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Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection

Page 88

by Jamie Knight

  The three of us anxiously stared around the room, waiting for the fourth member of our little group. Jinx was late. Jinx was always late, that wasn’t the problem, the problem was the question of why Jinx was late this time. Carl “Jinx” Willcox was the copywriter of our little firm. He had a way with words that no one else did. Unfortunately, he also had a way with money and booze, harmful ways. The son of a casino owner, Jinx was a gamboling addict from a young age—a problem he often dealt with by drinking excessively. Beau had given him too much rope, often forgiving his late morning and dark glasses, but I worried that the new guy wouldn’t be so lenient.

  As the second hand on the wall clock ticked away, I started to reach for my phone, determined to rouse Jinx from whatever stupor he was in. Coop grabbed my hand, holding me off as the door opened, and Jinx walked in with coffees for us all. He was bright-eyed and dressed in a decent matter.

  The three of us at the table took a deep breath.

  When the four of us were all present and accounted for, Ryan White, our new lord and master, arose from his chair to introduce himself. I would have felt a bit better if I wasn’t four years older than the 29-year-old punk, who gave off a stern professional vibe. That was leaving aside the fact that he seemed to be trying too hard. As given away but his over-priced three-piece suit and obviously salon styled hair. Both of which put me in mind of Patrick Bateman and not in a good way.

  “I know what your thinking,” White said, putting his hands on the glass table and leaning forward dramatically. He just so happened to look at me, “who is this punk in the fancy suit with the boring name coming into our turf. Believe me, I understand. I seem to strike a lot of people as a cowboy with more money than sense.”

  I was about to speak up in my own defense, but he wasn’t talking just to me. Besides, there really wasn’t anything I could say. There was a good chance that I had misjudged the kid, and I knew it.

  “The fact is, I love art. I’ve never been very good at it, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. Just ask my wife. I figured if I couldn’t create art, I could help those who can. Graphic design seemed the perfect combination of art and business. And don’t worry, I’m not planning to be some kind of micromanager. I’ll just be here for a couple months while things change, and at that point, I’ll appoint a manager from one of you four. Then it is back to Austin, and I’ll leave you to it.”

  I sat back a bit, thinking of his speech. While being the manger could be cool, I wasn’t sure I would want that kind of responsibility. It would take away too much from the creative side, which is what I got into this for. Not that I assumed that the manager would be me. I didn’t have nearly that big of an ego. Though it seemed likely I would be considered, and even that was too much of a risk.

  I was just about to say this, though in fewer words, when White stood up tall and spoke again. “I have also hired a couple of new people for admin duties.”

  Two women in their late twenties entered the conference room to stand by White’s sides. I nearly cursed out loud. Next to our new boss, dressed in her business best and showing off her delicious curves, was Camilla Jones. Cooper’s little sister and a long-time unrequited love.

  We were only four years apart in age, Camilla and I, but Cooper could be super protective of her. And not for nothing. He was stuck in the father role when their dad walked out. Coop was ten, and Camilla was six. But, being fatherless changed their whole lives.

  Plus, I did have a bit of a reputation as a man-whore in my younger days. Something Cooper had never forgotten and continuously teased me about, despite the fact I had long ago reformed. My years in the military kicked it out of me pretty fast.

  I had tried to avoid Camilla, despite how much that hurt. Cooper’s disappointment seemed like it would be much worse. And I didn’t want to unleash his legendary temper. All the times we came to blows in the past, there was never a clear winner.

  Now that Camilla and I were in the same, relatively small office, we were going to be a lot closer. Physically, if not emotionally, and it was going to be hard for me to keep my interest, and my hands, to myself.

  I closed my eyes and tried to get into a better headspace. Camilla and I as an item was just not possible, no matter how good she looked in that dress.

  Chapter Two - Camilla

  It wasn’t really nepotism. Not in the proper sense. Cooper had helped me get the job at Sure Thing Graphics, but really only by recommending me for it. For some reason, Mr. White had listened to him. Probably because Cooper had been with the design firm for so long.

