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Bullies Love and Lies

Page 4

by liberty freer

  I can’t believe he saw me bust my ass. “I was, but not now,” I say, gesturing to the exit. “I think I’m gonna go.”

  He eyes me curiously for a minute before shaking his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. No, you need to eat.” He grins. “Would it make you feel better if I fell too?”

  I laugh lightly. “You’d purposely fall?”

  He shrugs. “If it would help.”

  Noticing eyes on us as we stand at the center of the food court, I point to the least busy restaurant in the corner. “Over there.” I don’t wait for him to agree before I’m heading in that direction.

  I dump my bags onto a table in the corner, and this hottie who has my stomach doing flips sets down the bags he picked up for me.

  “Thank you for bags… I mean helping with the bags,” I say, trying to smile, but I’m sure it looks forced. “I’m Emma.” I give an awkward wave and then quickly clench my hand at my side. I’m such an idiot.

  “I’m Sully.” He chuckles. “How about you sit and relax while I grab food?”

  I nod quickly. “That sounds great.” Go away so I can collect myself, I think.

  “Okay, Emma. I’ll be right back.” He gives me an award-winning smile.

  Sitting down at a table next to the bags, I watch Sully as he walks over to the restaurant and begins talking to the guy behind the counter. I look down at my clothes and deflate. I forgot I look like complete shit. I did tie the baggy black shirt at the side, so it doesn’t hang to my knees now, but my jeans are tattered and stained.

  I notice a few women staring at Sully. He looks at me over his shoulder and winks. Feeling my cheeks turning red, I quickly avert my eyes, but I saw the chick a few tables over frown at me. She’s probably wondering what he sees in me. I’m a freaking mess: inside and out.

  I pick at my unpainted nails until Sully comes back with two trays overflowing with food.

  He takes the seat across from mine, pushing a tray in front of me. “I’m starving, and I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a little bit of everything.” He picks up a crispy donut-looking thing. “The egg rolls here are the best.”

  I laugh, staring at enough food to feed several people. “Looks like your mouth is big.” I frown. “I mean your stomach is bigger than your mouth.” I roll my eyes. “However that saying goes. Something on you is bigger than it should be.” I sink into my seat, wanting to disappear.

  Sully throws his head back, laughing. “That was great.” He winks. “And I think I’m perfectly sized.”

  My face flames with heat. I don’t think he’s talking about his stomach, and now I’m thinking about the size of his dick. I grab an egg roll, inspecting it before taking a bite.

  “You don’t like it?” Sully asks.

  I look up, not realizing he was watching me. I quickly chew and swallow the piece in my mouth. “I like it. I just thought it would have eggs in it.”

  Sully laughs, leaning forward. “You’ve never had an egg roll?”

  “No. I don’t think there are restaurants like this back home. It’s pretty much burgers or pizza.”

  His mouth drops open. “You’ve never had Chinese food?”

  I shake my head, not understanding why he’s so surprised.

  He pushes a plate of rice toward me. “You’ve gotta try this. Fried rice is fucking amazing. It should be a part of the food pyramid.”

  I laugh as I scoop some rice into my mouth with the plastic spoon. “Whoa, I didn’t know rice could taste like this.” I scoop another bite into my mouth. “This is amazing.”

  Sully grins. “Told you. Now you’re gonna be hooked.”

  He wraps his large hand around his water glass and brings it to his lips. He sets the glass back down, his perfectly shaped lips glistening from the water. Lust fills my head as his tongue licks the moisture away. I watch his mouth move lazily and then pull up at the sides, forming a gorgeous smile around straight white teeth.

  I blink back to reality. “What? Did you say something?”

  He laughs. “Yeah I… You said you just moved here?”

  “Yeah, from K— Ohio. What about you? Are you from here?”

  “Born and raised. I graduated high school last year.”

  I nod. “That’s cool. College?”

  “Part-time. My friend and I have a lawn care business. I just finished a meeting with a potential client.”

