Cocky Billionaires: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

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Cocky Billionaires: A Contemporary Romance Box Set Page 2

by J. P. Comeau

  The man didn’t answer, so I continued. “Well, you’d be wrong, Mr. Walsh. And if you wish to do this the hard way, that’s exactly how we can do this.”

  “Mr. Hearthstone, all I’m asking is--.”

  “I’ll be contacting the realtor dealing with the property next door. We’ll see how Mrs. Daily feels about your services when she realizes I’ve passed her over for something else.”

  “Zane, would you stop it!?”

  “And when you can get my name right, Gary, we can do business.”

  I picked up my office phone and let it drop back down into its holster. Ending the uneventful call that had interrupted my day. I eased myself back down into my leather chair, listening to the air as it quickly hissed out into the room. I leaned back and closed my eyes. And I drew in a deep breath, reveling in the oaky wood notes of the air freshener the janitorial staff changed out the night before.

  I like this one.

  “Mr. Hearthstone?” A tinny voice sounded behind my massive wooden office door.

  I reached out for a button and clicked it, effectively dimming my office lights. They were always too harsh. I preferred a warm white glow to bright white ones. Those would do for now, though. Since my secretary couldn't even order the right bulbs for my damn office, I had to make do.

  “Come in, Clarissa,” I said.

  My door swung open. “Sir, you have a call on--.”

  I held up my hand. “No more calls.”

  “But, sir. It’s--.”

  My eyes whipped open. “Whoever it is can wait, Clarissa.”

  She pursed her lips. “Fine, sir. If they want to curse me out, though, I’ll patch them through to your voicemail.”

  My voice flattened. “Noted.”

  My door slammed closed, and a shiver trickled down my spine. I hated it when she slammed my door. As much as I wanted to fire that woman and her nasty attitude, I couldn't. Not until I had another secretary lined up to take her place. I needed someone out there. The real estate business that Brenden and I were partners in was far too busy these days not to have someone out there in the front office.

  Check the online listing. See if anyone’s applied.

  My eyes panned over to my computer, but not before rushing over that picture. And when my eyes fell against hers, I stopped. My head fell off to the side as I drank in her blonde hair. Her hazel eyes. The way she smiled so wide that it wrinkled her nose. I felt my hand gravitating toward the picture. It was as if someone else were controlling me. And as I picked it up, I felt darkness fall over me.

  Why did you do it?

  “Knock knock!”Brenden’s voice sounded behind my office door, and I set the picture down.

  I turned it a bit and cocked it out, making sure the light hit it just right. Then I ignored the fact that my secretary hadn’t buzzed in to prepare me for my brother’s arrival. But, that was simply another reason for me to fire the woman the second I could.

  “Come in,” I said.

  My door eased open. “You busy?”

  “I’m always busy, Brenden.”

  He stepped inside. “Well, this won’t take long.”

  “I’m glad for it.”

  I motioned for him to come and sit as he closed my office door. But, once I heard him flip the lock, he had my attention. I raised my eyes to his as he sat down. I braced myself for whatever news he might have for me. My brother and business partner never locked my door unless something important had happened. Something that required us to be uninterrupted.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  He grinned. “You’ll never guess what I got on the island.”

  I blinked. “The island?”

  He leaned back. “Uh, yeah. The vacation I just took with Marcie.”

  I stared blankly at him. “Who’s Marcie?”

  “Marcie! My girlfriend! Come on, man, seriously? You already forgot her name?”

  I shrugged. “Last I heard, you were dating a woman named--.”


  My brow furrowed and I shook my head. “Uh, no. Started with a… Z…?”


  “That’s the one,” I snapped.

  “I dated Zara last year.”

  I waved my hand in the air. “And you’ve had, what, six or seven girls since her?”

  He scoffed. “No.”

  I quirked an eyebrow, and his foot started to jiggle.

  “Only four,” Brenden murmured.

  I grinned. “What did you get on the island?”

  “Another tattoo.”

