Book Read Free

Words From the Heart

Page 10

by L C Taylor


  When you come home, and you will, because all of this is for you baby girl. I want you to find yourself. Live free, live like you want to, but find the love you deserve.

  I have shared so much of your life with Parker, he knows you as intimately as me. It is only going to take him seeing you to know you’re the one for him. I see it in his eyes, you know. The love he has just from knowing you through me. And when this man meets you, it is going to take him a minute to catch up – but when he does, don’t run. He will love you the way you deserve. I feel this deep in my bones. Parker is the man you deserve, and you are the woman he deserves. Don’t let fear keep you from knowing what a full heart means.

  Go, make your life with someone who you deserve. Someone who will love you with all that he has. Parker is that man. I asked him to give you time to come to terms with everything, but to be there when you were ready. I knew he was in love with you. It was in his eyes every time we talked about you. He wanted to drive to New York and bring you home, but I wouldn’t let him. I knew you needed to come to terms with all this on your own. You’ve always been stubborn like that. Give him time. Give him love. Give him you, baby. And when you are ready, ask him to read the letter I left him. It will all make sense.

  I love you, baby girl. You were my greatest gift in life. I will always be looking down on you. Know I am with you always. Go. Love. He’s waiting on you.

  Love always,

  Momma Belle

  Delilah wiped at the wetness running down her cheeks. The letter burned deep in her heart, the words, the emotions, all of it, tugged deep in her soul. Her grandmother was right. John nearly ruined her life. She only wished Momma Belle’s death hadn’t been the thing to make her realize he was wrong for her. Delilah chuckled. She could only picture what would have happened if Parker had come to New York to drag her back. She’d have probably cussed him out and fought him tooth and nail. Standing, she shoved the letter into her pocket. Turning she stared at the hospital. Inside the building was her future. After reading the letter, she knew now more than ever she deserved the man inside waiting on her. She loved him – with everything she was inside and more.

  Delilah found herself back in Parker’s room. He was sleeping, the light from the window kissing his skin. He looked almost angelic. She watched as he smiled, “I see you staring at me, it’s creepy.”

  “It’s not creepy. I like looking at you.”

  “Delilah,” Parker beckoned her towards the bed, “Come here.”

  She walked to the edge of the bed and took his hand in hers, “Hank send’s his love. Says he will help get you home tomorrow.”

  “Ok. Sit with me?”

  Delilah scooted onto the mattress next to him, “This all right? You have enough room?”

  “Yes.” Parker brushed the loose strands from her face, “You’re beautiful.”

  “That’s the drugs talking.” Delilah laughed.

  “No. It’s not. Delilah, I know you probably don’t want to hear this… but I love you. I do.”

  “I know. But, lets table this discussion for a day. There is so much I want to tell you, but not here. Alright?”

  “Fine. I won’t push. Will you lay with me?”

  Delilah shifted, laying her head in the crook of his arm, “Is this ok? I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “No. This is perfect.” Parker pressed a kiss to her head and tugged her closer. He relished in her touch, his own body craved to be close to her.

  Delilah could hear the steady sound of his breathing, his touch feather like as he twined his fingers into her hair. They laid like that, Parker giving into his drug induced haze and Delilah’s eyes drooping as she fell asleep to the beat of his heart. She prayed this was something she could hold onto forever. She loved him.

  Chapter 30

  The next few days were a whirl of organized chaos. The doctor was true to his word and released Parker. Hank had helped Delilah set up the house to accommodate his needs, setting a bed up in the spare room that had sat empty. He would have access to a bathroom downstairs so he wouldn’t have to navigate the steps.

  “Delilah,” Parker called out to her from the bedroom, “Can you come in here a minute?”

  Delilah found him propped up on the bed, he looked frustrated, “What’s wrong?” She asked him.

  “I wondered if you could help me shower. I really feel icky and it’s been a couple of days. Pretty sure this cast and my balls smell.”

  Delilah barked out a laugh, “Sure. Give me a minute to grab your walker.” She disappeared into the living room and grabbed the metal contraption. He wasn’t thrilled about using the thing, saying it made him feel like an old man, but there was no way Delilah could lug his big ass around.

  “Alright,” she pushed the walker against the bed, “You ready?”

  “Are you… I am pretty sure the stench is going to make you gag.” Parker laughed as he pushed himself up on the handles. “Alright, lead the way.” He nodded towards the bathroom.

  Delilah pushed open the door and situated the shower seat in the stall. She was grateful it was a walk-in shower, making it easy to get him inside. Turning on the water to let it have time to heat up, Delilah turned to find Parker fighting with his shirt.

  “Here, let me help you.” She grabbed the hem and pulled it over his head. She pushed her desire down, wanting nothing more than to lick the steel planes of his chest and abs.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Um… sorry. Let’s get your pants now.” Delilah squatted in front of him and tugged the sweatpants down. He was not wearing any boxers, “What the hell, Parker. Where are your underwear?”

  “What was the point. It’s just one more thing to fiddle with. Why? Is my dick distracting?”

  “Um. No.” Delilah stood, “Get in and sit down.”

