Book Read Free

Words From the Heart

Page 7

by L C Taylor

  “Parker,” Hank cut through his thoughts.

  “Hank, Meghan still here?”

  “Nah, she put him down and then called a friend of hers to come get him. They just left with his remains. She alright?”

  “No… not really. It’s a lot to deal with in such a short amount of time.”

  “Yeah, I get it. You ready to head home?”

  “I think I am going to stay here, you know – in case she needs something. You can take my truck to the house, you do remember how to get back don’t you?”

  Hank laughed, “Yep. Damn boy,” he shook his head, “I never thought I’d see the day you fell for a girl. But you have… hard.”

  Parker gave him a look, “Yeah… I have. I just wish she felt the same.”

  “She does… but she’s afraid.”

  “What do you mean?” Parker questioned him, “You just met her.”

  “Yeah, but whether she will admit it or not, she’s in love with you too.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Parker glanced up the steps towards her room.

  “When I told her not to break your heart, she got extremely defensive. And when she saw that horse on the ground, it was your arms she fell into, not mine. Don’t be stupid, Parker. She is in love with you – so give her time.”

  Parker sighed, “I’m not going anywhere. I owe Momma Belle.”

  “What does Momma Belle have to do with how you feel?”

  “Her stories made me fall in love with Delilah before I even knew her. If it weren’t for Momma Belle, I wouldn’t be standing her, waiting for that stubborn woman to notice me.”

  “You’re a Marine. I think you can face down any struggle. Anyway, I’m going to head out. I asked Meghan to cremate the horse, figured your girl would want that. She’ll call me when the remains are ready for pick up.”

  “She could’ve just called me when they’re ready. You’ve done a lot already.”

  “It’s all good I gave her my number and told her to call me.” Hank folded his arms and pinned Parker with a glare.

  “Fine.” Parker threw his hands up in surrender, “Just let me know when you hear something. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Parker walked Hank to the door, waving as he pulled away. He didn’t care if Delilah wanted space, he was staying. It was nearly eight and his stomach was growling in anger. Parker headed into the kitchen and decided he was making dinner for them both. After throwing together grilled cheese sandwiches and some soup, he carried a tray upstairs.

  “Delilah,” Parker called out as he knocked on her door, “Please open your door. I made some dinner. You need to eat.”

  She pulled her door open, “What do you want? I told you that you could leave.”

  “Yep, you did. But you need to eat, and I ain’t leaving. Made some grilled cheese sandwiches and soup.”

  Delilah reached out and took the tray, “Thanks.” She slammed the door in his face. Parker clenched his fists, he wanted to punch the door, but he closed his eyes and took a deep breath instead. She was going to drive him mad with her shitty attitude.

  “You can be a butthole all you want, but I am not leaving. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” He turned, walking briskly downstairs. It was taking everything he had not to kick the door down and pull her into his arms.

  Chapter 20

  Delilah stared at the tray of food. Parker was only trying to help, but she felt like everything around her was falling apart. Eying the wooden box, Delilah decided to read again… maybe somehow Momma Belle’s words would alleviate the pain she was feeling.

  Dear Delilah,

  I’d hoped you’d be back home by now, but I see things are not going quite like I expected. I won’t lie. It hurts that you don’t call or write, but I understand why. John has isolated you from your friends and family. He wants to control you. And only you can figure out who he really is. No amount of words can convince you otherwise. But that’s not why I decided to write you.

  I met a nice young man right after you left. No not a romantic kind of thing – he’s like a son to me. He left the Marines and found himself here in Alabama. Truth is I almost ran over him with my car. Turned out – he was exactly what I needed in that moment. He’s been working for me since. He does whatever needs to be done here on the farm. I had to let go of a lot of the animals, it was getting too much for me, even with him helping.

