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Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection

Page 35

by Jamie Knight

  She gets down on her knees on the kitchen floor and I shove my cock down her mouth. She eagerly gulps it up, letting me put it all the way down her throat.

  “Mmmm,” she moans, as she deepthroats me like a champ. Her mouth is as full as it possibly can be with my dick jammed into it.

  I take my cock out and rub its head against her lips. She sucks on it while wrapping her hand around my shaft and moving it up and down. Her lips feel amazing as they work on the tip of my cock.

  I’m so close to cumming, I can’t stand it. So I pull back and take my cock in my own hands. I rub it all over her face, the pre-cum making her sticky, and then I say, “Now stand back up like you were so I can see that hot pussy of yours and shove my cock in it.”

  She does as I say, holding her ass and pussy up for me. I rub the head of my cock against the opening of her pussy hole, loving how wet she is for me and how our juices mix together.

  “Like this?” she asks, looking back at me with a sexy look on her face. “Is this what you want?”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  Before she can say another word, I slide my cock into her warm pussy. It feels so good without a condom on. Usually, we still abide by wearing condoms but sometimes, like today, I just can’t help myself and I want to fuck her bareback so I can feel the inner walls of her pussy up against my naked cock. In these cases, I take my cock out before I cum, and cum on her instead of in her.

  I still can’t believe I got to take her virginity. And that it always feels just as good as that very first time, when I shove my cock into her pussy and fuck her. Now, I grab hold of her ass cheeks and hold them tight while I plunge my cock in and out of her.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she moans. “That feels so good.”

  “My dirty, bad little girl loves to get fucked on my table. Spread those legs for me wide, so I can fit all the way into your tight little pussy and stretch it out like it belongs to me, because it does.”

  I spank her ass while she does as I command, until her legs are wide enough apart for my liking. I like to see her pussy and ass stretched wide for me. I stick a finger into her ass hole while I continue to fuck her.

  “You’re going to make me cum,” I tell her, while she moans that she’s cumming again, too.

  Right in the nick of time, I take my cock out of her and shoot my load all over her back and her ass cheeks. I’m panting and groaning, and calling out her name. “Mariah. This feels amazing. Mariah.”

  I put her t-shirt on the chair and then I sit down on it, pulling her into my lap. She collapses on top of me, too out of breath to speak.

  “That was so good,” I tell her, nibbling her neck. “I love coming home to this.”

  “I love it too,” she says. “It’s a shame we can’t…”

  She trails off, but I know what she is getting at. “Make it real?” I guess.

  “Yeah,” she answers, cuddling her head into my chest. “But I know it has to remain a secret.”

  I’m a bit disappointed that she’s still saying that. We’ve talked about it before but continually agree it’s best to keep our relationship secret. I know all the reasons for it, but it’s like we have to rehash them to remind ourselves. And I find myself wishing it could change.

  “I’ll definitely get in trouble with my partners at work for hooking up with a subordinate,” I say out loud, as if reminding myself of the reasons. “The board might even oust me, for conduct unbecoming, which could be too risky for shareholders.”

  “Yeah, and Kristy has accused me of sleeping my way to the top from day one,” Mariah says. “She’d probably love to get wind of the fact that we’ve been together this whole time.”

  “That’s a whole other can of worms,” I agree. “The other employees might sue for hostile work environment, assuming that I hired an promoted you because I’m fucking you. Even though that wasn’t the case at all at first, little will that matter if the truth comes out.”

  “Yeah, when it comes to jealous people wanting money from the company, you can never be too careful,” she says, as if to let me know she understands.

  “I know you have your career to think about, too,” I tell her. “You’re such a rising star, and you don’t want anything to smear your name.”


  She’s quiet and she sighs, as if there’s more she wants to say to me, but decides against it. I can’t help but feel as if she’s sometimes holding back on me. There’s more to her than she wants to let me in on, and I don’t know why.

  I keep telling myself that I’m imagining it, or that when the time is right, she’ll tell me. But then, during times like this, I start to think she is just a closed off person, and that this might be as open as she’s able to get to any other human being. It sounds like her dad has always put a lot of pressure on her and hasn’t treated her very well, and I can relate to that. I guess I just have to support her, and respect her decision not to tell me every little thought in her head.

  “Well, we’ll just keep it between us,” I say finally, trying to look on the bright side. “After all, it’s kind of fun to have a forbidden office affair.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” she asks, flashing me a smile that reminds me that everything is okay, as long as I have her.

  Chapter 32 - Mariah

  “Congratulations,” Matthews says, coming up to me and giving me a hug. Several other people from the office are also giving me their congrats, for closing on the paperwork and finalizing the sale of Wesley’s house.

  I still can’t believe I did it, so fast and so well. My dad would be impressed – but I try not to think about him right now.

  It’s a whole party, with cake and alcohol and other refreshments. They’ve even set up some decorations, jut for me, and I’m touched.

  “Congrats,” Kristy says, but in a sarcastic way, as she raises her eyebrows over at Wesley and comes over to a table where they’ve set up a cake for me.