  Parker grabbed her hand, tugging her into his chest. His lips caught hers as his hands wound in her hair. “I love you.” He pressed his forehead to hers.

  Delilah squeezed her eyes shut, “Get in the shower.”

  She didn’t know why she was being such a chicken. She knew she loved him back, but she was terrified what it meant when she said those three little words. She helped him get situated and then left him to his shower, “Call me when you’re done. I’ll come help you get out and dressed.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Parker let the hot water pour over his body. His leg was wrapped in a protective sheath, keeping the water from ruining his cast. It had only been four days, and already he wanted the damn thing off. Cutting the water off, he called out to Delilah. He knew better than to try and get up on his own. He might be stubborn, but he wasn’t dumb.

  “You ready?”

  Parker nodded, scooting towards the walker and pulled himself up with Delilah’s help. She wrapped a towel around his waist, using another to dry him off. Parker leaned against the sink and brushed his teeth. Delilah stood behind him, her smile filled the mirror. He looked like he’d been run over, his face littered with cuts and bruises. “I must look like a monster to you.” He closed his eyes, feeling self-conscious.

  “No. You don’t.” Delilah ran her hand across his shoulder, “You will heal.”

  She followed him from the bathroom, watching his towel dangle precariously around his hips. All it would take is a flick of her hand and his towel would come off. But as much as she wanted to tear it off his body, now was not the time.

  “Can you grab me some new pants?”

  “Sure.” Delilah snatched a pair of clean sweats and helped him ease them over his leg. “You sure you don’t want some underwear?”

  “Nope. Pants is fine.”

  Delilah turned her cheek, blushing as she slid the cotton up his thighs and over his semi-erect cock.

  “You don’t have to be shy. You’ve seen it before.”

  “Yeah, but you didn’t have a cast and nearly killed. So I’m trying to be respectful.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to be respectfu

  “Parker.” Delilah stood, guiding him into the bed, “When you’re healed, I promise to be so disrespectful you will want to punish me. But for now, I need you to get better. Ok?”

  “Fine. When we going to have that talk?”


  “Oh… you thought I’d forgotten you promised to tell me what was on your mind, did you?”

  “No. I just thought you needed rest.”

  Parker crossed his hands behind his head and leaned into the frame, “I’m rested.” He watched her as she fidgeted on her feet. “Come, sit. What are you so scared about?”

  “Everything.” Delilah let out an exasperated sigh.

  Parker brushed his hand down her cheek, “You don’t need to be scared.”

  “Parker,” she stood and paced in front of him. Taking a deep breath, she started to spew every emotion inside her chest. “When I left for college, I thought my life was beginning.” Delilah paused, glancing at Parker over her shoulder, “I had no idea it was really the end. John was not the man I thought he was. He controlled everything I did. He kept me from the only woman I knew as mom. He took my career from me and left me a shell of a woman. Then Momma Belle died. She died and I wasn’t here – I know what you’re going to say, that she made peace with that, but I haven’t.”

  Delilah stared out the widow, “Then I came home and met you. You are confusing, pushy, and make me feel things I wasn’t ready for. And then Ed, my horse – the only thing left connecting me to her – died. Or at least that’s what I thought. The letters she left for me were filled with pain, love, and insight. And when Hank told me you’d been in a car accident, my heart stopped.”

  “Delilah,” Parker whispered her name.

  “No, let me finish. Parker, I’ve been running. My whole running and looking for something I thought I was missing. But I realize what I was running from was here in Alabama this whole time. You brought something back to life inside me, something I didn’t even know existed. Momma Belle was right.”

  “Right about what?”

  “She said I deserved more. She said the man I needed was here, waiting for me. Parker,” Delilah turned to face him, “I’m not scared.”

  “Not scared of what?”

  “Loving you.”

  Chapter 31

  “You love me?” Parker shifted towards her.

  “Yes. More than I thought possible. I love you, Parker.”

  “Mother fucker.” Parker slammed his hands into the bed.

  “Mother fucker? I tell you I love you and you say Mother Fucker?”

  “No… it’s not what you think. I am laid up in this bed, and the woman I have been in love with since before I met her, just told me that she loves me. Do you see the irony in that?” He laughed, really laughed, deep from his belly. Delilah couldn’t help but laugh with him.

  “I’m sorry,” she breathed out between giggles, “I didn’t really think about timing.”

  “Come here,” He extended his hand towards her. Delilah slipped her fingers into his, “I love you, Delilah.” Parker pulled her into him, pressing his lips to hers. Her hands pressed into his bare chest as he kissed her as though his life depended on it like the air he needed to breathe.

  “Parker,” Delilah pushed him back, “Your leg.”

  “Delilah, if I don’t get you naked right this minute, I might go insane.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you. This can wait. We have a lifetime.”

  “My leg is broken, not my cock. Now take off your clothes.”

  Delilah hesitated, but relinquished and stood. She stripped her clothes off and climbed in bed, straddling his lap. “This alright?” She asked, pressing down on his shoulders, “I don’t want to break you more.”

  “Baby, leaving my dick rock hard would be the only way you could hurt me.” He pulled her in for another smoldering kiss. His hands fisting her head. Delilah shifted against him, lifting up enough to slip his engorged cock into her slick and waiting channel.

