit with Denari was fucking me up so bad. I told Zemia what I was about and that it wouldn’t change until I found someone that could change that. She told me that she understood and that she was working on her career and wasn’t looking for anything serious, just a friend. I was gonna rock with that but something was telling me that it wouldn’t last long, the attraction was there no doubt.

  Our conversation just flowed; it was like talking to a friend that I’ve known for years. Hell, we were so into our conversation that I didn’t even notice that someone had joined us at the table. I looked up at the chick and tried to remember if I knew her or not and nothing rang a bell. She wasn’t my type anyway. She was super skinny and was dark skin with crossed eyes. I wasn’t a superficial nigga or nothing like that but I did care about what I stuck my dick in.

  “Can we help you?” Zemia asked with a questioning look on her face.

  “You can’t.” The cross eyed girl rolled her eyes. “Well hello Omari.”

  “Hey?” I questioned. The bitch knew my name so now I was really confused. I swear I didn’t know her and there was no way that anyone was going to tell me that I did.

  “How have you been? Long time no hear or see.” She looked in my direction but her eyes were crossed so I couldn’t tell if she was looking at me or not.

  “I know you?”

  “Really Omari, yes you know me.” She raised her voice which was the wrong answer because I didn’t like scenes. “You know all of me and quite well I might add.”

  My facial expression had to be on ten because I was shocked as hell, I always remember who the fuck I slept with.

  “I fucked you?” I put my hand over my mouth.

  “Yes you did.” She put her glasses that I didn’t notice were in her hand until that moment on and put her hands on her hips. “Better?”

  Hell no that shit wasn’t better. “You sure I fucked you?”

  “YES! Omari!”

  “Nah, I’ma need some receipts cause I don’t b
elieve that shit. You got me fucked up this some kind of fucking joke, where the fuck my brothers at I’m getting punked.”

  “Really?” She snatched her glassed back off. “So you one of them niggas huh? Wanna hit it and then pretend I ain’t shit.” She yelled quite loud and she was starting to piss me the fuck off and I was trying my best to keep my cool.

  “First off calm the fuck down because I ain’t disrespect—”

  “YOU ARE DISRESPECTING ME, I THOUGHT WE WERE GONNA HAVE SOMETHING!” She went off on this tangent and I just kinda looked at her like she was crazy. The antics were drawing a little crowd and I had to take a few deep breaths. I looked over at Zemia and mouthed the words sorry, she had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing but she got it together enough to tell me that it was okay. “YOU ONLY DOING THIS BECAUSE OF THAT BITCH!” That was it, she had just went too far. I slammed my hands down on the table.

  “You looka here you cock eyed bitch, I don’t remember fucking you and that’s all there is to it and if I did I was drunk out of my fucking mind. I would never touch yo’ ugly ass knowingly. Now you got one of two choices, you can stay here and keep pissing me off and end up floating in Lake Norman or you can keep it pushing and go on about your business. Your choice and you got about a second to make up your mind.”

  “Tuh!” She said before she turned on her heels and left. I just so happened to look down at her feet and I could see the dead skin flying off the back. What kind of shit is that?

  “So Omari,” Zemia said holding in her laughter. “The least you can do is take yo’ situationships to get a damn pedicure.” She busted out laughing and caused the table over from ours to laugh too.

  “Ha fucking ha.”

  I shook my head still trying to wreck my brain, is there any way that I could have slept with—oh shit. I put my hand over my mouth. That’s the bitch that Denari brought with him in the trap with ol’ girl he was fucking from the Ford. I was fucked up and laying across the couch that night, hell I thought I was sleep when I noticed the bitch sucking the meat off my shit. I never looked at her because after that I bent her ass over the coffee table, strapped up and fucked the shit out of here and then went upstairs and passed the fuck out. I woke up by my got damn self so I thought that shit was a dream.


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