  She’s always hinting that I’m with him or that I want to be – she just doesn’t know how right she is, and I hope it stays that way. She sniffs her nose at the cake, but doesn’t take a piece. I think about jokingly asking her if her strict diet allows for her to have one bite, since it is carrot cake, after all, and carrots are the one thing I’ve ever seen her eat.

  I decide not to rile her up with any jokes, though. She’s jealous that I was able to sell the house, and I guess I can’t blame her. She’s still working the reception desk phones and subjected to gross jokes from some of the realtors. Meanwhile, I’m living the dream, selling a house for over a million and a half dollars.

  It’s not like it’s my fault – I would hire Kristy if I was in charge, because I think she does a good job and has a lot of gumption. But I’m not in charge, and they haven’t promoted her, so she hates me for it, instead of the Powers That Be.

  I don’t really have time to think about any of that, though. I’m busy trying to avoid the flirtatious eyes that Wesley is giving me. If he’s not careful, then soon our cover will be blown. And there is so much on my mind right now that I don’t know if I can deal with any more stress.

  Sometimes I feel like Wesley wants us to get caught. I too fantasize about what it would be like to have a normal, out in the open relationship with Wesley, but I can’t help but think of the real world consequences and how it could end up biting us in the ass.

  I’ve been grateful for Wesley for providing me with a place to live, and paying all my bills for me. He says it’s just temporary, until I sell the house, and then I’ll be more than capable of standing on my own two feet, although he wants me to keep living with him – and I want that, too.

  He has no idea what sort of dilemma my success in selling the house poses for me, though. I still haven’t told him my real reason for wanting to do it in the first place – or who my father is. Not only that, but I haven’t found the courage to ask him or anyone in HR to change the name on my paychecks, so I have no idea how I’m going t
o cash them, let alone this big commission check that’s about to be coming my way for selling this house.

  I’ve been living on my meager checks and tips from the diner, as well as Wesley’s cash and credit cards. He hasn’t seemed to mind – he has plenty to spare – but there’s the little problem of how I’ll ever get to this money that I’ve legitimately earned on my own, without telling him I’ve been keeping this huge secret from him this whole time.

  Shit. Shit, shit, shit. How in the world did I end up in this situation? By not telling the truth, that’s how. And now, I don’t know how to fix it.

  I’m tired of lying to him and I just want to come out with the whole entire truth even though I’m worried about how he’ll react. Suddenly, I feel like I’m about to hurl the piece of celebratory cake I just ate, all over everyone in the world.

  What in the world? Maybe there’s something bad about the cake. But no one else looks sick. Maybe I’m getting a stomach bug.

  “Excuse me…” I say to Kristy, as I hurry off to the bathroom.

  I barely make it to the toilet before I’m throwing up all over the place. I’m not the throwing up type, even when I have a stomach bug. But now, I can’t seem to stop hurling. Something is definitely out of the ordinary.

  I think about the date, and start counting backwards in my head. When is the last time I had my period?


  I haven’t had it since I met Wesley. And we haven’t exactly been super careful. Sure, during the few times he didn’t use a condom, he pulled out, but I know from health class that it isn’t a surefire method. I used to think they were just trying to scare us when they said that.

  But now, as my stomach churns even more, I begin to realize that I might have another secret I’ve been accidentally keeping from Wesley. And it’s because I didn’t even know, myself.

  * * *

  I hurry out of the bathroom, hoping I can sneak out of the office without anyone seeing me. I need to go take a pregnancy test, pronto. But, I’m out of luck, because people are gathered in the lobby and see me.

  “Oh, there you are, Mariah,” Kristy says, with fake concern in her voice. “Are you okay? You disappeared on us.”

  The look on her face says she’d only be too happy if I got sick or died. I’m in the middle of thinking how to answer her when Wesley comes up, carrying two champagne flutes.

  “I’ve been waiting for the guest of honor,” he says, with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Shhhh, my own eyes implore him. They’re going to know we’re together if you keep doing things like this.

  “Here you go,” he says, handing me one of the glasses. “Cheers. To your big sale!”

  I look at the clear liquid, knowing I shouldn’t drink it. Plus, my stomach feels queasy at just the thought of it. I have to make up some excuse and get out of here, quickly.

  “Thank you, Mr. Drive,” I tell him, doing my best to sound professional. “But I have to leave.”

  “Leave?” he asks, looking confused. “The office is throwing you this party…”

  “I know,” I tell him, regretfully. “And I’m very thankful. But I’m not feeling very well. I think I ate something bad, and… I also have to go get ready for the closing that’s coming up.”

  “Oh, Mariah,” he says, waving a hand dismissively. “I know you’re a hard worker and we appreciate that, but you’ve worked hard enough on this deal, and certainly deserve a little relaxation and celebration before jumping right into the closing. That can wait…”

  But I’m already headed out the door, trying to tell everyone else goodbye and thank you on my way. I can tell from the look on everyone’s faces that they’re confused, but I’m propelled by a strange momentum to leave the office and try to figure out what I’m going to do to try to straighten out my convoluted personal life as soon as possible.

