Christmas in Paradise

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Christmas in Paradise Page 5

by J. E. B. Spredemann

  “Jah. ‘Bout six years, I’m thinkin’.”

  She nodded.

  “What’s happened while I’ve been gone? I thought I heard a little rumor that you and Judah went and got yourselves hitched.”

  Johnny nodded, a grin spreading across his face. “Yep. Judah married Sarah Anne Yoder and I got hitched to sweet little Ellie Weaver.”

  Mattie’s jaw dropped. “Sarah Anne? Ellie?” She started laughing. “I thought Sarah Anne despised Judah! And Ellie, she’s so shy, how’d you ever get her to ride home with you?”

  Her cousin chuckled at her reaction. “That’s about what everybody said. Turns out Sarah Anne didn’t mind Judah so much when he wasn’t acting like a hooligan. She’s been shapin’ him up right good, though he’s still ornery as ever. Just hides it better now. They’ve already got two little ones, Elias and Jonathan.”

  “Wow. I can hardly believe it. What about you and Ellie?”

  His eyes twinkled mischievously. “Well, that one’s a different story. You see, I was plannin’ on going home from a Singin’ with Lyddie Brenneman, but she went with Isaac Miller instead.”

  “He’s Daniel and Abigail’s son, right?”

  “Jah, their oldest. Anyway, I hadn’t rode home once by myself from a Singing and I didn’t like the thought of starting to, so I figured I’d ask someone else. Most of ‘em already had rides so I found myself walkin’ up to Ellie. I’d never even thought much about her, probably because she was so quiet. But I went up and asked her if I could take her home in my buggy.”

  “What’d she say?”


  Mattie giggled. “She actually turned you down?”

  He nodded. “Yep. I wasn’t really sure what to say ‘cuz I didn’t expect her to have the courage to refuse, but she did. I thought about it for a while after that and when the next Singin’ came along, I asked her again.”

  “Couldn’t take no for an answer?”

  “You know me.” He grinned. “Of course not. Finally, I got it out of her why she always said no. She had promised to herself and Gott that she wouldn’t kiss no one till she married and she knew for sure and for certain that I wouldn’t want to wait.”

  “Wow. That’s a great idea. So how’d you two ever end up married?”

  “Just wait, you’ll see.

  “Her promise intrigued me and, after asking her about two months straight, she finally said yes, as long as I didn’t try to touch her and took her directly home. I agreed and that was our first buggy ride.”

  “And you guys didn’t kiss until your wedding day? Wow.”

  “Oh no, I kissed her before that.” Pride swallowed his voice.

  “You did?”

  A smirk tugged at Johnny’s mouth. “I kissed her on her cheek, forehead, and one time even her nose.”

  Mattie smiled. “Her nose?”

  “I was aimin’ for her mouth but she dodged and then threatened to walk home if I didn’t behave.”

  Mattie laughed. “Sounds like you married the right person.”

  He nodded, face bright with happiness. “I did. And now we have two kinner, Noah and Lavina, and another one on the way.”

  “Congratulations, Johnny. I’d love to meet them all some time.”

  “We’re having a Christmas gathering at Daed’s on the twenty-fourth. You’re welcome to come and meet everyone there.”

  Mattie smiled. “I think I’d like that.”

  Johnny took a gulp of his coffee before turning back to her. “And what about you? What’s happened since you jumped the fence?”

  Mattie sighed, though she knew he was bound to ask. If only she had a satisfying answer. “Well, shortly after I moved to New York City, I met a man named Richard. He rescued me, actually. Some vile man was pulling me down an alley and he came and took care of him. Very brave,” she murmured wistfully.

  “Love at first sight?” Her cousin gave her a wink.

  The corners of her mouth curved upward a tad. “Not quite, though it wasn’t far behind.

  “Through a series of events, we began dating and eventually married. After about a year, we had our first child, Elisabeth.”

  “Ah. Named for your friend Elisabeth Schrock.”