  My gaze shifts to the door as two men in motorcycle gear walk in. My heart stops beating, and a cold sweat breaks out over my skin. I’m about to leave my bags and run when a woman sporting a baby on her hip walks over to the men. The biggest biker takes the little boy from the woman to kiss him on his chubby cheek. The baby laughs and pulls the man’s sunglasses from his face.

  “You okay? Emma…”

  I suck air into my lungs. I focus on Sully as dread washes over me. What if Sully’s here to lure me away? Jeff could have seen me get into Arden’s car. He could have followed us or used his connections to find me.

  Jeff’s in one of the biggest motorcycle gangs; he has friends everywhere. I glance around the food court. Coming alone wasn’t a good idea. Trying to force air into my lungs, I rub at the ache in my chest.

  “Shit, bend your head.” Sully walks around the table to sit in the chair next to mine. I don’t fight him as he places his hand on the back of my neck, gently lowering my head. “Take deep breaths.” His hand rubs up and down my back. “You’re all right. You’re at the mall having lunch,” he murmurs in my ear as I gasp for air.

  He continues whispering reassuring things to me while I fight to catch my breath. Soon, the lightheadedness subsides, and I flush with embarrassment. Brushing hair away from my face, I raise my head. “How’d you know that would help?”

  “You lost color, looked like you were about to pass out. You needed to restore the blood flow to your brain. I’ve had a few panic attacks.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal.

  I frown, wondering what this put-together boy has to panic over.

  “You feel better?” He pushes my water closer to me.

  I let out a breath. “Everything in my life is so messed up right now.” I gulp down a mouthful of water. “Everything is new… I’m not coping well, obviously.” I laugh. “I feel better, though. I bet you’re wishing you wouldn’t have stopped to help me. You’re free to bail. I promise I won’t judge you.”

  “Not a chance.” He takes a bite of rice and winks.

  I smile and shake my head. “I’m not normally like this.”

  “That’s good to hear. I hate the idea of you falling and having panic attacks everywhere you go.”

  I laugh. “I don’t think I’ve ever fallen in public, and I’m hoping not to do it again.”

  “Maybe next time I’ll be there to catch you.” His smile is huge and infectious.

  That was the cheesiest line ever, but he somehow pulls it off. “Maybe,” I say with a smile.

  He takes a sip of water. “So, why’d you move here?”

  I look down at my lap and murmur, “Events that were out of my control.”

  “I can relate to that,” Sully says.

  I look up. “Yeah?”

  He nods, leaning closer. “Yep. Don’t stay sad forever. I’m living proof that things change for the better. I have a good feeling about you.”

  “Thanks, Sully.” The initial nervousness I felt is subsiding tremendously.

  We finish eating, Sully packing most of it away.

  “Don’t read it,” Sully says, grinning playfully as I open my fortune cookie. “We can read our fortunes for the first time out loud. It’s sorta a thing I like to do.”

  I giggle, thinking it’s a bit weird, but I’ll play along. “You first.”

  Wagging his brows, he holds up the small slip of paper. “Love isn’t something that can be searched for. Love always finds you.”

  Our eyes lock and I blush, like the fortune is about me, which it isn’t. Quickly dropping my gaze, I pull the small piece of paper out
from my cookie. “The one you love is closer than you think.”

  “We both got love fortunes. I think the universe is trying to tell us something,” Sully teases.

  “There you are,” a guy stopping next to our table says.

  The tone of the stranger’s voice makes him sound worried, but when I look up, he’s smiling. I giggle. “That was fast.”

  Sully grins. “I don’t think my fortune was referring to him. This is Gary, and I was supposed to meet him thirty minutes ago for burgers.” He looks up at Gary. “I got distracted.”

  Gary laughs. “I can see that.” He smiles at me. “Nice to meet you…”

  I smile. “Emma, the distraction.” Gary looks to be in his late twenties. His jeans are torn, and his black tee is faded like it’s been washed a thousand times.

  “Since you’ve already eaten, want to grab coffee instead?” Gary asks Sully. “I’ve got work in an hour.”

  “Shit, sorry,” Sully says. “I forgot you were pulling some weekends this month.” Sully turns to me. “I’m sorry—”

  I smile. “It’s okay. Thank you again for helping me with my bags, buying lunch, and that other thing.” I say the last part quietly and blush.