  Parker has filled a void in my heart since you left. No, baby, he hasn’t replaced you – he’s just an addition to the love I have. This is the kind of man I expected you to fall in love with. He’s strong, kind, and loyal. He sits with me for hours listening to my stories of you. I swear he’s in love with the idea of who you are already. Maybe one day you can meet him. I think you’ll love him just as much as I do. I hope anyway. Delilah, you’re going to need family when I’m gone and that tool of a fiancé John isn’t it. I’m not saying Parker is either, but he will be the connection to me once I am gone. Lean on him when you need someone strong. He won’t let you down.

  Things are going to get rough before they get better, be there for each other. Can you do that for me? There are so many things I need to say, but now isn’t the time.

  I love you, Delilah.

  Momma Belle

  Delilah folded the paper and put it back in the box. She couldn’t stop thinking about what Momma Belle had said. She was right, she needed someone – she just didn’t want to lead Parker on. Sleeping with him had been a mistake, at least she was trying to convince herself it had been. She pushed the uneaten food to the floor and curled her legs to her chest. She wished like hell that Momma Belle was here right now. There was no doubt in Delilah’s mind that she’d knock some sense into her. Trying to give into sleep, Delilah tossed and turned. There was no way she was going to get any rest – every time she closed her eyes, she saw Ed lying on the stall floor.

  “Delilah,” a soft knock at the door forced her to open her eyes.


  Parker pushed open the door, peering inside, “You alright? I can hear you tossing around downstairs. Your bed isn’t exactly quiet.”

  “I can’t sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see Ed dead on the ground.”

  “Can I help in any way?”

  Delilah squeezed her eyes shut, she didn’t want to be alone, but she didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. “Do you think you could just stay with me for a bit?”

  Parker stepped inside the room and pressed the door closed. “Sure, I’ll sit with you for a little while.” He pulled the desk chair to the edge of the bed and settled down in it.

  “Parker,” Delilah whispered his name.

  “What is it?”

  “Um… can you lay with me?”

  Parker didn’t need to be asked twice. He stood, walking to the opposite side of the bed, pulled the covers back, and slipped under them. He laid with his arms folded under his head, staring at the ceiling. “Alright. I’ll wait until you fall asleep before I leave.”

  “Thanks.” Delilah stayed turned on her side. The closeness of his body calmed her.

  Parker waited, silently praying she’d fall asleep quick. Being next to her was torture. He wanted to touch her, comfort her more than by just lying beside her. As if she’d heard his thoughts, her body rolled, pressing into his side. Her head nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder, as her leg wedged itself between his legs. He was thankful he was dressed, because his jeans hid his painfully hard cock. Wrapping an arm around her, Parker closed his eyes and gave into sleep. If this was all she was willing to give, then he would take it.

  Chapter 21

  Delilah woke wrapped in warmth. Her hand was buried under a cotton t-shirt, pressed against the hard ridges of muscle. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she realized those muscles belonged to Parker. Trying to slip her hand from under the fabric without waking him, “Delilah,” Parker mumbled into her hair.

  “Um… I don’t know what happened.” She giggled against him, embarr
assed that they were tangled up with each other.

  “You kind of rolled over and wouldn’t let go.”

  “I’m sorry.” Slipping from his hold, Delilah stood from the bed. She rushed to the bathroom and slammed the door closed. Resting her head against the wood, she blew the breath from her lungs.

  “Delilah?” Parker tapped the door, “You ok?”

  “Yeah… I just need a minute.”

  “I’ll go make us some breakfast.”

  She could hear his footsteps echoing through the house. Splashing water on her face, she brushed her teeth and opened the door. Glancing at the nightstand, she realized the box holding the letters was still in the room. Sitting on the bed, she began to read more of Momma Belle’s words.

  Dear Delilah,

  I wish we were talking. I wish you were here. I wish… hell, I don’t know what I wish. There are somethings I need to tell you that shouldn’t be done through a letter. But since John has you tucked away, there really isn’t any way to do this. I’ve come to learn some information that wasn’t expected. Funny thing is, it makes me want to drive up there and knock some sense into you… again, something that wouldn’t change the path I am on.

