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Bond Mates

Page 3

by Kirsty Moseley

  I opened my book and started to read when a note flew onto my book. "So where are you from?" he had written, I frowned a little deciding if I should answer, well one conversation with an extremely hot guy won't totally kill the plan I thought as I wrote "Los Angeles originally" and passed it back to him, he smiled obviously pleased I was answering his question and wrote something else and passed it to me "Originally? You lived in other places too?" "Yes a few" I replied, the note passing continued on like back and forth:

  S: Like where?

  T: All over, Arizona, Miami even lived in NY for a month but I didn't like it there S: Why not?

  T: Noisy and smelly

  S: Where do you like best?

  T: Jeez what is this 20 questions?

  S: We can play that if you want!

  T: Ok, but you already used up 5 so you better think about it wisely!

  S: Your right! Wow I hope I don't stuff this game up, could be my only chance to get to know you!

  Ok Q6 - what is your favourite colour

  T: Maroon

  S: Flower?

  T: No it's a colour dip shit! Ha ha

  (this made him laugh out loud which he quickly turned to a cough gaining a glare from the teacher) S: Ok I guess I have to be more specific with my questions! Q7 - favourite flower?

  T: That was Q8 BTW don't try to sneak any extra's in there I have my eye on you! Favourite flower would be a pink lily

  S: Ok ok! Wow your perceptive! Q9 why is that flower your favourite?

  T: The smell, they are so sweet there is no better smell in the world S: Actually I can think of one. Q10 and Q11 - favourite animal and why T: Wow a double whammy and we're over half way there! Ok I love wolves, I don't really know why I have always loved them, my dad took me to the zoo once when I was little and we sat right outside the wolf enclosure for our picnic, they all came over to the fence and just sat there watching us eat it was so cool! They were my dad's favourite animal too.

  At this Sean gasped and then smiled the biggest grin he looked absolutely breathtaking. He sat there for a minute thinking of his next question, finally passing me the note S: I like wolves too. You said they were your dad's favourite, has he gone off them now?

  T: He died. I don't want to play any more

  S: I'm really sorry Tyler, that blows

  T: You got that right. I need to read the chapter now

  Once he read this he folded it up and put it in jeans pocket, pulling out his book we read along with the class in silence.

  After class I packed up my stuff and headed for the door, "Tyler, can I walk you to your next class?"

  Sean asked walking along next to me looking at the floor afraid I would reject him again. "Um sure I guess" I said, his head shot up and he smiled and nodded "Here I'll take that" he said sliding my bag off my shoulder, "Hey, I am perfectly capable of carrying my own bag!" I snapped at him. "I know that, your perfectly everything, I'm just trying to be a gentleman" he said with a cocky grin holding my bag away so I couldn't grab it back.

  I rolled my eyes at him and carried on walking to my history class. "Well thanks for ensuring that I made it down the hallway in one piece" I say sarcastically holding out my hand for my bag. He laughed and instead of placing the bag's strap in my hand he quickly slipped it through my arm sliding it back onto my shoulder. As he took his hand away he brushed the back of one finger over my cheek lightly just once.

  As soon as his finger touched my skin my body went into meltdown, tingles were shooting through my body and I was so aroused I actually moaned quietly and bit my lip. He seemed to be having a hard time not moaning himself and has a look of pure lust in his eyes. He drew in a shaky breath and gave me a smile that looked pained "I'd better um yeah, I should go get to class" he was stumbling over his words making him look even more adorable.

  Shit! Can I let him walk away? I could just drag him into a toilet or something and jump his bones!

  I thought, I looked up and down the hallway trying to see the nearest toilet or supply closet, wait!

  What the hell am I thinking? I am not going to have sex with him in a toilet jeez! "Yeah you better go" I said as I turned to walk into my class. Get a grip Tyler, he's just a hot player that wants to use you for a quick fuck that's all nothing else, stop thinking about him! I bit the inside of my cheek hard enough to draw a little blood just so that the pain would give me something else to think about.

  It worked, well mostly anyway.

  At lunch I walked into the canteen intending to get a sandwich again and eat outside but I saw Chase frantically waving at me from across the hall, "Baby Cakes! Baby Cakes! BABY CAKES!