  “Elisabeth Welch now, but yes, Lizzy was named after her. She was a beautiful baby and though she took her time coming, she was very much worth it. She’s four now and introduces herself as ‘My name is Lizzy and I like to swing’.” She laughed a little. “Richard and I adored her. She was so sweet and perfect.

  “Two years after Lizzy was born, we had another child. A little boy named Matthew and, yes, he was named for my father.”

  Johnny’s brow rose.

  “He was about Lizzy’s opposite. He was born four weeks premature and didn’t leave the hospital for a little while. But soon he grew and was toddling everywhere after Richard.”

  “They sound like wonderful kinner. I’m sure my kinner would like to meet them.”

  She smiled and returned to her coffee. They sat in silence for a moment.

  “So what caused you to return home?”

  Mattie finished her coffee before setting down the mug and answering. “My husband. For the last several months, we’ve been drifting apart. He began working long hours at the office and came home late or sometimes not at all. It seemed like we could barely have a conversation without it ending in a fight. I did my best to hide the fact from the children but our marriage was just falling apart. Then I discovered why when I went to see Richard one day and found him sharing a moment with his secretary.” She swallowed hard, then looked up at her cousin with glassy eyes. “I was so sick of all the lies that I decided to leave.” She turned away and blinked back her tears, struggling to keep her composure. “That’s why I decided to take the children and return home.”

  “I’m really sorry for ya, Mattie. I hate to say it, but I feel that the Englisch oftentimes don’t see marriage as important as our Plain folk do. It ain’t meant to be torn asunder.” He shook his head. “You should try to make amends with your husband. But if you can’t, you know that your family would welcome you if you decided to stay. And Der Herr will take care of you and the kinner.”

  Mattie nodded and appreciated Johnny’s support. She hated to admit it, but her cousin was right. “Thank you for inviting me, Johnny.” She lifted a half smile. “Sorry for crying on your shoulder.”

  He waved a hand. “Ach, it was no problem. You know I’m here for you if you need to talk.”

  “I appreciate that. I’ve really enjoyed catching up with you.”

  “Jah. Me too.”

  Mattie smiled, reminiscing all the trouble she and her cousins had gotten into. They’d always been good friends – partners in crime.

  “Should we head back?”

  She nodded. “Sure.”

  They stood and headed to the front to pay for their meal, then out the door.

  Mattie turned toward her car, not quite ready to leave her cousin’s company. “Well, I’ll do my best to make it to your parents’ place on Christmas Eve.”

  “Jah, that will be gut. And bring your kinner too.”

  “I’ll try. I’m sure they’ll love getting to know your children.”

  Johnny grinned. “And who knows what kind of trouble they’ll get into together.”

  Mattie laughed, imagining another set of mischief makers.


  She turned at the voice behind her, and her heart froze like the puffs of air coming from her mouth. “Richard.”


  Just be sensible. Richard tried his best to think logically. Surely there was a reasonable explanation why Mattie had gone out to eat with another man.

  Alone. Like a date.

  And surely there had to be a reasonable explanation as to why Mattie was laughing with him and why they were discussing their children. And now in an embrace.

  He felt like bashing the guy into the ground for trying to steal his wife’s heart. Not on my watch.<
br />
  “What are you doing here?” Mattie had gone pale, guilt surely plaguing her conscience.

  “What am I doing here? No, the question is what are you doing here? There’s a rift in our relationship and you run back home into the arms of some Amish guy?” He gestured angrily at the man.

  Mattie’s jaw gaped. “Wha–? Into–? What on earth are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play dumb, Mattie. It’s quite obvious that you two were sharing a meal together. Alone. And then you go and tell Carson and Elisabeth that I’m the one having an affair!”

  The Amish man stepped forward. “Are you saying Mattie and I are in a sinful relationship?”

  Richard frowned at the man’s hand on his wife’s arm. Just who did this guy think he was? “Well, I don’t know what you all call it, but it my book it’s definitely sinful.”