  “Fuck,” Parker hissed out, breaking their kiss.

  Delilah seated herself completely, allowing him to fill her completely. She rocked, slightly afraid if she moved too fast she’d hurt his leg. “That’s it. God, you feel like heaven.” Parker’s breath caressed her ear as she moved against him. He squeezed her hips, “FUCK, I am not going to last long. Can you come for me, baby?” His finger found her sensitive nub, flicking and pinching the soft skin. Her mewls were driving him crazy and he wished he could fuck her harder, but the cast and her weight had him at her mercy.

  “Oh God… Parker,” She moaned, her eyes closing in lust, “I’m going to come.” She panted, her hips swaying and bucking. Parker closed his eyes, his cock swelled, filling her already tight cunt as he spilled his load inside her womb. Delilah screamed out, her eyes opening from her haze. Parker pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’m sorry that was so quick. But I promise, when this damn thing is off, I will make love to you the way you deserve.”

  Delilah blushed, “That was perfect. You’re perfect.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head against his shoulder. Parker flinched, “Shit – am I hurting you?”

  “Just a little cramp is all.”

  Delilah hopped off his lap, careful not to tweak his cast. She grabbed his discarded towel and cleaned up, wiping his pants off that hadn’t even been fully removed. She slipped back on her clothes, “Let me grab you some pain meds. You should rest.”

  Darting from the room, she grabbed a pill and water. “Here,” she thrust them into his hand, “take this.”

  “Delilah, I’m fine.”

  “Please, it will make me feel better. We should have waited until you were better to do that.”

  “No. We. Shouldn’t. Have.” Parker smiled, “I can handle a little cramp – trust me it was worth it.”

  “Well, get some rest. I’ll come back in a bit. I need to run some errands, ok?”

  “Ok.” Parker swallowed the medicine and leaned back into the pillow. Delilah smiled as she left him in the room and hurried to find her keys.

  She wanted to go and see Don. Now that she’d read through all of Momma Belles letters, she had some questions for him.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Hey, is Don in?” Delilah asked the receptionist.

  “Yeah, go on back.”

  Delilah knocked before pushing the door open, “Hey, Don.” She smiled.

  “Delilah,” stood, “Have a seat. What brings you by today?”

  “I read all the letters.”

  “Good. So, you know everything?” Don cocked his head at her.

  “Yeah. She was dying. Did you know that?”

  “I did. She came to me to make sure her will was on the up and up. She wanted to ensure you wouldn’t need a thing.”

  “I wish I’d known. I’d have come home sooner.”

  “Delilah,” Don tossed his pen to the desk, “Momma Belle wouldn’t have wanted that. She was sure you needed to find your own way. She wasn’t mad or bitter. Honestly, she hoped you’d find your way into a better man’s arms when you got here.” Don smiled.

  Delilah couldn’t hide the blush creeping up her neck, “I see.”

  “So did you?”

  “Did I what?”

  “Find your way into the arms of a good man?”

  “Yeah…” she looked down at her lap before looking him in the eyes, “I think I did.”

  “Good. Then I know Momma Belle is smiling down from Heaven.”

  “I hope so.”

  “She is. Now… about the money. Have you given any idea as to what you’re going to do?”

  “I think I am going to get the farm back to working order – once Parker is better. I’m going to need his help.”

  “I am pretty sure that man would walk through fire for you.”

  “Well, maybe. But not any time soon. Thanks, Don.”

  “Anytime, Delilah. Like I told you before, I loved Momma Belle more than she ever knew. So, if you need anyth
ing… I mean anything – you come find me. Ok?”

  Delilah stood as Don came around the desk. She pulled him into a hug, “I do. Thank you, Don.” Delilah left his office with a smile. She was ready to start forever with Parker.

  Chapter 32

  Parker was beyond ready to have his cast come off today. Delilah had driven them to the doctor’s office and helped him inside. It didn’t take long, and as they stepped outside, Parker pulled her into a fierce hug.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” Delilah questioned.

  “Taking care of me.”

  “I love you, Parker. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.”

  The rode in silence to the house, watching the scenery pass by. Parker held Delilah’s hand in his, his thumb constantly rubbing her hand. He couldn’t get enough of her, and he was dreading his return to work. He didn’t know how he was going to survive over night shifts away from her. “I hate that in a few weeks I’ll be back at work.”

  “You love your job. Plus, it’s not like you can’t come home on duty.” Her eyebrows waggled.

  “You naughty flirt.” Parker smiled.

  “Speaking of home…” Delilah paused, “Don’t you think it’s time you moved in for real?”

  “What?” Parker nearly ran off the road.

  “Move in, Parker. Please?”

  Turning the truck around, he headed towards his place. “Where we going?”

  “To pack my shit.”

  Delilah couldn’t contain the laugh that bubbled up through her lips. “Eager aren’t you?”

  “Delilah,” Parker cut his eyes towards her, “You haven’t let me touch you since that day. So, I want to make sure I have all my shit at your house because we won’t be leaving the bedroom for days. Ok?”


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