  Over here!" he shouted getting louder each time. Half of the canteen had gone quiet and were looking at him wondering if he had gone crazy, the other half ignored him and rolled their eyes as if they knew that he was crazy! Making my way over to his table I notice that he is sitting with three girls they all look different, one looked really tall and skinny with brown hair and eyes, another had beautiful red hair and brown eyes, and the last had light brown hair and grey eyes.

  They were all smiling at me "Come sit with us" Chase said and he turned to the three girls pointing at each in turn "Claire (red head) Zoë (tall skinny) and Sarah" (grey eyes), "Bitches, meet Baby Cakes" Chase said with a wave of his hand. "Hey, how are you finding it so far?" Claire asked me

  "Err well the classes are ok I guess" I mumbled, "What about the guys? are you impressed with the hotness we have to offer here? I mean our boys are fiiiine right?" I laughed at this "Yeah if you like that obvious, in your face kind of hotness, personally I like a challenge, I like to have to work hard at it, to see if there is something shagable about a guy!" I said wiggling my eyebrows to show I was joking, everyone burst into laughter.

  "Uh-oh! Your boyfriend's headed this way" Chase says nodding his head to the side, sure enough I look up to see Sean smiling and walking towards me with his tray, "Sean man come on! Bro's before Ho's you know the drill" his friend's were shouting at his back as he walked over to us to with them booing and hissing at him. "Hey can I sit with you guys?" he asked looking at me "Wow, you just don't give up do you?" I asked him frowning, he plopped his tray down and took a seat opposite me next to Chase, "Nope" he said popping the p and smiling a wicked grin I couldn't help but return.

  "Bought you this" he said passing me a plate with pizza and fries on it and a bottle of OJ. "What?

  Why?" I asked shocked, "Well you didn't buy anything, I didn't want you to get hungry" he said with a shrug. From the corner of my eye I saw the three girls and Chase staring at him with their mouths hanging open. "Um, thanks" I said to him with a genuine smile "Anytime" he replied picking up his pizza. "So Chase man you still got that quad bike?" he said turning to Chase smiling.

  Chase frowned at that "Nah man! I had to scrap it" Sean nearly choked on his pizza, Chase slapped him on the back looking like he was enjoying touching him way to much, he was grinning from ear to ear.

  After taking a drink Sean turned back to Chase "YOU SCRAPPED IT?" he almost screamed, "Wow hon, take it down a notch would ya? Your gonna make my ears bleed! And yes I scrapped it, damn thing stopped working! I had a mechanic look at it but couldn't afford to get it fixed so" Chase said with a shrug, "Chase dude I would have looked at it for you! Why didn't you ask me?" Sean said looking genuinely hurt, "I forgot you were into that shit man otherwise I would have done!" Chase said trying to hide the blush that was creeping up his face. I have a feeling that he didn't forget at all he just didn't want to ask. "You like fixing cars?" I asked him frowning "Yeah my uncle's a mechanic and taught me a load of stuff" he said with a shrug. After he said that my mind started to wander to fantasies of him in overalls covered in dirt and grease, man that is hot! Oh shit! Come on Tyler stop it I thought shaking my head.

  Just then another gorgeous boy walked over to our table, he had brown hair and brown eyes and looked slightly like Sean but nowhere near as hot. "Sean what the hell? Forget where you sit for lunc
h dude? The jocks are over there" he said laughing and pointing at Sean's friends. "Ha ha Dan, your funny kid, now watch it or I'll have to kick your ass!" Sean said with a friendly smile. The kid sat down next to me giving Claire a kiss on the cheek, and smiling at everyone at the table. "Hi I'm Danny, you must be......" he said trailing off. "This is Baby Cakes" Chase butted in laughing, laughing along I said "Tyler" nodding my head at him.

  His eyes went wide, mouth open a little as he looked over at Sean who nodded slightly at him before turning back to me. "So you are what all the fuss is about! Nice to finally meet you Tyler" he said with a smirk. Sean rolled his eyes, "What are you talking about? What fuss?" I said confused eating my chips. "Dan here is trying to be funny, but is failing miserably" Sean said giving him a warning glare, Dan just laughed it off stealing one of my fries, "Help your self why don't ya" I said laughing. "I will, we're practically family now you know" he said smirking again "ENOUGH!"