  No one knows what I am about to tell you. Not even Parker. And I don’t plan to tell him, so Delilah, don’t be angry with him when you meet him. He didn’t keep this from you. You can’t keep something from people when you don’t know. I need you to lean on him instead. He needs to be your source of strength. And when the time comes, Don, my attorney can lead you.

  First, let me remind you how important to me you are. You have been the light in my life – a beacon of hope when I thought all was lost. You were the last connection I had to my daughter. I am sorry I never told you the truth about her. Delilah, sometimes in life we are thrown a curve ball that we didn’t see coming. This is my curve ball.

  I’ve made peace with the fact I cannot control life or death. I am eternally grateful for you and the life I have been able to live. When you left, I felt empty. Then Parker came into my life and filled the blackness left behind when you left. Delilah, he is going to need you when he learns my truth as well. He will feel betrayed, angry, and sad. He was like my son after all.

  “Delilah?” Parker interrupted her reading, “You ok? I’ve been calling your name for the last couple of minutes.” He noticed the worn paper clasped between her hands, “Another letter?”

  Delilah nodded. “Parker, was something wrong with Momma Belle?”

  “What do you mean – something wrong with her?” Parker sat on the bed next to her, pushing the box out of the way.

  “I don’t know. Her letter… it’s not making any sense.” Delilah glanced back down, to continue reading. Parker placed his hand on her back, peering over her shoulder to see what had her so confused.

  Delilah, I love you with all that I am. You know what… I can’t do this through a letter. I am going to call you. I pray you answer. Hearing your voice will soothe my soul and heal my heart. And I don’t want this to be the way I tell you.

  Please answer, my beautiful girl. I need you to hear me.


  Momma Belle

  “What in the ever-loving fuck!!” Delilah turned the letter over and over. “That’s it… what did she need to tell me? Parker…” Delilah looked into his eyes.

  “I swear I don’t know what she’s talking about. She never told me anything was wrong.”

  Delilah turned around frantically searching for the box, “Where is it?” she pushed passed Parker.

  “Whoa… hold up, Delilah. Let’s think about this for a minute.”

  “Think about it? Parker… her letter sounded ominous. She never called me.”

  “Now that ain’t true. Delilah, that woman tried to call you almost every day.”

  She stopped dead, “What?”

  “Momma Belle tried calling you every day. It always went to voicemail. Didn’t you get any of her messages?”

  “NO!” She bolted up from the bed. “I never got any messages or missed calls from her. I thought…” she pressed her fingers to her forehead, “I thought she was disappointed in me and didn’t want a relationship.” Pacing the floor, she grabbed her cell phone from the dresser.

  “Delilah…” Parker stood, “What are you doing?”

  But she had the phone pressed to her ear, signaling him with one finger. “John… did you fucking screen my calls and messages when we were together?”

  Parker couldn’t hear his response, but he could read her body language, and she was pissed.

  “No John… that is not what I asked you. DID. YOU. SCREEN. MY. CALLS?”


  Parker snatched the phone from her hand, John was trying to convince her why he had done it.

  “Baby… I just felt like she would take you from me. She called every day. It was obsessive.”

  “Listen, John,” Parker barked into the phone. “You don’t call Delilah baby. You don’t call her, come see her – hell, you don’t even mention her name ever again. Momma Belle would have never taken her from you. But listen and listen well. Delilah is not property. She’s a person who deserves to be treated like a goddess. And if she will let me, I’ll be the one to take her heart – and guard it from assholes like you.”

  Parker disconnected the call, slamming the phone down on the dresser. “Come on,” he grabbed Delilah’s hand, “you need to eat. Then we can see what secrets she had to tell you. But not on an empty stomach.”

  Delilah shook her head and let Parker drag her downstairs, the letter from Momma Belle temporarily forgotten.

