You and I (You and I #1)
Page 5
"So what are you wearing tonight?" asked Celine putting me in the spotlight.
"I have no idea," I said politely. It wouldn't do to be rude to Jake's fiancee.
"We're going to drive into town and get her something awesome to wear," said Jake, which was news to me. At what point had we decided on this course of action?
"Ooh you should try Romano's they have the most perfect dresses," beamed Celine down at me as if ecstatic that I was getting a new dress. Who were these people?
I smiled politely in return. I could just envisage the night ahead and on further thought I could foresee my entire future and it was not a pleasant outlook. I rose abruptly from the table and made a feeble excuse to get away, "I.. um.. I'm going for a walk."
Not waiting for a reply I took off, out the cafe and down the street. I was disappointed that Jake hadn't cared enough to come after me and it sure put a new perspective on what I experienced in his arms last night. Was it all lust though? It was odd that he had felt the same or had he? I wasn't sure. Jake was experienced unlike me and despite knowing him forever I didn't really know him. Meeting up over the occasional weekend did not make me know him any better. I was sure Celine knew more about him then I did. And Richard ... I'd rather not go there.
I walked on just in a straight line not knowing or caring over where I was heading. But I felt certain with each step I took I was coming to a decision that I could live with.
It must have been close to midday that I finally found my footing back to the cottage and was not surprised to find Jake already back but I was surprised to see Celine was still there and having lunch with a beaming Mr and Mrs Neel. Instantly, I felt unwanted. I turned to take in the twins but Emily was looking stonily away while Cat simply looked oblivious. I had burnt my bridges. Even Jake looked annoyed with me.
I excused myself and headed off to pack in Jake's room.
"Aren't you having any lunch honey?" asked Mrs Neel pretending to care but I hadn't gotten back my appetite so I only shook my head in reply.
I paused at the bedside and stared down at a pretty pink dress that was still in its package and laid out across the bed. Jake had gone off with Celine no doubt to do the shopping without me. Well at least Celine had nice taste. Pity I won't be sticking around to wear it.
"What the hell?" exclaimed Jake as he saw that I had started to pack.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Home ... I want to go home," I said with a sudden vehement longing and I did want to go home.
Jake sighed heavily and sank onto the mattress beside me. Falling back against its inviting softness I was brought to realise my own tiredness. I fell back beside him exhausted and oddly drained.
"Why are you behaving this way?" Jake finally asked after the silence between us had stretched on endlessly.
"I don't know," I said for quite suddenly I really didn't. He threw me an incredulous look.
"I don't want to go to the party tonight," I then admitted.
"I know. That is nothing new," he said, "you've never wanted to meet my friends. I thought we were going to give this a try. Give us a try. You'll have to meet my friends and I yours for this attempt to at least have a chance."
Hearing his side of the matter made me feel guilty in doubting us at all. He seemed geared towards making us work. Was I just finding reasons to bail out? I didn't want to be the reason we never happen. I was focused on the past but perhaps it doesn't have to be this way. Still we were awfully new and there were already plenty of reasons for why this couldn't work. Maybe it was time to find out if there were reasons why it should work… and how it could.
"Okay, I’ll go to the party tonight," I finally said. "It’s a pretty dress. Thank you, "I continued making peace.
"Yes! I knew you'd see things my way," Jake loomed over me to drop me a sweet smile before lowering his head to nuzzle at my neck.
"Did you really have lunch?" He asked against my neck and I shook my head.
Jake sighed again before easing up on his forearms to mock glare at me. "I want you to make sure you eat. Can't have you fading away to nothing, can I? Then who will I kiss? "
And before I could answer his lips came down onto mine creating a rush of desire that had me wounding my arms and legs about him to clutch him close.
"You guys are disgusting!"
We rocked apart in shock to face Emily who had come into the room. Moving past us she slammed the bathroom door shut.
But then Jake was hauling me up and tugging me off to the kitchen where he set about to put together a sandwich. It was hilarious watching him concoct an edible sandwich but he managed and it was delicious.
All too soon the merriment was over and I was given bathroom prerogative to get ready first. I have never had a boyfriend before but knew instinctively my usual dress sense won't do. Of the three of us, Emily was the best in that department. I decided to rack up the nerve and simply ask for her help.
Wrapping up in a towel I surrendered the bathroom to Jake who made every effort to make me note his lascivious grin as he moved past me into the bathroom. Blushing furiously I dashed off to hunt for Emily.
I found her getting dressed in Mr and Mrs Neel's room. Cat was there as well already dressed for the party. She threw me a sympathetic smile before she bailed out on me leaving me to talk to Emily alone.
"I know why you are here," said Emily beating me to it.
"Do you? Jake told you about us?" I asked wanting to know.
"He didn't have to. Mr Neel was venting spleen all morning the moment you took off with Jake. Everyone knows. What I don't get is why didn't you just say you and him had a thing going? Why did you let me think I had a chance at all? You knew exactly how I felt about him. You knew and pretended to care," said Emily tears rolling down her cheeks. I couldn't see her cry. Not when she was really hurting. I never could.