  “Let me give you my number. I can show you around town,” Sully says.

  My eyes widen. He wants to see me again? I fight a smile, thinking maybe he feels the chemistry between us too. “I don’t… I left my phone in the car. Do you have a pen?”

  Gary hands Sully a pen. “Here ya go, man.”

  Sully scribbles his number onto a napkin and then slides it over to me. “Text me.”

  I nod, and then they’re walking away. Excited energy wiggles up my spine at the thought of seeing Sully again. I finish eating my fortune cookie before carrying all the bags out to the car. Things might be looking up.

  Chapter 6

  It takes me four trips to carry everything up to my room. I’m sitting on the edge of my bed, staring at the phone in my hand. I programmed Sully’s number into it as soon as I got back here, and I’ve typed and erased several messages. I type out yet another message, but this time, I hit send. I squeak as my phone vibrates a second later.

  Sully: Hey, Emma. Glad you texted me. How’s it going?

  Me: It’s going good.

  I cringe. I have no idea what I’m doing. It’s going good? That’s all I could come up with?

  There’s a knock at the door before it’s pushed open. I jump up from the bed, dropping my phone to the floor.

  “Hello, baby sister.” Ryan peers into my room. “What’d you do today?”

  “I got some clothes and things I needed.” I shift uncomfortably, not liking the angry look that crosses his face.

  “Did your new daddy give you his card to go shopping? Is he already spoiling the pretty girl?”

  I narrow my eyes. “Arden let me buy some clothes. I didn’t have anything.”

  “And why is that?” He steps further into the room. “Why didn’t you bring your things with you?”

  I swallow. “Ryan, I don’t know what you think, but I’m not planning on letting Arden pay my way forever. I just…” I blow out a breath. I haven’t rehearsed my conversation with him yet.

  Ryan smiles. “I’m just messing with you, Emma.” He laughs. “I didn’t really think you were trying to use my dad.”

  I smile hesitantly. “Really? Good, cause I’m not. I was going to talk to you about it.”

  He runs his hand over the comforter at the end of the bed. “I think you’re stunningly beautiful. I’m sure you’d much rather get into bed with me.”

  I eye him warily. Is this another one of Ryan’s jokes? I can’t read him.

  “You think I’m attractive, right?” Ryan asks, stepping closer and invading my space.

  I step back. “What?”

  Brent walks in, shutting and locking the door. I stiffen as Ryan slips his hand around my waist.

  “I know you want to kiss me,” Ryan whispers. I try shoving him away, but he yanks me against him. “Don’t act like you don’t want this. You’re a whore. You’d be lucky to have me. I’m sure you’re used to fucking and sucking wrinkly old men.” Ryan tilts his head to the side, his lips thinned and pressed tightly together. “Wrap your arms around me.” He presses something cold to my throat. “Do it, Emma.”

  I wrap both arms around his waist and will myself not to cry. I think he has a knife. His lips crash down on mine, causing me to cry out in pain. The coppery tang of blood coats my mouth.

  There’s a white flash, and then Brent says, “Got it.”

  Ryan pulls away at Brent’s words. I press my finger to my lip to stop the sting.

  Ryan wipes his mouth and sneers at me. “My dad isn’t going to like that you’re trying to seduce me.”

  My mouth drops open. “What?” If he only knew how freaking stupid he sounds. I’m… Well, whatever the opposite of seduction is, I’m that.

  “I’ve got the evidence right here,” Brent says, wagging his phone back and forth.

  “Leave and we won’t show him,” Ryan says.

  “Are you serious? I don’t have anywhere to go,” I say, wide-eyed.

  “I’ll give you a couple days to make arrangements.” His hand darts out to grab a fistful of my hair. “You should get on your knees since I’m being generous and not forcing you to leave now.”

  I whimper as he tightens his hold and forces me down so that I’m kneeling. I wince as his free hand grips my chin, tilting my head back as far as it will go. He looms over me with brown, almost black lifeless eyes. In the dim lighting, his cheekbones cast shadows on the sides of his face. He looks like a monster.