  Mattie’s cheeks flared with temper, a trait he had always thought attractive. “How could you? You…you make me so mad! Richard, just stop. Stop. I’m tired of your excuses,” she snapped. “I am not the one tearing our marriage apart! You’re the one who’s been off rendezvousing with your secretary or whoever she is! So don’t you dare start turning this on me!”

  “There is nothing going on between me and my secretary, and that has nothing to do with the fact that you are here alone with another man!”

  “Johnny’s not–” She raked a hand through her hair. “Ugh! I refuse to discuss this here.”

  So it is that Johnny guy. Just as he’d suspected. “I'm as rational as a man can be when he finds his wife off on a date with another man!” He looked around and momentarily recoiled when he noticed a few bystanders eavesdropping on their conversation.

  “You obviously have no desire to listen rationally!” Mattie turned and stalked toward her vehicle. “We’re done, Richard. You can go ahead and return to New York! Without me and the children.”

  Richard hurried after her but she swiftly slid into her car and closed and locked the door. “Mattie, I'm not finished! We need to–”

  Mattie turned the key and backed up her car, completely ignoring him. She started out of the parking lot and Richard turned to head back to his own vehicle.

  “I think she’s upset,” the Amish man opened his mouth as he passed.

  “Upset?” Richard threw a fist into the man's face, satisfaction cooling his temper. “Don't you ever come near my wife again!”

  He jumped into his car and sped off, not quite sure where he was going.

  This day hadn't turned out anything like he had expected.

  Chapter 9

  Carson looked up when he heard the crunch of tires over the driveway’s snow. Was that Richard's car? He strode over once it was parked. “Richard. What are you doing here?”

  “Not you too. What, you want me to leave? Am I not welcome in my friend’s home anymore?”

  Carson’s eyebrows rose in surprise.

  Richard deflated, letting out a long breath. “Sorry, man, I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

  “Apology accepted.” Carson gave a smile, hoping to ease some of his friend’s frustration. He obviously needed to vent. “What’s going on, Richard?”

  “Just about everything. I decided to come get Mattie, so I drove here to Pennsylvania from New York, not expecting to find my wife on a date with another man.”

  Carson winced. “Are you sure?”

  “Uh, yeah. The two of them sharing a meal, laughing and talking, in an embrace.” Richard nodded. “We argued, of course, and she drove off. I figured I’d come visit you. Get some moral support or something.”

  “Would you like to come inside, Richard?”

  “I don’t want to disturb Elisabeth and the kids.”

  “Don’t worry, they went into town. It’s just me and you.”

  “Sure then.”

  They tromped through the snow to the house and stepped inside, stamping the snow off their shoes onto the mat.

  “Want anything to drink?”

  “A beer sounds great.”

  Carson raised a brow. “You’ve started drinking?”

  “No. Sorry. I’m just frustrated.”

  “I see.”

  “Nothing to drink. I’m fine.” Richard plopped down onto the sofa.

  Carson took a seat across from him. “Richard, do you sincerely want to get your marriage back?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Good.” Carson smiled. “I would like to try to help, but in order to do that, I need to know what is going on. Can you explain everything? From the very beginning, when you and Mattie first started having problems, to Mattie thinking you’re having an affair, to you finding Mattie with some other guy.”

  Richard sighed, took a breath, and began.


  Mattie couldn’t believe the man she’d married. How could he have gone from her knight in shining armor who saved her from danger and bought her roses, to someone who confronted her and accused her of adultery at a public restaurant? She’d never been more humiliated – or angry.

  Her last words to Richard rang in her mind, but she knew they were true. There was no way they could return to their happy marriage, not unless some severe changes were made. And she doubted Richard would be willing to make them.

  She glanced down at her stomach and placed a hand over where her baby lay. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry you have to grow up without a daddy.”


  “You mean to tell me that Johnny is only Mattie’s cousin?” Richard’s eyes grew wide.