Taking the two steps forward I wrapped her in my arms tight.
“I’m sorry Emily,” I whispered softly.
“No don’t. I don’t blame you.. not really. I just needed to vent a little you know. So what are you wearing? That little pink number that Jake was toting about earlier?”
I nodded my head.
“Here have a seat. I’ll do your make up for you,” Emily smiled softly at me.
Then the great make-over begun.
"There that should do it," Emily stated returning the blusher back into its casing. I opened my eyes to view the results and was amazed at what I saw. My smoky greys were smoking hot. My lips were lush pastel pink and my mousy brown hair gleamed in its coil high above my head in an exquisite French knot.
"Emily you are awesome. I look...I look... unlike me, "I finally said staring at my reflection in awe.
"Yes, you do. Now you better hurry and get dressed," said Emily with a smile. I beamed back at her hardly believing she was being so matured about this. For the first time I was actually starting to feel happy about Jake and I.
"Let's go," yelled Cat looking very stylish. I could see Emily had already worked her magic over Cat. We were all looking amazing.
Bolstered by this new found confidence I all but skipped along to Jake's room where I had left my dress. Rushing over to my bag I pulled out a clean pair of panties and bra and gasped as the bra was pulled out of my grasp.
I tightened my hold on my towel and trembled as I turned to face Jake.
"So hot. I wish I could take you just as you are. Take you to bed that is. No way you're going anywhere in nothing ...but … a towel. He groaned out in frustration as he said this.
"Need a hand with the dress?"
I glanced up to see that he was earnest in his offer but I shook my head no.
"Good cause I don't think I could help you without helping myself first and then where would we be?" He asked glancing pointedly at the bed.
I turned red.
"Get dressed luv," he said leaning in to drop a kiss on my cheek before walking out the door. I rushed t
o shut it after him then moved to pull out my dress from its packaging.
It was beautiful and … daring. I have never worn a halter neck before and this one had back that plunged down to the tops of my ass. My panties wouldn't do. I decided. I rummaged about my bad but couldn't find any thongs. I hated them and only a couple. Naturally I wouldn't have packed any for this trip. I dug around for a bikini panty and hoped that would do. I couldn't possibly go sans bra and panties. No doubt there would be plenty there who did but it wouldn't be me.
Finally I slipped on my low heeled shoes having to make do since I hadn't gone shopping. Looking in the mirror the outfit practically screamed for some fuckme high heeled pumps but that wasn't happening. Shrugging my shoulder's I stepped out to join the rest in the living room.
"Babe you look as hot as f-"
Thankfully, he stopped right there. I shifted uncomfortably under everyone's scrutiny. Then Emily got up abruptly.
"Shall we go?" she asked.
Then we all called out our good byes and piled out the front door after Jake. The ride there was quite but thankfully short. I got out and made my way to the grand entrance teeming with people dresses to the hilt. I was happy to note that the place was packed. I could get lost in this crowd and no one will be the wiser. I could paste myself up against some wall and be what I was best at ...a wall flower.
Chapter 7
"I would have chosen grey for you myself."
Startled I turned to see who it was who had spoken over my shoulder and found my greys caught in the dark voids of Richard.
"To match your eyes," he clarified when the silence between us continued. Luckily that was about the time that Jake turned around to see what was going on.
"Richard? Happy Birthday man," exclaimed Jake enthusiastically.
"Jake you're late," accused Richard and I flushed scarlet knowing that we were late only because of me.
"Naw man we’re right on time. The party is full swing," denied Jake laughingly.
"Nope you missed the bunny popping out of the cake," said Richard solemnly. Jake only laughed outright at that then pointed to the disappearing white bush on an impressive fanny as the woman to which both were attached to sashayed her way to disappear into the crowd.
"Trust Celine to arrange something so cheesy," muttered Richard with a pained expression that surprised a laughter even out of me.
"The filly has a voice. Never knew it before now," he murmured under his breath as he looked down at me.
"I claim forfeit!" Richard announced abruptly.
"For what?" Inquired Jake amused.
"For your being late and having me suffer the attentions of one rabid bunny all on my own," said Richard sardonically.
"Alright. What do you want?" Jake enquired agreeably.
"I'll take Lucy here for a spin and you can take her two adorable sisters upstairs to Bethany's room. All underages are restricted to her room I'm afraid," said Richard ruefully as he smiled down gently at Emily and Cat.
The twins cried out their protests and what they thought of the idea of being locked away upstairs from what must have been the hottest party of their life. I was left staring up at Richard as Jake laughingly brushed aside their valiant efforts to be allowed to stay and then they disappeared into the crowd.
"Hi," I said finally unable to avoid it anymore. I shuffled my feet awkwardly staring down at my unstylish shoes as the silence dragged on uncomfortably.
"Shall we take a turn about the room," Richard offered, "I could introduce you to some of Jakes' s friends. Or we could step onto the dance floor. I believe the waltz will be sounding out soon."
I barely contained my lips from falling agape at that. Waltz! Seriously?