  Sean spat through his teeth giving Dan a look that should have been able to kill him on the spot.

  "What are you two talking about? I really don't do riddles very well" I said confused as hell. Sean sighed loudly "Dan is my younger brother, lets just say that he's trying to embarrass me and leave it at that" he said rolling his eyes and glaring menacingly at him again. I laughed at his exasperated expression and nodded smiling at his obvious pissed off face, his face softened and he instantly gave me a beautiful smile in return. I turned to Danny who was looking between me and Sean with his mouth hanging open eyes wide. I gave him my 'what the fuck' look and he leaned in to whisper in my ear "Wow, you have got to teach me that! How the hell did you get Sean from defcon 5 to smiling? I have honestly never seen that!" I just shrugged at him and shook my head really not knowing the answer, I didn't do anything.

  Lunch was great we were chatting and laughing the whole time, I haven't had that much fun in, well since my last friends I had almost a year and a half ago. As we were leaving Chase asked for my number so I gave it to him, punching it into his phone as we walked. Waving to them they headed in the other direction. Sean walked me to my locker to get my books, sliding my bag off my shoulder again on the way, I didn't object this time. He looked a little sad and kept staring at his shoes.

  "Something wrong?" I asked stopping. "No, not really, I was just debating on whether or not to ask you for your number, I'm not sure I can handle another rejection for today, so I'm just weighing my options" he said kicking his foot on the wall lightly. Great now I feel bad! Jeez why the hell can't he just be a damn asshole jock so I could tell him to get lost and actually mean it? I thought frowning.

  He looked up at me with a hopeful look in his eye "Can I have your number?" he blurted out then sighed and screwed his eyes shut, he looked so funny like a kid that just lost his favourite toy or something. I couldn't help but laugh at him, "I'll think about it" I said he opened his eyes and looked so excited, a huge grin on his face like a kid on Christmas day, his face was positively radiating happiness. "Whoa chill out there bud I only said I'd think about it!" I told him frowning. "Yeah but you didn't say no so that's a step up right?" he said laughing.

  I laughed too as we got to French, we were a little late in getting to the class so most of the seats had been taken already, I took the first available seat I saw in the next to a really pretty blond girl who was wearing too much make up and not enough clothes. Sean frowned then muttered "See you after class" as he went to find a seat on the other side of the class room.

  The blond girl watched him as he walked to his seat eye shagging him and giving him a flirtatious wave and smile when he turned in our direction. She turned and gave me a forced smile as she said

  "You need to stay the fuck away from Sean, he's taken" she said to me through her teeth, I laughed at her fake smile as I said "Wow, someone really needs to tell him that 'cos I'm not sure he knows!"

  I said giving her a fake smile of my own. "I'm warning you If you know what's good for you, you'll stay the fuck away, I run this school and I could make life very hard for you" she said politely but with hate burning in her eyes, I shook my head, "Look Barbie, I think we got off on the wrong foot here, you don't know me well, but if you did you wouldn't threaten me. So why we just pretend that this little conversation didn't happen and I'll let this one slide" I said taking out my notebook.

  "You fucking bitch!" she whisper yelled at me, oh no she did not just say that! I opened my mouth to answer her when Mr Raven said "Lacey, is this conversation something you would like to share with the class?" he asked giving her a stern look, "Oh, I was just telling Tyler here all about how the school works, you know un-written rules and all that, seen as she's new, just trying to be helpful"

  she said cheerfully giving me a big smirk, "And I was just telling Lacey here, that she can shove her un-written rules up her nasty skank ass" I said smiling.

  Everyone gasped and most of the class erupted into laughter, "Miss Morgan! We do not tolerate the use of that language in our classrooms!" he shouted at me, "Oh right! I'm sorry sir, maybe I should have waited until I was in the hallway, I'll remember that next time" I said innocently. This caused the class to laugh even harder everyone staring at the Mr Raven to see what he would do. He turned bright red as he shouted "ENOUGH! Silence in the class! Miss Morgan you will serve detention everyday after school for the rest of the week!" as he turned to the front of the class, Lacey turned to me and whispered "Game on now Bitch!" I smiled and whispered back "Do your worst Barbie".