  Not that I was complaining. It was the closest thing to a stable job I’d had for a while. I’d spent the past few years drifting a bit, bouncing around between two or three part-time jobs. Most of them dangerous or humiliating.

  My degree in philosophy was not opening a lot of doors. Not that Mill wasn’t fascinating, or that Camus didn’t have some really good and useful things to say about how the world actually worked, but there was nothing about how to cope with having to live in it.

  I won’t lie, it was nice to only need to have one job in a fancy, safe office. I could have done without the uncomfortable office clothes — not that I would have rather gone naked — but it turned out that had been an assumption on my part. Most of the people in the conference room were dressed in a casual manner, including the old owner Beau Davis. I made a mental note to wear jeans the next day. I wanted to fit in.

  Trying not to fidget, I stood before my brother and the Sure Thing crew. Looking professional was the only way they were going to take me seriously, but it was hard. My eyes kept wandering to the white letters on Aden’s black T-shirt. The fabric was tight, pulled over his very, very defined pecs. If I stared hard, I could see the indentation of his nipples.

  Unbidden, my eyes drifted lower. My brother’s best friend was sitting back from the table, one foot on the knee of the other leg. The position he was in let me see the way the cotton T clung to his rounded six-pack abs down to the bump that signaled the button on his dark jeans. Lower, if I turned my head a bit, I could almost catch a satisfying glimpse of the large bulge that rested between his long legs. The former soldier’s body had always driven me crazy. It was the stuff of fantasy—a fantasy I was determined to touch even though I was a virgin.

  I knew Aden was some kind of hotshot at the company, and I could understand why. I had seen some of his artwork. It was stunning and unique. Very much him. Now I had a chance to really show him my great appreciation. He was kind of a captive audience considering that we would be working closely together several hours a day. An idea that I loved.

  I stood in silence, waiting for Mr. White to finish, all the seats in the room already taken. Marla and I were flanking Ryan like his hot bodyguards. To be fair, I couldn’t be sure if he had intentionally planned it that way. He was clever but not evil.

  Ryan gave his blessing, and all the assembled congregation went about their work.

  The office was a pretty open concept, the movable walls of the cubicles the only thing resembling structures. It just so happened that my new desk was across from Aden’s cubicle, giving me a clear view through the door. I could hardly believe my luck, life rarely being so perfect.

  Seizing the first opportunity I had, I strolled around the office, making it look to all the world like I was hard at work — a skill I had learned while still at college. Making up the best cup of coffee in my life, I wafted over to Aden’s cubicle, trying my hardest to look casual.

  “Hey,” I said, doing my best to sound sexy and breathless.

  “Hi,” he said curtly, not looking up from his drafting table.

  “I thought you might like some coffee.”

  “Thanks, putting it on the desk,” he said, eyes glued to the image appearing on the screen in front of him.

  I put the cup on the glass and metal desk, close enough to be reached but not close enough to pose a hazard to Aden’s equipment. Making sure to press my breasts up ag
ainst his shoulder as I did so, I pretended to look at what he was working on. Peeking down at his lap, I could actually see him getting hard. For all his attempted disinterest, I knew Aden was into me.

  Unable to contain myself, I slid my hand seductively onto his thigh and softly squeezed his hard cock, which was straining against its denim prison for release and relief.

  “Don’t,” he said, grabbing my wrist, though not hard.

  Aden sounded firm and even a bit angry, but I could see lust in his bright eyes. He was hungry. Hankering for a piece of me, which I would be more than happy to give him if he would only give me a chance.

  “I’m going to seduce you, struggle how you may,” I whispered into his ear.

  He pulled back, looking shocked.

  I sashayed slowly away to go and speak to Jinx in the next cubicle. Making sure to give Aden a good view of my sweet ass, which looked even better in the snug dress I was wearing.

  I could almost hear him drooling.