  “I knew it.”

  He rolled his eyes. “No, you didn’t! Here, want to see?”

  Before I could answer him, he shot up from the chair. Branden untucked his button-front shirt and pulled it up, revealing the massive tattoo splattered against his ribcage. I wrinkled my face as I took it in. The damn thing looked like someone was crawling out of his ribcage. Bones were broken. The flesh was torn away from his sides. I mean, the image looked about as real as it could get for a tattoo.

  I motioned with my hand. “You can put that down now.”

  Brenden tucked his shirt back in. “How awesome is that? Huh? And it only cost me two hundred. I mean, that’s a damn steal for something like this.”

  “Is that a zombie coming out of your ribcage?”

  He grinned like a child. “And it’s awesome, isn’t it?”

  “Not quite the word I’d use for it.”

  Branden flopped back down into the chair. “You’re just an uptight party pooper, that’s all.”

  “Holding down the fort while you’re jetting off to islands around the world.”

  “Hey, not my fault I’m living the life you are secretly jealous of .”

  I lifted a brow. “Trust me, there’s no part of your life I’m jealous about. Including the zombie eating its way out of your ribcage.”

  Branden leaned forward. “Dude, come on. You have to start living a little. I mean, if you can’t see it? Our firm’s been doing well for a while now.”

  I turned my attention to my computer. “I’m well aware.”

  “So, why not enjoy your money a little bit? And by ‘enjoy,’ I don’t mean ‘purchase another suit.’ I swear, I see you in a new one every day.”

  I clicked around on the screen. “Hardly.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen that suit before, man.”

  My eyes stayed on the computer screen. “I wore the shell last week. Just with a different shirt.”

  “And cufflinks. And watch.”

  I navigated to the application website. “You’ve got tattoos. I’ve got my suits.”

  He shook his head, folding his arms over his chest. “The point is, you need to get out and live a little. You’re in Vegas, and I barely see you out. Hell, I never see you out!”

  “I don’t like going out.”

  “Bullshit. This is Vegas. Everyone loves going out.” His loudness was beginning to beat at my brain.

  Seven new applicants. “Perfect.”

  “Perfect, what?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing. Just trying to hire a new secretary.”

  Brenden clasped his hands together. “Thank. Fuck. Because Clarissa is a class-A--.”

  “Mr. Hearthst--what the?”

  My eyes moved over to my office door as the knob jiggled. I heard Clarissa struggling with it on the other side of the door before something thumped against it. Brenden started chuckling as my back straightened.

  If that woman is trying to kick down my door…

  Clarissa yelled through the door. “Mr. Hearthstone!? It’s important!”

  Brenden stood. “I think that’s my cue.”

  I shook my head. “Why doesn’t she use the intercom? That’s what it’s there for.”

  He grinned. “I think she likes annoying you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Wonderful.”

  Another thump fell against my door. “Zane!”

  I shot out of my chair. “You’re fire
d, Clarissa!”

  Brenden started laughing as sounds ceased behind my locked office door. I reached over and pressed the red intercom button and hardened my voice as much as I could.

  “Clarissa?” I asked.

  I heard footsteps backtracking from my door before her voice filled my office.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Your last day is Friday. Wrap up everything you can, take notes for me, and make sure to pack your desk.”

  “Yeah, I’m not coming in tomorrow. Or the day after that. Good luck finding someone to put up with your shit, Zane,” she hissed.

  Brenden’s laughter filled my office as Clarissa drew in another deep breath. “Oh, and another thing? Screw you. I’ll be praying for your next secretary. She’s going to need it when dealing with Satan Incarnate.”

  Brenden fell into his chair and started wheezing as he held his stomach. I wanted to fire back, but I bit my tongue. No use engaging a woman like her. I didn’t like her, anyway. She reminded me too much of all the negative things that came with my own mother.

  “If you don’t stay and do your job until Friday, you’ll be dismissed without severance.” I pulled my finger away from the intercom button before a soft click filled my office.