  After class I walked quickly to Art, going to an easel at the back of the class, "Class I have a project I need to work on in preparation for the schools art show on Saturday so I would appreciate if you would all work quietly and make something that interests you, you can use any materials that you want" Miss Smith said. I had taken to Miss Smith immediately yesterday, she was quite young for a teacher probably in her early 20's and was very friendly. She had given a really interesting class yesterday on the use of dots for shading, I know sounds crazy right but it actually was brilliant and I couldn't wait to try it out at home. But for today I decided to paint in water colour's getting out all the stuff I would need I started to paint not really sure what I was painting, it always started like this when I would create, a few strokes here and there and then about halfway through I would realise what it was that I was actually drawing or painting.

  "Hey!" a girl said beside me, I spun round to see Claire standing there. "Oh Hey, I didn't know you were in this class" I said smiling, "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't come and talk to you yesterday but I'm a bit shy and didn't really want to come up and just be all stuttering in your face on your first day" she laughed. "S'ok don't worry, hey! How in the hell can you be shy when your friends with someone like Chase? He is the total opposite of shy right?" I said laughing at the thought. "I know he is such a drama queen! He's great though. So what you painting?" she asked looking at the blue mess that was on my easel. "Not sure yet, I'll let you know when I know" I said starting painting again.

  "So I noticed Danny gave you a kiss at lunch today, are you two seeing each other?" I asked curiously dabbing more blue on my picture, "Not really, we hang out some times and mess around but it's nothing serious for either of us. We are friends really though, he's been best friends with Chase since they were kids so when I started the school last year Chase inducted me into his group and we have all been friends since then" she said violently wiping a tissue over her paining trying to dry off the mess of yellow she just put there, "Crap! Look at the state of this! I hate painting, should have made a clay model or something!" she said huffing her bangs out of her eyes.

  "Sean's really into you, did you know that?" she said still trying to fix her picture, "What? What makes you say that?" I stopped painting and turned to look at her holding my breath not sure if I want to know about this or not, I am supposed to be avoiding friends and boy's but right now I seem to be doing the worst job ever! "Well Dan told me, apparently he was talking to his parents about you and everything, D
an seems to think that he is seriously into you, and anyways even if Dan hadn't said anything about it I would still say the same thing, Sean Houston is the schools playboy, he can have any girl that he wants and trust me he has had a lot! But he never goes out to get them they just seem to follow him around like lost puppies begging for his attention, we all agreed that we have never seen him act like he did with you, buying you lunch, grinning from ear to ear whenever he looked at you, ditching his friends, I could go on....." she aid waggling her eyebrows at me "Hmm, too bad I'm not interested. I don't go for pretty boy players, it's a good job too, I've already been warned off him by some Ho called Lacey" I told her smirking at the memory.

  "What? Lacey Turner? When? What? How? Details I need details!" she said with wide eye's. I told her all about the event of my history class and by the end she was laughing hysterically. "It's not really funny you know, I have four days of detention because of her" I said frowning. "No, you have four days detention for being a smart ass to Mr Raven and calling Lacey a Nasty Skank" she said laughing even harder. "I would have loved to see the look on her ho-bag face when you said that!

  Lacey is such a bitch, she's like queen bee here, head cheerleader and all round bitchy whore. She probably thinks that she has some claim to Sean 'cos he's captain of the football team, I think they did date for a while, well if you can call what Sean does dating, more like shag partners I guess" she said desperately trying to save her painting. "Well like I said before I'm not interested anyway, but if that skank thinks that she can talk to me again like that she's got another thing coming!" I said laughing.

  I turned back to my picture and gasped, oh crap I though to myself looking at what I had painted.

  They were a pair of beautiful bright blue eyes and I knew exactly who they belonged to. "Oh my god, that is brilliant!" Claire gasped at my picture. Luckily the bell rang signalling the end of the day so I packed up and walked to the lockers with Claire, she was chatting happily about her family while I listened wishing that I had her life to go home to instead of my drunk ass excuse of a mother. "Well I better go to detention" I said we said our goodbyes and I left for the study hall.


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