  Chapter 22

  Delilah couldn’t contain the moan from escaping when she closed her mouth around the warm, fluffy, sweetness. “Jesus Christ, Parker, I didn’t know you could cook like this!” She mumbled through her mouth full of pancakes.

  Parker quirked an eyebrow, “Thanks…” his smirk caused Delilah to blush. As Parker started to say something, a knock at the door startled him, “Shit. Let me see who it is.” He stood, his chair scrapping across the floor, the sound echoing in the silence.

  “Delilah,” Hank tilted his head as he walked into the kitchen, “sorry to interrupt your breakfast.”

  “No,” she pointed towards the huge stack in the center of the table, “help yourself. I owe you for helping yesterday.” Delilah turned away, tears glazing over her eyes.

  “Thanks, I’d love some.” He pulled a chair out and sat down. Spearing the fluffy cakes in front of him, he shoveled a huge stack onto a plate.

  “Hank,” Parker sat down near Delilah, “What brings you by this morning?”

  “Well… I do have your truck, and I figured we’d finish the fence out back today. Since you’re off.”

  “The fence?” Delilah asked confused, “I didn’t know there was anything wrong with the fence.”

  “Yeah – a few boards had rotted, and the tree…” His voice trailed off, causing Hank to glance up from his plate.

  “It needed some repairs, Darlin’. And since your boy here is letting me crash with him, I’m going to help him get these repairs done.”

  Parker nodded, silently thanking his longtime friend for finishing his thought. That tree was still a source of contention for him.

  “Hank, I don’t think I’ve really asked what brought you here to Alabama.” Delilah shoveled another bite into her mouth, completed unashamed of making a pig of herself.

  “Well, Parker and I were in the military… and when my time was done, I needed somewhere to land. A fresh start so to say.”

  “Oh. Well, this is certainly the place to start over.”

  “You say that as someone who knows.” He smiled, glancing from Parker to her.

  “Yeah… Anyway. I owe you a thank you. For helping with Ed.” Her voice cracked, “Sorry.” She pushed her chair back and stood, “I need to shower. If you’ll excuse me.”

  “Delilah?” Parker stood

  “Parker, we’ll talk later.” She turned hurrying off, leaving the two men to stare at her backside.

  “Damn brother… You have it bad.” Hank laughed.

  “Shut up.”

  “She’s gorgeous. I’ll give you that.”

  “That’s not the reason I love her, Hank.”

  “Whoa? You love her? Seriously, Parker? You’ve only known her, what, a few months?”

  “In person, sure. But it feels like an eternity.” Parker sat back down. “I fell in love with her before I met her. The stories Momma Belle told me had me hooked, even before I’d met her. She’s special.”

  Hank shook his head, “Wow. That’s deep. I hope you don’t get hurt.”

  “Yeah… me too.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Delilah was standing at the bottom of the steps, she’d stopped when she heard Hank giving Parker a hard time about her. What she wasn’t expecting was for Parker to confess his feelings for her to his friend. He’d said he was in love with her. That wasn’t the first time he’d said those words, though. He’d said them to her earlier. But she ran – scared that she would crush him. Deep down she knew she’d never hurt him, she just wasn’t ready to face her confusing feelings. She heard the chair legs scrape the floor, causing her to jump and run up the steps. She didn’t want Parker to know she’d heard what he’d said.

  Closing herself in the bathroom, she stepped under the spray of the water, letting the warm water wash away her worries. Her mind strayed to her grandmother. What had she wanted to tell her? Lost in thought, she hadn’t heard the door open.

  “Delilah?” Parkers warm voice cut through her mental fog.

  “Shit…” She jumped, covering her naked body with her arms. “Parker, get out.”

  “I needed to make sure you were ok.”

  “Oh my God. Get out. Your friend is downstairs. Fuck.” She muttered.

  “He’s outside.” Parker pulled open the shower door and stared at her naked form in front of him.


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