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Ethereal: The Light in the Shadow

Page 13

by Zoe Knights

  Especially when those ethereal ruby eyes locked on her.

  Sam beckoned her closer like this was the most normal thing in the world. “Need a hand?” he quipped rather cheekily.

  Eddie tore her eyes away from the wolf to look at Sam’s dark brown irises instead. “I’m not hopeless, Sam,” she told him haughtily.

  But, when she looked back to this huge beast with sleek fur, she had no idea how to get up. “Erm…” she hesitantly put a hand on Neeshka’s fur. “I don’t want to hurt her though…”

  Then, taking Eddie aback, Neeshka let out a long exhale from her nose that could almost be mistaken for a laugh, and she was lowering her body down, lying on the leafy forest floor.

  Sam snorted. “She’s never this polite for me,” he sounded ever so slightly annoyed by this.

  Eddie laughed, shaking her head to try and shake it free from this strange, supernatural feeling. But, it didn’t work, and she simply found herself carefully getting on to this mystical wolf’s back.

  Sam waited for Neeshka to stand back up, lurching Eddie’s stomach as she did so before he launched himself on behind Eddie.

  Eddie’s heart was already pounding with adrenaline, but it sped up even further when Sam pressed up against her back, his lips leaning into her ear. “Is this okay?” he murmured softly, his arms now wrapping around her sides to rest on Neeshka’s back in front of her.

  His breath tickled the sensitive hairs on Eddie’s neck, and she turned her head to look at him, though this was a mistake for she was now much closer to those thick lashes and dark eyes than she was accustomed to. She swallowed, trying not to let this show and nodded quickly.

  A smile hooked the corner of his lips. “Then hold on…” he whispered.

  Eddie barely had the chance to gasp, “To what?!” before she was launched backward into Sam’s chest, her fingers scrambling to grasp his arms as Neeshka took off.

  And Eddie’s breath was taken away, her brain refusing to keep up as her world was changed around her. Shadows engulfed her, colour transforming into every shade of grey. It was terrifying, yet beautiful. She expected to be jostled and thrown around, but though they moved too fast for her to comprehend, everything happened smoothly, and she was hyper-aware of the grounding warmth that was Sam enveloping her from behind.

  And then just as suddenly as it had begun, they’d stopped, and Eddie gasped, her heart pounding so fast she was certain Sam would be able to hear it.

  And maybe he could because he was chuckling into her ear. “Feel ok?” he murmured.

  Eddie just focused on getting her breathing under control.

  Sam was smirking cockily, pulling his arms back as Eddie’s hands slipped from their grip.

  He jumped off lithely, looking up at Eddie from the ground. “Come on!” he urged, still grinning and holding a hand up for her. “I don’t want to miss it!”

  Eddie frowned at him, “Miss what?” she urged, still feeling quite unstable.

  “Just take my hand,” Sam insisted.

  Eddie sighed but decided it would be silly and embarrassing to decline his hand and fall off the beast. So she grasped it, and Sam helped her to the ground, steadying her with his other hand holding her arm.

  He raised his eyebrows cheekily. “Need a minute?”

  Eddie shook her head, “I’m fine,” she said quickly. “Just…” she looked at him with slightly wide eyes. “That was the craziest thing I’ve ever done.”

  Sam laughed, and Eddie vaguely wondered if it was a ‘not so human’ thing that made his laugh so musical. “It’s pretty great though, right?”

  Eddie exhaled a slightly breathless laugh herself, glancing back to Neeshka and nodding absently. “Yeah…” she whispered.

  “Come on!” Sam beckoned her onward, his eyes alight.

  “Wait!” Eddie whispered, nearly tripping as she hurried to keep up with Sam’s enthusiasm, her wide eyes now darting around to take in their surroundings.

  They had stopped in a clearing surrounded by beautiful, big alder trees with a small lake in the centre. A sheet of ice too thin to stand on coated the still water that was a perfect mirror of the night sky. A night sky that was ablaze with stars shining like diamonds above and below her.

  Eddie’s jaw dropped, and her eyes went wide as she took it all in. “This is beautiful…” she whispered in awe, moving closer to the icy lake to gaze between the reflection and the stars themselves.

