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Bond Mates

Page 9

by Kirsty Moseley

  Mom was passed out on the couch TV blaring again. Once we were upstairs he went to follow me into my room but I just put a hand on his chest at the doorway, "No way lover boy I can give surprise's too" I said closing the door in his face laughing. After much rummaging in my closed I decided to go for two outfits and then get Kate to help me choose as I bet she knew where we were going. I settled on a black dress with spaghetti straps that was tight around the bust and then flared outwards to about mid thigh and matched these with a dark blue short sleeve cardigan and black heels. The other outfit was black skinny jeans and a pink baby doll top with my black knee high boots, I also brought my black leather jacket that could go with either if needs be. Once I had everything I needed we went to Sean's.

  Sean dropped me at his then left again saying something about 'preparations that needed to be made'or something like that anyway. "Kate do you know where I am going tonight?" I asked her when we were alone, "Yes I do, but I am not allowed to tell you! I'm under strict orders" she said giggling. "Well can you at least help me choose what to wear? I brought two outfits and I don't know which one will be more suitable, and Sean's no help at all he basically told me to wear a bin bag!" I whined. She laughed and looked over my outfits, "I'd go with the jeans one and take the jacket" she said with a wink.

  Sean had told me to be ready at half past six so I took a nice long shower and took the time to dry my hair properly which is something I never do normally. Finally happy with my appearance I sat on the bed looking at the clock, I still had five minutes left and was starting to get excited butterflies in my stomach. This was actually the first date I had ever been on and I didn't really know what to expect. At 6:30 I made my way downstairs, Rachel ran up to me hugging me "Ooooo Tyler you look pretty!" she gushed playing with my necklace. "Where is Sean? He told me not to be late and he's not even ready?" I asked laughing, just then to door bell rang "Tyler hon would you mind getting that for me while I put Rach to bed?" Kate asked "Sure thing" I said going to the door.

  I opened the door to see Sean standing there with a big grin on his face, my mouth fell open in shock. He was wearing a button down light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and open a little at the neck, just enough that you could see some of his perfect chest, and faded jeans, he looked so handsome that I could eat him, I was seriously contemplating doing just that when he spoke.

  "Tyler, you look heartbreakingly beautiful" he said with a breathy moan looking me over, "So do you" I told him blushing, I still wasn't used to all this praise that he gave me, sure I'd been told I was pretty before but I had never been called beautiful with such heart stopping adoration before. "Err, I got you these" he said bringing his hands out from behind his back and handing me a huge bar of milk chocolate and a bunch of pink lily's wrapped in maroon tissue paper. "Wow Sean you sure have put a lot of thought into this, thank you, they're beautiful" I sad smelling the lily's. "Here I'll take those for you and put them in some water" Kate said coming out of no where as if she had been spying. "You two have a nice time" she said walking off, "Are you ready?" Sean asked holding out his hand.

  About 30 minutes later we pulled into the car park of the national park, he grabbed a bag from the back and we walked hand in hand for a couple of minutes, he led me round a corner of trees and I stopped walking, it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen in my life. There was a huge crystal clear lake, the way the tree's were they hade made a secluded are of grass with wild flowers growing randomly in clumps, it was unbelievable. Oh I will have to get Sean to show me this pace again, I would love to sketch this place.

  Sean led me forward some more and I realised that there was already a maroon picnic blanket laid out that had been little stones on each corner keeping it from blowing away, he had scattered white rose petals over it. He sat down on the blanket and pulled out his ipod and some portable speakers and put on some music on quietly. He started pulling out containers from the bag filled with all sorts of things from sandwiches to stuffed olives to chocolate fudge cake.

  The whole time he was doing this I just stood and watched him in awe, I couldn't believe that he had done all this just for me. "Aren't you gonna come sit with me?" he asked patting the ground beside him. I sat down and we talked while eating about things we liked and didn't like, movies, books, everything, there was not one minute of awkward silence. After he had packed up all the empty food containers (wow that boy can eat!) he told me to wait there and he ran off into the tree's coming back after a couple of minutes with a A3 sketch pad.