  “Yes, Mr. Hearthstone,” Clarissa said.

  Music to my ears.

  Brenden wiped the tears from his eyes. “We’re going out tonight to celebrate.”

  I sat back down. “I’m not going out.”

  “You’re going out, and that’s final. I won’t hear another word about it. We’re toasting to that woman’s departure, and then hitting up a church somewhere to pray for your next hire.”

  I started opening applications of those that had applied. “Fine. Suit yourself.”

  “Oh! Just to let you know, Roxy and Kelly are going to be out with us tonight.”

  I nodded mindlessly. “Sounds like a plan.”

  He was still standing there. “You know, the girls we met when we were at Stanford?”

  “I remember. Just know I have a lot of work to do, so I won’t be staying long.”

  “We’ll see how you feel about that once you get loosey-goosey on the dance floor, baby. Yeah!”

  I read through the first application. “Uh-huh. Sure.”

  “I’ll pick you up at eight.” He was excited enough for ten people.

  “Shoot me a text, and I’ll meet you there when I’m done here.”

  His voice suddenly sounded like our father's. “Eight o’clock, Zane. Promise.”

  I nodded. “Yep.”

  “Look at me and promise me.”

  I sighed as my eyes found his. “I promise, I’ll meet you wherever the hell it is we’re going at eight. Okay?”

  He smiled brightly. “I’ll shoot you the address later. Oh, I can’t wait!”

  I turned my attention back to the applicants that kept rolling in. I discarded them and starred them as necessary, so I could find them later.

  After all, I needed a new secretary by the beginning of the next week.




  I sighed. “I don’t know, Roxy. I think this lipstick is a bit too bright for me.”

  Kelly scoffed. “Come on. Red is in for everyone right now. Trust me, that bright red looks great against her skin.”

  Roxy giggled. “I can’t hold a tan to save my life. But, that lipstick makes you look like you just got back from the Bahamas or something.”

  I slid one more coat over my lips. “Well, if you two say so.”

  Kelly wrapped her arms around my neck. “And we definitely do, sexy.”

  She winked at me, and I shook my head. Those two always looked put together. Especially that night. Roxy, with her long legs and her smooth porcelain skin, had bright green eyes, just like her sister. Her blonde hair gave her an innocent look that always drew men to her, while Kelly held the dark brown hair her father had that gave her a mischievous look. With slim waists, long legs, and an intoxicating perfume containing roses and lavender, I knew they’d knock it out of the park.

  Whereas I didn’t even have a dress to put on.

  “We really need to take you shopping,” Roxy suggested.

  Kelly raised her finger. “But! You look great in this outfit. I mean, come on. Look at yourself.”

  I tugged at the shirt. “Is it supposed to come up so far?”

  Roxy giggled. “Yes, silly. It’s a crop top. And I still can’t believe you don’t own one.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, because it doesn’t cover my stomach.”

  Kelly rubbed my tummy. “Your flat stomach, which we’re all jealous of, by the way.”

  I snickered. “Yeah, well, I’m jealous of those curves you two have.”

  “What!? Girl, you’ve got curves. Look at those tits!” Roxy gasped.

  Kelly jiggled my hips. “And look at these love handles. I mean, any man would want to put his hands on them.”

  I smacked her away. “Stop it. You know I’m self-conscious about that.”

  Roxy sighed. “Are you still letting that asshole get to you?”

  Kelly’s face fell. “Come on, Karina. It’s been, what? Seven years now?”

  I turned around. “Do these earrings go with this outfit?”

  Roxy glared at me. “Stop changing the subject.”

  Kelly hooked her arm in mine. “Our job is to get you laid tonight. And no one wants to have sex with a girl who’s hung up on her high school boyfriend.”

  I rolled my eyes. “First of all, no. No getting laid anywhere. This is a girl’s night out. No guys allowed.”

  Roxy rolled her eyes. “Speak for yourself.”