  Chapter 33 - Mariah

  I’m at Wesley’s house, and I have to hurry, because I don’t want him coming here and trying to ask me a bunch of questions. I need time and space to clear my head. I have a few days before the closing, and I’ve decided to put in a request for personal time at work. I’m still working at the diner, but nothing too stressful is going on there.

  I haven’t let Sterling down again by forgetting about any of my shifts, and I don’t plan to. But as soon as I get my big commission check from selling Wesley’s house – if I can get it – I’ll need to break the news to Sterling that I’ll have no more use for the diner job.

  My plan, of course, was to go inherit my dad’s company once I sell the house and get the check. But now, I’m not so sure I want to do that. I’ve enjoyed standing on my own two feet, and working with Wesley. I have a feeling that he’d cut me into his own company eventually, and I could have my wildest dreams come true, without having to rely on my father for any of it.

  Still, it isn’t the same as being CEO of a whole company, like I had been planning to be my whole life when my dad retired. Old dreams die hard. And there’s the little problem of Wesley and me carrying on a secret relationship that no one at the firm knows about, and which could spell big trouble if they find out.

  And there’s also the very big problem I’m beginning to suspect is happening inside of me. On that note, I pull out the pregnancy test I’d stopped at Walgreen’s and bought on my way here. I’d been wondering if I could even find it within myself to use it. It’s now or never, I decide. I better have all the facts before me when I’m trying to figure out what to do about the crazy mess I’ve gotten myself into.

  I go into the bathroom and pee on the stick. As I wait to see the results, I cross my fingers that they’ll be negative. It doesn’t take long, however, for a big fat “plus” sign to show up on the digital stick.

  Well, great.

  I went and got myself knocked up. By my boss. And my father’s biggest rival, who doesn’t even know who I am.

  I start to feel like the stupidest person on the planet. I have no idea how I’m going to make all of this okay again. I just know I can’t tell Wesley. Can I?

  Wesley’s dog Carrie comes to greet me, and I bend over to rub her head, in between her ears where I know she likes to be scratched. She whines a bit, as if to urge me to tell Wesley so we can all live happily ever after.

  “I love you, Carrie-Dog,” I tell her. “And, even though I’m too scared to admit it to anyone but you, I love Wesley, too. But this isn’t a movie. Things don’t work out the way our hearts want them to.”

  I remind myself that Wesley and I had just recently talked again about how we need to keep our relationship secret. How it could ruin both of us at work, and ruin the company he’s built. Bringing a baby into the equation would just make all of that even worse.

  I can’t help feeling a bit attached to the pregnancy, though. It’s hard to believe that he and I created something so small yet so powerful. I know I’m an independent woman and can do this on my own, if I have to. The money I’m getting in will be more than enough to provide for the baby and me for a while. And I’ll have done what my father wanted – selling a million dollar house – so he’ll have to give me the company, and then I really will be set.

  I just don’t want to destroy Wesley’s life or company in the process. I’ll have to keep it secret and just let him know that it isn’t working out – for his sake, even though he won’t know that, and it sucks that he’ll be hurt. I can’t help thinking about the look in his eyes when he sees me. The way he wraps his strong, protective arms around me and brings my head in to lay on his toned, tatted chest…

  Stop it, I tell myself. This isn’t a fucking fairy tale. You and your Prince Charming are not going to ride off into the sunset. This is real life, and you have to face it. Put your big girl panties on and do what you know is right for Wesley logically, even if in your heart you wish things could turn out differently.

  I gather up my clothes and throw them into my suitcase. I pat Carrie on the head one last time and tell her go
odbye, hoping she won’t judge me. And that she’ll know I miss her, almost as much as I’ll miss Wesley.

  I decide to go to another motel for a few days until the closing of the sale. At that point, I’ll just have to go back to the office and let Wesley know I’m quitting, and tell HR that I need the last name of the checks changed. I’ll tell the HR person it was due to a divorce or something, and hope they won’t figure out that my last name is the same as that of the biggest realtor in the city – or that they’ll think the connection is through marriage, not blood.

  It’s the best plan I can come up, and I don’t know why I didn’t come up with it sooner. I suppose because I was thinking I was “in love” and wanting it all to turn out very differently. But, this is real life and it’s time to face the music… and the fact that I’m about to be a single parent.

  Chapter 34 - Wesley

  It’s been three days, and I haven’t heard a word from Mariah. She asked off to HR for some personal time, which would be fine since she’s been working so hard and I know she said she wasn’t feeling well at the house selling celebration the company threw for her. But she left my house, with her stuff, and I have no idea where she went.

  I now realize how little I know about her. I know she said she had gotten into a fight with her father and left home. I doubt she would go back home, but even if she did, I have no idea where that is. I’ve searched her name on Google and Facebook and no one matching her description or life comes up. It’s as if she’s a ghost, gone from my life without a word.

  But she’ll have to come back for the closing, right? She wouldn’t have put all that time and effort into selling the house, just to have the deal fall through or not get the commission for it?


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