  "What the hell? Where did you find that?" I asked shocked "I didn't find it Tyler I brought it here, I just hid it because I didn't want to give it to you straight away" he said chuckling, "You brought it here?" I said confused, "Yeah, I thought you would like this place and I know how happy drawing makes you so I thought you might want to draw it or something, I mean, if it's a bad idea you don't have to it was just a thought" he said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's perfect Sean, and your right I would like to draw it, thank you" he passed me the sketchpad and got out a brand new set of pencils, (the proper artists expensive kind) out of his bag and handed them to me, he had stuck a little silver bow on the lid of the tin.

  I know its stupid getting excited over a tin of pencils but that is honestly the nicest most thoughtful present anyone had ever bought me. My eye's filled with water and a tear escaped as I looked up at him smiling. "What's wrong? Did I get the wrong ones? The lady in the shop said that these are the most popular ones" he said concerned wiping the tear away with his thumb. "No Sean they are perfect, it's just no one has ever done anything like this for me before, I'm not used to being treated like a princess" I said hugging him tightly, "Well you'd better get used to it" he mumbled in my ear.

  Pulling out of the hug he nodded towards the sketchpad in my lap "Now get drawing we've got a schedule to keep" he said sitting down on the blanket watching me. "Don't watch me, I cant do it if your gonna watch me" I said, he smiled and laid down putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes, he looked so beautiful that I turned away from the lake and drew him instead.

  "I'm done, you can look now if you want" I called to him after about 30 minutes, he smiled and got up from the blanket to sit behind me with his arms around my waist. He looked at the drawing and laughed, "Tyler I bring you to this beautiful place and you ignore it and draw me?" he said squeezing me gently "Well you were the most beautiful thing here" I told him simply. He didn't say anything he just continued to hold me, eventually he said "Right then we had better get going" moving away from me to pack up the rest of the bits, he was just about to shake off the rose petals onto the floor, "No! I want to keep those" I said scooping them into a pile "What do you want rose petals for?" he asked amused "I can make pot porui with them or dry them or if you want we can use them in a bath together later" I said seductively raising an eyebrow, "Don't start!" he warned sighing. We carried the stuff back to the car, well he carried most of the stuff I was allowed to hold the picnic blanket and my new pencils but nothing else! "Thank you Sean that was the best date anybody ever had" I told him once we were back in his car. "It's not over yet" he said pulling out of the car park.

  We drove to another part of the park and walked down a windy path, I had no idea where we were going but followed Sean anyway. Eventually we reached the end of the path and there in front of us was an Ice Rink! There was a few other couples skating holding hands, the park had wrapped fairy lights around the nearby tree's and had soft lighting overhead, there was not a cloud in the sky and all the stars were beautiful, a live band was playing softly under a pergola nearby, it was very romantic. "I know you said watching figure skating was your favourite sport but I just couldn't make that happen so I'm hoping this would make a nice substitute" he said laughing pulling me towards the skate hire stand.

  Standing at the edge of the rink I started to panic, "Come on you'll be fine" Sean said standing on the ice holding his hands out for me, "But I can't even roller ska
te!" I said nervously putting a foot on the ice and clinging to the side as if my life depended on it. We started around the edge, me nearly falling every couple of feet and clinging to the side desperately, I couldn't stop laughing, Sean grabbed both of my hands "Come on, I'll save you" he said skating backwards in front of me dragging me away from the safety of the side. "Sean! NO!" I protested loudly laughing harder, but I didn't fall, he pulled me around the rink effortlessly.

  "How in the hell are you doing that?" I said referring to him skating backwards in front of me, "I played Ice Hockey for a while when I was younger before I got into football, I haven't been skating for years though" he said pulling me to the edge a little while later and leading me to a bench. "Wait here I'll be right back" I sat down watching the people enjoying their skating looking at the stars until Sean returned with my boots in one hand and a tray of two drinks in the other, I changed out of my skates smiling.