  Aden wasn’t the only one responding in a physical way. My tight pussy was wet since I touched him. My mind continued to go back to the warm, stiff feeling of his cock under my palm. I had never felt one before. All I wanted to do was get my hands, and other body parts, on it again.

  I watched the clock waiting for my break, nearly running to the bathroom when the appointed time arrived.

  One of the more forward-thinking companies, the designers of the Sure Thing building decided to make all of the bathrooms single occupancy. Doubling the number on every floor from four to eight. Allowing anyone to use the bathroom in privacy and safety.

  It also allowed me to strip completely naked from the waist down to relieve the pressure on my pussy. I touched it lightly to see what was going on. Still wet and sensitive, my clit at full attention, I was going to have to be gentle if I was going to do what clearly needed to be done.

  It wasn’t that hard to imagine. I had seen Aden naked before — accidentally, of course… At least the first couple of times. The image of his large, thick cock was burned into my mind. All I had to do was close my eyes, and I could see it as clearly as if it was right in front of me.

  As I massaged the outside of my pussy lips, I imagined turning him around in his damn office chair and making him face me. Sinking down onto my knees, the carpet a bit rough on my bare legs, I would stroke Aden’s hard-on through his pants, making him moan with pleasure. Then, right there in the office, I would have undone his pants and liberated his thick cock and balls.

  Focusing my attention first on the latter, I would suck and swirl my tongue around one at a time. Each of his balls being a literal mouthful. All the while rubbing the shaft to keep up the sensation.

  Slipping two fingers into my tender pussy, I imagined sliding my mouth down the length of his sweet, throbbing cock, getting it almost all the way down before having to stop. Pulling back just a bit, his cock still deep in my mouth, I sucked him hard, taking care to swirl my tongue around the salty head. Each of my movements making my brother’s best friend moan with pleasure.

  Keeping a tight hold of the base of his dick, I slipped off my panties with my free hand and climbed up on top of him. Easing myself down on to his cock, I got almost all the way to his muscular thighs, ensuring that my innocence was his. My pussy gripped onto his shaft, not wanting to let go.

  Pounding both fingers inside me, I imagined wrapping my arms around Aden’s strong neck. I would look into his bright green eyes as I rode him until we both came, and he had fully taken me, filling me with his seed.

  It was not too long before I came in real life, leaned up against the bathroom wall, biting my lip to keep from screaming in pleasure.

  Back at my desk, I kept watching Aden throughout the day. After making several coffee runs to his cubicle, he seemed to have forgiven me for my indiscretion. The real breakthrough came at lunch, though.

  Ryan sent me to the local deli to get lunch for them all. I went around the office, asking everyone what they wanted. All but two. I already knew both Cooper and Aden so well I didn’t even have to ask anymore.

  Cooper was unimpressed but said thanks anyway when I handed him the bag with his club sandwich. Aden, on the other hand, seemed properly stunned when I turned up at his cubicle with a bag containing a Philly cheesesteak sandwich and fries. I was sure he was about to ask how I knew, but I just winked and sashayed away, letting the mystery hang. I wasn’t worried. He had years to work on his freeze-out skills. Denying the feelings we both knew were there, that would just take some time for me to melt away.

  Chapter Three - Aden

  Discipline was really quite a wonderful thing. Mine was hard-won and not generally pleasant to apply but always useful. My particular disposition came from being in the army. It was as much a surprise to my family as anyone else when I joined up. It was a few years after 9/11, and I was young and a bit too gung-ho, though that wasn’t all of it, or even most of it if I was honest with myself.

  Aside from all the fireworks and the patriotism, the real truth was that my girlfriend at the time enlisted, so I did too because I wanted to be with her. The more romantic part of my psyche was thrilled by the idea of us together fighting the enemy, hand in hand like two action heroes.