  I shook my head. “And the second thing… It’s not my fault that he convinced me we’d be together forever before he up and dumped me. It would take any regular girl a while to get over something like that, too. But, you guys are the ones who keep bringing it up, not me.”

  Kelly licked her lips. “Honey, let me tell you something. You never bet on a man’s word until you’ve got a ring on that finger.”

  “And even then? You keep his ass on a short leash,” Roxy interjected.

  I turned back to the mirror. “If that’s how it works? I’m fine being single for the rest of my life.”

  I fluffed my hair out before deciding to put it up. The outfit they had me in used fabric that didn’t breathe. At all. I’d be sweating through the damn thing before the end of the night! The girls helped me with my high-and-tight ponytail, making sure every wisp of hair was sprayed down and pinned beyond recognition.

  “So? How do I look?” I asked.

  Roxy grinned. “I’d bang you if I had a dick.”

  I laughed. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  Kelly shrugged. “She’s right. It’d be a threesome tonight if we were men.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Come on, you two. Let’s head on out before you wear me out.”

  “Oh, yeah. You really need to get laid,” Roxy giggled.

  “I don’t need to do anything except have fun with you two tonight.”

  Kelly massaged my shoulders. “But we are going to try to get you some strange.”

  “Come on! Why can’t we just go out and have a girl’s night? Like you two said?”

  Roxy rushed down the stairs. “Because part of being in a new place is having new adventures.”

  Kelly nodded. “Yep. And what better way to kick off your time in Vegas than with some one-night tango fiasco in a hotel room somewhere?”

  I wrinkled my nose. “If that’s your definition of fun? I’m good. Besides, why go to a hotel when I’ve got my own bed right here? Free of charge?”

  “That’s the spirit!” Roxy ripped my front door open.

  “No, I wasn't saying--.”

  Kelly threw her hands in the air. “Let’s find a man for Karina’s bed tonight!”

  I sighed. “Oh, boy.”

  They dragged me out to a car I didn’t recognize, and I quirked an eyebrow. Roxy jump
ed into the bright yellow convertible and slipped behind the wheel. Kelly hopped in back, her dress fluttering and exposing her daisy-patterned panties for the entire block to see.

  Then, Roxy reached over to open my door. “Your chariot awaits.”

  I sat down against the leather seat. “Now, I know neither of you own this. So, who sucked off who to get this?”

  Kelly barked with laughter. “It’s a rental, jackass.”

  Roxy cranked the engine. “And I can’t wait to hear the engine purr.”

  “Okay, okay. But, I get to pick the music,” I insisted.

  Roxy backed out of my driveway. “Just make sure it’s not any of that hokey country music you listen to.”

  I paused. “And what if it is?”

  Kelly shoved her face between us. “Boring! Pick something with some action. Some bass. Some umph, people!”

  Roxy grinned. “I know just the thing, too.”

  “So, ‘no’ to me picking the music?”

  Kelly shook her head. “It’s a hard pass for me. And, we’ll be picking out your man for the night, too.”

  I sighed. “I already told you, I’m not--.”

  Roxy turned on the radio, and the bass in the convertible almost blew my damn brains out. My eyes widened as the neighbors poked their heads out of their front doors. I waved my hand and apologized as Roxy tore down the road, her hand in the air with Kelly squealing at the top of her lungs. “Woo hoo! Vegas, baby. Yeah!”

  “You’re still in Henderson, Kelly,” I told her.

  She yelled. “I can’t hear you, party pooper! Sorry!”

  It didn’t shock me that the place they took me to had a line of cars three blocks long. It didn’t shock me that the cover charge for men was damn near a hundred bucks. It didn’t even shock me when the bouncer offered us free V.I.P. for the night simply because of how we were dressed.

  What did shock me, though, was the sheer size of this place.

  “Wow,” I whispered.

  Kelly held out her arms. “Welcome to Omnia Nightclub.”

  Roxy nudged me. “The bouncer’s got the hots for Kelly, so he always gives us free V.I.P. whenever we come.”


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