"I don't dance," I muttered finally after carefully considering my options. I knew I could not say no to meeting Jake's friends not when I had only just agreed to make that effort.
"I'll guide you. I have a feeling you'll be a natural," said Richard before he slipped his cool long fingers about my arm in a firm grasp that brooked no resistance.
"Huh? I don't want to dance," I said insistently but found myself on the dance floor with Richard's arm about my waist and the other holding onto my hand firmly. As if on cue the waltz broke out. His feet flew across the floor each step as light as a feather till we were revolving round and round.
I was spun about the room with such skill that in any other circumstances would have had me floating up onto cloud nine. But as it were I was levied by his high handedness. So much so that when we finally pulled to a halt in the darken balcony and my hand was finally released from his grasp there was not much I could do to stop it from happening . My hand shot up of their own accord to ring across his cheek but his own was quicker raised to intercept mine so that I found my wrist captured in his hand.
"Uh uh no hitting the birthday boy," he muttered carefully before his polite façade dropped away unveiling his cruel intense gaze boring holes into mine. "Seriously what did you expect? That I greet you with open arms as Jake's sudden new love interest. This, whatever you have with Jake is not real. It’s just Jake's reaction to our parents binding him to my sister. The merger between our companies is vital to our companies survival and I will not have his sudden fascination with his childhood friend get blown into something out of proportion," Richard spat out laying down the law.
I stared into his cold hard gaze and found no mercy, no doubt and certainly no remorse over what he just said.
"Let me go!" I tried to wring my hands free but he only held on harder. I could tell he was not yet finished buy I didn't want to hear anymore. My free hand flew up just as he opened his mouth to spout out another hash of diatribe. I covered his mouth and hissed up at him,"I will not hear you say another word on this. What is between Jake and I concerns no one else but us. Leave us alone."
"The hell I will. I saw you first. I, not your beloved Jake, but me..," at that point he broke off whatever else he was about to say and I let him. I shook my head violently. I had no interest in him or his claims that I knew could only be false whatever they meant.
Then he kissed me. Shocking the hell out of me as he first stuck his tongue out onto the palm of my hand that was still cupped over his lips and when I instinctively moved to pull back he caught that hand and held it in place as he continued to... to make love to it. There was no other way to explain it. He devoured my hand with his lips tongue and teeth. Oh god the teeth nibbled right into the very centre of my palm sending ripples of pleasure down to my swiftly heated core. A cry of pleasure so sharp it was almost pain erupted from my lips and he reacted to wrench me close up against him to hold my wriggling protesting form while he continued to nibble down my fingers.
"No," I finally cried out vehemently fighting the tendrils of attractions that was wrapping about me spilling pools of heat to soak my core. But still he continued till I was forced to beg.
"Please let go of me. Please," I pleaded openly. With a resounding groan he pushed me away.
"Stay away from Jake. And me…stay away from us," breathing hard he had his last say before he spun around to double back into the crowded room.
I was gasping in reaction. Unsure what just happened. I stood there relieving what just happened. Trying to make some sense of it.
"There you are," called out Jake. Shocking me back into the present as he made his way over to me as I slowly made my way back in where the party was in full swing. "Here I got you a drink."
I reached out a shaky hand to grasp the cold crystal glass. The chills that ran from that contact went a long way in soothing my heated skin. I took a ferocious gulp and choked as the beverage stung as only alcohol could.
I felt someone thump my back and then I lifted fume filled eyes at Jake," What was that? "
"Cocktail love the best kind there is. I believe it’s called a Pantyripper," he murmured provocatively.
I only scowled back not appreciating his humour.
"Let's grab a bite to eat then we can go mingle," h
e said and begun to lead the way through the throng to where the food could be found.
I tentatively dodged elbow blows and stomping heels as I made my way through the crowd fixing my concentration on Jake's bobbing head as he swerved in and out of the crowd pausing along the way to greet many of his friends. I was grateful for his frequent stops as it gave me chance to catch up.
"Over here," Richard called out just as we neared the door to buffet room. Jake spun towards that direction and I had no recourse but to follow. It appeared to be the family room for I recognised Richard's famous parents and Cecile who looked beyond sexy in drop dead red number. But there were other famous people in the business world as well as some from the entertainment industry. Was that Ian Somerhalder talking to some stuffy old dude?
Conscious of Richard beside me I tried to ignore the effects of watching Jake embrace Cecile had on me. I resolutely kept a beaming smile on my face as I inched closer to the group greeting Jake knowing that anytime now the group would turn their attentions to me.
That was when it happened. It was so quick that I didn't really realise what occurred even as I let out a gasp of alarm. The hook to my halter top must have snapped off for the top fell forward to reveal the flesh it was concealing.
Immediately a shadow moved across in front of me. I looked up to see that Richard had stepped in front of me to block me from any onlookers.
His back to me he uttered loudly, "Cecile why don't you take Jake to go check on the girls. I have a feeling they would be up to some mischief by now," he stated tightly and I was grateful for the distraction.
I clutched my straps and tried to tie it back up but it was a struggle. I must have made some mewling sounds of distress for Richard spun around to say "Hold it up and follow me."