  As the fates would have it, after basic, we were stationed at different bases, and she dropped me like a sauna rock. Apparently, our love hadn’t been as immortal as she had implied in the poem she had dropped in my locker. No, I didn’t learn anything from Starship Troopers.

  I got over it pretty fast though, focusing all my attention on the task at hand, which primarily concerned following orders, which I turned out to be pretty damn good at. I made it through nearly ten years before going through a nasty bout of burn out that made me have to leave and find something new to do with my life.

  I had always been pretty good at drawing and was able to use the military scholarship plan to take a degree in digital design. So, a career in graphic design seemed pretty obvious when it came time to look for a job for the first time in my life at the age of twenty-nine.

  I was surprised how my meticulous military discipline came in handy in my new career. The detailed focus required for graphic design was higher than most people realized. Particularly if you did hand-drawn drafts before turning the image digital like I did. I was old-fashioned that way.

  But my focus had been truly rocked by my best friend’s little sister’s hand on my dick. It shocked me when I was confronted with the shameless flirting on the part of Camilla. She was so forward. I really didn’t know what had gotten into her, except for maybe that she never got over the crush that she used to have on me. Not that I was one to judge, as I felt very much the same about her.

  I eased into my assigned spot at my apartment building. One of the newer, half condo complexes, with open floor plans and balconies, which was a nice plus. Emerging from the deep dark dungeon of the parking garage, I noticed a U-Haul truck parked near the main doors of the building. Shaking it off, I headed to my unit, seeing a rather obvious pile of boxes near an open door down the hall. Whoever it was seemed to be doing it all by themselves, so I decided to see if I could help.

  Imagine my shock when I discovered my new neighbor was Camilla. It was genuinely odd how things worked out sometimes.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I asked, leaning into the door frame.

  “What do you mean?” Camilla asked in all innocence.

  She turned around, holding a cardboard box in her arms. It was clearly marked panties. The very idea of what was inside made my dick twitch, which I tried to ignore, and keep up my annoyance.

  “You moved into my building.”

  She giggled. “Still legal last I checked,” she said with a shrug and a wink.

  “Don’t be a smart ass. You did it on purpose.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair, suddenly feeling hot. It was like the apartment building had turned on the heater in the hallways out of season. Not that we eve
r really needed it.

  Camilla looked a bit flushed too, probably from moving. There was a little bit of glisten up by her forehead. She set down the box, allowing me to see the way her tight t-shirt clung to the shape of her breasts.

  Oh God, is she not wearing a bra?

  I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe.

  “Don’t be silly.” She flipped her long, deep brown ponytail over her shoulder. “I had no idea you lived here. Are you feeling okay?”

  “Don’t try and bullshit me.” I found myself stuttering and whipping my forehead. “I’ve known you far too long. You knew that I lived here and moved in on purpose. I don’t even know how you can afford a place here.”

  Camilla shifted her weight to one side, bring my attention to the short shorts she was wearing. Her long, perfectly shaped legs looked lickable.

  “Ryan is very generous.”

  I didn’t know that, but it didn’t surprise me too much. He basically had his net worth stitched into the front of his bespoke Italian suit.

  I sighed. “Why aren’t you living with Cooper?”

  “I have a steady job now and need my independence. I can’t have Cooper bursting in with a bucket of ice water whenever I bring anyone home. I’m a grown-up now, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

  She flipped around and strolled towards the kitchen, giving me a clear view of her heart-shaped behind. It was barely contained in the jeans material of her shorts. Little hints of butt cheek kept flashing at me as she walked — perfectly round, squeezable butt cheek.

  “Oh, I noticed,” I snapped, feeling flustered. “Though, just a tip, ‘grown-ups’ tend to use the term ‘adult.’”

  As though on cue, Cooper came up with another load of boxes to add to the existing pile.

  “Hey, man,” Coop said, putting down the boxes.

  “Hey,” I practically gasped. My best friend’s prescience should have been a bucket of ice water on my burning body, but it wasn’t. Camilla had me too wound up. I needed to calm down fast.


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