  Sam was smiling a small, genuine smile. “Just wait, it’s going to get better.”

  Eddie looked at him in disbelief. “How could it get better than this?” she asked, still staring gobsmacked at her surroundings. “Do you come here a lot?”

  Sam nodded silently, watching Eddie. “Sometimes…” he murmured quietly.

  Eddie turned to look at him as he came to stand close beside her. “Thank you for showing me,” she said softly.

  But, Sam touched her arm, pointing with his other hand to the sky, “Watch there,” he told her quietly, and Eddie’s skin tingled from his touch while she turned to look. She felt Sam breathe in slowly beside her and from the corner of her eye, she noticed him close his.

  A moment passed and then several shooting stars soared through the sky and Eddie gasped.

  White gold streaked the heavens and the lake, and Eddie was humbled in her awe, her eyes wide with wonderment and she actually laughed in amazement.

  She looked back at Sam, her eyes bright and sparkling. “How…?” she whispered in disbelief. “Did you…” she glanced back to the sky. “Did you make that happen?”

  Sam laughed, shaking his head. “No,” he said, clearly quite amused by her comment. “I just… knew it was going to happen.”

  Eddie stared at him with a disbelieving smile curling the corner of her lip. “You just knew?”

  Sam shrugged, walking slowly backward to sit down on the bank of the lake. “I could feel it…” he murmured quietly.

  Eddie looked at him, desperately wanting to know more. She followed his movements, joining him on the frosty grass. Neeshka loped around behind them, her large paws crunching softly before she lay down with a sigh directly behind them, her large body emanating a very enticing warmth.

  Eddie wanted to move closer to her, shivering a little where she sat, though her eyes still gazed out over the crystal lake that sparkled with the sky.

  Sam seemed to read her mind. “Come here…” he said quietly, taking his coat off and laying it behind him into the curvature of Neeshka before he shuffled up and sat on it with space for Eddie, leaning up against the wolf’s warm side. He beckoned her to the appealing spot beside him.

  Eddie hesitated only for a moment before shuffling back with him leaving only a small amount of space between them.

  She breathed out slowly in disbelief, relishing in the warmth the mystical beast offered, her body overly aware of Sam’s presence beside her.

  “Here…” she said quickly, moving to take his spare coat off, seeing as they were sitting on his.

  He stopped her with a laugh. “It’s fine,” he smiled through the dim light. “I… really don’t feel the cold very much.”

  Eddie raised her eyebrows, but Sam had already turned back to look at the sky. She shook her head in bemusement, following suit to gaze at the stars.

  She wondered how Sam could feel them while laying her hand down beside her. Her fingers brushed the back of Sam’s hand, and she nearly flinched at the sensation that coursed through her skin from the contact.

  And Sam did not move his hand away, allowing it to stay there, barely touching hers and yet its presence was overwhelming. Eddie peered at him from the corner of her eyes only to find with yet another jolt that he was already looking at her.

  “Tell me…” he said quietly, his voice strangely encompassing in their tiny bubble of space. “Do you regret what you saw that day in the ally?”

  Eddie turned to look at him properly, a small, surprised smile tilting her lips. “Would you think me insane if I said n
o?” she whispered back.

  Sam tilted his head, looking up to the stars again. “I wouldn’t…” he murmured. “Most would, though… I think.”

  Eddie breathed out a small laugh. “Maybe…” she agreed softly. Then she bit her lip, hesitating over a thought. “Do you… regret what I saw in the ally?”

  Eddie felt Sam shift before his eyes met hers again. “I definitely should,” he admitted quietly. “But, I did tell you how selfish I am, did I not?”

  Eddie smiled wryly.

  “But…” Sam continued slowly, a slight tinge of uncertainty colouring his tone. “If it had been anyone else… they wouldn’t be here right now.”

  Eddie’s heart missed a beat, and she wasn’t sure what to say, or what exactly he meant by that. “Why?” she murmured finally, her green eyes unsure.

  Sam raised an eyebrow at her like he was surprised she didn’t know. “Why did I dive into the lake after you?” he queried rhetorically. “There’s something about you… anyone else I could have ignored. But, not you.”