  "I got you a hot chocolate, thought you might be cold after all that ice" he joked passing me a drink with little marshmallows slowly melting on top. We drank them on the way back to the car and I yawned, "Tired?" he said slipping his arm around my waist, "Mmm hmm, what time is it anyway?" I asked yawning again getting into the car, "11:30" he said quietly. I must have fallen asleep straight away because the next thing I know Sean was touching my face gently "Tyler we're back" he whispered, "Just five more minutes" I mumbled.

  He chuckled lightly "Want me to carry you in?" he said already putting his arms around me, "No, I'm heavy" I mumbled again trying to push him off, he laughed harder and lifted me effortlessly out of the car kicking the door shut. I tucked my head into his neck and he carried me through the house and up to his room laying me gently on his bed, he pulled off my boots and jeans, then stripped down to his boxers before climbing into the bed and wrapping me in his safe warm embrace. "Thank you Sean. That was the most perfect date anyone could have ever had" I mumbled squeezing myself to him tighter and drifting off to sleep listening to his heartbeat.

  Chapter 7: The after game party

  The next week passed in a blur, Sean took me out on a different date every night, dinner, the movies, walks in the park, and every night we stayed together either at my house of his, we didn't do anything though, not even kiss as we agreed that kissing was too tempting. Once a kiss started the passion took over and it was almost impossible to stop, Sean managed with great difficulty to prise himself away before we bonded on a couple of different occasions but he said it almost killed him to do it, so we had agreed that no more kissing until I was ready to bond with him.

  I never brought up the subject of bonding but occasionally he did, he kept trying to tell me the truth about what he was. He wanted me to know everything, to know what I was getting myself in to, but the truth is I just didn't want to know. It scared the hell out of me, I knew I was falling in love with him and falling hard and I knew that we were destined to be together but what if he told me the truth and I didn't want to be with him anymore? What if, what he is was so horrible that I fell out of love with him? I loved being with him, he made me feel whole, special, needed and most importantly he made me forget all the terrible things that had happened to me. I didn't want to go back to my life before Sean.

  I also knew that I couldn't bond with him, once we bonded he would never want anyone else and I couldn't do that to him. I knew that one day sooner or later HE would come for me again and my mother and I would have to leave, I wouldn't even get to say goodbye to Sean or his family or my friends. I tried not to think about that, it would be agony this time saying goodbye to Sean, I'm not even sure that I'll live through it.

  I couldn't let him give himself to me then be alone once I left. I didn't tell him any of this, I couldn't, so I was just let myself enjoy every minute of it, every second of being with him so I could treasure the memories forever. I didn't speak to him about my past, I knew that he wanted to know I would see a pained and curious expression cross his face when I would mention my dad or mom or places I'd lived but I think he knew that I didn't want to talk about it so he never asked and this made me love him even more.

  Today was Friday, we had been dating for one week and three days. Sean had a big game tonight, this was going to be the first football game I had ever watched in my life and I was actually quite excited about it. I was sat in the bleachers with Chase, Zoë, Sarah, Claire and Dan. Sean's parents were sitting in the row behind me. We were all eating fries talking excitedly waiting for the players to come out so that the game could start.

  As I shrugged out of my hoodie Chase started at me with wide eyes, "Sean gave you his jersey?" he asked unable to take his eye off the oversized blue football shirt with HOUSTON and the number 18 printed on the back that I was wearing. "Yeah, its his away shirt, apparently it's a girlfriends 'job'

  to wear his number to support her man" I laughed rolling my eyes doing air quotes round the word job. "He must really like you, I don't think he's ever been with anyone long enough to give them his jersey, he is either falling madly in love with you or you are incredible in the sack!" he said waggling his eyebrows. "Considering he hasn't got me in the sack yet I'll assume that it's the first option!" I told him laughing slapping him on the shoulder. "You mean you two haven't....and he's ok with that? I mean all Sean gets with girls for is the sex!" he said shocked "Apparently not anymore"

  I said shrugging my shoulders, just then the players came out and the crowd went mad.