  “Look at you, playing the victim so well.” He scoffs. “You even look innocent on your knees.”

  My eyebrows draw together. I’ve been a thief, a liar, and witnessed things that these rich assholes have only seen in movies. I’m not innocent, nor have I claimed to be. “I never—”

  Ryan’s face morphs into a mask of rage. “Shut up! I didn’t say you could speak.”

  The hand in my hair flings me back with such force that it feels like my scalp has been ripped. My head smacks the nightstand. Tears spring to my eyes. I press my hand to the back of my head while looking up at him in horror.

  “Ryan!” Brent barks his name.

  Ryan’s eyes widen, and his mouth hangs open. He steps forward like he’s going to help me up, but then takes several steps back, his face cold again. “You have two days.”

  I watch him walk out of the room. I don’t think he meant for me to hit my head, but he’s still twisted for everything else.

  “Shit.” Brent runs a hand through his hair. “There’s pain medicine in the bathroom and ice packs in the freezer.”

  “I’m fine,” I say automatically. I just want him to go away so I can be alone. Brent nods, and then I get my wish. I pull my hand away, not seeing blood, but it hurts like a bitch and a headache’s forming.

  I close and lock my bedroom door, hoping it can protect me from Arden’s monsters. Ryan is a psychopath. I need to figure something out. If I can get a job, I can get an apartment. It’s going to take more than two days to make that happen. I need more time. I scoop my vibrating phone off the floor.

  Sully: Good. I take it you were able to abstain from falling in public again?

  Sully: Joking, of course. Still down for me to show you around? Tomorrow afternoon?

  I stare at the message, unsure of what to do. Adding anything else to my life seems like a bad idea, but if I don’t go, I’ll be stuck here tomorrow. Fuck it.

  Me: Tomorrow afternoon sounds good.

  Sully: Message me your address and I’ll pick you up.

  I chew on my bottom lip. Arden might not like me giving out his address. I don’t think I like the idea either.

  Me: Is it okay if we meet at a public place?

  Sully: I’ll think of a place to meet and text you an address.

  I groan at the knock on my door. I wait a few seconds,
hoping whoever it is will go away.

  “Emma, it’s Arden. Can I come in?”

  I don’t hesitate to open the door for him. “Hey, Arden. What’s up?”

  “Just got in from work and wanted to let you know that dinner’s at six. And, I got you this.” He lifts his arms, holding out a laptop. “You’ll need it for school.”

  I take the lightweight computer, feeling uncomfortable that he’s spending so much money on me. “Thank you. I’m sure I could use the library computer, though.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I got a great deal, and I’ve already set it up for you.” Arden steps further into my room. “Did you get school supplies today?”

  I deflate. School seems like the worst idea. I pull the credit card Arden lent me from my purse and hand it to him. “I did, but I don’t know if I should go,” I mumble.

  Arden’s face falls. “Emma, you’re a senior. You can’t miss your senior year. Plus, Ryan and Brent are excited for you to start.”

  My forehead wrinkles. “They are?”

  “Of course they are. I know it’ll take you all a little while to warm up to each other, but you will if you give things a chance. I promise.”

  I don’t even know what to say. Arden is so... wrong. He has no idea what’s going on, and I doubt I could convince him otherwise. Would I even want to try? Seeing how happy he is about me going to school with his kids is depressing. I don’t want to be the one to disappoint him.

  “I’ll try,” is all I can say even though there's a good chance I’ll bail.

  Arden’s face lights up. “Good. You’ll see things will get back to normal for you. I’ll be in my office downstairs if you need anything before dinner, okay?”

  “Thanks, Arden. Do you need help with dinner?”

  He swats the air with his hand. “We’ve got a chef. Mary makes dinner six nights a week for us.”

  “Oh, okay. See you at dinner, then.”

  Feeling hopeless, I stare at the empty doorway after Arden leaves. Brent and Ryan are going to be a problem, and I have no idea what to do about it. Avoidance seems highly unlikely since we live in the same damn house.


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