  Eddie blinked, her heart fluttering and she wondered whether it was her imagination or if his hand had just moved a little closer to hers. “And you… you definitely don’t want to drink my blood?” she joked, hoping to hide her nerves behind flippancy.

  Sam laughed quietly, shaking his head. “Definitely not…”

  Eddie chewed on her bottom lip, thousands of questions on her tongue; thousands of questions she knew she couldn’t or wouldn’t pose.

  Then her mind went elsewhere, and words tumbled from her lips before she could stop them, for this had been weighing on her conscience. “Sam, I have to tell you something,” she mumbled quietly.

  Sam turned his head slowly to look at her again, his eyes curious but careful.

  Eddie swallowed. “I…found out about your mum – well I think it’s her. But, it was before… before the other night. I’d already looked it up. I’m sorry and I just… wanted you to know. I… felt like I was keeping it from you.”

  Sam gazed at her oddly for a moment. “What did you find?” he asked quietly, and thankfully he did not sound upset.

  “Oh,” Eddie’s stomach tumbled nervously. “Um. A news article…”

  Sam nodded slowly. “Right…” he murmured lowly. “So then you know my father took me?”

  “I… assumed,” Eddie whispered back. “I’m… so sorry,” she added quietly.

  Sam shrugged, looking away back to the sky. “Doesn’t matter,” he muttered carelessly. “I never knew her, obviously. And clearly, my dad didn’t love her to leave her like that.”

  Eddie frowned seriously, feeling something tug at her heart. “Was she… human?”

  “Yes,” Sam said simply, still staring at the stars.

  Eddie nodded slightly. “Why would your father give you her last name if he cared nothing for her?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  Sam frowned, but he shook his head, scoffing lightly. “I don’t know half the reasons behind anything he does…”

  Eddie paused, feeling the territory she was stepping in getting more delicate by the second. “I… also found an address…” she whispered hesitantly. “Your mum’s sister… still lives there.”

  Sam didn’t say anything.

  “Have you ever thought of… getting to know the human side of your family?”

  Again, Sam remained silent for a long moment. But then, “I’ve thought about it,” he muttered lowly. “But I can’t.”

  “Why not?” Eddie queried very carefully.

  Sam’s brow contracted slightly. “Because he wouldn’t like it…” he muttered very quietly.

  Eddie felt a trickle of trepidation enter her belly at the way he said that. The fear he held for his father palpable in his tone.

  “Can’t you… get away from him?” she whispered, her own fear entering her voice.

  Even through the silvery starlight, Eddie saw Sam swallow uncomfortably, his eyes pinched in the corners. “I…” his gaze slid momentarily to the silent wolf they both leant against. “I don’t want to,” he forced out. “He’s my father. I’m… loyal to him.”

  Eddie frowned at his wording and the clear duress in his speech. Fear and worry twisted her stomach, but she had no idea what she could do.

  Before she could think of a response, Neeshka’s head suddenly lifted up, her ears perked and her red eyes alert.

  Sam sat up quickly, a frown forming on his brow as he looked at his wolf while Eddie followed suit, anxiety picking up a hard thudding beat in her heart.

  “What is it?” she whispered, fear touching her tone.

  “She hears something…” Sam murmured, then he stood up quickly, his feet scuffing the grass while Neeshka had also risen to her feet, a low guttural growl echoing from her throat.

  “You should go,” Sam continued instantly, his shadowed eyes staring out into the darkness. “Get on Neeshka. Now.”

  Eddie jumped up, anxiety prickling over her skin and she stared wide-eyed at Sam. “What about you? We should both go!”

  “No, I want to see who it is,” Sam said sharply, now turning to Eddie and without preamble he grasped her by the waist, ignoring her gasp of shock, and he lifted her onto Neeshka’s back as though she weighed nearly nothing at all.

  Eddie grasped at Neeshka’s fur, panic making her heart pound in her ears. “Sam!” she gasped. “Don’t-”

  But Sam had already locked eyes with Neeshka, murmuring instructions to his wolf in a voice too quiet for Eddie to hear and before she had the chance to breathe they were moving.