  “Yep. He’s one of Jonathan Fisher’s twins. From what Elisabeth has said, they were very close growing up and got into a lot of mischief together as teens,” Carson explained.

  “Oh, boy. Then I guess punching him in the face wasn’t the best idea.” He winced.

  “You punched him in the face?” Richard didn’t miss the bewilderment in his friend’s tone.

  “Regrettably.” He frowned.

  “I think it’s safe to say that was probably not the best idea.” Carson grimaced.

  “It looks like I have an apology to make. Or two.”

  Carson nodded. “Perhaps we should pray.”

  “I think that’s a good idea.”


  “Come on, boys, we need to bring all the stuff inside. Here, Lincoln, you take this bag for Mommy. And Jacob, you can take this one. You two are such good helpers.” Elisabeth handed some things to her three- and four-year-old sons and scooted them toward the house. “I’ll get baby Leah and the rest of the stuff.”

  She watched her boys hurry through the snow with grocery bags in hand and smiled. They were so cute. She turned and picked up Leah then gathered the remaining bags and her purse. She headed to the house to see Lincoln struggling to open the door while still carrying his bag. “Set the bag down and then try opening it,” she suggested, wondering where Carson was. He surely would have come to help if he’d heard them.

  Lincoln followed her instructions and quickly managed to open it, then turned to beam at her before stepping inside.

  “Put the stuff in the kitchen, boys, and then go put your boots by the door.” Elisabeth turned with Leah and started for the living room. She paused when she spotted Carson and Richard sitting on the sofa, their heads bowed in prayer. She smiled and went back to the boys. “When you two are done, why don’t we all go take a nap?”

  “But what about the candy canes?” Lincoln asked.

  “Well, you’re definitely not gonna have one just before bed. We can all have one with our hot cocoa after supper, all right?”

  The four-year-old nodded in resignation.

  “Okay, come on. Head up the stairs and go quietly. We don’t want to wake up baby Leah if she’s asleep.”

  Elisabeth followed the boys to their room and tucked them in. She checked on Benjamin and found him sleeping soundly. She brought little Leah to the bedroom she and Carson shared and set her down in her cradle. She sucked on her fingers contentedly, and Eli
sabeth moved to sit on the bed. If she had time, she’d have herself a nice nap too.

  “Hey, babe.”

  Elisabeth turned to Carson and rose to meet him with a kiss. She pulled away after a few seconds. “Why is Richard here? Has something happened?”

  “Yes. Richard came for help and advice and he explained everything. He isn’t doing what Mattie thinks he is,” he said seriously.

  She sighed. “Good. So what is going on?”

  “I’ll tell you when I have more time. Richard’s waiting for me downstairs. But know that he is willing to do what he has to in order to fix his marriage. He’s not giving up yet.”

  She smiled. “I’m very happy to hear that and I look forward to hearing everything. Do you need me to fix you guys something for lunch?”

  “No, we’re fine, sweetheart. You can just lie down and rest. We can handle it.”

  “I still need to put the groceries away though.”

  “No, you don’t. I’ll get it. You just take a nap and relax.”


  Carson raised a brow and took a step closer. “Do I need to convince you, wife?”

  Elisabeth glanced up at his gorgeous eyes and couldn’t help a furtive lick of her lips. “I wish you would,” she whispered.

  He grinned and leaned down for a knee-quaking kiss. After a few tantalizing moments, he pulled up and let out a breath. “I would love to, but Richard’s waiting for me. He’s probably already wondering where I am.”

  “I’m sure he’d understand.”

  “Don’t tempt me.” Carson gave her a quick kiss and started for the door. “Now you do as I say and take a nap, you hear?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she teased.

  He smiled and shut the door behind him.

  Elisabeth lay back on her bed with her eyes wide open. She was dying for everything to be straightened out. She couldn’t bear to see her best friend in a messy divorce. If Richard wasn’t cheating on Mattie, they could surely figure it all out and get back together, right? At least she certainly hoped so.


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