  I saw Sean looking round when he saw me his face lit up and he beamed a big smile winking at me making me get hot and bothered before he turned to run to the field. Before he got too far away I stood up and shouted as loud as I could, "HEY HOUSTON, NICE ASS!" he turned back to me laughing, "RIGHT BACK AT YA TYLER" he shouted and ran off to join his team. Someone cleared their throat loudly behind me and I looked up to see Jack and Kate standing there looking amused, "Oh hey! Umm sorry, I forgot you were there!" I said biting my lip going bright red. They just laughed and shook their heads.

  The game was great but I had no idea what was going on, I cheered when our side got the ball, booed when the other side scored and screamed whenever Sean got hit, which let me tell you was a lot. "Why the hell do they keep doing that to him?" I shouted angrily, pointing to Sean who was picking himself up off of the floor again. "Because he's our best player, they have to take him out as quick as they can if they want to win" Chase just shrugged as if this was a good enough reason, suddenly the whistle blew and the crowd went crazy jumping up and down, apparently we'd won.

  Sean was jogging towards me smiling so I jumped up and ran towards him too, leaping into his arms and yep you guessed it smashing my lips to his, he responded immediately pulling me tighter to him and wrapping my legs around his waist. I don't know how I did it but I remembered where we were, pulling my face from his, he started kissing down my neck hungrily sending pleasure through my whole body. "Stop" I said but it sounded more like a moan, he didn't stop, instead he started drawing the tip of his tongue down my neck, "Sean stop" I said a little louder, he looked at me then lust written all over his face breathing hard.

  "Shit, sorry" he muttered taking a deep breath, I started to unwrap my legs from his waist but he stopped me putting a hand on my thigh. "No don't get down yet, I need to calm myself down a bit first" he said blushing slightly, just then I realised what he was talking about, he was so aroused that he was pushing hard on my stomach, if I moved it would be obvious for everyone to see in his tight football pants, I laughed guiltily. "Its not funny Tyler, you see how quickly you get to me?" he said smiling a heartbreaking smile that looked slightly pained.

  The feel of his erection was setting my body alight and I leaned in to kiss him again, realising what was going on he pulled his head back chuckling. "Looks like I'm not the only one that needs to calm down, I'm glad to see I get to you too" he said smiling again. "How could you not get to me? You are the sexiest thing I have ever seen and I want you so bad it's almost painful" I told him putting our foreheads t
ogether. He moaned a little and pulled me tighter to him starting to walk again towards the almost empty bleachers. He sat down on one of the benches keeping me on his lap just holding me for about 5 minutes before he had finally calmed down enough to go shower and get changed.

  I was going with Chase to the after game party at one of players houses and Sean was meeting me there. I stood up and Sean made me do a little twirl while he looked me over, "You know, that shirt definitely looks better on you than it does on me" he said raising his eyebrows "And the name Houston suits you too" he said smirking at me. I laughed embarrassed and wanted to get away "I'll see you at the party" I said and went to find Chase.

  Oh God was he thinking about me being his wife or something? Why would he say that? I thought as I was walking to Chase's car, but as I thought of it I slowly started to fantasise about being his wife, having a house and kids, being blissfully happy with him, waking up next to him every day for the rest of my life. I must admit I liked it, I liked it a lot. Stop it Tyler that can't happen so don't torture yourself I told myself sternly shaking my head trying to clear it. I needed to talk to him, if he's thinking things like that then I need to tell him that this can't happen I can't be with him forever, can't be his wife have his kids, I can't bond with him. I can't because soon, I don't know when, but pretty soon I'll have to disappear again. I needed to break this off with him before things got out of hand.


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