  Shadow took over and Eddie could not close her eyes if she wanted to, for this time was much more frightening than the first. Her fear for Sam was more palpable than her fear for herself as she went hurtling through the night on a beast she did not understand. But, there was nothing she could do.

  Neeshka reached the school and took her lithely all the way to the building’s entrance before stopping, and Eddie half fell from her back, her legs shaking like jelly.

  Neeshka’s blazing ruby eyes locked with hers for a moment, before Eddie gasped. “Go! Go back and help him!”

  The red-eyes vanished, and Eddie struggled to control her frightened breaths as she was now cold, alone and desperate to know what was going on.

  She hugged her arms to her chest, shivering from both her anxiety and the cold. Several minutes past; she didn’t go inside. She was going to wait until she saw Sam get back so that she knew he was okay, but-

  “Miss Osmond, what is the meaning of this?!”

  Eddie nearly jumped out of her skin.

  She turned slowly to her right where light had spilled out onto the stone revealing the matron, and behind her… Simon McLaren.

  “I told you, Miss,” Simon was saying almost gleefully. “I saw her through my window.”

  “Yes, I can see that Mr McLaren,” the matron said touchily. “Return to bed now.”

  Eddie glared at Simon as he turned away; why was he always watching?!

  “Come along then,” the matron now gestured to her. “Get inside out of the cold. And explain to me why you were out here.”

  Eddie sighed lowly, casting one last anxious glance out to the trees before forcing her legs to move inside.

  She was escorted back to her room, with detentions scheduled for the rest of the week, but she did not give the matron any reasons for her night walking. Saying she just needed some alone time. This was met with an offer for her to visit the school shrink.

  Quinn had to add in her ten cents the moment Eddie had closed the door to their room.

  “I told you this would happen,” she said instantly, turning on her lamp and squinting through the sudden light at Eddie. “Why did you go out again?!”

  Eddie sighed lowly. “Yeah, I know, Quinn,” she muttered, simply moving over to the window to try and gaze outside, worry still pattering at her insides. “I wouldn’t have gotten caught if-”

  “If you hadn’t of gone out at all,” Quinn cut in lowly. “He’
s a bad influence on you, Eddie.”

  Eddie narrowed her eyes, but her stomach churned. She breathed in Sam’s scent off his jacket that she still wore. “Go back to sleep Quinn. Stop worrying about me.”

  Quinn shook her head. “There’s nothing good to come from him,” she said quietly.

  Eddie huffed in irritation, moving to finally lie down on her bed, as staring into the darkness was getting her nowhere. “You don’t know him…” she muttered lowly.

  “Do you?” Quinn hissed.

  “I’m getting to know him,” Eddie snapped back. “Why is that such a problem?”

  Quinn sat up further. “Because, Eddie,” she said firmly. “I’ve been here all four years that he has. And friends of mine have been here longer. Ever since he came, things got weird here. And not in a good way. That’s what he does.”

  Eddie just shook her head, refusing to look at her friend. “Well I see something else in him…” she said quietly. “He deserves a chance same as anyone else.”

  Quinn closed her eyes, shaking her head. “Well I’ll be here to pick up the pieces when this all comes crashing down…” she said lowly before abruptly turning off the lamp. “Here I thought you were supposed to be smart…”

  Quinn’s voice echoed through the darkness, but Eddie ignored it, rolling over angrily and crossing her arms.

  Silence fell, though neither was asleep. Eddie lay there for what felt like hours until at some stage sleep fought her consciousness, eventually overwhelming her.

  Detentions and Realisations


  Eddie woke up the following morning to Quinn getting ready while she was still fully dressed from the night before.

  Eddie jumped up, her heart pounding. She had to go find Sam. In a rush she pulled on her uniform, throwing her hair into a plait, curly bits falling around her face while things were still a little touchy between her and Quinn.

  She told her she’d see her in class before ducking out of the room and hurrying along the hall toward the boy’s dormitories.

  Several guys gave her strange looks as she hovered around the rooms, not sure which one was Sam’s and after a while, she had to leave because it was getting too weird.


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